The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3025: Royal Tomb

    Maybe Wang Feng’s background is not as good as them, and his realm is not as high as them, but Wang Feng is now a great general of the empire, and he is fully qualified to participate in this kind of gathering, and Wang Feng has also proved himself that he is not so easy to bully.

     "It seems that we will have to guard against this person in the future, otherwise he may become a weapon to kill us."

     "Okay, it's better not to talk nonsense about this. You have to know that the misfortune comes out of your mouth. He is now your Royal Highness. Your Highness can't offend any of us. Don't say this in the future."

     "That is to say, a few of us are here to talk, do you really think I would be so stupid, go outside and talk?"

     "Forget it, it's all gone."

The      party is now over, and everyone should go back and prepare. Otherwise, if you don’t have any preparations when you leave, you might lose your life.

     Following Su Yao, Wang Feng and Wang Feng soon returned to Su Yao’s mansion. Su Yao had to prepare himself, and let Wang Feng go back to make preparations. Unfortunately, what Wang Feng can prepare is not necessary at all.

     "Turtle shell, come to me."

     returned to his residence, Wang Feng sent a message to the turtle shell and invited him here.

     "What's the matter with you?"

     Looking at Wang Feng, the turtle shell asked.

     "This is the case. Su Yao took me to a party. At that party, someone said that they might have discovered the royal tombs of the previous dynasties and invited everyone to explore together."

     "Then you also want to go?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the turtle shell asked.

     "Yes." Wang Feng nodded, and then he said: "But I don't think these young people are like good people, and they might do things in time, so I am going to take you there."

     "You take me over, then Su Yao will not doubt it?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell's face was surprised.

"Are you stupid?" Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng couldn't help but shook his head, and said: "I didn't say that I would take your person over, you just abandon your body, and then use your soul to enter my left. In the arm, there is your nest, I believe you are not unfamiliar, right?"

     "If the soul is out of the body for too long, it will cause some damage to the body. Don't cheat me, you kid." said the turtle shell.

"Just put a hundred hearts on it, we shouldn’t be there for too long, and this time I want to secretly kill a young man and make them mess up with such a fun thing, don’t you want to participated?"

     "Then you will call me when you are leaving."

It’s not that Wang Feng has never thought of directly stuffing the tortoise shell into his dantian and taking it there. At that time, everyone will not be able to find his existence, but a living person or something that doesn’t know what it is is more threatening. Want to know?

     And at some point, the tortoise shell can also launch unexpected attacks, so this is why Wang Feng wants to bring the tortoise shell soul.

     More than one person would give an extra help, and Wang Feng didn't have much hope for that Su Yao.

    , this guy is also from a good background, if he comes from another family, he might be trampled on, and even he is not as good as the king of Xiangyang.

     The King of Xiangyang is only a feudal king, but if King Xiangyang is the prince, it will definitely be better than this Su Yao.

Su Yao is only ruthless, but this King Xiangyang is not only ruthless, but also resourceful. Such talents can play power, like Su Yao. It’s no wonder that his father didn’t let him take over as the prince for so long. It doesn't make sense.

Three days seemed to have passed by just a few seconds. On the third day, Wang Feng called the tortoise shell and hid his body in his pubic area. In this way, the tortoise shell could use him at any time. His body is much safer than putting it in this mansion.

     "If it is really a royal tomb, there must be a large number of burial masters in it. Although their flesh and blood are decayed, their bones are good things. I must let my evil spirits eat more." Turtle shell said.

     "Don't worry, if there are bones, then your evil spirits will be full."

     Wang Feng was only ready with the tortoise shell here, and that Su Yao came with someone.

As the prince, you must bring a few masters when you travel. Otherwise, who will ensure his safety. This time he has brought ten people in total, all of whom are masters in the mid-term of the Blood Saint Realm. They can provide extremely strong when necessary. Combat effectiveness.

     "General, are you ready?" When he came to Wang Feng's mansion, Su Yao asked.

     "What can I prepare? The whole yard is pretty smooth." Wang Feng said.

     "In that case, let's go."

     Under the leadership of this Su Yao, they went to the meeting point. When they rushed to the east city gate in the center, there was already someone waiting for them here, and the King Xiangyang was among them.

     "My good brother, you are really daunting, on which woman are you struggling?" At this time, King Xiangyang sneered.

     "Which woman am I trying to do with you? My subordinate is defeated." Su Yao responded, and the complexion of the King Xiangyang suddenly became ugly.

     "It just won me once, it's not enough." King Xiangyang said calmly quickly.

     He didn't expect that Su Yao was going to hold on to this matter. Isn't this too bad?

