The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1792: War Sword Fusion

"What to do? He must have run away. "Romance*love*first* post↖,"

At this time, a sea cultivator spoke.

"The vast ocean, as long as he escapes into the void, we won't find anyone at all." Another Sea Clan monk said.

"It doesn't matter, we will report the truth after we go back." A sea clan monk who took the lead said, and then they could only leave here in anguish.

The pursuit of Wang Feng came late. It is conceivable that they will be punished after they go back, but they can't find where they go. What can they do?

It probably took less than half an hour, and this group of people appeared on an island in the Forbidden Sea. This is where they temporarily stationed, and their leader is here.

"Report your lord, the person has already run away, and we have not chased it." A Sea Clan monk from the Nine Heavens King said, his voice was a little frightened.

Because he knew that the one in front of him was not something he couldn't afford at all, because he was the master of cultivation.

"Then do you know what consequences I will suffer if I let him go?" The speaker was a very strange-looking man, and his two slanted eyebrows made him look a bit similar to the role of Dongfang Unbeaten.

"The subordinate... the subordinate does not know."

"Since you don't know, then you can go to see the former Sea Emperor." While speaking, the fascinating man pointed at the Sea Clan monk of the King Nine Heavens, and a terrifying blood hole appeared on the Sea Clan monk's forehead , He couldn't stand his eyes.

"Who else doesn't know where the person has gone?" A faint smile appeared on his face. This person's words frightened all the King Sea Clan who had returned.

Killing while talking and laughing, this kind of person is undoubtedly the most terrifying, because you can't figure out what he will do next, standing in front of him, everyone feels no sense of security at all, as if they might be caught at any time Extinguished.

"Master Qi, I think he may have fled to land." At this time, a sea clan king said.

"He is a human and not a sea clan, don't you dare to go deep into the forbidden sea if you don't go to land, do you think I'm that stupid?" the coquettish man said, and then his finger pointed out again.

"What I don't like the most is this kind of self-smart person, who else knows where he goes? Just say it, and this seat will be rewarded." The man even cast a wink at all of them while speaking. , Let them collectively feel cold.

The ruler in front of him is the celebrity next to the sea emperor. He has a very chilling hobby, that is, a good male style. Under the hands of the sea emperor, I don’t know how many people have been destroyed by him. He is the famous glass king in the sea emperor team.

Now that he winks at these people, these people are naturally a little unbearable. They only feel the constant cold wind on their buttocks, and their feet are retreating.

"What? No one?" Seeing this scene, the coquettish man slowly stood up.

"Master Ge Yue, if you allow us for a while, we will definitely find someone." At this time, a Sea Clan monk spoke with a look of fear.

If they were defiled by the man in front of them, they would rather die.

"How credible is your words?" Looking at the person who spoke, the master of the sea clan named Ge Yue said, with a trace of ambiguous expression on his face.

Watching him like this, the sea clan who spoke only felt hairs in his heart, and he didn't dare to look at Master Ge Yue at all.

"If we can't find him, we will never come back." The Sea Clan monk gritted his teeth and said.

"No, no, no." Hearing his words, the master Ge Yue shook his head, and then said with a wink like silk: "I will give you one month to find him for me. If you can't find him, then you You must come back to me within a month, do you understand?"

"My lord, shouldn't it be that you are not allowed to come back if you can't find someone?" At this time, a sea cultivator asked cautiously.

"You really want to be beautiful, if you can't find anyone, then you are ready to come back and be my male pet." Master Ge Yue said, his tongue fluttered slightly on his lips.

Upon hearing this, the people present stepped back a few steps again.

When this male pet dominated by Ge Yue, they don’t know what they will end up with. They have to know that there are countless sea cultivators who have been his male pet, but who saw them come back alive?

If you are insulted, you will be killed in the end. This is simply a devil.

"Do I make you feel so scared?" Seeing these people backing together, the Ge Yue master stepped forward.

"Master Ge Yue, we will set off now, and we will definitely bring an answer back within a month." At this time, a sea cultivator spoke, and then they all left here.

They really don't want to have a conversation with this ladyboy, because they feel that they are possible at any time after staying here, so they have to leave here quickly.

"I'm waiting for you here." Lord Ge Yue said, and then all the sea kings who had just ascended all staggered and almost fell from the void.

"Wang Feng, Wang Feng, I really want to taste what you are like." Seeing the direction these people left, the master Ge Yue muttered to himself.

At the moment he spoke, he even revealed a lustful light in his eyes, which looked like an evil spirit in the face.

Sea Emperor had indeed noticed the existence of Wang Feng, but with his strength, he did not treat Wang Feng as a threat at all, because how could an ant affect his Sea Emperor's rule.

