The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3026: Serial

     "There are really traces of formation."

     Hearing what the young man said, everyone stopped. After the other people observed it carefully, they realized that there was a formation in this place before.

     may be hesitant to disrepair for a long time, so this formation collapsed, if not, this place might not be so easy to reveal.

     "It should be a royal tomb."

     At this time, someone spoke, thinking that this place is very likely to be a royal tomb.

     If it weren't for the royal tomb, how could this place be so well arranged.

     "Don't continue to waste time in this place. Since the formation has disappeared, it naturally has no effect. Let's go ahead and see what happened." Su Yao said at this time.

     He came to this place to enter the tomb to explore, so it is obviously inappropriate to spend time outside here.

     "Huh? Someone?"

Just as everyone galloped forward, they suddenly discovered that there were several people wandering outside the royal tomb at this moment, and their cultivation level was not low. They were all blood gods. Although they had not reached the blood sacred realm, they were This main star is also considered a strong one.

     "Who are you?"

     At this time, a young boy elder brother shouted, and suddenly these people were shocked.

     looked back, these people were suddenly surprised, because they didn't expect so many people to come back.

     "You don't need to talk nonsense with them, this place cannot accommodate others." At this time, another son brother spoke, and then he winked at his servant, and suddenly his two servants understood and rushed directly.

     The screams of screams resounded around the lonely tomb, and it seemed a bit permeating.

     Watching those few people were killed, none of these elder brothers spoke. It was obvious that none of them could tolerate these people to live.

     Poor these people may just come to this place to see, but their cultivation base is too low, they may not understand what is going on to death.

     "It looks like this place has been discovered, we have to speed up." At this time the young man who led the way said.

     "Where there is a formation, just take us over." Su Yao said at this time.

     "Please come with me." Hearing Su Yao's words, this person did not hesitate, and led everyone to gallop towards the towering mountain.

When they came to the foot of this mountain, they were really blocked. There was a light mask in front of them that they couldn't see. This light mask was the formation method. This formation hindered the pace of all of them. They cannot get in.

     "This is the formation." At this moment, the young man who led the way said.

     "Which one of you understands the formation, can you find where the formation eye is?" Su Yao asked at this time.

     "I will know some." At this time, Yu Ji spoke and stood up.

     "I will do a little too." Another person also stood up now.

     "If that's the case, then you two should look for it here and see where the battle is."

     Su Yao's words were still useful to the two of them, so they soon started to act.

     And when the two of them started to act, Wang Feng was not idle either. At this moment, he also opened his own heavenly eyes and was watching where the eyes were.

     There is no doubt that this large-scale formation can lay down such a formation, indicating that the formation of the people is extremely powerful, at least they need the strength of the late Blood Saint Realm, and this formation may not be one person.

     Because one person is afraid that it is impossible to arrange such a large defensive array.


Wang Feng’s heavenly eyes were watching this formation, but as he watched, he suddenly felt as if countless ghosts appeared in front of him. These ghosts were leaping towards him with teeth and claws, so scared that Wang Feng instantly closed his own. Tianyan, and then in front of him returned to normal.

     "General, have you found anything?" Su Yao asked if he noticed that Wang Feng was different.

     "No." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "I think this place is too quiet, and there are few pitiful lives, which is a bit scary."

     "Don't worry, there are so many of us, even if there is an emergency, it is enough to deal with." Su Yao patted Wang Feng on the shoulder and said.

"His Royal Highness, this big formation is too big. If you keep looking for it like this, you may not be able to find the formation for ten days." At this time, one of the young men who was looking for the formation came back and couldn't help shaking his head. .

     "I think we'd better break it." At this time, Yu Ji also came back and took out her own suggestions.

The formation of      is too big. If you check it bit by bit, who knows how long it will take, and everyone may not have so much time to spend here, so breaking the formation forcefully is the best way at the moment.

     "If this is the case, let's break the formation forcefully."

     Since the formation eye is difficult to find, there is only one remaining method, which is to forcibly break the formation and then go in.

     In fact, when I came here, everyone didn't even think that they would be able to find the front line. Because of the front line, I’m afraid that guy’s family had already checked this place.

     So the reason for gathering so many people is not to force this formation to smash it?

     The two people who didn't find the formation could only say that they were too bad. When Wang Feng was watching this big formation before, he had already seen the formation, but unfortunately he didn't say it.

    Because of something that no one else can find, if he says it, wouldn’t he suddenly become a target?

     Wang Feng is not so stupid.

