The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1793: Ki family

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Chapter 1793: The Ji Family

Ji Family

One thousand seven hundred and ninety-three chapters

Ji Family

Author: Chi Yan hymns ← → download:

"This... is this fusion?"

Watching the change of the sword, Wang Feng muttered to himself.

No wonder he can’t control this second war sword. It seems that the mystery is that the two war swords will melt each other. The two swords may be one body. Now that the war swords are fused, Wang Feng naturally doesn’t need it. Take extra control.

"It should be." The turtle shell thought for a while and replied.

"But isn't this an imitation of the Nine Sacred Artifacts? Why can this imitation thing be fused?" Wang Feng asked a little surprised.

"You ask me this for nothing, because I don't know either." The turtle shell replied very silently.

"Kànkàn first."

With the disappearance of the second war sword, the first war sword is rapidly becoming stronger. It is like a monk who is raising his realm. Wang Feng straightened his eyes when he looked at it. Wouldn't this war sword still be Living creature?

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Feng felt very surprised. He was a little frightened by his thoughts.

But soon he denied this idea, because he had used the war sword for a while, and there should be no life in it.

Under his gaze, the war sword he had previously got disappeared, and the black light it transformed into was completely integrated into the first war sword, with nothing left, even the hilt. Disappeared.

"good stuff."

Looking at the battle sword after the fusion, Wang Feng's face showed joy. He could feel that the battle sword after the fusion became much stronger than before.

It seems that after fusing a war sword, Wang Feng's war sword has already increased its attack power.

As for how much it has improved, I am afraid that it will only become apparent when Wang Feng is really against the enemy.

"I thought I got two war swords. Now it seems that it's not the same thing at all." Wang Feng shook his head, then he rose into the air, and he left here.

The Sea of ​​Taboo is not a good place for him, so he should leave here quickly.


Wang Feng had already escaped from the Forbidden Sea, and in the depths of the Forbidden Sea, a curse sounded, but it was that Ji Ming.

Ever since he was chased by the Xuantian War Demon, he hadn't had a birthday for a day, he had been chased for three days and three nights.

If it weren't because he possessed some of the methods of their Ji family, he might have killed the Xuantian War Demon by now.

He didn't choose to flee to land, because the more he ran to land, the bigger his goal would be, and the Xuantian War Demon would definitely kill him.

It’s just that he ran to the depths of the Forbidden Sea. Even though he could use some of the secrets in the Forbidden Sea to dodge the Xuantian War Demon, but the pursuit of three days and three nights also caused the Xuantian War Demon's heart to burn. He has vowed, no Juéduì won't let go of killing Ji Ming.

So Ji Ming didn't really get rid of the Xuantian War Demon at all. This old demon was still chasing him back, and as long as he was driven out, he might face a crisis of death.

Why did it become like this, yīqiē is all because of Wang Feng, a bastard, so now Ji Ming's hatred for Wang Feng is monstrous, and he wants Wang Feng to die now.

"Ant, I didn't think you could have let me chase you for three days and three nights for such a long time. It seems that I won't swallow you. My Xuantian War Demon General has no face." The Xuantian War Demon's voice came, he was already The determination to kill Ji Ming was issued in his heart.

Therefore, no matter how far Ji Ming ran, he did not give up, and even the murderous intent in his heart became more intense.

I just got out of trouble and wanted to swallow a few people to eat their food, but this second person let him chase for such a long time, so his heart can be described as raging, and he will not stop until Ji Ming is caught up. .

"Brother Wang, I didn't expect you to be here."

dàgài Ten days later, Wang Feng let Kong Shaoyuan find him in a city.

Wang Feng thought he was hiding well here, but what he didn't expect was that Kong Shaoyuan could find him.

"How did you find me?" Looking at Kong Shaoyuan, Wang Feng asked.

"This is naturally my way. In short, it is not so easy to find you." Kong Shaoyuan said, and then he said, "You should not encounter any danger after that day?"

"No, I will be back directly." Wang Feng responded.

Only few people knew about the feud with Haihuang, Wang Feng didn't want to expose his shortcomings, so he directly omitted the tortuous story.

If someone who has an enemy with him knows that Sea Emperor also wants to deal with them, once they join forces, then Wang Feng will likely face great danger, so Wang Feng is not that stupid.

"You escaped, but the people behind us are miserable." Kong Shaoyuan said, and then he said: "At that time, a large group of Sea Clan monks besieged us, and I almost couldn't come back."

"What about the others?"

"Other people, like me, all escaped back at a huge cost."

At that time, there was such a big movement that at least hundreds of masters came from the Sea Clan. Under such a siege situation, it was already the best ending for their group of young talents to break through.

After all, once the sea clan is surrounded and killed, they will most likely not come back.

The Sea of ​​Taboo is, anyway, the lair of the Sea Clan. If you want to fight the Sea Clan in it, it is not much different from seeking death.

