The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3035: Ghost?

     left the tomb, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell quickly went to the next tomb. During the period, they did not encounter any strange incidents and appeared to be relatively calm.

     "I found a sword before, I don't know what treasure is in this tomb." When he came to the next tomb, the tortoise shell said.

     "No matter what you have, just go in and see."

     While speaking, Wang Feng pushed open the door of the tomb and walked directly in.

     But just walked in, the fireworks inside ignited automatically, and Wang Feng jumped.

     "It's just a means of pretending to be a ghost, it's not worth mentioning." At this time the turtle shell said.

This tomb is about the same size as the previous tombs with crystal coffins and female corpses, but there is no crystal coffin here, but a golden coffin. It looks very high-end atmosphere and high-end, and with the fire here, the golden light shines. Not like a tomb.

     "Luxury." The turtle shell only said these two words.

     "Why do I feel so earthy?" Wang Feng couldn't help retorting when he heard the tortoise shell.

     As a monk, the demand for gold is almost zero, and the coffins in this place are all made of gold. Is this too vulgar?

     "That's because your appreciation ability is not good."

     Tortoise Shell also began to refute, and he was quite tit-for-tat with Wang Feng.

     "Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you this, I'll open this coffin first."

    While speaking, Wang Feng walked towards the coffin. It was only two steps before Wang Feng suddenly lit up, and there was a formation here.

     It's just that this formation didn't stop Wang Feng for long. Wang Feng directly found the formation eye and easily broke it.

     Although this coffin looks tacky, Wang Feng feels that there must be treasures in the coffin. After all, the crystal coffin is a precursor.

     The palm of his hand fell on the golden coffin, Wang Feng's power exploded, and he immediately pushed the lid of the coffin open.

     Before, he was very cautious when opening crystal coffins, but now Wang Feng is not so cautious, because he is opening these coffins, and others may be doing the same thing. He has to hurry up.


     The coffin cover was lifted directly under Wang Feng's power, and the scene inside the coffin was revealed.

The female corpse in the crystal coffin has not been decayed so far. That is because the crystal coffin itself has this effect, but the person in this golden coffin has no such good luck. Now his body is completely decayed, only remaining Withered bones.

     In this coffin, besides the bones, there are some other things. For example, this person is holding a box in his hand. Maybe there is a treasure in it.

     "Come on."

    While speaking, Wang Feng snatched the box from the corpse and opened it.

     was opened, the box was suddenly golden. What was inside the box turned out to be some gold jewelry. Looking at the things inside, Wang Feng's mood can only be described in a speechless way.

     This person is not just a mortal, right?

     How else would he collect so many gold jewelry?

     "Damn it, this is really strange."

     At this time, the tortoise shell also saw the contents of the box and made a curse sound.

     They found a sword in the crystal coffin before, but there was only gold jewelry in this golden coffin. Isn't the gap too big?

     These gold jewellery they use as farts.

     "It is indeed a different kind."

     Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng felt the same. This person should be a monk, because if he were a mortal, his bones would have been decayed by now and there are no bones left.

     But since he still left his bones, it means that he is a monk and his cultivation is not weak, otherwise his bones cannot be preserved.

     But he only has some gold jewelry here. This is really cheating. Isn't this a person like a fortune teller? Like gold to an incredible degree?

     How else could he put such a thing in his coffin.

     "Forget it, return these copper-smelly things to him, and then we will go to the next tomb."

     The tomb in this place is not only this one, but also other tombs.

     Since there are no treasures here, just go to the next tomb, which saves time.

     "Let's go."

     put the box back, Wang Feng sealed the golden coffin, and also set up the formation outside, so even if the skeleton inside wanted to mutate to get up, I am afraid it would be difficult to get out.

One after another burial chambers began to search. Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell were like senior tomb robbers. They didn’t leave anything wherever they went. They found several burial chambers, and they also gained a lot. Most of the coffins contained them. Baby, although these treasures may not have an effect on the two of them, they will not stay.

     They can’t use it, there are always others who can use it, such as those in the heavens. ,

     "We are very close to the largest tomb. We have to hide and wait for the next thing."

     I have almost found the baby, and Wang Feng and the tortoise shell should do their business.

     "Let’s say yes, you kill people, but I want corpses."

     "Don't worry, I don't have much effect with the corpse, you can take it if you want."

     Wang Feng came up from below, and Wang Feng had seen the topographic map, so the person on it should be coming down soon. When he came here, Wang Feng didn't think about letting those young children go, so the **** thing was to die.

     looked lurking in the dark, Wang Feng took the tortoise shell towards the tombs above.

     "There really is someone."

     did not go far, Wang Feng noticed more than a dozen powerful auras, and indeed someone had come down and was very close to them.

