The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1747: The culprit

Because the king masters of the He family have not yet died, Wang Feng did not go to kill those low-end combat powers of the He family. His main target of attack is actually these kings.

As long as the king is dead, then those people who follow will be a mob that can be killed at any time in Wang Feng's eyes.

Looking at a king, Wang Feng's teleportation started directly, and when he appeared again, he had already been behind the king.

I am afraid that even this king did not expect that Wang Feng would appear behind him in an instant. Even if he wanted to resist at this moment, it was too late.

There is no need for Wang Feng to really urge the war sword, he just stabs the war sword forward, and the king immediately pierces the war sword directly.

The terrifying power instantly diffused from the war sword. The king hadn't even understood what was going on, and an impact directly annihilated his soul.

The sword had suppressed the great evil in the ancient times, and it goes without saying how powerful it is, and the killer is completely trivial.

"The next one is you!"

After killing the king, Wang Feng directly targeted the next target of the attack on the Patriarch of the He family. He yelled the most, so this kind of high jump would naturally have to die the worst.

Being stared at by Wang Feng's gaze, the Patriarch of the He family only felt a chill spread to all parts of his body in an instant. He had witnessed how terrifying Wang Feng was, and he had no confidence to deal with such a person.

He is a master of the King Nine Heavens, but he showed fear in front of a King One Heaven. I have to say that this is a very strange scene.

"Why are you targeting our He family like this? What have we done?" Looking at Wang Feng, the He family Patriarch shouted.

As if he could give himself the confidence to speak with such a big drink.

"Don't you know what you have done?" Wang Feng smiled coldly, and then his war sword pointed directly at the Patriarch He.

"As the saying goes, even if you want me to die, you should let me die, right?" The Patriarch of the He family is still delaying time, intending to let their ancestors come back to save them.

If the ancestors do not come back, they are afraid they are in danger.

"Okay, then I will let you understand." Wang Feng waved his sleeves as he spoke, and suddenly Guan Fu's face appeared in front of the Patriarch of the He family.

"Look at this woman, do you seem familiar?"

"Familiar?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Patriarch of the He family was taken aback, because he didn't even know who this woman was. Even if he rummaged through his memory, he didn't remember where he had seen this person. .

"I haven't seen this person at all." Patriarch He said, "I think there is any misunderstanding in this?"

"Misunderstanding?" Hearing what he said, Wang Feng only had murderous intent in his heart, because he felt that the other party was just talking nonsense.

"The person was found in your Hejia dungeon, and she was almost breathless when she discovered it. You are telling me this is a misunderstanding now, do you think I will believe it?"


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Patriarch of the He family exclaimed. Obviously he did not expect that this woman was discovered in their He family dungeon. No wonder Wang Feng would attack their He family today. The most important reason for wanting to come was this woman.

He came to avenge this woman.

It's just that the Patriarch of the He family really didn't know Guan Fu, because he had never seen this person before, and he could guarantee with his personality.

"I have never seen this woman. I think there must be some misunderstanding in this. Can you let me figure out this matter before I say it?"

This Patriarch of the He family didn't seem to be telling lies.

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng pondered slightly, and then he agreed. Today, the Lord of the Demon Palace and him are here. These people from the He family can be said to be difficult to fly, and Wang Feng still doesn’t know who this Guan Fu is doing. It's dead, so the culprit also wants to use the hands of Patriarch He to find out.

"Give you half an hour to investigate. If you find it unclear, there is no need for you to survive." Wang Feng's voice was cold, and after he had finished saying this, he waved his hand at this house. There are heavy arrays on the surrounding cloth.

Under such circumstances, even if the He family wanted to go out, there might be no way.

Watching the Patriarch of the He family leave, Wang Feng directly fixed his gaze on the other king's body.

This is the last remaining king of the He family except for the head of the He family.

Being stared at by Wang Feng's gaze, this king had the same mood as the previous Patriarch of the He family, that was the cold that had been frozen to his bones. Wang Feng's gaze was really terrifying, like a poisonous snake.

He had no doubt that Wang Summit would rush up to tear him to pieces at any time, so he dared not make any movements at this moment, fearing that Wang Summit could not help coming up and killing him.

At this moment he only hoped that all this was just a misunderstanding, because he didn't want to die here.

Many of the king-level elders of the He family are dead. The Patriarch of the He family wants to ask about Guan Fu. He can only look for the lower-level subordinates. But in this way, he will ask about Guan Fu's news. It has become a lot more difficult, because many of these people probably don't know what is going on.

Wang Feng gave him only half a quarter of an hour. If he can't give Wang Feng an answer after half a quarter of an hour, he may be dead waiting for him.

