The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1776: Siege

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The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-six chapters siege

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The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-six chapters siege

Author: Chi Yan hymn Category:

"You don't have to hide it, just come out."

Standing on the street, Wang Feng shouted.

It's just that he didn't see the specific situation, that's because these people are well hidden, and on the surface they look like normal people.

But when Wang Feng opened his celestial eyes to a deeper level, he found that many of the guests in the inn all had the same type of tattoo, and this type of tattoo Wang Feng happened to have seen. Isn't it the symbol of the legendary organization?

These people's movements are really fast. They came less than a day after they first came to the King Realm. Fortunately, Wang Feng has been recovering in the inn for a while, otherwise he might still be in danger.

After all, after fighting the Eight Kings, Wang Feng had serious injuries on his body, and he might even let these people take advantage of it.

But now it's different. Now even if they all go to Wang Feng together, they don't have the slightest fear.

"He found it?"

Hearing what Wang Feng said, those who were hiding in the dark were shocked, because they didn't expect that what they had hidden was so good that Wang Feng would discover it. How did he discover it?

"Don't go out, he may be defrauding us again." At this time, a person said, and he motioned everyone to be temporarily suppressed.

Because the Lord’s attack order has not yet come down, whoever does it is violating the regulations, and they are not so bold yet.

"Refusing to come out?"

They didn't even pay attention to what they said, and Wang Feng couldn't help showing a sneer on his face.

Turning his hands and taking out the war sword, Wang Feng walked directly towards an inn in the city.

In his eyes, he could see that all the people in this inn were members of the legendary organization, so when he came here, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all. He hit the inn with a sword with his backhand. .

One can imagine how terrifying the power of the war sword is. When the sword was slashed, the inn collapsed almost instantly. As for the people inside, it was naturally a deadly death, wounded wound, as long as it was touched. The people of Jian Gang all ended tragically.

After all, they are not nine kings and eight kings, they are just a group of ordinary monks, even if their assassination skills are better than ordinary monks.

But under the crush of absolute strength, they have only one death.

"Do it!"

Seeing that Wang Feng went directly to the inn, those hiding in the dark also understood that Wang Feng had really discovered their existence.

So even if they can't wait for the Lord's command, they can only do it.

The deployment has already been completed, so let Wang Feng take the upper hand, then it is believed that their encirclement will be difficult to form.

So now they have no choice but to shoot!

At this moment, at least a hundred monks and monks in the entire city rushed out towards Wang Feng, and the powerful aura rose from their bodies, making the guards of the city lord's mansion helpless.

They all know that what is happening now is not something they can intervene at all.

If it was a battle between one or two people, they could still mediate from it, or even catch them, but when such a big battle broke out, they were also frightened.

Who is not afraid of death? At this time, rushing to arrest people is no different from sending them to death, so they can only watch the battle erupt in the city.

"Are there many people?"

Seeing the monks rushing towards him, Wang Feng's face showed a sneer.

Fighting Wang Feng individually is not afraid, and attacking him in groups is even more fearless, because he has the confidence to keep all these people's lives here.

"The Sun Bible!"

Seeing these legendary organization killers surrounding them, Wang Feng directly exploded his solar bible.

A terrifying flame erupted from Wang Feng's body. Before the people who rushed up had time to deal with Wang Feng, they felt a blast of flame power directly starting to burn their bodies.

A scream of screams came from their mouths, those with high strength can even resist the real fire of the sun, while those with slightly lower strength are miserable.

At this moment, their bodies began to be scorched from the inside out, and they could not stop the burning.


It can be said that Wang Feng hated this legendary organization for a long time, because they had dealt with him many times, Wang Feng did not find them, but they came to the door by themselves.

Since they appeared so many this time, Wang Feng didn't mind giving them a collective and severe blow.

As if a light of extinction had exploded, the sword light that burst out of the war sword at this moment had become a reminder for these people. Where the sword light passed, all tangible or intangible were annihilated, everything Can't stay.


Seeing that the soul lamps in front of him were extinguishing in large numbers, the Lord of the Legendary Organization looked gloomy. He didn't expect that the people under his hands would start doing it without waiting for his command.

"What the **** is going on?" Holding a talisman, the lord of the legendary organization roared directly.

"He has found us." Soon a response sound rang from the talisman, and the lord crushed the talisman in his hand to pieces.

"Want to kill all my people?"

An angry flame was beating in his eyes, and in the end the Lord couldn't sit still. He had to do it himself, otherwise his people would most likely be lost in Wang Feng's hands.

In order to deal with Wang Feng this time, he dispatched all the elites, so he couldn't bear such a blow.

If all the people under his hand are dead, then what is the meaning of his Hollow Lord, so he can only choose to play himself.

