The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3039: Corpse power

     "Wealth and wealth are in danger. If there is no risk at all, I would not worry." At this time, Wang Feng spoke, and his expression became fierce.

     "You want to go in?"

     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell felt very surprised. Since they have already discovered that there may be danger ahead, what they should do at this time is to retreat quickly and don't waste time here.

     It's not worth it to risk your life for a baby you don't know if there is any.

     If the tortoise shell were to choose, he would definitely not choose. After all, there was only one life. If he died, he would really die.

     "Yes, I am going to rush in and see what is going on."

     "Then what about the monster on the way?"

     "What else can I do? Of course I don't care."

     "You kid, are you going to make a desperate move?"

     "Otherwise, what else?"

     is not just the two of them. Although the monster that Wang Feng had led to those people before would definitely cause some damage to them, but there are so many of them, and they are of noble origin, it is impossible to have no means at all.

     So if they join forces, this monster in the late Blood Saint Realm may not be able to do anything to them, and it is even possible to be killed.

Especially people like Su Yao and King Xiangyang, they are members of the royal family, and there are definitely not a few powerful magic weapons on their bodies, so the monster may not be delayed for long. If this is the case, Wang Feng naturally has not much time left now. Up.

     So he has to hurry up and come up with an idea. He has already reached the main tomb. It would be a pity if he didn't go in and take a look.

     took a deep breath, Wang Feng already had a determination in his heart, he had to go in and see, even if there was any danger, he would not hesitate.

     thought of this, Wang Feng did not hesitate, he directly took out his limit speed, the whole person was like a streamer, and he galloped forward in an instant.

     "You are crazy."

Realizing that Wang Feng was rushing forward, the tortoise shell was shocked, because he didn’t expect Wang Feng to be so bold. He just rushed when he said rushing. He didn’t give him a chance to react. This was to force him into the ditch. Bring it inside.

     "You kid don't pit me to death."

     "Even if you are going to die, I will be with you, what are you afraid of?"

    While speaking, Wang Feng resembled a whirlwind, and instantly rushed past the monster guarding the passage. This monster may have never thought that someone would rush into this place.

     When it reacted, Wang Feng had already rushed in.


     let out a deafening roar, and then the monster went straight to Wang Feng to pursue it without hesitation.

     "Even if you want to chase, I will go in."

     Seeing that the monster had chased him up, Wang Feng didn't feel anything to be afraid of, because since he had made such a decision, there would not be any timidity in his heart.

     If he was scared, he could follow the tortoise shell’s suggestion and turn around and leave here. As long as he doesn’t come to take risks, he will naturally be in no danger.

     But Wang Feng is not the kind of person who flinches when he encounters danger. Since he is here, he must go in and see what's going on inside.


A monster with a terrifying cultivation base was chasing Wang Feng, and when Wang Feng rushed in, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves also resounded in Wang Feng’s ears, as if there was a demon in this place, which affected him. mind.

It's just that Wang Feng's heart is as strong as iron. These voices are of little use to him, and he is completely fearless. He is focused on moving forward and has no intention of retreating, so these voices are easily ignored by Wang Feng. Up.

     Of course, Wang Feng galloped without forgetting to observe the situation behind him.

     When he rushed in before, he only passed by a monster. Now there are at least four or five monsters chasing behind him. Their fast sprinting speed made the entire cave violently shake, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

"what happened?"

     Above Wang Feng, the other people naturally felt the vibration and changed their colors.

     "Has someone already walked in front of us?" Su Yao said, and then he took his servant and went straight down.

This place used to have many passages. Although the monsters that Wang Feng introduced had caused a certain impact, not everyone was attacked by this monster. Now there are still some people who have not encountered any danger and went straight down. Come.

     This Su Yao is just one of them.

     "No, there are more and more monsters."

     At this time, the tortoise shell opened, and he was always paying attention to behind them. Originally, there was only one monster chasing after them, but the other monsters seemed to be summoned by some kind, and came straight to the uninvited guest Wang Feng.

     Therefore, in just a few breaths, the number of monsters behind them has increased to eight. If this continues, it may not be long before all the monsters will be moved by the wind.

    Where can Wang Feng go?

     "We have no turning back, we can only rush forward." Wang Feng said in a low voice, and then his speed suddenly accelerated.

     With so many monsters, once he is restrained, even if he has ten lives, it is not enough for the opponent to kill.

     So at this moment he can only rush forward, unable to look back.

     "I knew that you kid was going to take me into the ditch, but this time you were hurting me miserably." Looking at Wang Feng, the tortoise shell was regretful.

