The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1748: eye for eye

With each step of the Patriarch of the He family, the fear in He Yuanlun's heart will intensify, because he is afraid.

Before the He family was in trouble, he was a great young master. No matter what he did, someone would follow him, because behind people like them, there would never be fewer people to praise him.

And the identity is there, no matter what he does, people in the family dare not say anything, because everyone is afraid that if he provokes him, he will suffer.

The eldest master himself might not do anything to them, but as long as he whispers a few words like his father, who can stand it?

It is precisely for various reasons that He Yuanlun is becoming more and more unscrupulous in doing things inside and outside the family, because no one can cure him.

It was this kind of character that caused their He family's current disaster, and He Yuanlun regretted it now. If it weren't for his coveting Guan Fu's appearance, how could it be.

It is said that there is a knife on the head of sex, this is absolutely correct, now he is paying a heavy price for his sex, and the whole family is suffering along with him.

"Master, forgive him? He won't dare anymore." The woman said, holding her son's hand tightly with both hands. At this moment, her maternal love bloomed without reservation.

It's just that maternal love is not protection at her time, it's just indulging.

This is just like a child. He has robbed and robbed him since he was a child. Once he grows up, he is likely to eat it. It is even more scum in society. Now He Yuanlun is already such a scum. To pay a heavy price for everything he did.

"Step aside!"

Patriarch He shouted.

"Master, I beg you to let him go." The woman knelt on the ground with a puff while speaking.

"Today, even if you kneel down and I beg me, it's no use, this rebellious son can't stay." Patriarch He said, without any pity.

Because he understands that Wang Feng is still paying attention to this at the moment, if he has any selfish performance, it is very likely that their family will be destroyed.

At this moment, he only hoped that after he handed over his son, Wang Feng could let go of their He family once, because their He family was indeed not Wang Feng's opponent now.

Without the pressure of the ancestors, none of them are Wang Feng's opponents.

"If you want to kill him, then kill me too." The woman said fiercely in order to protect her son.

It's just that the more she said that, the Patriarch He's heart became more angry, because it was her doting that caused He Yuanlun to become rampant now.

"I'll say it one last time, get out of here!"

Looking at his wife, Patriarch He cried again.

"Master, if you want to kill him, then kill me first." The woman said with a heartbreak.

"Haha, okay, okay, okay." Hearing her words, Patriarch He finally couldn't help laughing, but his smile was full of murderous intent.

"Since you still want to protect him now, then you go to die!"

While speaking, the Patriarch of the He family peeked forward, and suddenly the woman's body burst into pieces, completely unable to stop his blow.


He Yuanlun was stunned by his mother's momentary death. He didn't expect that his father would even kill his own wife. Isn't he a bit too cruel?

He fell down on the ground, He Yuanlun's face was as pale as tin foil, he knew he was finished.

"Nizi, your mother was killed by you." Patriarch He said, and then he grabbed his son directly with his palm.

"Father, I knew it was wrong." He Yuanlun said in fear when he was caught by his father.

"It's no use confessing to me. This time the whole family was killed by you." Patriarch He said, and then he didn't even look at his wife's body. He soared into the sky and grabbed his son where Wang Feng was. local.

"I've caught the culprit." When he came to Wang Feng, Patriarch He said.

"It was my inability to discipline him that caused him to commit such a catastrophe, and I am willing to leave him to your disposal at will." Patriarch He said, he was cruel.

Compared with the life and death of the entire family, his son's life is something that can be completely abandoned, and this time the incident itself is caused by him, and he needs to bear Wang Feng's anger.

"It turns out that you killed the people." Looking at this He Yuanlun, Wang Feng calmed down instead.

People who know Wang Feng know that the calmer Wang Feng is, the more dangerous he is, because this is a sign that the volcano may erupt at any time.

" me." He Yuanlun started to become incoherent when he heard Wang Feng's words, because at this moment, besides fear, there was fear in his heart.

He has never been so scared as he is now, and even in his life dictionary, this is the first time he has feared emotions.

"Since it is you, let's charge a little interest first." As Wang Feng waved his sword, He Yuanlun's legs were cut off immediately. During the whole process, Wang Feng seemed extremely calm, and the head of the He family was shocked. .

Having cut off his legs in this way but his complexion has not changed at all, such a person has definitely experienced countless killings, otherwise he would definitely not be so calm and calm.


The pain of being cut off his legs caused He Yuanlun to scream sternly. At this moment, big beads of sweat continued to roll off his forehead, and he felt that he was about to die.

"Shut up!"

It was just at this moment that the Patriarch of the He family yelled, and suddenly He Yuanlun didn't dare to yell again, because at this moment he was not only afraid of Wang Feng, but also his own father.

