The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3014: killed

     Wang Feng didn't expect that the emperor would come here. The aura of the opponent is too strong, I am afraid that he has surpassed the late Blood Saint Realm and entered a higher level.

     Originally, Wang Feng thought that his chance of revenge was not far away, but now it seems that the gap between him and the emperor is not one and a half, it can be described by the word gap.

     "Your... Your Majesty."

     Watching the emperor appear, this Qin Chang's face also showed an incredible color, because he did not expect that the emperor would appear here in person for his own affairs, which was beyond his expectation.

     "Qin Chang, put down the prince, I can give you a way to survive." The visitor said, his tone was calm.

     But there is an unresistible will hidden in his words, as if what he said is the will of the world and must be obeyed.

     Jinkou Yuyan, it may be so.

"Your Majesty, I know that what I am doing now is a capital crime. I don't want to live. I just want to take my Highness on the road. He plainly framed me and said that I instructed the Assassin to assassinate the officials. I sat in this position. For a long time, if I want to instruct it, I am afraid I have already instructed it."

With this, Qin Chang's face showed a trace of death, and said: "Your Majesty, thank you for working with you for these years, and thank you for your kindness to me. Now, the empire is ready to enter the state of no prince. ."

     Although the emperor appeared, this shocked Qin Chang's heart, but this Qin Chang clearly understood that what he was doing now was absolutely impossible to survive.

     Regardless of whether he instructed the governor to assassinate the officials, he now wants to kill the prince. This is enough to impinge on his nine clans. Since there is no way to survive, then why does he have to compromise?

     simply took this Su Yao on the road and let this **** bury him.

     "In front of me, do you think you are qualified to start?" At this time the emperor sneered and said: "I have given you the opportunity, but you don't know how to cherish it."

     suddenly everyone's movements and breathing stopped. The emperor didn't know what magical power he was using, but he immediately imprisoned everyone, and Qin Chang naturally did the same.

     "Qin Chang, I didn't expect you to be such a person. It is a pity that you don't know how to repent if you know your mistakes."

While speaking, the man covered in the mist walked towards Qin Chang step by step, and finally Su Yao was snatched from Qin Chang’s hand by the emperor, and at the same time, the emperor’s fingers directly clicked on it. Above Qin Chang's head.

"I can not be reconciled."

When the emperor used his finger to hold, Qin Chang's eyes were instantly rounded, and his mouth made an extremely unwilling sound, and then he lay straight in the void, his breath continued The disappearance of his life is still accompanied by it.

     The fire of his life was gradually extinguishing, and the power contained in that finger caused him to suffer a devastating blow, and there was no room for salvation.

     The imprisoned force between heaven and earth dissipated, and the battle was over. The emperor used an absolute advantage to solve Qin Chang and rescued Su Yao.

The death of the third prince and the second prince made the emperor extremely angry. Now he is the only remaining son and the outsider wants to kill, so when the magic weapon on Su Yao is working, he actually feels it. Arrived, and came here as fast as possible.

     Fortunately, he didn't come very late, otherwise he would have to collect the body of his son.

     "Qin Chang intends to murder the prince, and now I execute him on the spot with the highest law of the empire!"

     the emperor spoke and directly set the nature of this matter.

     heard his words, all the old men who were kneeling in the air made a sound: "My emperor is wise!"

     "Your Majesty, what about the remaining governors?" At this time an old man asked.

     "Their leader Qin Chang has betrayed the empire and also intends to murder the prince. They are punished on the same guilt." The emperor said, there was no way for those people to survive.


     Hearing this, these dozens of elders in the late Blood Holy Realm had taken action. These custody of the strongest were only in the middle Blood Holy Realm. In front of these elders, they were as fragile as a piece of thin paper.

     is just a few breaths of time. All of these historians died suddenly, none of them survived, and they couldn't even escape.

     looked at the gorge that had been stained red with blood, one of the elders of the late blood sacred realm suddenly ignited a flame on the tip of his finger, and instantly lit the gorge.

     Seeing this scene, Wang Feng’s heart secretly said that it is a pity that although these historians are dead, many of their bodies have been preserved. If these people are gone, Wang Feng can take all these corpses away privately.

     After all, there are so many corpses in the blood sacred realm. If the evil spirit in the tortoise shell can eat all of these corpses, it may be able to improve the realm.

     But now that the opponent has been ruined, it is impossible for Wang Feng to get any benefit.

"let's go."

     looked at Su Yao, who had already fainted. The emperor of the foreign dynasty did not stay in this place for a long time. He only saw his figure flash, and he took Su Yao and left here in an instant.

     When he left, the two puppets that had been used to protect Su Yao also left here.

     From the beginning to the end, the emperor didn't even look at Wang Feng, or even notice. In the eyes of such a big man, Wang Feng was too insignificant and not qualified for the emperor to look squarely.