     Since they are willing to give their strength to harden the formation, let them work together, and Wang Feng can work without any effort.

These people are here for the baby, but Wang Feng is not. He is here to kill these people, so the most important thing now is to preserve his strength. Wang Feng will not silly devote his strength to help them bomb this. Great array.

     This big array is so big, it is not that easy to break it by force, it must take some effort.

     "Everyone, don't keep your hands, let's do it." Su Yao said at this time, and then he raised his hand and started directly.

     Su Yao did it, no one else was idle, and even the King of Xiangyang did not hesitate to participate.

     Because the person who wants to enter the tomb is not one of them, so all of them are shooting at this time.

     and Wang Feng and the others did not hesitate, they all joined in. After all, their masters have already started, can they still stand and watch the show?


        so many masters do it at the same time, the power is undoubtedly very terrifying, this towering mountain has almost been wrapped in their power at this moment, and it looks like it is about to explode.

     The earth shook, and this formation shook violently, already showing signs of breaking.

    The people present except Wang Feng are all powerhouses at the Blood Saint Realm level, so when everyone is united, you can imagine how terrifying the power is.

     Although this big formation is majestic, it can't resist the simultaneous attack of so many people, so this formation didn't last long before it was declared broken and failed to block their way.

"and also?"

     shattered the formation. Everyone didn't stop and went straight to the mountain, but unfortunately they hadn't walked a few steps before they were suddenly blocked again, because a huge array appeared in front of them.

     "So many formations are used to protect this mountain, it may really be a royal tomb."

     Seeing this formation, a young man spoke.

     "Is it a royal tomb? When we open all the formations in this place, we will naturally see the difference." Su Yao said, and then he motioned everyone to do it again.

    'S previous formation was not much different from this one, so this formation gradually shook up under everyone's bombardment, and soon it was declared broken.

     "Fuck, there are even more."

     broke two formations one after another, and everyone quickly discovered another formation. Seeing this scene, even if these brothers were all well-mannered people, they couldn't help but curse at this moment.

     "This person who set up the formation is afraid that it is deliberately trying to embarrass us people of future generations?"

     Su Yao spoke at this time, and his face gradually became ugly.

     Following their trend, if a few of the same big formations appear later, I am afraid that by the time they actually enter, their power will have been consumed very seriously. Isn't this cheating?

    In the crowd, Wang Feng's heart was dark and refreshing. When everyone bombed the formation before, although Wang Feng was also helping, but he was a typical worker who didn't work hard. He didn't lose any strength at all. It was all these people who were bombarding the formation.

     "Everyone, since it's up to now, we can't go back, let's go on." At this time, King Xiangyang spoke and couldn't come up with a way.

Although he is a feudal king and his cultivation base is not weak, he has never studied the formation method after all, so for him, the formation eye is completely the formation eye knowing him. He does not know the formation eye, except for forcibly attacking the big formation. He has no other way at all.

     "It can only be so."

Although everyone sighed upon hearing this, King Xiangyang said it was not bad. They have already come to this place. The tomb is in front of all of them. At this moment, I believe that no one is willing to retreat, so they can only Continue to attack the big array.

The big formations are connected one by one, and Wang Feng and the others blasted through at least seven or eight big formations before they finally came to the foot of this mountain. By this time everyone had already consumed a lot of strength, and some slightly weaker guards had already His face turned pale, and he looked like an evil spirit crawling out of hell.

     Looking back at the young people, although everyone was trying to bombard the formation just now, these people obviously did not give their full strength. They all came from a powerful family, almost no fools, and everyone knew how to preserve their strength.

    "Finally came Looking at the majestic mountain in front of him, a young man couldn't help sighing.

     "This place is so tightly protected, there must be some treasure in it, let's go up the mountain." Su Yao spoke at this time and started climbing first.

As the prince of the empire, and the only orthodox prince, he is qualified to walk in the front of the crowd. Seeing Su Yao has taken the lead, everyone feels a little uncomfortable, but none of them speaks out. , Because they all know that offending Su Yao will not end well.

     Along the rugged mountain road, everyone soon came to the mountainside, where they stopped.

     Because the door of the tomb is halfway up the mountainside, standing in this place, they can almost touch the clouds, very high.

     "After you die, you still have to look down the mountains. It's really a big show." Su Yao said with a cold snort.

     "This just reflects what we have in mind. Throughout the ages, I am afraid that only the tombs of emperors can do this." At this time, a person said.

     "It has been so many years, this tomb door is still flashing, I am afraid that this door is not that easy to open." At this time, a person looked at the tall tomb door and said.


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