He even dared to kill his own wife, what else is he afraid to do now?

"I'm very curious why you want to kill her." Wang Feng said, looking at this He Yuanlun calmly.

"Nizi, speak quickly." At this time, Patriarch He shook He Yuanlun in his hands and shouted loudly.

"Yes...yes...yes." He Yuanlun's mouth trembled when he heard his father's words, and then he tremblingly talked about the ins and outs of this matter.

It turns out that more than two months ago, the people of their He family had gone to the Southern Territory. Their purpose was to find young talents that could be cultivated in the Southern Territory. Northern Xinjiang is really not suitable for monks to survive, so the geniuses here are really real. It's too little.

For the development of the family, the He family had to find other ways to go, so they set their sights on the Southern Territory, which is the cradle of geniuses, and the geniuses there can be described as numerous.

As long as such talents are brought back and cultivated, they may become the mainstay of their He family in the future. The city they went to was Peicheng, and Guan Fu happened to be in this Peicheng at that time.

Even though Guan Fu is not as good as Wang Feng, or even far away, it is undeniable that she is also a genius.

So at that time, he let an elder of the He family look upon him, preparing to bring it back and train them to become the future master of the He family.

I heard that there were resources available for cultivation, but Guan Fu did not think much about it at the time and agreed, because at the time the He family recruited not only her, nor did she notice any danger.

Her purpose in going to the Southern Territory was to improve her own strength, so there was no harm to her coming to He's house, so he agreed.

But when she came here with the family of people, her nightmare began.

He Yuanlun saw Guan Fu by chance, and he was shocked to the heavens. Since then, He Yuanlun has started various harassment.

But how could Guan Fu, who cares about Wang Feng, be entangled with other people, so she rejected He Yuanlun at that time.

However, He Yuanlun, who has always done things without rules, was angry when he heard Guan Fu reject him, so he agreed with his dog legs and imprisoned Guan Fu, ready for fun.

It is precisely for this reason that the Patriarch of the He family has never seen Guan Fu from the beginning to the end, because the second day Guan Fu came to this family, He Yuanlun was kept in secret imprisonment. It is strange that he can see. Up.

Originally, He Yuanlun thought he could capture Guan Fu's heart in this way, but he underestimated Guan Fu, and the stubbornness of this woman made him nothing.

It's not that he didn't think about using strong, but once he did that, Guan Fu would immediately kill himself, or even blew himself up. In order to get a beauty, He Yuanlun was thinking about it day and night, so this matter has been delayed.

Until the end, He Yuanlun really couldn't help it, he couldn't stand Guan Fu's attitude, so he beat Guan Fu severely and threw her in prison.

It’s just that how did He Yuanlun know that because he didn’t make the move, it directly caused Guan Fu to suffer irreversible injuries. So in a night no one knew, Guan Fu’s soul died, just like that. No one knows that the lonely Fragrant Xiaoyu died in this He family's dungeon.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a Keqing in this family who was related to Glenn's ruler, perhaps Wang Feng didn't even know that Guan Fu actually died in this family.

The Keqing knew that this family might be in a catastrophe soon, so after stealing Guan Fu's body, he never returned, because he knew that this place could not be returned.

Fortunately, Wang Feng has the help of Glenn Lord. If it were not for him, I am afraid that even if Wang Feng turned the Southern Territory upside down, he would not find Guan Fu.

It's no wonder that Wang Feng didn't find any traces of Guan Fu in the cities near Peicheng, because he left Peicheng to bring people from this family to Beijiang. Of course he couldn't find it.

Everything is gradually becoming clearer and clearer, and everything is only because of He Yuanlun. Without him, Guan Fu would not die, and this He family would not suffer the same disaster as it is today.

He is the culprit in this incident.

"I'll leave it to you now. If you want to kill or kill you at will." Patriarch He said, and then he handed He Yuanlun into Wang Feng's hands.

He knew that he couldn't protect his son of Wang Feng's horror, he was completely unable to resist. He had no other choice but to compromise.

"Please, let me go." When Wang Feng caught him, He Yuanlun was frightened to pee. An unpleasant smell came from his lower body, and he was really frightened to pee.

In the long cultivation world, he is probably still the first person to be scared to pee.

"You have the courage to do it, but you don't have the courage to bear the consequences?" Looking at this He Yuanlun, Wang Feng asked calmly.

"I...I don't dare anymore." He Yuanlun replied tremblingly.

"Hehe." Upon hearing this, Wang Feng smiled slightly. After he smiled, he suddenly threw this He Yuanlun into the sky.

"There is a good saying, blood debt is paid, you hurt her, I want you to never enter into reincarnation!"

The incomparable evil spirit rushed out of Wang Feng's body as he spoke, and he finally couldn't bear it.


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