The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1774: Battle 8 King

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The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-four chapters fight the eight kings


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Author: Chi Yan anthem

Category: Urban Romance

"No one is targeting you?" Wang Feng asked the person in charge of the Scarlet Flame Alliance.

"Enlighten the leader, with your reputation as a deterrent, they also have to have the courage to do it." This person slapped Wang Feng with a flattery.

"Work hard, the advantage is that you are indispensable." After patted this person in the Nine Heavens in Nirvana, Wang Feng finally left here.

The red flame alliance outside was stabilized, and the red flame alliance in Nirvana didn't need Wang Feng to worry about it.

Originally, Wang Feng's main purpose for coming here was to see Guan Fu's, but when he came here, he suddenly realized that he didn't want to see her anymore, because he was afraid that he would be sad after seeing her.

In that case, it is better not to watch.

If you can't save her, what's the use of watching more? It was just sad.

"I have seen the emperor."

In the city lord's mansion of the central city, in the room where Wang Feng and Emperor Batian had been before, the Emperor Batian was standing respectfully in front of an old man at this moment, not even daring to breathe.

In front of others, he is the lord of the central city aloft, and he is a powerful and unmatched ruler.

But in front of the real supreme, he felt like a child, full of pressure.

"Have you fooled around?" the man he called the emperor asked calmly.

"Although he hasn't fully believed it yet, I don't think there should be any major problems." Di Batian replied respectfully.

"Very well, you'd better not show me anything, or even if you are about to become the supreme, I won't forgive you easily."

"Yes, yes." Hearing this old man's words, Di Batian only felt cold sweat on his forehead.

"Do you have a hunch how long it will take to break through the realm?" The old man asked, looking at the Emperor Batian.

"Probably within ten years." Di Batian thought for a while and said.

"Ten years, too long." The emperor shook his head, and then said: "Well, you follow me for a month, and I will guarantee you to become supreme within two years."

"What is the command of the emperor?" Di Batian said, his attitude was extremely humble.

Hearing Di Batian's words, the old man nodded slightly, but he was quite admired, because people like Di Batian were already extremely rare now.

"It's very simple. After you become the Supreme, you must protect him in secret until he is completely full of wings. I think this shouldn't be a problem for you?"

"Don't worry, even if the emperor didn't tell me, I would do that." Di Batian understood that he could embark on the road of impacting the supreme entirely by Wang Feng. If it weren't for Wang Feng, he wanted to be the supreme ghost and knew that How long.

Maybe he would never have the opportunity to attack that extreme state in his entire life, so he should protect Wang Feng based on the benefits he has now.

"In that case, you can go with me."

"Wait." At this moment, Emperor Batian spoke, and then said: "When he entered the Heavenly Pass, he told me to take care of his Red Flame Alliance. I'm afraid I have to arrange this."

"Then you go, I'll wait for you for ten minutes."

"I have arranged the road to rise for you, and it depends on whether you can bear it." Looking at the direction of Tianguan, it seems that this old man can see through everything. He seems to see Wang Feng who is on his way in Tianguan.


Wang Feng's perception is so keen, when the old man's gaze is placed on him, he has already felt it.

That feeling was like when Yan Junyun's father was watching him. Someone at the level of a giant just spied on him.

This chapter is not over, please turn the page) It's just where the other person's gaze came from. Wang Feng couldn't find out, because he couldn't catch the real trace at all.

"Strange." He shook his head, and then Wang Feng didn't care about that much. Since others are willing to snoop, let him snoop.

Anyway, Wang Feng couldn't do anything about it.

Wang Feng in the Heavenly Immortal Realm Nirvana Realm is over. The next level he is about to enter is the King Realm. Although Wang Feng’s combat power is invincible in the King Realm, there is no absolute thing, like those few Taoists, none of them is. It's so messy.

They must have a lot of trump cards in their hands, and Wang Feng didn't dare to make too much trouble.

Unlike when he first entered the Nirvana Realm, when Wang Feng came to the King Realm he was very low-key, and many people did not recognize him as Wang Feng.

Because of the higher level, the aura in this king's world is even more astonishing. This is just the most basic condition for all kings to cultivate.

Leaving this entrance quickly, Wang Feng quickly merged into countless king monks.

"It seems to be the Eight Kings!"

At this moment, a monk spoke and cast his gaze into the void.

Following their gazes, Wang Feng also saw the young man who had stepped into the air. This person Wang Feng had seen, and it was the eight king who was good.

"Wang Feng, I know you have arrived. Come out." The Eight Kings shouted, his eyes swept away from everyone.

"Wang Feng is here?"

Hearing the words of the Eight Kings, the kings around here were shocked, because none of them saw Wang Feng coming up.

The Eight Kings had already inquired about the last time Wang Feng caught the Nine Kings. After hearing that Wang Feng had taken out the Temple of Sunset, the Eight Kings suddenly recalled the last time they were insulted in the Sea of ​​Taboo.