     "I don't know which hapless guy it is."

     Wang Feng has already felt the presence of the other party, and at this time the tortoise shell has clearly felt it.

     just like this, the two people hid in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to move.

     "Master, this ghost place is really scary. The person in the coffin just got up by himself, and it scared me."

The voice of      talking, they are gradually approaching Wang Feng and the other two.

     Obviously, they also encountered the same thing as Wang Feng.

     "What if there are ghosts? Isn't it let us kill them?"

     At this time, another person's voice sounded, and he didn't feel anything.

    "Yes, yes, the young master is brave and martial, naturally not comparable to us." Hearing the young master's words, all his followers joined together.

     "It seems a bit troublesome, they are crowded." At this time the turtle shell said.

     "There are too many people to be fearless, so we will pretend to be ghosts and scare them before we talk, and then we will take the initiative to attack."

     "Leave it to me to pretend to be a ghost, and you will have a sudden attack and take the life of their young master first."

Although the tortoise shell is one level higher than Wang Feng on the cultivation level, he understands that Wang Feng’s combat effectiveness has surpassed him. If Wang Feng attacked with all his strength, he would be killed in one shot, so he took the initiative to take the task of pretending to be a ghost. .

     "Then you should be careful about everything yourself." Hearing the tortoise shell, Wang Feng didn't say much, because the crowd is indeed a trouble.

     If you can pretend to be ghosts and frighten them first, you may be able to achieve miraculous effects.


     Tortoise shells exist in the state of soul all the year round when they are in the heavens, so this kind of thing like a ghost is really not challenging for him, he can complete the task very easily.

     Watching the tortoise shell had left his left arm, Wang Feng also began to prepare. As long as the tortoise shell frightened the opponent, Wang Feng could attack instantly and take the life of the opponent's young master.

     As long as the main person dies, all that is left is a mob of no one to command, then it will be easy to handle.

"Master, I feel that this place is gloomy, as if something is wandering in the dark. Let's... I think we should wait until we merge with others before we act." At this time, a servant spoke, obviously a little scared. .


Hearing what he said, his young master slapped him on the head with a slap, cursing: "Did you not see when the big prince was fighting with the king of Xiangyang before? Waiting for others? Do you want the baby you will get Give it to others?"

     "At the moment we should be the ones who are in the forefront. If we have to give this kind of good opportunity to others, then what is our purpose here?"

Said this young master sneered, and said: "It's just a tomb that I don't know how many existed. Even if it is weird here, it disappears with the passage of time. You said that you are a powerful blood saint realm. You don't have the guts to do this. Did you cultivate to the dog?"

     "Yes, yes, what the master taught."

Hearing this, the servant couldn't help nodding, fearing that the young master would kill him, because he could see that what he said had already annoyed the young master. If he kept on speaking, he was afraid that he would be personally handed over by the young master. Put to death.

     Just as they were talking here, suddenly a shadow floated past them, it was a tortoise shell.

     The tortoise shell moves very fast, like a shadow, flashing away, giving people the illusion of dazzling.

     It’s just that the people present are all powerful in the Blood Saint Realm. How can they make mistakes so easily?

     "Shao...Master." Seeing the shadow of the tortoise shell drifting by, a servant spoke, even the voice trembling.

     "Say what you have, and let it go if you have any farts."

     Hearing the words of the servant, this young boy really felt a little disdain in his heart. If he had known that these people were such a mess, he shouldn't have brought them out. Is this coming to shame himself?

     "There is... there is something dirty." This person spoke, obviously a little scared, and when he was speaking, he hid directly in the crowd, seeming a little scared.

"Dirty? I think you are a dirty with this young master, don’t say anything unpleasant here, if you are on the battlefield, you will disturb the military’s morale and be Execution, did you hear it clearly?" At this time, their young master yelled, with a strong momentum.

     As a young master, he has seen many scenes, even in this gloomy grave, his performance is much better than these slaves.

     After all, I saw a lot, so I was not so scared, just like Wang Feng, even if he saw the female corpse coming, he was only a little surprised, and he didn't feel scared at all.

     Because he has even experienced death, how can he be afraid of any ghosts?

     "Master, just now a shadow drifted past us, and I saw it too."

     At this time, another servant spoke, and stepped back slightly.

     "Speak nonsense again, I will cut your tongues." Upon hearing this, their young master's complexion instantly turned gloomy.

     In fact, sometimes the environment is not terrible. What's terrible is that some people deceive the crowd.

     just after he finished saying this sentence, when he turned his head, he also saw a shadow drifting by from not far away, and his face instantly paled in fright.

     "Fuck, what the hell."


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