The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1746: Summon the Lord of the Devil's Palace

Even though they were cursing in their hearts, they couldn't violate the Patriarch's orders, so at this moment they could only hold Wang Feng as far as possible, instead of fighting Wang Feng, they could only dodge.

Because once they let the sword pierce, maybe they will die instantly, they are not so stupid and will go to die.

It's just that Wang Feng can teleport with the help of the rules of the last three days. Even if these people want to hide, it is just a joke.

The figure flashed, and when Wang Feng appeared again, someone had already died. He slashed the two kings with a single sword, without touching any obstacles.

"Youth, be forgiving and forgiving, are you a little ill-considered to attack our He family like this?" At this moment, an old voice sounded, and the ancestors of the He family finally asked their people to come out.

Wang Feng's current situation is unstoppable. So many kings who went up to the end all died tragically. Who wants to fight Wang Feng?

So they can only ask their ancestors of the He family to come out.

"Forgive people?" When Wang Feng heard this, he sneered: "Why don't I know your family will forgive people?"

"What do you mean?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the ancestor of the He family frowned slightly.

"I'm afraid you will ask what good things the people in your family have done." While speaking, Wang Feng couldn't help but see Guan Fu's face.

As long as he thought of this, Wang Feng couldn't help but breed murderous intent in his heart.

"What the **** is going on?" At this time the old man asked with a gloomy face.

"We... we don't know either."

Hearing the words of the ancestors, these people looked confused. They didn't even know why Wang Feng had come to attack their He family, and the shot was so ruthless. The king killed 17 people, which caused them He family to suffer a heavy loss. what.

"Juvenile, please tell us exactly what the He family has offended, if any, we are willing to compensate."

Although the old man didn’t know why Wang Feng came to their house to make trouble, he knew who Wang Feng was. Even though he was still in retreat when Wang Feng rose, what he knew even though he was retreating. Also far more than those kings.

It's like Glenn dominating them. They are the most powerful group of people between heaven and earth. If they want to know anything, they will naturally be much faster than others.

Wang Feng is not just him. If something goes wrong with him, the ghost knows how much trouble will happen, so this old man doesn't dare to think about Wang Feng.

"Compensation?" Upon hearing this, Wang Feng sneered again: "I'm afraid your family can't compensate for what I lost."

While speaking, Wang Feng once again raised the sword in his hand and said, "Stop talking nonsense. The purpose of my coming here today is to destroy your family. Those who killed me, you should disappear from this world."

"The one who killed you? When did we kill your one?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Patriarch of the He family yelled again.

At this moment, he simply had a wanting and sinful idea. He didn't know what their family did. Why did Wang Feng deal with them?

This period of time of the He family has passed very peacefully. Basically, no one has gone out. The people who killed Wang Feng, when did they kill?

"I'm afraid you have to ask yourself about this." Wang Feng said, then he raised his sword and swung a sword at the He Family City.

Seeing Wang Feng's hands, the He family ancestor's expression also changed, because he didn't expect Wang Feng to do it so simply. How much hatred is this?

It's just that this old ancestor of the He family is after all the patron saint of their He family. Now that Wang Feng wants to destroy their He family's city, it is naturally impossible for this old man to sit idly by.

So he waved his big sleeve, and suddenly a force of strength blocked Wang Feng's terrifying Jian Gang.

The power of Jian Gang can help Wang Feng slay any monk in the king level, but this old man is the power of the master level, so even if he is a seemingly weak force, he also blocked Wang Feng's attack.

"Youth, I advise you to retreat, otherwise it will not look good to both of us." The ancestor of the He family spoke, and did not mention the kings killed by Wang Feng.

Obviously, the ancestors of the He family were prepared to eat this boring loss, that is, the person who shot was Wang Feng. If it were another person, he would have killed the opponent to vent his hatred.

It's just that he understood that Wang Feng couldn't deal with it easily. Their strength was too high. Once they intervened, the nature of the matter might have changed, so he had no other choice but to force Wang Feng back.

"I said, the He family must be destroyed today!" Wang Feng said, his voice trembling.

"Then the old man wants to see how you wiped out our He family." After being provoked by Wang Feng such a series of provocations, this old man was so angry that he was so angry that he still had three points of anger. This Wang Feng came to attack their He family indiscriminately. Could this make sense?

"Then you look at how your He family was taken away by me." While speaking, Wang Feng turned his hands and took out a black stone, which was the black stone the Lord of the Demon Palace gave him.

On the surface, this is just an ordinary stone, but Wang Feng knows that this is a small teleportation array, something that can help the Lord of the Demon Palace come here instantly.

Without hesitation, he crushed this black stone, and a whirlpool gate appeared in the void in an instant. Seeing this whirlpool gate, even the ancestor of the He family couldn't help his expression change.

Because as a master, he understands what this thing is, it's no wonder that Wang Feng dares to act unscrupulously here, because it turns out that he has a hole card.

