The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1796: Ji's internal decision

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Chapter 1796: Ji's internal decision-making

Chapter 1796: Ji's internal decision-making

Chapter 1796: Ji's internal decision-making

"If I want to go, don't want to stop anyone, but if I don't want to go, then you don't want to live." Wang Feng said, and then his cold eyes fell directly on the group of dead men.

These dead men should have experienced a lot of killing, because that cold murderous aura can only slowly form after killing countless creatures.

In fact, Wang Feng himself possessed such evil spirits, but because he was a normal monk, he would contain this negative evil force in his body on weekdays.

But this doesn't mean that Wang Feng is good for bullying. Once he really fights, he will never be afraid of these dead men.

The dead men had received special training. They couldn't speak or felt scared. They rushed up almost instantly when they saw Wang Feng, without hesitation.

I saw that their palms were moving in a strange arc, and as an array mage, Wang Feng knew what array they were setting up.

However, Wang Feng would not give them a chance to arrange the formation. Looking at a dead soldier not far in front of him, his sword was directly destroyed.

Under one sword, the void exploded, and this war sword, which was a combination of two swords, raised a great level in power.

Under this sword, this dead man was cut in half directly without any resistance.

The blood was thrown into the sky, and Wang Feng's terrible chills chilled the Ji family monks. You must know that these dead men were not only strong, but also their bodies were specially refined by the Ji family's secret method.

Compared with ordinary monks, their physical bodies are a lot stronger, but what I didn't expect is that Wang Feng would solve one with a single sword. Is this too fast?

"Fight with me, then I will see whose formation is more powerful." After smashing a dead man, Wang Feng's mouth showed a sneer, and then he also began to arrange the formation.

There are many formations he knows, but he just randomly arranges a killing formation, and then all these dead soldiers are shrouded in it.

With the help of teleportation, Wang Feng quickly harvested their lives in his hand with the sword.

In less than five breaths of time, all the more than ten dead soldiers of the Ji family fell, and they all let Wang Feng's sword be wiped out, and there was no one to live.

"Next, it's your turn!"

After annihilating the dead men of the Ji family, Wang Feng set his sights on the remaining children of the Ji family.


Seeing Wang Feng coming out of the formation, these Ji family members knew that Wang Feng was not something they could resist at all, so at this moment they simply gave up the thought of resistance, they turned around and left without hesitation at all.

Just like the fireworks exploded suddenly, these people began to flee from different directions, and no one wanted to stay here and wait for death.

Even the dead men sent to them by the family can't help Wang Feng in the slightest. I am afraid that only the master can check and balance him.

"What's the matter? Why can't I get out?"

Watching these people flee, Wang Feng did not pursue them at all, because Wang Feng knew that they would definitely not be able to escape.

Sure enough, it didn't take a breath time, there was a monk from the Ji family who made a flustered sound. When he fled, he actually blocked a barrier that was invisible to the naked eye in the void, and couldn't walk at all. Get out.

In fact, when the Ji family monks just arrived here, Wang Feng had already quietly deployed the formation. This formation Wangfeng had not activated before. It was only when these people began to flee that Wang Feng activated the formation. So these people are now The state is like the turtle in the urn, waiting quietly for death.

"Let's talk about it, how many people did your Ji family send out to kill me?" Wang Feng asked calmly, blocking a monk from the Eighth Heaven.

"do not know."

Although blocked by Wang Feng, this person's mouth was quite hard and he didn't want to say anything.

"Since you don't know, then you can go to death." While talking, Wang Feng's sword was cut down mercilessly, and this person had no way to escape.

Because the distance is too close, he always has a chance to hide.

"Tell me about it." After extinguishing the Ji family cultivator, Wang Feng turned his gaze to another person and asked.

"I said you can let me go?" It is different from the previous Ji family monk. After seeing Wang Feng's horror, this person knows that Wang Feng has the ability to kill them at any time, so his attitude It's not bad.

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded.

"Our young master is still in a coma, and I don't know when we will wake up." This person said truthfully.

"Then did your Ji family catch a powerful monster?" The monster Wang Feng asked was the Xuantian war monster.

At that time, Xuantian War Demon didn’t wake up so quickly. It was Wang Feng’s sword that caused him to wake up early. Originally, Wang Feng thought he could kill this Ji Ming, but what Wang Feng didn’t expect was that Ji Ming finally He actually survived. Although Wang Feng had guessed about this result, when he heard that Ji Ming was really not dead, he was still a little disappointed.

After all, he paid a lot of risk in order to kill Ji Ming, and now he didn't seem to get any effect except Ji Ming's coma.

"This...I don't know this." The monk replied, but he didn't know the internal affairs of the family.

Although he is a king, he is not qualified enough to enter the real core management, so he has not heard anything about whether the family has caught the monster.