The last time they joined forces to go to the Temple of Sunset, the Temple of Sunset was taken away, and even they were trapped inside for a long time. At that time, the Eight Kings had doubts in their hearts. He had a kind of behind-the-scenes. Feelings.

But when he went and returned, he didn't see anything, so this became an unsolved case.

The Sunset Temple was taken out by Wang Feng, so he had every reason to believe that the last time they teased them was Wang Feng.

The Eight Kings can become a Taoist, he is naturally an extremely arrogant person, he is not easy to fool people, so after hearing that he was going to come to the realm of kings, he immediately stopped here.

But unfortunately, he seemed to be a little late, and there was no Wang Feng here, and he found nothing.

"Why? Aren't you very good? Why don't you dare to show up now." Seeing no one came out, the Eight Kings shouted again.

"What does it have to do with you if I can't get out?" At this moment, a calm voice sounded, and Wang Feng began to step into the air.

"So you came up hiding." Hearing Wang Feng's voice, the Eight Wangs grinned, and then he patted Wang Feng with a palm.

Do it as soon as they meet, Wang Feng doesn't even know why.

But at this time, he obviously has no extra time to think about why the Eight Kings are coming to attack him. Wang Feng’s life creed is only one, that is, people don’t offend me and I don’t offend people. Now the eight kings have already been killed and he can do There is only one thing, and that is to fight back.

On the realm, Wang Feng is only the king of the first heaven, but the eight kings have already become the king of the nine heavens, so Wang Feng knows his shortcomings, and he can't stand head-on with these eight kings.

So when the Eight Kings shot, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out his war sword. He could only kill the Eight Kings with the power of the war sword.


This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Swing, Jian Gang completely tore the void apart, and the Eight Kings suddenly shrank at this moment, he gave up attacking Wang Feng, and then turned to defense.

He had already heard about the power of Wang Feng's sword, so he wouldn't be stupid and stupid to resist this blow.

Flip his hand and took out a huge shield, he stood in front of him.

Like a tortoise shell, when the sword gang of the war sword touched the shield, it did not tear it apart. On the surface, the Eight Kings could have survived this time.

But in the next second, a terrifying force suddenly exploded on the shield of the Eight Kings, the shield exploded, and the Eight Kings hiding under the shield even vomited blood and flew out. This is hidden in the sword light. The dark energy exploded.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding kings all opened their eyes, revealing an incredible color.

No one would have thought that Wang Feng would hit the Eight Kings when he had just arrived in the realm of kings. The sword in his hand was simply terrifying.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people are fighting Wang Feng’s idea of ​​the sword, but when they see the Eight Kings, they have to give up these unrealistic ideas, because no one is sure to **** him in front of Wang Feng. thing.

As long as you die, who can grab it?

"I'm so good to come up to practice, but you want to call for war. This is what you asked for." Looking at the direction where the Eight Kings fly out, Wang Feng's expression is gloomy, he grabbed his war sword and immediately chased him.

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows life. Since the eight kings have the heart to deal with himself, then Wang Feng cannot save his life.

How about Daozi? Same cut!

I have to say that Wang Feng’s thoughts at this moment are crazy. The Nine Kings have become his prisoners, and even the most basic freedom has been lost. Although Wang Feng cannot kill the nine kings who possess the Qingdi tactics for the time being, he will wait until Wang Feng’s realm Ascension up, the nine kings will undoubtedly end.

To reach a higher level, these Taoists are undoubtedly the best whetstones, but what Wang Feng didn't expect was they didn't bother with them. Instead, they found themselves.

That being the case, Wang Feng could only end the lives of these eight kings earlier.

"Remember, it's not like you are a Daozi who can do anything wrong. If you want to provoke me, you are not qualified."

While talking, Wang Feng's sword was destroyed directly towards the Eight Kings.

The voice of vomiting blood sounded, but this time the person who vomited blood was not the Eight Kings. It was beyond everyone's expectation. This time, the person who vomited blood was Wang Feng. At the place where he just stood, the figure of the Eight Kings slowly emerged, he I don't know what kind of strange body technique was used to deceive Wang Feng's eyes, and this gave him a major blow.

Actually, it was Wang Feng's carelessness. He thought that under the sword, the Eight Kings had little resistance, but who would have thought that the Eight Kings had already left the place with the help of the formation when Wang Feng shot. What Wang Feng was attacking now was just a shadow.

Wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, Wang Feng also showed a smile on his face, but this smile felt very cruel no matter how you looked at it.

"It's not a big deal?" Seeing that Wang Feng didn't want to suffer a serious injury at all, the eight kings' complexion suddenly became gloomy.

"Don't worry if there is anything wrong with me, let's see if there is anything wrong with you for a while." Wang Feng said, and then his figure disappeared in place.

Although under the rule of this day, Wang Feng cannot teleport, but even so, he won't be afraid of the eight kings because teleport is not available. He can also use extreme speed to kill instantly. With this kind of body law, the Eight Kings also don't want to help him.

End of this chapter) Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

The best perspective

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-four chapters fight the eight kings

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