The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1775: Crisis

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The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-five chapters

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-five chapters

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-five chapters

The battle broke out at this moment, and the King Realm One Heaven dealt with the King Realm Nine Heaven. This was a battle with very different realms.

However, Wang Feng had a war sword in his hand, and the power he burst out was even stronger than the Eight Kings.

It's not that Wang Feng, the cultivator of the Ninth Heaven of Kings, had never killed him. In the past, the head of the He family was the strength of the King's Peak, but he was not the same when facing War Sword.

Although the Eight Kings are much stronger than the He family, he still feels extremely tricky in the face of Wang Feng's war sword.

After just a few rounds, his **** disappeared. It was because he could not avoid the sword light that Wang Feng broke out in time and was cut off abruptly.

He couldn't feel the slightest pain, because compared with the humiliation in his heart, what was this pain?

He is the Eighth King, the eighth-ranked person in the Nine Great Dao sub-sequence, and Wang Feng caused such an injury to him as soon as he entered the kingdom of the king. He had never thought about it at all.

In his opinion, the reason why he came to deal with Wang Feng today was only because he thought Wang Feng had teased him.

But after a long time of fighting, he couldn't hold back his face.

Even if he couldn't beat him, he actually hurt Wang Feng. This is not as simple as a face beating.

"Frozen roar!"

A loud drinking sound came from the mouth of the Eight Kings, and at this moment he began to truly explode his trick.

Fighting against Wang Feng is not enough for him, so he can only change his strategy and defeat Wang Feng in other ways.

A large number of snowflakes suddenly appeared in the sky, and the void was frozen at this moment, and the Eight Kings himself rose sharply at this moment, his flesh and blood disappeared completely, and he became a huge iceman.

A deafening roar came from his mouth, causing the world to tremble. Under such circumstances, Wang Feng only felt his soul tremble, almost out of his body.

He is like this, the kings onlookers are even more unbearable. Some kings have no time to resist this sonic attack, and their souls die directly and fall toward the void.

With this blow alone, the eight kings killed at least 20 or 30 kings by mistake, and most of those who survived suffered heavy losses.

Compared with them, even if Wang Feng's situation is better, it is not much better, because this is the explosion of the eight kings' cards, and it is strange that he can get better.


Seeing Wang Feng’s performance, the Eight Kings just snorted, and then he directly attacked, and his soul was disturbed. This was the time when a monk was at his weakest, so it was undoubtedly the best time to kill Wang Feng .


Just when the Eight Kings thought that he could kill Wang Feng, Wang Feng suddenly violent. He raised his hand and swung his sword down, making the Eight Kings heart shocked.

At this time, it was too late for him to dodge. He could only avoid the vitals of his body as much as possible and chose to let Wang Feng's war sword cut off his arm.

"If you want to harm me, I'm afraid you are not qualified for this attack."

As an alchemist, Wang Feng not only possessed super strong control, he also possessed a majestic soul that ordinary monks could not match, because this was the foundation of the alchemist.

The soul that attacked Wang Feng just now looked like it had been severely injured, but in fact the damage he suffered was not like what he showed, he just deliberately confuses the eight kings in this way.

It is ridiculous that the eight kings thought that his attack really worked, and now he took the initiative to get together because of Wang Feng's deception, he deserves to be so.

The arm was chopped off. The Eight Kings knew that he was no longer suitable to fight Wang Feng, because from the beginning he was weakened by Wang Feng because of underestimating the enemy, and if he continued like this, he could not escape the defeat.

So at this time, he decisively chose to retreat.

Seeing the figure of the Eight Kings rushing towards the sky like a stream of light, Wang Feng did not chase after him. He felt exhausted now because of the long use of the war sword, and the feeling of weakness from his soul also made Wang Feng understand that he was already Not suitable for going on in fierce fighting.

Unless he is desperate to fight the Eight Kings, otherwise he may not be able to ask for much advantage if he catches up.

Anyway, the eight kings and the others would not go in this kingdom of kings. Wang Feng had the opportunity to fight with them at any time, so Wang Feng was not in a hurry.

It was only the beginning now, and he didn't need to put himself in real danger.

Carrying the sword, Wang Feng also left here, and no one behind him dared to chase after him, because Wang Feng could fight even the eight kings, so what are the kings of them?

Moreover, Wang Feng's Daozi sequence position has been deprived of by Tiandao, and those who wanted to defeat him and seized the Daozi sequence position can also take away their hearts.

Because Wang Feng, who had lost the Daozi sequence, was a tiger, not a cake, no one wanted to have trouble with him.

So Wang Feng is relatively safe now.

The fact that the Eight Kings were defeated by Wang Feng quickly spread throughout the kingdom of kings. Everyone knew that Wang Feng had come to the kingdom of kings. He was invincible in the world of immortals and nirvana. Is the kingdom of kings about to become his world? ?

"The Kings Realm still has eight great masters. If he wants to dominate, it will be extremely difficult."

Someone spoke, it was regarded as a clear recognition of the current situation in the king world.

