The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3037: Disaster

Although the little things are not as powerful as the evil spirits, they are worse than they are in large numbers, and it is difficult to remove them instantly. Therefore, these servants have paid a heavy price. When they are still alive, they can see that their flesh and blood is growing bit by bit. It's really uncomfortable to leave yourself.

     "Kill me." At this time, a servant couldn't bear the pain, and he asked for death.

     "You kill me first." Another pleading voice sounded, also begging for death.

     saw this scene Wang Feng did not show up, because he didn't know if these people really couldn't bear it. If they set up a game deliberately, wouldn't it be exposed that Wang Feng went out now?

     So he still waited for those gadgets to eat the bodies and souls of these people.

     When they are dead, Wang Feng will go out and take away those little things.

     screams resounded in this dark cave, and people heard the backs of people cold. Behind these people, there are actually more people. At this moment, they also vaguely heard the screams, and their expressions changed.

     "What's going on ahead?"

     "I heard human screams."

     "There shouldn't be any ghosts here, right?" At this time they said silently.

The screams were fragrant and screaming, but with the passage of time, the screams gradually decreased. These servants are doing their best to slaughter these tiny creatures, but these things are too much. They can't kill them cleanly, so they have only one final ending, which is to lie here with nothing left.

     "It's really over."

     Seeing that these people all died tragically, Wang Feng appeared, the little things all over the floor looked inconspicuous, but just now, they killed more than a dozen **** saint realm-level powerhouses, and they had to be scary.

     It's just that these gadgets don't know anyone. Seeing Wang Feng appear, they naturally attacked.

     It's a pity that Wang Feng is not afraid of these little things at all. When he opened his dantian, a horrible swallowing force was transmitted from it in an instant. These little things were taken in in the blink of an eye, even with no resistance.

     "The tortoise shell also said that it takes time to control these things, but I think it doesn't take much time at all." Wang Feng said, with a rare smile on his face.

For a long time to cultivate these things, Wang Feng didn’t have that kind of kung fu. Now he can control these things even if he doesn’t choose the same things as tortoise shells. As long as he gives them what they need, then Wang Feng can control them naturally. .

     Maybe this method is a bit simple and rude, but as long as they can play their original role, then Wang Feng is considered successful.

     In the first battle, Wang Feng has already tasted the sweet fruit, and then Wang Feng will use these things to help him against the enemy, just need to guide them in place, and use them is not a problem.

     "Run, fuck."

     At this moment, the sound of a tortoise shell came from the tunnel behind Wang Feng. His voice was eager, as if he was being chased by something.

     "What the hell?"

     Hearing the sound of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng looked surprised. He asked him to pretend to be a ghost before. Did he even encounter a real ghost?

     Just when this thought flashed through Wang Feng's heart, the tortoise shell had already rushed past his side, very fast, almost turning into a shadow.

     Seeing that he had already run away, Wang Feng placed his gaze behind the tortoise shell.

Under Wang Feng's eyes, he saw a dark monster galloping fast in this passage at the moment. A terrible breath rose from its body. The tortoise shell did not know where it provokes this thing, so Will be pursued.

     And the tortoise shell just happened to ran past Wang Feng, which means that Ming Wangfeng is also among the opponent's targets.


     made a yelling curse. At this moment, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, and quickly fled, chasing the tortoise shell.

     This guy is simply a culprit, let him pretend to be a ghost, he actually provokes this kind of thing.

     Wang Feng knew that this tomb was not that simple. They didn't encounter any danger before, but it didn't mean that they wouldn't touch it later.

     And the passages in this place extend in all directions, maybe they just didn't run into it with luck.

     And now the monster who chased them was in the late Blood Saint Realm and started a war hastily. Even if Wang Feng and Turtle Shell joined forces, they wouldn’t be able to get anything cheap, so now he also ran like Turtle Shell.

     "Where did you provoke this monster?"

     The speed of the turtle shell is fast, and Wang Feng's speed is also not slow, so he quickly caught up with the tortoise shell and asked.

     "What did I know, this guy suddenly ran out of the passage, and I was shocked. This thing is not easy to mess with, we have to leave quickly."

     "No wonder I heard a chewing sound when you made a ghost cry before. At the time I thought it was from you, but now it seems that it must be the monster."

     "Aren't you talking nonsense? I was surprised before, if it wasn't for you, I would definitely show up."

     "Helping me is the same as helping yourself, am I right?",

     "Don't say so much, right now the things behind this are chasing so closely, once we are caught up, we will probably be in great trouble."

