Youdao is a bold person, but this young master also clearly saw the shadow that just drifted past. Although he doesn't believe that there are ghosts in this world, it is difficult to guarantee that some mutated things will not appear in the dark, just like those corpses.

     They didn't know how long they had been dead, but it was surprising that they could stand up in the end.

     "Master, there may be a ghost here, let's go back and wait for more people to leave."

"Do not talk nonsense."

Hearing this, the young master looked ugly in an instant, took a deep breath, and said: "There is no ghost in this world at all. Even if there is, it is artificially pretending to be a ghost. Don't be afraid, with this young master. Go together."

     In fact, he really guessed right, but it's a pity that he was just guessing. They can be sure that they are the ones who are in the front, and there is absolutely no person in front of them.

     Because all the way down, the tombs they opened almost contained treasures. If there were people in front of them, how could they leave things behind?

     So there is no one in front, even if there is, it is a ghost.

     So this person told his servants not to be afraid, but why didn't he cheer himself up again.


     They just wanted to go, and suddenly there was a flash of them not far away, scared all of them, their hearts beating unconvincingly.

     Although they are strong in the Blood Saint Realm, what is happening in front of them is really weird. They can't be afraid of them, because the monks are also humans, and they have awe of the unknown.

     "Nima, let us have a fight if anything comes out."

     Seeing another thing drifting past, this person directly took out his weapon. It seemed that only by holding a weapon in his hand would he add some confidence in his heart.

     It's a pity that the darkness ahead didn't respond at all, as if there was nothing, but the more it was, the more they panicked, wondering if it was a ghost or what.


     At this moment, bursts of ghost cry and wolf howling sounded from the front, and accompanied by bursts of chewing sound, the back of the listener was chilly, and the hairs all over his body were tied up.

"Young...Master, let's retreat first. I'm afraid that there is danger ahead and it will hurt you." A servant said, really didn't want to go any further. They were in the forefront, but because of this , Even if something happens here, no one will help them.

     It is important to find a baby, but it is even more important to save your life.

     "Waste, rice bucket."

Hearing the words of the servants, their young master was really furious. He was not afraid of it at first, but as these people kept fanning the flames in his ears, he became a little flustered, so at this moment, he directly cursed, at all. Forgot the identity of his master.

     "I really have a hand."

     Seeing the tortoise shell scared these people pale, Wang Feng who was hiding in the dark couldn't help being a little funny. These people were really interesting. They all said there was no ghost in the world. They even scared themselves like this.

     Now that the intimidation of the tortoise shell had taken effect, Wang Feng did not hesitate, he was like a sharp blade on the string, ready to strike at any time.

     "Master, listen to our words, let's retreat first." Several servants spoke, and then they began to retreat.

Seeing that his servants are all retreating, this young man will not be able to move on even if he wants to move on, because without a servant, if he is alone, he will be upset, so he can only retreat with everyone. .

     "Repay my life, woo woo woo."

     Just as they kept backing away, suddenly the shadow came again and made a sound, scared these people yelled, and immediately began to run back.

     That’s right, a group of **** saint realm-level powerhouses frightened the tortoise shell and started running regardless of identity.

     "Nima, wait for me."

     Seeing that the servants had already run away, these young men did not dare to stay in this place at the moment, so he turned and ran back.

"It's now."

     Seeing that they were already going to run back, Wang Feng knew that he would not have any chance if he didn't make a move at this moment, and their courage had been frightened. It was the most suitable time to kill them.

The power of the cell is all released at this moment, and at the same time, Wang Feng's blood is also reversed instantly. This way, his combat power can reach its peak in a very short time. Since he wants to kill, he must do a single blow. kill!

     The body was like a sharp sword, and Wang Feng went straight to the young man at the back of the crowd.

When Wang Feng shot, the young man actually sensed that Wang Feng shot and moved too fast, even if he wanted to turn his head back, he could only use his back to resist Wang Feng’s attack. .

     As everyone’s son-in-law, he naturally has life-saving things on his body, just like Su Han and his younger brother back then, he has treasures on him.

Although this young man is not a royal family or a prince, it is very easy to help him get some magic weapons with the strength of his family, so when Wang Feng's power is about to fall on this person's back, his body is instantly Light up.

     This is the life-saving magic weapon played a role, to resist Wang Feng's blow.