I'm afraid that only the real seniors of the Ji family know whether they have caught the Xuantian War Demon.

"In that case, then you have no effect, go and accompany your brother." Wang Feng said, and then his sword was swung down again.

"Didn't you say you didn't kill me?" Feeling the terrifying sword light hit, this person's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

"Joke, you have to believe even the words of my enemy, it's really naive." Wang Feng shook his head, and then he still took the other's life without hesitation.

In this way, Wang Feng asked one after another, but it revealed some news related to the Ji family.

It’s just that most of these news are just a little bit of fur. Wang Feng didn’t ask what the real core thing is. Although these are kings, most of their identities are also the elders of the Ji family. The real core secret is that they have nothing It's related, so it's normal that Wang Feng can't ask useful things.

"This season's family is really amazing, even the dead men trained secretly are willing to send out."

After questioning, Wang Feng knew that the dead men he had killed before were all cultivated by the Ji family at a huge cost, so he was a little surprised.

It seems that this season's family has already made up his mind to deal with him, but he doesn't know how the Red Flame Alliance is now.

With a war sword in hand, as long as you don’t come to dominate, you can be safe and sound, but the Scarlet Flame League is different. Although Wang Feng has called Xuanyuanlong to help watch the Scarlet Flame League, he himself is not there. How could he not worry .

In fact, this Ji Family and the Sea Clan really sent people to Wang Feng’s Red Flame League, because after investigation, they all know that the Red Flame League was founded by Wang Feng. As long as they go to the Red Flame League, catch the people in it, believe That Wang Feng will definitely show up.

But what none of them thought was that when they came to the Red Flame League, only murderous intent was waiting for them here.

Xuanyuanlong had the sign from Emperor Batian that he had already laid many traps around the Red Flame Alliance. As long as people with bad intentions came here, they would basically come back and forth.

At the same time, he even let out a word, as long as anyone wants to deal with the Red Flame Alliance, they must first ask him whether Xuanyuan Longtong agrees.

This was something that was released in front of all the people in the world, and everyone could see that Xuanyuanlong was the Red Flame Alliance who intended to protect Wangfeng.

"Bastard stuff."

Hearing the news from the Red Flame League, the inside of the Ji family was shocked, because they hadn't been provoked like this for a long time.

If the supreme forces provoke them like this, it still makes sense, because they themselves have a certain threat, but what kind of thing is Xuanyuanlong?

He is just the acting city lord of a central city. Does he want to fight the entire Ji family on his own?

"Patriarch, what should we do next?" In a hall of the Ji family, a group of people surrounded this place. They are all senior members of the Ji family, and all decisions are passed from them.

"Since Xuanyuanlong dared to protect Wang Feng openly, it must have been signaled by Emperor Batian. I think this is not as simple as I imagined." At this time, a Ji family elder said, his brows frowned slightly.

Xuanyuanlong and the others don't need to worry about it, but Di Batian is different.

He has been the city lord of Central City for more than a thousand years, and his accumulated contacts are simply unimaginable. If you know that Central City is the largest city in the world, he can be the city lord inside, and his ability can be imagined.

Even if he is not the supreme, but once the supreme giant wants to attack him, I am afraid he has to weigh it carefully.

Because Dibatian is in contact with many I am afraid that he will cause a lot of trouble, so once there is a shadow of Dibatian behind, it will be a little difficult to handle. .

"It doesn't matter if Xuanyuanlong is the Emperor Tyrant's dog or not, since he dares to speak, then we can't be so indifferent, otherwise people think our Ji family is easy to bully." A dominant Ji family veteran shouted. .

"Don't worry, our main target is Wang Feng, and the Red Flame Alliance is second. As long as Wang Feng is down, there is no big difference between the Red Flame Alliance and whether it can deal with it." Another elder said.

Based on their realm, they disdain to deal with the monks of low realm, because for them, dealing with those forces is just to lower their status.

Moreover, the Red Flame League and the others have also investigated. Except for Wang Feng, the leader who is slightly more powerful, all the others are a gang of mobs, and none of them have high combat power.

"Don't forget that when Wang Feng was in Northern Xinjiang, the Hundred Flowers Lord also helped him." At this time, another elder spoke and silenced everyone in the room.

The person who was present at the Hundred Flowers Ruler could be said to have not known them before, but after the incident in Northern Xinjiang, they couldn't even think about knowing the witch.

The threat of a person who is about to become a giant is simply unimaginable. Since she is willing to stand up for Wang Feng, it shows that there must be a relationship between the two of them.

On the surface, there is no one behind Wang Feng to support him, but after careful calculation, Wang Feng is actually not that easy to provoke.

If they want to deal with Wang Feng, they still have to consider it carefully. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

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Chapter 1796: Ji's internal decision-making

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