The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3015: Yue Chu on behalf of

     "I don't know what you are?"

     is different from this guard. This person knows how to judge the situation. Since there are so many masters, then the other party must have something to do with it. It is better to understand it before speaking.

     "This man is the twentieth general of our empire, Wang Feng. These people were blinded before and insisted on preventing us from entering the city. This one was directly dealt with as a crime of obstructing military affairs."


     Hearing this, the person's body was shocked and said: "Do you have a waist card?"

A Blood God Realm travels with so many Blood Saint Realm companions, this status is certainly not low, he has already doubted how much Wang Feng’s identity is, because if he were not a general, he would not be able to kill the city gate in broad daylight. The guards must have something to rely on.

     But he still has to check Wang Feng's waist card according to the regulations.

     "Here is the waist card." At this time, the guard at the gate of the city opened his mouth and handed the waist card that Wang Feng had taken out to this person.

     took the waist card, this person just glanced at it, and immediately determined that the waist card was genuine, and that the opponent was really a general of the empire, and he was still the new one.

     Because of the empire general’s waist card, no one has dared to forge it, because that’s a capital crime.


With a fierce slap on the guard's face, the man's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and said, "You are really blind, and you dare to prevent the general from entering the city. Do you have a hundred heads? Use it to chop?"

     This person spoke, and the guard who fanned his eyes with gold stars, because he didn't expect this person to make a sudden move.

     "I..." was slapped, this person was also aggrieved in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, because he was just a small guard at the gate of the city, with a low status, and he couldn't afford anyone here.

     "Can I enter the city?" Wang Feng asked at this moment.

     "Naturally." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person respectfully handed his waist card back to Wang Feng's hand.

     "These people's eyes have grown to the back of their heads. Look at them and deal with them." Wang Feng opened his mouth and directly sentenced these guards to death.

     "Yes, I will deal with it right away."

When      talked, this humanity said: "Come here, take all these invisible things into custody."

"Step aside."

     The life and death of several guards, Wang Feng didn't care at all, so killing one would have no effect on Wang Feng.

     "Sir, please."

     people are very powerful generals. Even if they have the courage, they dare not block their way, so they can only watch Wang Feng and others enter the city, and they dare not stop it.

     What happened at the gate of the city did not affect Wang Feng's mood. After returning to the Su Yao mansion, Wang Feng's complexion had not been very good, and he felt heavy.

     Because the emperor of the Tianwai Dynasty is too strong, in front of this kind of character, he feels like a tiny ant, the gap is really too big.

     "How did it turn out?"

     When the tortoise shell noticed Wang Feng's return, he immediately rushed to Wang Feng's mansion and asked.

     "Huh? Your complexion is so ugly, did you let them escape?" Seeing Wang Feng's complexion, the tortoise shell couldn't help asking.

     "No." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said, "I may not be able to give you the corpse you want."


     "Because they have already ruined the top powerhouses of this outer empire, and none of them are left."

     "What accident happened again this time?" Seeing that Wang Feng had something to say, the turtle shell asked.

     "That's right." Wang Feng nodded, and then he couldn't help but sighed, and said, "Su Yao was almost killed, and his old man appeared."

     "You mean the emperor of this empire appeared?"

     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell also opened its eyes wide, revealing an incredible color.

     Although he is from this world, he has never seen what the emperor looks like and what strength he possesses. He can only be heard through rumors.

     Now that Wang Feng's complexion is so ugly, is it possible that the emperor is very powerful?

     "Yes, he shot and killed a late-stage blood saint master with just one finger."


     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath, and killed a master of the late Blood Holy Realm with one finger. How strong should this emperor old man be?

     "It seems that the rumors are true, and his cultivation has reached a very high level, perhaps an unprecedented extreme."

When      said this, the complexion of the tortoise's shell also became ugly. He and Wang Feng had the same goal. They both wanted to kill the emperor and bring down the country.

     But now it seems that this emperor is incredibly powerful, and if he wants to kill him, I am afraid it will be more difficult than reaching the sky.

     "Fortunately he didn't pay attention to me before, otherwise I think my hiding is completely useless."

     "Then what shall we do next? Are you still lurking here?" At this time the turtle shell asked.

     "Of course." Wang Feng nodded and said: "The previous plan has been successful. If we withdraw at this time, all our efforts will be wasted. I will not be reconciled."

     "But the emperor's cultivation is so profound, once you meet again, you may not be able to escape, right?"

"So the most important thing before us right now is to improve my cultivation level. As long as my cultivation level can be promoted to the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm, I believe that even if I stand in front of this emperor, he will not be able to discover what I am hiding. ."