It hasn't been for years to complete the task by himself, and he feels that his body is about to rust.

There was a sneer on his face, and finally his figure disappeared.

"Go on together and block him."

The threat of Wang Feng's battle sword is really too great, even if all the people from these legendary organizations join forces, they can't help Wang Feng the slightest, so at this time they have no other choice except defense.

It’s just that no matter how they were geared, the cruel reality quickly defeated them. Wang Feng just swung a sword, and the terrifying sword light immediately defeated their defensive posture, and several legendary killers died because of it. , The body is divided into two halves.

"we are coming."

At this moment, there was a voice coming from a distance. Looking up, Wang Feng found that at least dozens of monks had come here.

They are also members of the legendary organization.

This time, in order to deal with Wang Feng, the legendary organization was all deployed. Not only did they deploy in the city, they even had killers stationed outside the city.

Although it’s almost enough for a group of masters to deal with Wang Feng, they have to be prepared with both hands. Therefore, in addition to the killers in the city, there are also assassins outside the city waiting for Wang Feng. They have only one purpose for doing this, and that is to break Wang Feng. All retreats.

It's just that Wang Feng didn't come out, and the city started fighting first, so these people naturally rushed to support him as soon as possible.

"It's good, no matter how much you come, let's stay here today." Looking at these people coming from behind, Wang Feng grinned, and then the sword in his hand was madly waved by him.

It is as easy as harvesting straw. Under Wang Feng's hands, these legendary killers are falling one after another, and none of them can stop Wang Feng.

The blood stained the sky and Wang Feng's clothes.

Rushing into the crowd, Wang Feng was like a **** of murder at this moment.

"too strong."

In the city, a monk saw Wang Feng's terrifying combat power and couldn't help making a shocked voice.

"Kill, kill more."

At this moment, beside Wang Feng, there was a black mist filled with the evil spirits raised by the turtle shell and the turtle shell's own consciousness.

The more this person dies, the more benefits the turtle shell will get, because after devouring the bodies and souls of these killers, the evil spirits he raised are rapidly becoming stronger, driven by the great sense of accomplishment. Next, he felt like he was going crazy.

"How could he be so strong?"

Looking at the sword in Wang Feng's hand, all the people in these legendary organizations were shocked, because they found that they had no way to get close to Wang Feng at this moment.

As long as the people who go up are almost all dead, one side is the burning of the real fire of the sun, and the other is the attack of the war sword, but in less than five minutes, these legendary organizations have been broken up, and they are dead. The withdrawal of the government cannot form an effective attack at all.

"How come no one dared to come up?" Looking at these people, Wang Feng's mouth showed a sneer, and then he took the initiative to kill them directly.

"If you want to kill them, please pass my level first."

At this moment, an overbearing voice suddenly rang in the void, and the lord of this legendary organization finally arrived.

Perceiving the extremely strong smell of blood here, the lord of this legendary organization only felt his heart twitch violently. ,

Many of them were carefully cultivated by him, but now they have all become corpses, killed by Wang Feng.

In order to deal with Wang Feng, their legendary organization really paid a heavy price. If it were not for the poisonous oath he made at the beginning, he would not have gone further and further along this road.

For his own future, even if the road ahead is a dead end, this lord must step into it, because he does not want to be stuck in this king state for his entire If there is a chance, he also wants to attack Dominate the realm, so now he is here.

"After hiding for so long, are you finally willing to show up?" Wang Feng's face showed a sneer when he heard the man's words. He could feel that the man's realm was very high, and he had reached the peak of the king's realm.

He should be regarded as the top person in this king's world.

It's just that Wang Feng can beat even the Eight Kings, so what is this person?

"Stop talking nonsense, take your life."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the lord of the legendary organization sneered, then he flipped his hand and took out an ink-colored long go, waving the long go, he killed Wang Feng.

It was as if a fierce tiger pounced on Wang Feng. Before this attack, the breath alone had already rushed towards Wang Feng.

The lord of this legendary organization wanted to frighten Wang Feng directly with his momentum.

It's just that his ideas are destined to fail, because when his aura rushed past, Wang Feng didn't move at all, and those auras were useless to Wang Feng.

Even when receiving this shock, Wang Feng resisted.

Waving the sword in his hand, Wang Feng slashed towards the lord of this legendary organization with one sword.

A huge roar resounded throughout the world, and under the terrifying sword light, this lord changed color. It is no wonder that the people he dispatched before were all killed by Wang Feng. This kid indeed possessed great abilities.

It's just that this lord who can create the legendary organization, a power that powers the entire kingdom of the king, naturally has a very strong hole card. If not, he would not dare to appear here today.

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The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-six chapters siege

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