The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1795: Ji Family Death

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Chapter 1795: Ji Family Death

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Chapter 1795: Ji Family Death

Chapter 1795: Ji Family Death

[Update time] 07:55, June 19, 2016 [Words] 3969

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"What about yourself?"

Looking at Wang Feng, Xuanyuanlong asked suddenly.

"The sky is big and the earth is big, I don't believe what they can do to me, seniors don't worry about this." Wang Feng said.

"I only have one request, that is, I hope Senior can help me protect the Scarlet Flame Alliance. That's all." He said that he bowed to Xuanyuanlong, and then he took out a space ring between his hands and said: "This There are a hundred sixteen-grade pill in it, which is my reward to seniors."

"Isn't this necessary?" Xuanyuanlong's expression changed when he looked at these things.

He also had a purpose in helping Wang Feng, that is, hoping to use Wang Feng to gain the favor of Emperor Batian. If he accepted Wang Feng's things today, the meaning would be different.

He was jealous of Wang Feng's elixir, which had nothing to do with Di Batian's order, so how could he collect Wang Feng's elixir, he absolutely couldn't ask for it.

He has no shortage of pill, the only thing he lacks now is the opportunity to be in position.

The more critical the moment, the more he has to stand, so he said directly without thinking about this pill: "My nephew, you and I hit it off right away. I help you only on my own initiative, so you still take this pill. Let's go back."

"In that case, thank you." Since Xuanyuanlong didn't want the pill that he gave himself, Wang Feng didn't say much, he just took the pill back.

Anyway, he must have a hard time to live in the future, these pills may be his life-saving thing, so he did not come just to say Wang Feng's heart.

After explaining the affairs of the Red Flame Alliance, Wang Feng left the central city directly, and he did not even go to the Tianguan Pass.

Because entering Heavenly Pass now doesn't make much sense for him, a crisis has begun to unfold around him, Wang Feng's idea is simple, that is, he wants to use this crisis to improve his strength.

As the saying goes, there is pressure only when there is motivation. Wang Feng has persisted with so many sufferings. He doesn't believe that the Sea Clan and Ji Family can do anything about himself.

"My Lord City Lord, this Wang Feng has offended Ji Family and Haihuang, what should I do next?" Just after Wang Feng left the central city, this Xuanyuanlong sent a message to Di Batian.

"help him."

It didn't take long before Xuanyuanlong received Di Batian's reply. His meaning was simple, he wanted Xuanyuanlong to help Wang Feng.


After getting such an answer, Xuanyuanlong understood that Emperor Batian really wanted to protect Wangfeng. Although he didn't know why Emperor Batian wanted to do this, he had already spoken. Then he, the acting city lord, would naturally follow suit.

Because of who the next city lord will be, Emperor Batian has the absolute right to appoint him, and he doesn't want any problems at this moment.

"It's a pity that Sister Xue and the others are no longer, otherwise they would definitely like this beautiful scenery." One night, Wang Feng stood on a mountain top with emotion.

And right in front of him, a city that was not too big or small was shining beautifully, and it looked like a very pleasant scenery.

As the night wind blew in, Wang Feng relaxed himself.

He hasn't felt this relaxed feeling for a long time.

Either he killed others or he was pursued and killed by others. I don't know when this kind of life will really calm down. With a sigh, Wang Feng slowly closed his eyes.

It's not that he hasn't enjoyed an easy life, but it's only limited to him before he started to cultivate. Since he started to cultivate on the earth, everything about him has begun to change.

His status has reached an unprecedented extreme, and it is no exaggeration to be called the first person on the earth. Even his group has reached an unprecedented heyday, with business in all fields of the world.

And all this belongs to Wang Feng

As a result of cultivation, although cultivation has changed Wang Feng's lifestyle, he has also accomplished things that many people could not accomplish in a lifetime.

Awaken the world power, drunk lying on the knees of beauty.

If Wang Feng does not leave the earth, perhaps what he is enjoying now is a life of ease.

But is that kind of life really what Wang Feng wants?

I believe that every normal man once had a dream of flying to the sky. For them, becoming immortals and Buddhas only exists in the legend.

But since Wang Feng has such an ability, can he give up?

So he gave up his easy life at the beginning, and resolutely entered into the heavens, so now no matter how hard or tired he is, he has to grit his teeth and persevere.

The road is his own choice, he can't blame others.

"Unexpectedly, I came so soon."

After staying on this mountain peak for less than half an hour, Wang Feng's eyes suddenly opened. At the moment when his eyes were opened, Yuan Lang, locusts, thief and thief stirred Su Wei. Wang Feng knew these people, but it was not the monks of the Ji family that he met not long ago.

I thought I had thrown them away, but I didn't expect them to find it here.

"He's right there." At this moment, a monk holding a compass in his hand spoke, and his finger pointed directly to where Wang Feng was.

This person is just like the fortune teller, a fortune teller with strong calculation ability. Such a person plays an important role in a family, because they can calculate many things that ordinary people can't understand.