     "Cultivation is not something that can be improved with just one sentence, what good do you have?"

     "I can absorb the blood of this world, so the best way is to kill, keep killing people, use their blood to improve their cultivation, so that I can break through the realm in the shortest time."

     "Although I like killing people, you shouldn't lose your position because of this. You must think it through."

     "Don't worry, I won't lose an inch."

     said that Wang Feng groaned for a while, and then he said: "I will bring the people you trained here, and I will take you out to find something to do."

     "What's the matter?"

     "Of course it was a murder."

Speaking of Wang Feng’s face, there was a sharp smile. This time, Qin Chang, the leader of the assassination, almost killed Su Yao. If Su Yao said that there was no anger in his heart, it would be absolutely impossible. Hate Qin Chang to death.

     So at this time, Wang Feng is going to go out to do something under the name He Su Yao.

     "Okay, then I'll call someone right away."

     heard Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell did not hesitate, and immediately ran down and called for someone to go.

     trained for such a long time, these people should also come in handy, or else keep them like this, wouldn’t it be a waste of effort?

     Under the instruction of the tortoise shell, a small team of more than two hundred people soon gathered outside Wang Feng's mansion. These people were all wearing uniform armor, which gave people a sense of iron and blood from a distance.

They are people who have really been on the battlefield, and the blood in their bodies is hard to be wiped out. If they are only one person, it may be difficult for others to feel it, but when so many of them stand together at the same time, then An aura is enough to shock people.

     "See the general!"

     saw Wang Feng coming out of the mansion, all these people suddenly bowed down.

     "Get up all the time."

     Looking at these people, Wang Feng said.

     "You will only serve me in the future, are you all clear?" Wang Feng's eyes swept across these people and said.

     "I understand."

     "Bring people on, I'm going to find someone from Su Yao, we will set off right away."

     "Anyone looking for them?"

     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the face of the tortoise shell showed a strange color.

     This is their own action. If Su Yao's people are mixed in, wouldn't it be messy?

     "Yes, there are other people's power that can be borrowed, why don't we borrow it?"

As long as Wang Feng said that this was an action arranged by Su Yao, Wang Feng was not afraid of these people disobeying, and now Wang Feng and the others are the strongest at the late stage of the Blood God Realm cultivation base. In addition, their group is actually very weak.

     In order to avoid exposing himself, Wang Feng wanted to borrow Su Yao's power.

Anyway, there are so many masters going up and down in this mansion, even if Wang Feng moved a few away, it would be harmless, and more importantly, only Wang Feng took some people out, and these talents can prove to themselves that they are sincere. Do something for this Su Yao, otherwise this Su Yao should doubt himself again.

     Wang Feng is a general, and his relationship with His Royal Highness is irreversible, so when Wang Feng went to look for these people, these people hardly refused, because now they are in favor of Wang Feng, will not be a broad road to welcome them in the future?

     As long as Wang Feng is in power, it may be a matter of one sentence to support them, so now Wang Feng comes to them for help, how can they refuse?

     Soon Wang Feng found almost twenty blood saint realm powerhouses. With them, no matter where Wang Feng went to kill, wouldn’t it be a matter of waving his hand?

     "Ask you one thing, do you know which departments are related to this governor?" Looking at these people, Wang Feng suddenly asked.

     "I don't know what the general mean?"

     "I mean what department has close contacts with this governor on weekdays, and I believe you understand the others."

     "General, I know this."

     "I know too." At this time, several people were vying to answer, all wanting to show loyalty in front of Wang Feng.

     "Since you know, then you can do it with me. This time, His Royal Highness almost killed the governor's leader Qin We will help him eliminate some hidden dangers in the dark."


     heard that Wang Feng was working for His Highness, these people didn't have the slightest suspicion, because Wang Feng himself had a close relationship with Su Yao. Isn't it normal for him to help Su Yao?

The people with Su Yao and a sturdy army trained by tortoise shells, Wang Feng set off directly from the prince’s mansion. All the people along the way gave way when they saw that the army went out, and no one dared to stop them. .

    Because there are more troops standing behind the army, can you have good fruit if you provoke them?

     just came to the gate of the city unimpededly. When the people at the gate saw that Wang Feng, the murderous god, was back again, where they dared to stop him, they quickly stepped aside and let them leave here.

     "I heard that the one who led the past was the youngest general in our empire. Before, our people didn't know him and blocked his way, so he was killed all at once."

     "I really envy you. I became a general of the empire at a young age. If I were you and me, it would be impossible to dream."

     "Don't think about it so much, first guard the city gate, and then climb up step by step." Hearing this, another person sighed, also very envious of Wang Feng.

     is young and promising, but that’s all right?


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