The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3027: Cannibal tomb

     "If this place is so easy to enter, we wouldn't lose so much energy before."

     "Okay, don't talk nonsense, it's already in front of the door, quickly blast open this door, and then go in and see what's going on."

     "I'll try this door." At this time, a young man opened his mouth, volunteered to come to the forefront, and exploded with his breath and realm, punching the door.

     Everyone can see that there are formations and restrictions on this door, and the light is blooming because of this thing.

     They all chose to break the formation forcefully, so the young man chose the same way.

     It's a pity that after his punch was blasted, his complexion suddenly changed, and his body kept leaning forward, as if he was being affected by some force.


     saw this scene, a guard behind him yelled, and he was about to take action to pull his young master back.

     But he had just approached his young master, and he was immediately pulled forward by his young master. In an instant, the door seemed to be a beast that could only devour people, and the guard swallowed it in an instant.

     And his young master retreated back because of a recoil.


The guards were swallowed, causing all the people present to face a big change. Everyone took a few steps back subconsciously, but it was just the next breath, and the sound of screaming sounded, and suddenly came out from this door. With a scream that chilled the back, this guard must have suffered a catastrophe at the moment and could not survive.

The scream of      only lasted for a few breaths before the curtain fell. The guard should have died in it.

"This is how the same thing?"

     Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, with a look of horror on their faces.

     "A door can even eat people, is this too cruel?"

     A young man spoke and couldn't help but swallowed hard. Although they were all powerful cultivation bases, this scene still made their hearts panic.

    , you must know that just now, that was a **** saint-level servant, and he died like this.

     "This should be an incidental effect of the formation on the door." At this time, Yu Ji spoke, her expression a little ugly.

     had already reached the door, and they had already suffered casualties, especially since the young man who had just shot the door was completely pale now, like tin foil, he was frightened.

     Fortunately, his guards came to pull him, and he pulled him hard before he retreated dangerously and dangerously.

     If his guards didn’t pull him just now, maybe the person who died in it was himself?

     thinks of this person here, so scared to back up again and again, until he retreats to the back of the crowd, then give up.

     "It's the servants who die now, maybe we will die soon." Su Yao spoke at this time, and his face was very ugly.

     He didn't expect this door to be so weird, so that the living people would swallow it in and kill them. This revealed the weirdness and made their hearts chill.

     "Isn't this the gate of hell?" At this time, a person opened his mouth, and he was also frightened.

     "If this is really the gate of hell, the formations we smashed before may be natural shields to prevent others from entering." Another echoing voice sounded, and everyone took a few steps back again.

     A living blood saint realm powerhouse just disappeared, beyond all of their expectations, so now their speculation has also increased the fear in everyone's hearts to some extent.

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense, where is the gate of **** in the world, you are scaring yourself, if you really feel scared, you can retreat now, what are you doing here?" At this time, King Xiangyang sneered, and then he lifted it. He walked forward a few steps, and finally came to this door.

     Seeing this scene, everyone wondered in their hearts what the King Xiangyang wanted to do. Isn’t he afraid of being swallowed?

     "As long as you don't make a move, this door should not be able to eat people. The formation on this door needs to be touched to have an effect." At this time, the person who had previously said with Yu Ji that they knew some formation skills said.

     Hearing his words, everyone's hearts gradually became calmer. Even the King of Xiangyang had already walked to this door himself, so what are they afraid of?

     "It is indeed a formation."

     stood in front of this door and observed for a long time, then the King Xiangyang spoke.

     "King Xiangyang, how can we open this door?"

     takes the initiative to attack this gate, so no one is willing to attack this gate at this time. If they were swallowed in, wouldn't their fate be the same as that of the servant? ,

     They are still young, and no one wants to die in this ghost place.

     Layers of light are constantly flowing through this door, and everyone who looks at it feels chills.

     "Since it is a tomb, there must be more than this entrance. Let's look around and take a look." Su Yao said at this time.

     The craftsman who built this large tomb must also come out of this large tomb. Since the main gate is so dangerous, there may be other exits. You can get in if you can go out. It's a way for everyone to look around.

     "The King of Xiangyang, but what did you find?"

     At this time, everyone found that King Xiangyang had retreated from that door and asked.

     "Don't make noise."

     Hearing these words, King Xiangyang's expression became cold and he said: "A group of timid people, I really don't know what role you have in this world."