"Is there any news about Ji Ming?" Wang Feng asked suddenly looking at Kong Shaoyuan.

"If you don't say him, I will say it too." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Kong Shaoyuan's expression changed, and then he whispered: "The reason why I spent a price looking for you is to tell you about Ji Ming. "

"He survived?" Wang Feng's expression suddenly changed when he heard Kong Shaoyuan's words.

"That's right." Kong Shaoyuan nodded, causing Wang Feng's heart to sink suddenly. What Wang Feng thought at the time was that the Xuantian war demon had better kill Ji Ming directly. In this way, Wang Feng would take revenge, and the black pan made Na Xuan. The Heavenly War Demon went back.

But what Wang Feng didn't expect was that Ji Ming's life was so hard this time, and he survived. This is very unfavorable news.

Ji Ming is a current treasured disciple of the Ji family. Once he has a problem, the Ji family may be crazy to deal with Wang Feng, so Wang Feng is not worried now.

"He dàgài came back from the Ji family five days ago. When he returned, he was injured all over his body and almost died. Now the entire Ji family is furious. You should be careful when you go out."

Kong Shaoyuan opened his mouth because he was concerned about Wang Feng. If this were not the case, he would not try to find Wang Feng like this.

Since he can know where Wang Feng is located through his own channels, the Ji family must surely be able to, so the place where Wang Feng is now is most likely exposed.

This is a place of right and wrong, not to stay for long.

"What about Xuantian War Demon?"

"It is rumored that he has been caught by members of the Ji family, but I don't know if it is specific." Kong Shaoyuan shook his head and said.

"Anyway, you still have to thank you for coming."

While talking, Wang Feng left here directly, his body melted into the void, and he left here in an instant, making Kong Shaoyuan's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

Because he still has something to say.

"Where's this...people?"

"I haven't finished speaking yet."

It's just that no matter how Kong Shaoyuan shouted, it didn't work, because Wang Feng had already left, it was impossible for him to hear what Kong Shaoyuan said.

In fact, the reason why Kong Shaoyuan came here now was his only purpose, and that was to really befriend Wang Feng. He knew that the Ji family was already plotting how to deal with Wang Feng, so he wanted to bring Wang Feng to himself. .

Although there weren't many masters in the place where he lived, it was after all the place where the Great Nine Ranks once lived, and even the Great Nine Ranks appeared there from time to time.

As long as Wang Feng can reach him, even if the Ji family wants to arrest people, they will have to weigh it.

After all, a giant is not that easy to offend, and they dare not rush into it rashly.

What Kong Shaoyuan didn't expect was that Wang Feng would now leave after thanking him. This gave him no chance to say the next sentence.

It's not that Wang Feng didn't want to hear what he said later, but it was actually that after the fat man came here, Wang Feng found that another powerful aura had also enveloped the place.

That breath was unfamiliar and familiar, it should be from the same bloodline as Ji Ming, so Wang Feng believed that the Ji family had already pursued it in secret.

If this were not the case, Wang Feng would not choose to leave here decisively just now.

For such a behemoth as the Ji family, Wang Feng definitely has no way to fight it right now, so if people who noticed them are coming, there is naturally only one way Wang Feng can choose, and that is to escape as soon as possible.

"A member of the Ji family!"

Seeing the group of people appearing in the void, Kong Shaoyuan's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

No wonder Wang Feng just left. Obviously he has noticed these Ji family members hidden in the dark.

"Could he have misunderstood that these people were brought by me, right?" Kong Shaoyuan asked, his complexion changed ~ He had checked his back when he came before. Was there a tail following, he chose to come here after he was sure he was truly safe.

But what I didn't expect was that behind him was a group of monks with a very powerful realm, and he didn't even know each other.

"Humph!" Looking at Kong Shaoyuan, one of these people snorted coldly.

"Hmm." Hearing his words, Kong Shaoyuan yelled, without giving any face.

In any case, he was also the person whom the Nine Revolutions of the Great Emperor looked at. His status was comparable to those of Ji Ming, so a subordinate who actually ridiculed him, he naturally couldn't bear it.

He won't be mad at it.

"Follow me." One of the cultivators said, and then they all disappeared into the void.

Just fight sùdù how could they have Wang Feng fast, once Wang Feng is gone, then it is probably more difficult for others to find him than to climb to the sky, unless it is the master.

It's just that the ruler of the Ji family is very arrogant. None of them is willing to come out to chase a descendant of the king state, so the people who just chased Wang Feng are all the kings of the Ji family.

If it wasn't for Wang Feng hàipà who had an ambush behind these people, he wouldn't be afraid of these people at all.

"May you ask for a blessing."

Kong Shaoyuan didn't know where Wang Feng went. He could only pray for Wang Feng silently in his heart when seeing these Ji family kings chasing him.

It's a pity that Wang Feng was too impatient, otherwise he might have taken Wang Feng away now.

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Chapter 1793: The Ji Family

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