     "You go into my arm, I am going to give this monster as a gift to others." At this time, Wang Feng said.

     "Are you going to cause trouble?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell couldn't help but shine.

     "That's natural." Wang Feng nodded slightly, and then he said: "There is such a good thing, if we don't show it to others, wouldn't we be enough?"

While      spoke, Wang Feng's speed suddenly accelerated. Since the first group of people had already met, there must be others behind, so Wang Feng was going to take this monster up and let others deal with it slowly.

     As for him, he should hide, after all, staying in the dark is much more comfortable than being exposed in the light, because in the dark he can do many things that cannot be done on the bright side, such as...killing.

"I know your kid is bad-hearted, and it's up to you next." The turtle shell said, and his soul instantly entered Wang Feng's arm. After the turtle shell disappeared, Wang Feng's speed increased again. It was almost like a shadow passing through this passage, even the monsters behind could not catch up with Wang Feng in a very short time.

     "There is someone ahead."

     galloped up for a while, and Wang Feng quickly discovered the aura of a strong person. There must be other young people on it. As for who these people are, he doesn't know, but he doesn't need to know.

    Because even Su Yao Wangfeng didn't plan to let it go, so naturally other people did the same.

     brought all the monsters to this place, and Wang Feng's speed accelerated again, reaching his extreme.

     This place is full of passages, so Wang Feng is going to get rid of this monster, and then let it find the enemy by itself.

Wang Feng's speed is very fast, he almost disappeared at the end of the passage in the blink of an eye, and after the person disappeared, Wang Feng also hid his breath with all his strength. He didn't want this monster to feel himself, nor did he want other living people to notice. To own existence.

     seemed to be aware of the disappearance of Wang Feng's breath, and the monster's speed also slowed down. It seemed to be looking for Wang Feng's whereabouts.

     It's a pity that Wang Feng is now fully hiding his breath, how could this monster be found? For it, Wang Feng has completely disappeared now.

     is just Wang Feng, it did not find it, but it sensed other breaths of life, so at this moment it made a low roar, and then he galloped up again and went straight to the people above.

Those people may not know that Wang Feng has prepared a big gift for them. They are still coming down gradually, but soon they encountered the monster. As soon as the monster appeared, he immediately launched an attack. It was not left to them.

     "What the hell?"

     saw this monster appear and launched an attack. These people were also shocked. Unprepared, a servant was bitten by the monster and swallowed directly.

     "Rewind, rewind."

     Seeing a servant swallowed by the other party, how dare these people do it, and they can feel that the breath of this monster is very powerful. Fighting it, isn't it a brain show?

     You must know that what it swallowed was a servant in the middle blood sanctuary.

Although this is only a slave, it is also a real mid-term Blood Saint Realm. Powerful people of this level are swallowed in one bite, and they don't even have resistance. In this case, they will only fight with each other unless they want to die. The opponent fights.

     "How can there be such a powerful evil thing in this place." These people retreated quickly and went directly to the upper level.

     After they retreated, Wang Feng appeared. Anyway, the monsters had already let them be led away, so Wang Feng naturally didn't have to worry about anything.

     "It's a good move, and these people will be very sad next." At this time, the turtle shell sneered.

     "Let them bite the dog, and we will look for our baby."

     The monster swallowed a mid-blood saint realm master in one bite, so even if those people join forces, they probably won’t be able to deal with this monster.

     After all, the realm gap lies here, and it is not so easy to cross.

    had a rough topographical map of the mausoleum in his mind, so after leading the monster away, Wang Feng went straight to the main tomb without hesitation.

     There are many treasures in these small and how many rare treasures are there in the real main tomb?

     Thinking of this, Wang Feng's heart couldn't help but feel hot. If there is a baby, he will definitely not leave it to the people behind, so he has to go and see it alone in advance.

     "There is such a powerful monster in this place, there must be danger near the main tomb." At this time, the turtle shell said.

     "Even if it is dangerous, I have to go and see it."

    While speaking, Wang Feng walked towards the main tomb, and he would just bring these monsters into trouble again.

     With these monsters, I believe that Su Yao and others will be very sad. I am afraid that they will suffer heavy casualties without Wang Feng's initiative. Although they have not been able to kill them personally, Wang Feng has achieved the same effect.


     Just as Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were moving forward, suddenly Wang Feng keenly heard a sound similar to chewing, which made him stop.

     "Damn, our luck shouldn't be so bad."

     the turtle shell opened, cursing in a low voice.

     Before, they heard the sound of chewing, and then the monster ran out, and the same sound appeared here. Could there be the same monster here too?


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