Fortunately, the emperor did not observe Wang Feng, otherwise Wang Feng’s hiding might be useless. This emperor is too strong, so strong that Wang Feng fears. He found that he underestimated the emperor of this dynasty, he might have reached it. To an unprecedented extreme state.

     "You'd better rot in your stomach what you saw today. If there is any wind outside, your life will not be guaranteed."

     At this time, one of the dozen elders was threatening Wang Feng and the others.

     But they do have the qualifications. Looking at the world, there are few strong people in the late Blood God Realm, so of course he can ignore Wang Feng and others.


     Hearing what the other party said, everyone behind Wang Feng said yes.

     "Go back by yourself."

     once again looked at Wang Feng and the others, these dozen people disappeared into the sky without hesitation.

     After they left, the people present began to gasp.

There were so many masters in this place before, and even the emperor personally visited them. They said in their hearts that it was impossible to have no pressure. Even breathing was difficult. Now the masters are gone, and they feel the pressure on their chests. A big rock was finally moved away, and naturally he started to gasp.

     "General Wang, why are you so pale?"

     Just then, a person in the palace of the prince found Wang Feng's strangeness and asked.

     Before Wang Feng tried his best to suppress the violent blood in his body, but it took a lot of effort. Fortunately, he concealed the fluctuation of his blood, otherwise the emperor might be able to find out.

     "It's nothing, I was scared when I saw His Royal Highness almost died." Wang Feng casually fabricated an excuse.

     If Su Yao is dead, then none of Wang Feng's previous plans will work. Fortunately, Su Yao is still alive, so the plan can still be implemented.

     "Yeah, His Royal Highness was almost killed by that person before. At that time, my heart almost jumped out of my chest."

     Hearing what Wang Feng said, everyone felt the same. If His Royal Highness was killed, then they might not be able to escape death, because they would not be able to protect His Royal Highness. His Majesty could let them survive?

     So they can now be said to have come back from the ghost gate for a circle, and they are all rejoicing.

     "Remember, you must not go out and talk about this matter, or we will not be able to save our lives." At this time, Wang Feng spoke, and then he led people to the imperial city.

     Everyone didn't say anything along the way, and nothing happened until they reached the gate of the imperial city.

     "Who are you? It is a heinous crime to pretend to be a general."

At the gate of     , a guard grabbed the general's waist card that Wang Feng took out and sneered.

     Wang Feng is too young, how can such a person be a general?

     Recently, a twentieth general has indeed appeared in the empire, but many people say that the general is handsome and martial, how could it be this pale-looking trash in front of him?

     So even if they saw the waist card, they felt that the waist card was a counterfeit. You must know that impersonating a high-level person is a capital crime.


     Hearing this, Wang Feng really wanted to scold someone, but it was just a few watchdogs who stopped him in this way. Do you really think they are somebody?

     "You guys go up and kill this person for me."

     Wang Feng spoke, without any mercy at all.

     Several beasts still want to block his way, is it true that Wang Feng can't get angry?


     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the blood saint realm masters of more than ten City Lord's Mansion did not hesitate at all, and immediately rushed to kill this person.

     This person is just a gatekeeper. He even dared to block the way of the great general of the empire. Isn't this intentional to die?

     And they were with Wang Feng now, and Wang Feng was blocked and their faces were blank, so they had no room for the guards to beg for mercy, and directly killed them.

     "This person intends to block this general, and now he is killed for obstructing military affairs!"

     Wang Feng spoke, and directly pronounced the person guilty.

     The previous emperor convicted Qin Chang in this way, and now Wang Feng has convicted the guard in the same way.


     saw that Wang Feng killed a guard in an instant, and the other people's expressions changed drastically, because none of them thought that Wang Feng would make such a ruthless shot, which would kill people all at once.

     Is he really an imperial general? Otherwise, how could he be so courageous.

"what happened?"

     At this moment, the patrol found this and rushed over quickly.

     When they saw the dead guard, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

     The guard at the gate of the city is equivalent to the face of the imperial city. Now a guard has been beheaded at the gate. Isn't this intentional to hit the face of the empire?

     So this is a big deal, they naturally rushed up the first time.

     "What's the matter?" The man is wearing armor and should not be in a low position. When he opens his mouth, his face is even more proud, as if he doesn't put anyone in his eyes.

     "My lord, they killed us." Seeing this man walk over, those who were panicked and didn't know what to do suddenly said as if they had found the backbone.


     Hearing this, the man turned his attention to Wang Feng and the dozen people behind him.

     But after he realized that these people are basically the masters of the Blood Saint Realm, his expression couldn't help but change. There are so many masters, this is probably not small.

     After all, the blood saint realm powerhouses themselves belong to the masters, and there are so many all at once, can this status be low?


   The last two days have passed, can I ask for a monthly pass? In recent months, I have never been to the top 20 to show my face. .


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