The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3016: Kill it

     out of the imperial city, under the leadership of Su Yao, Wang Feng and others galloped towards another city without stopping at all.

When they came to another city much smaller than the imperial city, the guards at the gate of the city saw Wang Feng and the others coming fiercely, and there were people like the army behind them. They didn't dare to stop them at all, and they didn't even dare to collect the entrance fee. Yield.

     This group of people are so fierce and evil, stop them?

     Unless these people are dead.

     "General, please follow me."

After      entered the city, people who knew about this place and the relevant department of the governor immediately stepped forward and led the way.

     "Go ahead."

     Wang Feng spoke, and then he waved his big sleeve, and all of them immediately followed the man.

     "What do you want to do?"

     When Wang Feng brought people to a mansion, the two people's expressions changed drastically, because they did not expect such a powerful force to appear here.

     "It's not your turn to take care of what you want to do, so hurry up and go, or you will die."

"you guys……."

     Hearing such threats, the two guards holding weapons were shaking their hands. Some soldiers behind Wang Feng couldn't help but want to laugh. They couldn't hold their weapons securely, so why are they fighting?

     "Rush in directly and take all the people inside." At this time, Wang Feng spoke and began to issue orders to these.


After      heard Wang Feng's words, these people did not hesitate at all, and swarmed into the mansion.

     "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

    As soon as the talent entered, Wang Feng suddenly heard the voice from the people inside. The people in this mansion might have never thought that so many people would come in at this time, and for a while, he was a little panicked.

     "Everyone inside will be killed without mercy!"

     At this time, there was a sound in Wang Feng's mouth, and there was no emotion at all. These people from outside the heavens destroyed the entire heaven and killed no one knows how many people, so now Wang Feng is just taking revenge.

     "What the **** did we make, are you doing this to us?" Someone screamed, but no one responded to him.

     came here for the purpose of killing people, so how could Wang Feng be merciful? If you want to know the answer, you should ask in hell.

The people in the      mansion are dying on a large scale, and Wang Feng is also absorbing his blood at this time, not wanting to let it go.

    In the dark, this tortoise shell was also mixed in the team that killed these people. As soon as he saw the corpse, he would take it away first, and then let his evil spirits slowly eat it.

     In this way, these people can be said to have completely played a role. The blood after death was absorbed by Wang Feng, and the corpse was taken away by the tortoise shell, and it was not wasted at all.

     "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

     Wang Feng was leading people to murder in this mansion, and he did not hide it at all. So soon a bunch of officers and soldiers in the city were attracted here. They had heard the screams coming from the mansion, and their expressions changed.

     "You dare to be so fierce in broad daylight, don't you think our government has the laws of our empire in the eyes?"

     people came and shouted, but no one paid any attention to them, because these people were too low-level, and Wang Feng felt it was a waste of time talking to them. If he upsets him, he will kill the officials.

     Anyway, he is now wearing the hat of an empire general, and then he will arrange for these people a crime of obstructing military affairs and everything will be fine.

     I believe that there will be no blind people because these people come to care about Wang Feng.

     "Report to General, the people inside are all dead."

     About a minute later, the battle was over, and there was already a hellish scene inside this mansion. All the people inside died tragically, and none of them survived.

     Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded slightly and said, "Good job. After I go back this time, I will definitely mention you to your Highness."

     "Thank you General, thank you General."

Hearing what Wang Feng said, this person was anxious to kneel down for Wang Feng, because although they were in the palace of the prince, they have not been reused. If Wang Feng is willing to help them say a few words, then they will Wouldn't it be possible to make progress?

     For ordinary people, it is too difficult to climb up. Perhaps some people sincerely serve the empire for a lifetime, and the benefits they get may not be as good as some people's words.

     is just like now, these people are fawning, if Wang Feng can speak for their official career, then they can save a lot of trouble and directly enter the power hierarchy.

"Next, you only need to do things for me well, and it is not impossible to help you with good things." At this time, Wang Feng said, and then he said: "We all do things for your Highness. As long as we work together, I believe it is very Soon you will stand in your place."

     "General, I don't want to thank you, I will thank you first." At this time, a cultivator in the Blood Saint realm said.

     Although his cultivation level seems to be higher than that of Wang Feng, in terms of identity and status, he and Wang Feng are really different by tens of thousands of miles, and there is no comparison at all, so they have to curry Wang Feng now.

     "Let's leave this to later. There are so many branches in the governorate, and there must be a lot of people related to them. We will talk about them after we get rid of these people one by one."

     "Everything follows the general's arrangements."

"let's go."

     While talking, Wang Feng secretly passed a message to the turtle shell, asking him to quickly take away all the corpses in this place, and then go to the next place with them.

