The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1794: Please help

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The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-four chapters please help

The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-four chapters please help


"Patriarch Qi, we never chased him."

Two hours later, these Ji family kings who were chasing Wang Feng returned to their headquarters and said in front of a middle-aged man.


Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man yelled directly.

He is the current patriarch of the Ji family, and he is also Ji Ming's father. His son almost died outside. This can be said to have aroused the murder in his heart, so he directly sent someone to chase Wang Feng. went.

But what he didn't expect was that the people he sent out failed to catch Wang Feng and let him go.

"Yes, yes, my subordinates are not doing well, but while we chased him, we saw Kong Shaoyuan go to inform him."

"Kong Shaoyuan!"

Hearing this name, the middle-aged man's eyes flashed slightly, and then he said, "You don't need to worry about this person, just give me a special treatment against Wang Feng."

Although this middle-aged man is the patriarch of the ancient family of the Ji family, no matter how powerful he is, he does not dare to challenge a real tycoon. The Nineth Rank Emperor is not something he can provoke.

Without the authorization of the ancestor, he did not dare to have any unhappiness with any supreme.

Although Wang Feng is powerful, there is no supreme behind him, so no matter how the middle-aged man deals with him, there is no problem, and he does not have any worries.

"Well, I'll send you a special team to support you, there shouldn't be any problems with this, right?"

"Thank you patriarch." Hearing the middle-aged man's words, these kings all showed joy.

You must know that the special team that the middle-aged man said were soldiers that their Ji family had cultivated secretly for a long time, and it was no exaggeration that they were called dead soldiers.

Their combat power is amazing, and they don't know what fear is. With them, even if Wang Feng has the means, it will be difficult for him to escape.

"Okay, go all, don't come back alive if you don't find Wang Feng." The middle-aged man waved, and then all these people left here.

After they were gone, the middle-aged man sighed and walked over to Ji Ming's current residence.

Although many elders of the Ji family are working together to treat his son, Ji Ming has suffered too much damage. If the ruler of their Ji family finally arrived at a critical moment, Ji Ming might have become a dead body now. .

Now even if he is rescued, he doesn't know how long it will take to really recover. In short, he has been injured and it is almost impossible to recover in a short time.

Unless it was the supreme giant of their Ji family who took the shot, otherwise even this middle-aged man would have no way to take his son's injury.

He has already reached the foundation and it is difficult to recover. You must know that Xuantian War Demon is a real master. Even if he failed to kill Ji Ming in the end, the injuries he caused to Ji Ming are unimaginable.

The old ancestor hasn't appeared for a long time, so I am afraid it is impossible to ask him to take action, because even the middle-aged man's advice may not be listened to.

"Don't worry, I will avenge your grudges for you." The middle-aged man said, and then he hurriedly left the hall, he was busy watching his son go.

In about a day, Wang Feng moved into the central city, he did not return to the Red Flame League, because for him, it is better not to go to the Red Flame League now.

Because he didn't want to bring any danger in.

He found Xuanyuanlong, the current City Lord of Central City. After Emperor Batian disappeared, he

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) is the most powerful person in this central city, so when the crisis is approaching, Wang Feng must get his help.

"Is the nephew doing something?"

Seeing Wang Feng’s arrival, Xuanyuanlong chose to meet him at the first time, because Emperor Batian had already known about the incident that Wang Feng was injured in Tianguan, and he scolded Xuanyuanlong severely, so now seeing Wang Feng’s arrival, Where did he dare to be the slightest negligence, he almost met Wang Feng at his fastest speed.

"Senior, juniors do have something to ask for now." Wang Feng said embarrassingly.

"No matter what it is, just talk about it." Xuanyuanlong made a gesture of please.

"That's it. Recently, I got people from the Sea Clan, and I also offended the Ji family. Anyone who has the Sea Clan or who is walking strangely appears around my Scarlet Flame League. I also ask the seniors to help them. Clean it up, I wonder if there is a problem?" Wang Feng asked.

Hearing what Wang Feng said, this Xuanyuanlong was shocked in his heart. Even if Wang Feng provoked the Sea Clan, he didn't expect that he would even dare to offend a top family such as the Ji family. He was really not afraid to poke a hole in the sky. what.

The Ji family is a real giant family, and their ancestors are the long-famous Ji family supreme in the heavens. Few people will provoke them.

But now that Wang Feng is offended, what else can he say?

You must know that Di Batian gave him a death order, no matter what happens, he must protect Wang Feng as soon as possible, even if it hurts his own interests.

People have already talked about this, this Xuanyuanlong still doesn't know the importance of Wang Feng, this is what he wants to use his life to protect people.

It's a pity that he had kept Wang Feng away for that bit of trouble in the central city before, but now he has made a mistake when he wants to come.