After      mocked everyone, then the King Xiangyang picked up a stone from the ground and threw it toward the door.

     Seeing this scene, everyone quickly stepped aside, because everyone was afraid of being sucked in by this door.


After the      stone was thrown out by the King Xiangyang, it was easily sucked in by the door and made a crashing sound.

     Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help showing a different color on their faces.

     "What is going on?" someone asked in a low voice.

"We have all been deceived. In fact, this door doesn't exist at all. What we see now is completely an illusion. As long as we don't take the initiative to attack the formation above this door, it should be fine." At this time, Xiangyang Wang said.

     "Why do you see it?" Su Yao asked back then.

     "Of course it was summed up through my observations. Do you think I am like you? Hiding behind the crowd, greedy for life and fear of death." King Xiangyang mocked.


     Hearing the words of King Xiangyang, Su Yao looked ugly and was about to have an attack, but when he thought that other things might happen in this place at any time, he abruptly suppressed what he was about to say.

     It's really inappropriate to argue with King Xiangyang at this time, so let's wait until the baby is found later.

     "You, go up."

     Although the King Xiangyang said that this door may be fake, his own life is also very precious, and he will not try to risk it, so at this moment he directly called out a servant behind him and shouted.

     "Master, you can spare the little one."

     heard King Xiangyang's words, the servant's face was extremely pale, and the screams of the previous servant seemed to be still echoing in his ears. This servant was also a human, and was afraid of death.

     So when I heard King Xiangyang's words at this moment, he was a hundred unwilling, he didn't want to be eaten by this door.

     "Give you three breaths of time, if you don't pass, then don't blame the king's men for being merciless."

     didn't have so much love for the servant, the King Xiangyang, and asked him to find the way for himself. He was so cringe and shy. This kind of person is not a good dog, and he doesn't care if he is dead.


     Hearing what the King Xiangyang said, the servant was so scared that he was almost crying. He would rather go to the battlefield at this moment than walk towards this cannibalistic door.

Human beings have a sense of fear for the unknown, even those strong like them are no exception. The Blood Saint Realm is very powerful and good, but the previous Blood Saint Realm-level servant died tragically. His cultivation is compared to that of that person. There is not much advantage to him, if he is also eaten by this door, I am afraid that there is only a dead end waiting for him.


     Hearing the words of the slave, the King Xiangyang was not moved at all. At this moment, he had already started counting. If his slave did not follow his own words, he would take his life right away if he didn't mind.

     "The prince..." At this time the servant called again in a begging voice.

     It's a pity that King Xiangyang didn't seem to hear him, so he was still counting.


     "You have time to breathe, if you don't go up again, then you are ready to die immediately." King Xiangyang said calmly.

     "Okay, I'll go."

It is not that he has never seen the fierceness of the prince. If he really does not follow the instructions of the king of Xiangyang at this moment, I am afraid that he will be buried in this place immediately. There is no suspense.

     Instead of being killed by King Xiangyang right away, he would rather go to that door to try his luck. Maybe he could survive?

    , with fear in his heart, the servant walked towards the door with a trembling body.

     Seeing this scene, everyone also held their breath, because they all wanted to see what would happen next.

    The atmosphere became very depressing at this moment, and no one dared to take a big breath, wanting to see if this servant would die.


     Although he was afraid in his heart, the servant had already come to this door at this moment. He looked back at the crowd, then he bit his teeth, closed his eyes, and rammed towards the door in an instant.

     was a dead end, he admitted.

But just when he thought he was eaten by this door, he suddenly realized that he didn't hit anything, and hit a big rock behind the door, making his mouth full. I couldn't help making a painful Looking back, he couldn't see any door, but directly saw the people who were paying attention to the door.

     "This door is really fake." Seeing this scene, the servant was pleasantly surprised, because he finally survived.

     "Master, this door is fake and doesn't exist." The servant didn't hesitate, and quickly yelled.

     Outside the door, Wang Feng and others naturally heard the voice of this servant for the first time, and their faces couldn't help showing joy.

     "King Xiangyang, admire it." At this moment a young man spoke, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up to King Xiangyang.

"The prince is so careful to observe that this gate is completely fabricated by the formation method. If someone really attacks this gate as a real gate, they will be sucked into it instantly and killed, and if something If you don't do it, you can go in safely. The person who set up this door must be an expert." At this time, Yu Ji said, her face couldn't help but admire.


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