So at this moment he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and he did not dare to waste any time.

I asked about ten people one after another, and they all expressed strangeness to Guan Fu, because they had never seen this woman.

"Dungeon, yes, dungeon!"

Just when the Patriarch of the He Patriarch was too anxious to do anything, suddenly his inspiration flashed, and he thought of the dungeon Wang Feng just said.

Since this woman was discovered in their Hejia dungeon, the guards in the dungeon must know what's going on.

There was hardly any hesitation, at this moment he galloped towards their Hejia dungeon.

Although many cultivators of the He family have already participated in the battle with the Red Flame Alliance, because this dungeon is deep under the ground of the He family, they have not participated in the battle yet.

And with their ordinary strength, they are not qualified to fight those Nirvana monks of the Scarlet Flame Alliance.

He hurried to the door of the dungeon, and the Patriarch of the He family saw the dungeon guard here.

"Do you guys know this woman?" There was hardly any gossip. The Patriarch of the He family directly gave a portrait of Guan Fu, which made these guards' complexion suddenly change.


Looking at Guan Fu's portrait, the complexions of these guards became a little dodging.

Seeing this scene, the Patriarch of the He Patriarch sighed in his heart. He has been sitting in the position of Patriarch of the He Patriarch for a long time. Through the expressions of these guards, he can almost be sure that these guards are sure Have seen Guan Fu.

No wonder Wang Feng will attack their He family today. It seems that what Wang Feng said will not be false.


The sound was like thunder, and Patriarch He was really angry at this moment.

It's not good to provoke anyone. If you have to provoke Wang Feng, the murderous god, people can even invite the master. Why should they fight Wang Feng?

"It was the eldest master who sent people in." At this time, a guard said, his voice was trembling, and his expression looked scared.

When the people were sent, they were threatened severely. As long as any of them dared to shake off the incident, it would be strange not to be killed, but now under the deterrence of the lord, they dare not fail. Say.

Because compared with the young master, they are more afraid of the Patriarch in front of them.

"What else do you know?" Hearing the eldest master, the Patriarch's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, because this man was his own son.

What exactly did this rebellious child do, it brought disaster to their family.

"We...we don't know." Hearing the words of the Patriarch, these guards were almost crying. This incident itself has little to do with them, because they are also completely obedient to the order.

The young master won't let them talk nonsense, do they dare to go out and spread it?

"Bastard, what a bastard!"

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. In the end, the Patriarch of the He family couldn't hold back, and his palms directly patted the guards.

Under a palm, these low-level guards were naturally unstoppable, and they all let the He family Patriarch kill them.

"It's not a pity to die!"

Looking at the bodies of these people, the Patriarch of the He family did not hesitate, he went straight back to where he lived.

"Nizi, get out of here!"

The Patriarch of the He family yelled, his voice was so loud that the void was trembling slightly.

He just roared twice in a row, but he didn't see his son come out.

Thinking that this disaster was caused by his son, he felt that his body was trembling slightly. It seemed that his previous control of his son was so light that he made him bold enough to do everything. .

If the He family is destroyed today, then he will become the biggest sinner of the He family, just because he is the head of this generation.

But the real culprit was his son he cultivated himself.

"I won't come out, right? See if I won't catch you out by myself today." Kicked open the door of his house, and the Patriarch He saw his son who was standing at the entrance of the lobby with a panic expression.

It's just that there is a woman standing beside his son at this moment. This person is his Taoist companion, that is, his son's mother.

"You are embarrassed to hide here after you killed the He family?" Looking at his son, the Patriarch of the He family couldn't help but breed a murderous intent in his heart, because it was this incompetent thing that harmed everyone.

"Mother, save me." He Yuanlun shouted with a horrified expression on his father's words.

At this moment, he was hiding behind the woman and did not even dare to come out.

" Anyway, Yuan Lun is also your own son. You can't kill him." The woman said quickly when she heard her son's cry for help.

It's just that Patriarch He is in fright at this time, how could he hear a woman messing around here?

"Shut up, if it wasn't for you to be spoiled to him on weekdays, why would he commit such a terrible disaster? Hurry up and get out of it." The Patriarch of the He family shouted, making this woman look terrified.

Because she understands that the master is really angry today, but her own flesh and blood is behind her, even if she is under great pressure, she must protect her son.

"Master, have you forgotten what you loved him before? He is your only flesh and blood." The woman shouted.

"It's because we are so indulgent to him that he has become lawless in everything he does. This time, if you have a catastrophe, don't want to protect him."

While speaking, the Patriarch of the He family walked towards them step by step.


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