However, when Wang Feng was about to take people away, suddenly more officers and soldiers rushed to this street. There were probably hundreds of them. They almost sealed off this area. It seemed that they were preparing to deal with Wang Feng and others. Up.

     It's just a pity that these people's cultivation is too weak, and it is only a pebble hitting the stone to deal with Wang Feng, only one death.

     and even Wang Feng, they only need to dispatch a blood holy person to destroy them all.

     "If you dare to commit crimes in the city during the day, quickly put down your weapons and surrender, or don't blame us for being rude."

"We are……."

     Hearing what the other party said, a blood-sacred cultivator immediately wanted to say that they were the people of the eldest prince Su Yao.

     But before he finished speaking, Wang Feng stopped him and said, "You don't need to tell them so much, just leave. If anyone dares to stop, kill him!"

When      said the last four words, Wang Feng's tone suddenly became a lot louder, and the officers and soldiers couldn't help but step back a few steps. Obviously they were a little scared.

     Since these people dare to slaughter other people's family in broad daylight, what else can they do?

     "Warning you, this is the main star. If you mess around, you will not end well."

     "Then you stop us from trying?"

    While speaking, Wang Feng sneered and said: "The forward troops go first. If they encounter obstacles to you, they will kill them directly."

     Wang Feng’s appearance is too overbearing. If he is really cruel to kill, who is the opponent?

     So when these officers and soldiers saw Wang Feng’s people coming, they almost subconsciously gave way, because no one wanted to die here.

     "You guys are on it."

     saw Wang Feng's people slaughter someone else's family and they were so arrogant. The official of the city lord's mansion was also so angry that he didn't fight it out. It's a pity that his subordinates didn't dare to go up, and so did he himself.

     So in the end, even if they blocked the street, they still gave up a road that people can pass, and let Wang Feng's people leave here.

     Wang Feng was the last person to leave here, but when he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and said to the official: "Fortunately, you didn't stop us, or you will end up just like the people inside."

     said that Wang Feng smiled slightly, and said: "Please help clean up the inside of this mansion. It is claimed that the people of the eldest prince Su Yao did it directly."

     "The prince Su Yao?"

     Hearing this, the person's body was shaken.

     As a master star, how could he not know the eldest prince Su Yao?

     But soon he showed wariness again and said: "You said you are the prince's person, you are really the prince's person? What if you are planted and framed?"

     "Yeah, what should we do if we are planted and framed?" Hearing this, Wang Feng repeated, and then he turned and left, "Whatever you do? If you want to keep us, you can send someone to follow up."

    While speaking, Wang Feng followed the forward troops and left here with them, heading to the next city.

     After Wang Feng and the others had gone for a long time, Wang Feng saw the tortoise shell catching up. He saw that his face was full of satisfaction, and he should have already got what he wanted.

     "Speed ​​up and go to the next city."

     the tortoise shells have already followed, and Wang Feng has no need to slow down intentionally, so at this moment, he shouted, and suddenly their team moved quickly.

In this way, Wang Feng and others went through more than a dozen cities one after another. Every time they came to a city, they committed crimes. People who met the government were acquainted with Wang Feng and others just like this. When they met those who were not interested, Wang Feng directly killed them. Because killing one more person would have a strong blood, Wang Feng wouldn't be polite with them.

     "It's already on the verge of breaking through."

After killing so many people, everyone was stained with blood. At first glance, he was not a good person. After Wang Feng absorbed so much blood, he also felt that his cultivation level had reached the edge of breaking through~www As long as he absorbs a little more blood energy, maybe his cultivation level can directly break through to the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm.

     When the time comes, even if he encounters a monk in the late Blood Saint Realm, Wang Feng can keep himself immortal.

To fight with people, the most important thing is to save your own life first, because only if you save your own life can you continue to fight. It's already on the verge of a breakthrough. How could Wang Feng stop? He killed several more The people in the city absorbed more blood.

     But just as Wang Feng and others were making killings everywhere, suddenly the messenger in Wang Feng's hand lit up. This was the news that belonged to Su Yao: "General Wang, are you now taking people outside?"

     "Could it be that he already knows?"

     Hearing Su Yao's voice, Wang Feng was taken aback.

     "Yes, I'm clearing some of the survivors of the provincial government." Wang Feng had already thought about his excuses, so he responded directly at this moment.

     "Come back quickly, no need to deal with those people, they pose no threat to us."

"go back?"

     Hearing these words, Wang Feng sneered in his heart. His cultivation level was already on the verge of breaking through. How could he go back at this time, so he directly collected his talisman and went to the next city.


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