Compared with Wang Feng's life, that little thing in Central City is nothing, because as long as he takes care of Wang Feng, the entire Central City may belong to him in the future.

So now I heard that Wang Feng needed help, so he naturally agreed in the first place.

Because for him, this is the ladder he has not yet reached the position of City Lord.

The Ji family was indeed very good, but the Ji family Supreme hadn't come out for a long, long time, so Xuanyuanlong might not be afraid of them.

It won't take long for Emperor Batian to become the supreme tycoon of a whole new generation, so when he is behind him, the Ji family may not be able to help them.

Therefore, if he wants God to dominate the boat, he must know how to choose, and concentrate on helping Wang Feng is the only right way.

"I heard that the Ji family has been lurking for a long time. How did you offend them?" Although he had already planned to help Wang Feng in his heart, he still had to ask clearly about this necessary situation.

"It's nothing, I just pitted the person named Ji Ming once." Wang Feng said lightly.

Only once...

Hearing Wang Feng, this Xuanyuanlong only felt speechless in his heart. He knew exactly who this Ji Ming was. It was rumored that this was the incumbent arrogant of the Ji family. Its strength was very high, almost comparable to those in Tianguan. Dadaozi.

Wang Feng has cheated the other party once now. Is this courage too much?

It's no wonder that the Ji family has to deal with him. Wang Feng must have hurt people terribly. Otherwise, how could such a behemoth care about Wang Feng.

"Except for this Ji family, what's the matter with the Sea Clan?" This Xuanyuanlong asked again, suppressing the emotion in his heart.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "The Sea Clan is in some trouble." Hearing this, Wang Feng's brows wrinkled slightly. He didn't want to explain the reason, because the secret of the Saint Blue Heart was not small.

But when he thought that the Red Flame Alliance really needed a powerful monk as a backing to deter others, Wang Feng could only respond truthfully, saying: "That's it, I offended the current Sea Emperor, so he is now frantically dealing with me. "


Hearing Wang Feng's words, Xuanyuanlong's mouth opened slightly, but he didn't know how to speak.

This Wang Feng is too terrifying, right?

Offended the Ji family and offended Haihuang. He really didn't know how the word ‘death’ could not be written?

Neither Ji’s family nor Haihuang is good, Wang Feng is playing with fire.

Even if facing a Ji family, Xuanyuanlong would feel strenuous. Now Wang Feng wants him to deal with two at the same time. Isn't this cheating?

It’s just that he can’t say anything, because maybe Di Batian is watching them in secret now, and his every move may affect his future status as the lord of Central City, so how dare he? Talking nonsense.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the things you entrusted to me, but I can't guarantee that I can help you block everyone." Xuanyuanlong said, but did not say everything at once.

Because he had offended two big powers, Wang Feng must have no good fruit to eat, so if Xuanyuanlong was not careful, he might capsize in the gutter, so he could only talk halfway.

"As long as the senior can help, even if you don't take action, that is an extremely terrifying deterrent. With this, the junior is already satisfied." Wang Feng said, his tone calm. ,

After all, it was asking for help. Wang Feng didn't dare to say that he didn't try his best. After all, there were too many changes in this world, and it was a surprise for Wang Feng to find a help.

"Don't worry, I will send people to station around your Red Flame League in a while, so you shouldn't worry about it?"

"Thank you senior for your must remember this in my heart." Wang Feng said after holding a fist at Xuanyuanlong.

"It's a bit of an outrage to say this. We are a family. I have helped you now. From now on, you have to help me with a few words in front of the Emperor Overlord Heaven City Lord." Xuanyuanlong said.

"Hehe, easy to say, easy to say, I will definitely help Senior." Wang Feng is not a fool, this Xuanyuan Longken must have been authorized by the Emperor Batian to help him in this way, so Wang Feng naturally agreed first.

Anyway, this thing is done in the future, let's go through the current difficulties first.

Being chased and killed is not a matter of once or twice, and Wang Feng himself does not have much problem.

But now that the Red Flame League has been established, it must be very easy for others to track down his Red Flame League. It doesn’t matter if Wang Feng escapes by himself, but he can’t kill his brothers and his family and friends, so Wang Feng wants Find a strong arm for them.

Although this Xuanyuanlong was only an acting central city lord, he was the most powerful person in the central city before Di Batian returned, so with his help, even someone from the Ji clan came. They don't necessarily do anything to Xuanyuanlong.

Because as long as Xuanyuanlong was willing, he could draw a large number of masters from the central city to fight at any time, but the Ji family and the sea family were different.

The emperor is far away, and when they send someone over, the day lilies are already cold.

So with Xuanyuanlong, there shouldn't be much problem with the Red Flame Alliance, so Wang Feng would be relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-four chapters please help

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