Although no one had topped the place that Wang Feng had vacated at the beginning, the eight Taoists alone might be enough for Wang Feng to drink a pot.

Each of these Taoists is not easy to provoke, and it is not so easy for Wang Feng to want the invincible King Realm.

"Have you all been deployed?" In a canyon in the king's world, a middle-aged man was giving orders. In front of him, there were several rows standing neatly and forming a team of more than a hundred people.

They are all members of the legendary organization.

When Wang Feng was in the Nirvana Realm, this organization tried every means to kill him. Now that Wang Feng has come to the King Realm, their favorable conditions have become more favorable, so the action against Wang Feng has begun again.

In the beginning, the Nine Kings paid a huge price to invite their legendary organization to dispatch, and the price of the Nine Kings had already been paid to this legendary organization, and in response, the leader of this legendary organization also vowed to help Jiu. Wang revenge.

Now the Nine Kings have become Wang Feng’s prisoners, but they are afraid that the poisonous oath will be fulfilled, so the leader of this legendary organization still cannot give up dealing with Wang Feng.

His realm has reached the Ninth Heaven of Kings. If the poisonous oath is fulfilled, he is likely to be stuck in this position for the rest of his life, so this Wang Feng must be dealt with.

He had to fulfill the promise of the Nine Kings, or else he would be ruined in it all his life.

"Venerable Qiqi, the deployment is almost complete, just wait for your order."

"Okay, pass my order, all the peripheral members are recalled, and we must deal with Wang Feng with all our heart."

"Honorable Lord, there is a word that the subordinates don't know whether to say it or not." At this time, a small leader of a legendary organization said.

"But it doesn't matter."

"That's it. The Nine Kings have now become Wang Feng's prisoners. Even if we don't help him complete the task, it won't hurt the honor of our organization if we want to. Why should we kill Wang Feng so crazy?"

Since the establishment of the Legendary Organization, there has never been a big operation like it is now, so it is normal for him to have such a worry.

After all, to use the power of the entire legendary organization for the sake of a Nine King, this account is completely uneconomical.

"Presumptuous." Hearing this, the lord of this legendary organization looked cold and said: "Do you still want to change the decision you made?"

"Subordinates dare not."

"Since you don't dare, then give me a step aside and strictly follow what I said. If there is any difference, you don't have to come back alive."



Seeing that the Lord had no way to move, this person did not continue to say more, because he knew that if he continued to speak, his final ending might be death. He knew exactly who the Lord was. This was more than a Someone who is more cruel than Wang Fengdu, offending him is nothing good.

So what he can do now is to perform the task strictly according to the Lord's words, otherwise his fate may be more uncomfortable than death.

"Hmph, there is nothing you can do in the Nirvana Realm, I don't believe you can turn the sky in the King Realm!"

There was a sneer in his mouth, and a sneer appeared on the face of the lord of this legendary organization.

The Legendary Organization has already lost too many monks in Wang Feng's hands. If Wang Feng is not killed to complete the mission, then their Legendary Organization must have no need to survive.

Because a killer organization that can't even complete a task, who will come to you to do something?

"Is anyone going to deal with me again?"

When the legendary organization started to act, Wang Feng’s mind was already vigilant. As a monk, the unexplored prophet was only the most basic ability. Even if Wang Feng did not possess the magical calculation ability of the gods, at least he could sense the latest The crisis that will happen.

It seems that the kingdom of kings is not as peaceful as it seems now.

First there was an eight king, and then there might be seven kings and six kings and other Daoists who would come out. Wang Feng could not guarantee that he could beat everyone, but he came to the kingdom of kings for only one purpose, and that was to improve his strength.

These people don't have to deal with themselves. Once they want to deal with themselves, Wang Feng won't be because sitting and waiting for death is not his character at all.

People respect me a foot, and I respect others. If someone bites me, I will definitely pay back two of them. In this regard, Wang Feng has never been willing to suffer. If it were not, Wang Feng would not be so cruel now.

"Enlighten Lord, we have reached the point of instruction, what do we need to do next?"


"We are here too."

"Leave it all to me. No one can do it without my order. Offenders...kill!" The legendary organization's lord sent back iron-blooded words, making all the people of these legendary organizations cold.

"It seems that the atmosphere is a bit wrong."

In the city where Wang Feng was located, Wang Feng woke up from the state of cultivation. Although there was no opponent by his side, the repressive atmosphere still affected him.

Almost subconsciously, he opened his heavenly eyes, and Wang Feng was observing everything in the city.

However, after sweeping around for a while, Wang Feng didn't find anything weird. The place was still as usual, very calm.

However, the calmer this is, the more it means there is a problem. As a last resort, Wang Feng can only increase his celestial eyes.

At this time, he saw a situation he hadn't seen before, and he saw the large number of monks deployed in this city.

"Is it all aimed at me?" There was a sneer, Wang Feng stopped cultivating, and he walked toward the outside of the inn with a step—

A few friends have come to me. The update may not be on time in these two or three days. I hope everyone will forgive me, and it will stabilize when they leave. Sorry, please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

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The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-five chapters

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