Almost without much consideration, the old ancestor of the He family blasted out with a punch, and he wanted to destroy this teleportation gate.

It was just that he hadn't waited for his power to rush in front of Wang Feng, when suddenly a terrifying force was directly transmitted from this teleportation array.

It was as if the heavens and the earth were about to collapse at this moment. Under such circumstances, almost all the monks of the He family changed their faces.

Because they all understood that Wang Feng was calling a master to come.

"So many people bully a junior, why are you embarrassed?" An extremely cold voice sounded from the portal, and then a woman in a thin black shirt took a step from it.

As soon as she came out, an overwhelming coercion swept in all directions, and the person here was the Lord of the Demon Palace, and also her deity.

At the beginning, she promised Wang Feng that as long as Wang Feng was willing to cooperate with her, she could help Wang Feng to make a shot. Although this time Wang Feng was not facing a life and death crisis, she was here.

Because this is her promise to Wang Feng, she can't fake it.

"Master of the Demon Palace?" Looking at the incoming person, the face of the ancestor of the He family changed slightly. It was obvious that he had already personally identified the other party, and his tone was surprised.

He didn't expect Wang Feng to collude with the Lord of the Demon Palace, and even this woman could be called over.

The Lord of the Devil’s Palace, as the sea emperor’s own sister, is of course absolutely powerful and incomparable. If this were not the case, she would not have survived the forbidden sea for so many years, because her brother would always Kill her.

"Old stranger, you haven't seen you for so many years, you are good at bullying juniors." The Lord of the Demon Palace sneered.

"When did I bully the younger generation?" Hearing these words, the ancestor of the He family didn't get out of anger. He was also kind to persuade Wang Feng to retreat before. When did he take the initiative to attack Wang Feng?

The lord of the devil's palace simply opened up his yellow accent and deliberately discredited him.

"Regardless of whether you bully him or not, the purpose of my coming here today is to deal with you." The Lord of the Demon Palace spoke in a flat tone.

With her strength, apart from the fact that a few people can’t deal with it, she has not been afraid of others. After all, the Lord of the Devil’s Palace is not as simple as his name, her name of cruelty has long been passed on. The place.

"Unexpectedly, you, a sea clan, turned out for the sake of mankind, but I underestimated you." The ancestor of the He family sneered, not afraid of the Lord of the Demon Palace.

Because the realm of the Lord of the Demon Palace is the ruler, he is also the ruler. Who is afraid of whom to really start his hand?

Even if there is a gap between them, the gap is very small, because which ruler has not been in this realm for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, to put it bluntly, they are all old monsters among the old monsters. , Naturally rich experience.

"Stop talking nonsense, today your family will undoubtedly be annihilated." The Lord of the Demon Palace spoke, and then she directly killed the ancestor of the He family.

As soon as she did it, Wang Feng naturally followed suit, because without the threat of the ancestors of the He family, the rest of the He family was naturally a mob for Wang Feng, and Wang Feng had not paid attention to them. in.

A sword slashed out, and suddenly the terrifying sword light swept across the world, and the somewhat tattered city that had been smashed by Wang Feng became even more dilapidated under this sword.

Even under this sword, a large number of He family monks died in this city.

They were originally innocent people, but whoever put them in this home is like soldiers on the battlefield. They don’t know each other, but because of their different positions, they will fight together. .

Wang Feng was taking revenge, but not engaging in charity activities, so Wang Feng killed all these people together.

Since He's family is to be destroyed, it must be completely destroyed.

"Everyone go together."

Seeing that Wang Feng had already started, then Patriarch He also understood that this time, there was no room for maneuver, and even their ancestors were entangled in battle. How could they end up?

At this time they had no choice but to resist.

If you don't resist, you will die. How many people in this world want to die?

Even if they are the kind of masters who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, don't they also want to die?

"Kill me all!"

Seeing that all the cultivators of the He family rose into the air, Wang Feng also thought about it, and all the members of the Red Flame Alliance in his Dantian immediately let him be released.

"Follow the leader, kill!"

At this time, a member of the Red Flame Alliance spoke to and the hundreds of members of the Red Flame Alliance killed all of them towards the He family.

In terms of the number of people, the Red Flame League is far less than this family. After all, this is their headquarters, and their people are naturally here. But in terms of quality, the Red Flame League is much higher because of Wang Feng. But all the high-end combat power in the Red Flame Alliance is here. If this can't crush the opponent, then it can only be said that the Red Flame Alliance is really too weak.

This was the first time that Wang Feng took them to show off after the establishment of the Red Flame League.


The Red Flame Alliance has already started, and the He family naturally cannot wait to die. This is their base camp. If the family is destroyed here, then their He family will probably become the laughing stock of all the monks in Northern Xinjiang.

A fierce competition began, with hundreds of people fighting against hundreds of thousands of monks from the He family!


Weakly asked for a monthly pass, and they ran more than 30 and almost 40.


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