It was like looking for Wang Feng. Without his calculations, the ghost knew where Wang Feng had gone.

It is not so easy even for those outside members of their Ji family to find Wang Feng, because the Southern Territory is really too big, and wanting to find Wang Feng among endless monks is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.


Finally found Wang Feng, these people looked surprised, and they surrounded him almost instantly.

For Wang Feng, they hardly had any rest time for this period of time, and fatigue appeared on each of them, because they found that Wang Feng would travel a long distance every once in a while, and it was not so easy for them to get on. .

Today, I finally met Wang Feng in short-handedness. Each of them was in high spirits, because as long as they caught Wang Feng, they could return to the family.

"A large group of people beat me, you are really embarrassed." Looking at these Ji family monks who were killing him, Wang Feng said with a sneer.

"You don't need to be embarrassed to deal with people like you." A monk of the king level shouted.

"Try to catch the live, if you can't catch the live, you can kill it on the spot."

"You still want to get alive?" Wang Feng was surprised when he heard what they said, these people too value themselves?

Do you think you can arrest people because of the number of people? This is too naive.

Since Wang Feng became the king, he has killed many kings, and even the eight kings have now killed him, so he really hasn't paid attention to this group of people.

"Since you are sincere to die, if I don't help you, you will probably blame me." He said calmly, Wang Feng stretched out his palm, and suddenly a cold light flashed between his palms, and the sword was taken out by him.

Since the fusion of the two war swords, Wang Feng has not used this brand new war sword against the enemy. Now that there are such a large group of monks here, Wang Feng can just try the power of this new war sword.

With one sword, Wang Feng could use the sword to kill the monks of the King’s Nineth Heaven. Now that the two swords have merged, will this be more powerful?

"Be careful, I suspect he is deceiving." At this time, a Ji family

The monk spoke in a low voice. ,

They have been chasing for such a long time, Wang Feng has been moving almost all the time, only this time he stayed in this place and did not leave, so he suspected fraud is also extremely normal.

"Regardless of whether he is cheating or not, take it down first." At this moment, a monk with an exploded temper said, and he rushed forward.

He is the realm of the King's Nine Heavens, is considered the strongest person here, and he is also the person most qualified to say this sentence.

Only when he had just chosen to rush to miss the past, a terrifying sword light suddenly struck. This person didn't even understand what was going on and his body directly cut Wang Feng in half.

The blood was scattered in the sky, this person couldn't stand his eyes!

This kind of combat power shocked many people. No one would have thought that Wang Feng, a seemingly humble monk, had such a strong hidden power. Is this still a human?

A king with double heaven and a king with nine heavens, the realm of the two people is so different, but in the end it was Wang Feng who cut the other party. This ending was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Who else?"

With a sound in his mouth, Wang Feng's war sword was directly picked up in the air and pointed at everyone.


A person from the pinnacle of the king had Wang Feng beheaded in a single face, and the rest of these people were also a little dumbfounded, because none of them expected Wang Feng to be so fierce.

No wonder he dared to calculate the young master, with his strength, he was indeed qualified to provoke their young master.

"Otherwise, let the person in the dark do it?" At this time, a person whispered.

Behind them is a special team from the Ji family. As long as they take action, Wang Feng can't even think about running away.

Because once those dead men took action, they were in a siege, and the formation was matched with powerful combat power, and most people couldn't escape with their wings.

"Let them take action." Hearing this person's words, the other Ji family monks also felt reasonable, because Wang Feng's current combat power is really terrifying. If they continue to fight him like this, they are afraid to pay. Will continue to wither.

So after thinking about they directly revealed the group of dead men who were hidden in the void.

As soon as the dead men came out, a terrifying force swept across the sky and the earth. At this moment, a gust of wind blew in the sky, and an iron-blooded murderous intent was transmitted from the dead men, even in the nearby city. The monks were awakened.

"what happened?"

"Someone is fighting outside the city."

Someone heard the battle outside the city and made a startled sound.

The city was originally a small city, and most of the cultivators living here were of low strength, and battles at the king level were very rare for them.

So under such coercion, everyone in the city was afraid to go out because they were afraid of being affected.

"Finally are you willing to let them out?"

In fact, Wang Feng saw this group of dead men from the very beginning, because under his eyes, there was no way for these people to hide.

It can be seen that this group of cultivators from the Ji family should be prepared. First, normal cultivators came up to besiege. Once they can't get Wang Feng, they will let the dead cultivator hiding in the dark take action.

Their idea is very simple, that is, the current group of people consume Wang Feng’s power, and then wait until the dead man takes Wang Feng to capture Zhu.

But what they didn't expect was that Wang Feng was so tough. He took the life of a monk from the Nine Heavens King as soon as he shot, so they let the dead men out in advance.

"Boy, wait to be captured, you can't escape today

At this time, a middle-aged person from the Ji family spoke, and then they quickly retreated, giving up the fighting position.

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Chapter 1795: Ji Family Death

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