     If he had known that Wang Feng was so pitted, he shouldn't have come with Wang Feng before.

     "The same sentence, if you die, I will naturally come to Huangquan to accompany you, the big deal is that we die together."

     "Bah, who wants to die with you? I haven't lived enough yet. I want to live a few more years."

     "Okay, what's the use of these now, it's better to think about what to do."

     "What can I think of, I can only listen to you, and rush forward."

     Going back is looking for death, so now their way of survival can only be in the front.

     "If that's the case, don't talk so much nonsense, and come with me."

    While speaking, Wang Feng galloped forward quickly, and there were many green lights floating around Wang Feng along the way. That was the ghost fire in the rumor.

     There are so many people dead in this place. It's really normal to have such a thing.

     "The front is where the hanging coffin is." At this time, Wang Feng spoke, and they could even feel the incomparable deadness here.

     "Pry open the hanging coffin as quickly as possible to see what's inside."

     Isn't it because of this hanging coffin that they took the risk this time?

     So now that the hanging coffin had already arrived, they just opened the hanging coffin to see what treasure was inside.

     "If you have a baby, it depends on what it is."

     made a sound that only he could hear, and then Wang Feng didn't hesitate, and jumped directly towards the hanging coffin.

     slapped the hanging coffin with a fierce palm. The originally well-hanging suspension was directly broken by the chain that Wang Feng shot, and the suspension fell towards the countless bones below.

     was chased by monsters behind him. Wang Feng didn't have the leisure time to carefully observe what was inside the coffin, so his actions at this moment were undoubtedly a bit rude.

     Seeing this scene, this tortoise shell was also a little surprised, this Wang Feng is a bit too irritable, right?

     He smashed this wonderful hanging coffin all at once, which is really amazing.

    The hanging coffin fell on the bones, and many bones were smashed in an instant, and the lid of the hanging coffin was also cut off. Wang Feng and the tortoise shells almost put their eyes on the hanging coffin for the first time.

     just by this look, the complexions of the two of them couldn't help but change drastically, because they found that this person's appearance was lifelike, even ruddy, which was almost indistinguishable from the complexion of a living person.

     "Grass mud horse."

     Seeing this scene, Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell had such an idea almost at the same time. They were really worried about what was coming. The person in the hanging coffin was about to come back to life.

     Whether he has succeeded or not, at least he is already doing this.

     uses the endless lifelessness to cover himself, and then slowly turns the lifelessness into anger, so that he can complete a change of life against the sky, of course, the **** emperor does this, and this person must have the same mind.


     just then the monsters chasing Wang Feng and the tortoise shell came, and they roared on the platform, the scene looked a little scary.

    , after all, are so many monsters, if they all rushed forward, then would Wang Feng have a way to survive?

     It’s just that these monsters seem to be afraid of something. Several even subconsciously stepped back, as if there was something in front that made them feel very panicked.

     "Are these monsters afraid of the corpses in this hanging coffin?" At this time, Wang Feng spoke, his expression a little weird.

     If this weren't the case, I'm afraid these monsters would have rushed to tear him in half.

"You can only pull the tiger's skin to wear the banner." The threat of the monster was too great, so Wang Feng did not hesitate at this moment. He picked up the man who had fallen out of the hanging coffin and scared the monsters back. .

     Obviously, what they fear is the person in Wang Feng's hands.


Grasping the corpse in the hanging coffin, Wang Feng let out a loud roar, and then these monsters seemed to be greatly stimulated, and they started to run wildly backward one by one, as if they had encountered some natural enemy. , Is running away in panic.

    "This saw this scene, and the tortoise shell couldn't help but slap their tongues. These monsters are so powerful that they are even afraid of a corpse. Is it possible that this corpse did something to them when he was alive?

     or that the people in Wang Feng's hands are stronger to a higher level, otherwise how could these monsters be afraid of even a corpse.

     "The person in your hand may have a very big background and strong cultivation base." At this moment, the turtle shell said.

     "Aren't you talking nonsense?" Hearing what he said, Wang Feng couldn't help being speechless, and said: "This person is obviously wearing an imperial robe. He must be the emperor of a certain period in the past." Wang Feng said.

     "Since you are the emperor, you are carrying people like a dead dog, maybe something is wrong?" At this time the turtle shell said.

     "I have no other way. I can only use this person's corpse to scare the monsters first."

    While speaking, Wang Feng descended on the corpse and put the corpse aside.

     Wang Feng came to this place to see what's in the hanging coffin, and also to see if there is any treasure here, so after putting the corpse aside, Wang Feng began to look for it.


   The monthly pass is really getting worse and worse. . I rely on


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