     "Are everyone here?" Su Yao asked at this moment.

     "Back to your Highness, everyone is here, we are all waiting for you."

     "In that case, let's lead the way."

On the streets of     , those people who saw so many people of very high status meet here are whispering, secretly saying what they are doing.

     But these people are not afraid of others talking, or even stalking, because they have so many masters, who dares to follow? That is simply looking for death.

     Under the leadership of one of them, they left the east gate and went straight to the vast forest.

     Their speed is very fast, and they almost disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye. Although Wang Feng's cultivation base is the weakest, his speed is not at all slowing down compared to everyone.

"We have finally gathered together now. Let's make a bet right now. We gallop along a straight line. Whoever runs the fastest will get a reward." At this time, the young man who led the way opened his mouth and asked everyone. They all cast their gazes over.

     "What reward?" Someone asked at this time. ,

     "It's very simple. Everyone gives ten pills and puts them together. This is the reward. How about? Are you interested in playing."

"it is good."

Hearing this, someone immediately responded. Last time Su Yao and King Xiangyang’s bet was one hundred pill. Many of them couldn’t take out one hundred pill, but ten pill for them. Said that there is still not much problem.

     "Since you have so many elixirs, the king will also participate in it." Su Yao spoke at this time and wanted to participate.

     "I'm coming too." At this time, a gloomy voice sounded, the voice of the King Xiangyang.

     Since they were young, the two of them have liked fighting for status and status. Now that there is this kind of competition, Su Yao has already participated, how can he be missing from King Xiangyang?

     "If this is the case, let us all come and have fun together, all as a fun."

In a short period of time, everyone took out ten pills to participate in this competition. Although Wang Feng is also a personal figure, his cultivation level is too low and no one comes to ask him, so he naturally doesn’t need to participate. Entering, Quan should retain his strength.

     As for more followers, they are even more ineligible to participate, because this is what the sons and buddies play, what is their participation?

     "Listen to me, in ten minutes, we are galloping straight ahead from where we are currently. Do you understand who is the fastest and who can get the reward?"

     "What do you do with so much waste? Let's start directly." At this moment a young man shouted.

     "In that case, let's start now."

     While speaking, this person galloped forward first.

     "Nima, bitch."

Seeing this scene, many people cursed in their hearts, but the cursing returned to the curse, people have already run away. If they don’t hurry up to catch up, it’s probably too late, so it’s just a blink of an eye All the brothers turned into a ray of light, and disappeared to the horizon in an instant.

     After they flew away, Wang Feng and the others did not hesitate to chase them.

    , not long after ten minutes, when Wang Feng and the others caught up, it is said that King Xiangyang won in the end.

     This Su Yao and King Xiangyang didn't deal with each other, so when King Xiangyang won, Su Yao's complexion was immediately ugly, it was like eating a dead mouse.

     "My good brother, how do you feel when you lose again this time?" Looking at Su Yao, the King Xiangyang asked.

     "What if you win?" Su Yao snorted coldly, not wanting to talk to the King of Xiangyang.

     "If I win, I can't do anything to you, but I can disgust you, just like you disgust me."

     King Xiangyang spoke with a smile on his face. Last time Su Yao had a chance to win a round, and now he has won Su Yao again.

     "How long will we be there?"

     At this time, Su Yao no longer paid attention to the King Xiangyang, but instead focused on the person leading the way.

     "His Royal Highness, we haven't even reached half of the road yet, it will take a while."

     "If that's the case, what are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and lead the way?"

    " is Hearing Su Yao's words, this person knew that Su Yao was angry, so he didn't talk to Su Yaoduo at all, turned around and focused on leading the way.

It seems that this is because Su Yao and the King of Xiangyang met again. Everyone had little communication on the way. They were all on the road silently. After a few hours, they finally came to the so-called imperial tomb among the population on.

From far away, Wang Feng and others saw a mountain peak. This mountain peak was too high. It seemed so outstanding around it. And when they got closer to this tomb, the surrounding creatures seemed extremely scarce. I didn't dare to come near because of the effects.

     Moreover, not only is there few lives here, even the trees are pitch black, only the trunks are left, which looks extremely desolate.

     "Everyone must be careful. This place should have been covered with mist before, but I don't know why the mist dissipated."

     "If the fog doesn't dissipate, I'm afraid you couldn't find this place last time, right?" someone said at this time.

     "Yes, this tomb must be a bit dangerous, everyone must be careful."

     "There are traces of formations in this place."

     walked forward for a while, suddenly a young man spoke, he seemed to have noticed something.


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