It can be said that in the current sea of ​​taboos, his Sea Emperor can be regarded as a person with power over the world, even if he does not have the heart of Holy Blue, who would dare to resist his orders?

He is the ninth-five lord of the Sea of ​​Taboo, how could he put a little Wang Feng in his eyes.

So after he heard about Wang Feng's affairs, he just gave Ge Yue a slight reminder, and then there was the matter of Ge Yue sending the Sea Clan to trouble Wang Feng.

As for the Sea Emperor, it was strange that he could send out to deal with him personally.

A Wang Feng didn't have that much face to let him take action.

It is certainly not easy for Haihuangdu to mention it personally, so this Ge Yue has a great ‘sexual interest’ to Wang Feng.

After inquiring about it later, he also knew that Wang Feng had mixed up in the human world very well, even among the top young people.

Ge Yue hasn't enjoyed the fresh meat like this for a long time, so he really wants to taste what Wang Feng is like.

Fortunately, Wang Feng is not here at the moment, otherwise Wang Feng would definitely curse him as disgusting.

"How do I feel the cold coming from my back?" Wang Feng said in a void far away from here.

Being able to make him feel this way is enough to show that there must be some threat gradually approaching him. It seems that the most recent paragraph should be more careful.

This time it was a complete surprise for Wang Feng to get the second sword, because he did not expect that he would get the sword when he went out to sea. Although the sword has not been completely controlled yet, everything has been in Wang Feng’s hands. , Can it still run by itself?

When this thought flashed in Wang Feng's mind, he suddenly realized that the sword in his hand seemed to be lighter, and when he looked down, his heart was shocked.

Because he actually saw that the war sword that he had just obtained before turned out to be a war sword and didn't know where it went.

That place seemed to be missing a big hole, and Wang Feng didn't even notice when it disappeared.

Did it accidentally break when it confronted the enemy? Doubts appeared in Wang Feng's heart, but he couldn't believe it.

He knew how hard the war sword was. Since he got the first war sword, he had never seen when the war sword was damaged.

Therefore, this war sword would be damaged, which was far beyond Wang Feng's expectations. He never expected such a thing to happen.

Picking up the sword and looking at it, Wang Feng found that the cut in the fractured place was not neat. It shouldn't be broken suddenly. On the surface, Wang Feng felt that it was more like a trace of corrosion.

"This is how the same thing?"

"Turtle shell, have you seen how this war sword became like this?" Wang Feng asked when he took the tortoise shell out of his arm.

" do I know this?" Tortoiseshell responded, and then said: "I have been watching your battle just now. How do I know what your war sword is about."

"That's weird, it's unbelievable that a good war sword turned into this look." The more I thought about it, the more impossible it became in Wang Feng's heart.

Although he hadn't carefully observed the war sword when he was fighting, it was impossible for this thing to decay like this at once.

The war sword was drawn from the body of the Xuantian War Demon. There must be no doubt about the authenticity of this war sword. Could it be that Wang Feng just encountered a ghost during the teleportation process?

The ghosts and gods said Wang Feng had long been disbelief, because he was not even afraid of living people, how could he be afraid of ghosts and gods, so there must be other reasons for this war sword to be corroded.

"Find a place to study it first." After taking a look at the war sword, Wang Feng stopped fleeing in the end. He had to take a good look at what this war sword was all The good war sword has now changed. In this way, if you don't figure it out, how could Wang Feng be willing.

Arriving on the coral reef island closest to here, Wang Feng placed two war swords on the ground at the same time. He had to take a good look at how this war sword would change like this.

The battle sword is somewhat important to Wang Feng at this stage, because what he needs to cross the enemy is the terrible explosive power of the battle sword. If the battle sword is gone, how can Wang Feng accept it.

After a short while, Wang Feng found that the corroded place of the sword seemed to disappear more.

You must know that Wang Feng didn't use it during this process. As for Wang Feng deliberately used something to corrode the sword, it is even more impossible, because this is something Wang Feng has worked so hard to get, how could he damage it.

Moreover, even if Wang Feng wanted to destroy the sword, he would have to have that ability.

This is an imitation of the Nine Sacred Artifacts, as the Nine Sacred Artifacts are the most terrifying weapon between heaven and earth, its imitations are not comparable to ordinary weapons.

"What's going on?" The battle sword changed in front of him, and why such a change occurred, Wang Feng didn't even notice it, because the battle sword seemed to have been corroded. But Wang Feng really didn't do anything.

"Look at the changes in your previous battle sword." Just then the tortoise shell spoke, attracting Wang Feng's gaze instantly.

When this second war sword was disappearing, Wang Feng found that the war sword he had originally obtained seemed to be shining, and as the master of this war sword, Wang Feng could feel that this war sword was constantly changing. Enhanced.

This is a very strange feeling, but it really exists.

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