It's a pity that Wang Feng's current combat power has far surpassed the average Blood Saint Realm mid-term master. Although this mask appeared very timely, under Wang Feng's palm, the mask still shattered instantly, and Wang Feng's palm power was very easy. It hit the young man's back.

     is as easy as smashing a piece of tofu. Under Wang Feng's palm, this young man can't run, because his body was shot into mud by Wang Feng at this moment. Then, how can he run?

     his body shattered, and the young man's soul escaped, but unfortunately, since Wang Feng decided to kill him, his soul naturally couldn't escape.

Almost when his soul just escaped, Wang Feng had already used his own power to imprison the young man’s soul forcibly, and at the same time, Wang Feng also waved his sleeves and took the man’s body away. .

     He did not forget his agreement with the tortoise shell. The man killed him, but he wanted the corpse tortoise shell.

    , this person is also a young master in the middle of the Blood Saint Realm anyway, his body is a good thing, and it is too wasteful to leave it here.

     Everything happened between the electric light and flint. When Wang Feng finished the battle, his figure exploded in an instant. As a result, the servant who was sprinting in front didn't even see him even if he looked back.

     "Where is the man? Where is the young master?"

     At this time, these servants looked back and saw the empty passage, and their complexion changed instantly.

     Their task is to protect the safety of the young master, but now it's good, the young master is gone, even if they go back, there is probably only a dead end.

     Because the young master died, how can they live?

"We're fucked."

     A servant spoke, and instantly fell to the ground. At this moment, he was even more scared than a ghost.

     did not protect the young master, they could not shirk the blame, and they could only die.

"Don't panic, don't panic." Seeing this scene, a more savvy servant immediately began to speak, saying: "Although we are slaves, we don't have the mark of master and servant. Right now, there are only a few of us in this place. , Master must have let the ghost be caught. We can escape from now on. I think with our strength, we can survive anywhere we go."

     "But once the family mobilizes all its power to deal with us, we may have nowhere to go."

     "It's better than we go back to die."

     "It's over, everything is over."


Just when these servants didn’t know what to do next, they suddenly noticed that behind them a group of green light was constantly coming towards them. In this dark place, it was like a group of ghost fires. The hairs of these servants were **** instantly.

     "I captured the young master, and now even we don't want to let it go." Looking at this green flame, all these servants took out their weapons.

     "Regardless of whether it is a person or a ghost in secret, we will fight it. If we survive, we will escape from this place and never go back."

     did not succeed in protecting the young master. After they returned, they would die even as the blood saint realm powerhouse, so now they are not fighting for the young master, but for their own survival.


     The sky-shaking roar came from a servant's mouth, and it seemed that only in this way could they raise the courage to fight.

     Young Master’s cultivation is only stronger than theirs, but he still disappeared for an instant. It can be seen that this secret thing is very powerful, and they have to use all their strength to deal with it.

     Watching the green light ball float over, these people didn't hesitate to make a decisive move. Now that the young master is finished, they will also fight for their own livelihood.

They don't know what      light group is, but they understand that it will definitely not be a good thing.

     slashed with a fierce sword, and a servant used his sword to instantly split the light ball in half. It seemed that they had succeeded, but then they all made screams.

What on earth is     ?

     In fact, all this is under the control of Wang Feng.

     Before Wang Feng got a lot of evil-like things in the first tomb. At that time, Wang Feng couldn't find a way to control and could only put them all into his dantian first.

     But just now Wang Feng had a whim, he was thinking that since these things are aware of vitality and will actively attack them, can he use vitality to lure these things to participate in the battle?

     So that group of green light is actually a group of vitality that Wang Feng separated from his glass green lotus tree, the purpose is to lure these little things to keep up.

     And this light drifted past people, even if these little things didn't require Wang Feng's order, they could still deal with the enemy on their own, because the fire of life had great attraction to them.

     This was originally just a method that Wang Feng tried, but what he didn't expect was that it was this trying method that yielded miraculous results, which was far beyond his expectations.

     Hearing the sad screams from the other party, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a little bit cold, especially after he saw these people crawling all over with that kind of stuff, his heart felt cold.

     Fortunately, his body is tough and can guard against these things, otherwise he might be the same as these people.

     Seeing these people's bodies and souls are being quickly eaten away, Wang Feng's face couldn't help but a chill appeared.

    No one from outside the world will end well.


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