The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1736: Alchemist Conference

"Do you really want to participate in that alchemy conference?" Yan Junyun asked at this time.

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded, and then said, "We'll be more calm with his help to find someone, so let's go and see.

"OK then."

In order to study alchemy, Wang Feng crushed a top-notch pill. So now there is such an opportunity to upgrade alchemy for free, she doesn't want Wang Feng to miss it. Since Wang Feng is leaving, then go.

Under the leadership of this old man, Wang Feng and the others soon came to the scene of the alchemy conference.

Because the preparations for this conference started a long time ago, it can be said that many high-level alchemists from the entire Southern Territory have appeared here. If this were not the case, how could a small Peicheng dominate.

There is actually a reason why this alchemist meeting was held in a small city like Peicheng, because Peicheng had a real originator of alchemy. It is rumored that the pill he refined has a real antidote. The power of heaven.

Even the kind of people who died not long ago can use the pill to forcefully condense the scattered souls, and such a person is definitely not an exaggeration even if it is called the originator.

It can be said that the city of Peicheng is still a gathering place for many alchemists, because the alchemy culture here has long been passed down, and many monks here are alchemists.

Some alchemists are even inherited from the originator of alchemy, and naturally this Peicheng will become the place where this alchemy conference is held.

"So many masters." Before Wang Feng was busy looking for Guan Fu, he didn't pay much attention to this place. At this moment, when he watched this place carefully, he realized that the masters here are simply crowded.

The kings gather together, and the Nirvana monks can't even count the number of them. It seems that all the high-end combat power in the entire Pei city is concentrated here at this moment.

"Let me introduce you, this time you need to pay attention to that young man over there. As long as you help me defeat him, I will help you find someone within half a month. How about?"

At this moment, the old man pointed to Wang Feng a place not far from them. At the place he pointed, Wang Feng saw a handsome young man.

The young man's realm is not weak, he has reached the level of the king, judging from the current realm of these monks, he is also a genius.

But today, the competition here is not realm, but alchemy, so Wang Feng is not concerned about what realm he is, he just wants to know the opponent's alchemy level.

"What kind of alchemy grade is he?" Wang Feng asked.

"It should be the 15th rank." The old man thought for a while and said.

"My day."

Hearing these words, Wang Feng's heart directly screamed. No wonder he gave the medicine to himself without hesitation before. He didn't expect that the opponent he found for himself was still a tough one.

Although the pill that Wang Feng refined in the Red Flame Alliance last time caused the pill, it is undeniable that the grade of the pill did not reach the fifteenth grade, so Wang Feng's current grade theory is still 14th grade. .

A 14th-rank alchemist is dealing with a 15th-rank alchemist, isn't the gap too big?

"Why didn't you say that he was a Rank 15 alchemist?" Wang Feng frowned and asked.

"If I say this, can you come?"

"I'm only Rank 14 but he is Rank 15. How can I beat him?"

What Wang Feng said is not wrong. Although they dismantled an elixir last time, just by looking at a decomposed elixir, Wang Feng couldn’t really get to the rank of a fifteenth-grade alchemist, so if you let him If you come to refine the fifteen-grade pill, even if the failure rate is very high.

"Don't worry about this. Since I dare to call you, I will naturally guide you some knowledge of alchemy in a while." The old man's voice gradually became smaller as he spoke, because he had already felt a sense of fullness. Playful eyes.

He doesn't need to think about who is the owner of this gaze, but who else can bet with him?

"Look at it, hum." With a cold snort, the old man's complexion gradually became ugly.

Although he has some certainty about Wang Feng, what Wang Feng said is not wrong. After all, he is only a fourteenth-rank alchemist. Even if he is arrogant, who knows how much Wang Feng can comprehend, so as to whether Wang Feng can win, He has nothing at all.

At this moment, he is completely holding the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If he can win, he will win. Even if he can't win, it will not be too ugly to lose.

The personal disciple he cultivated was really unbelievable, and he was only a thirteen-rank alchemist until now, and he didn't even bring anyone over.

Because even if someone brought it, it would be useless except to embarrass him. If so, he might as well come by himself.

"Old man Glenn, why didn't you see you bringing your disciple?" A mocking voice sounded, and the person responded.

"My disciple went out some time ago and people interrupted his hands and feet, and now he is training at home." Lord Glenn casually made up a bad reason.

"Haha." Hearing this, Glen's old adversary laughed directly, because Glenn's mind couldn't be clearer.

This Glenn’s apprentice had already sent someone to inquire about it a long time ago, but it was no wonder that he didn't dare to bring out the alchemy grade of the 13th rank.

"Since you don't have any apprentices to compete, do you have to give up our bet?"

"I'm pooh." Glenn yelled directly after hearing these words, and then responded: "Although my personal disciple did not come, I brought another one of my disciples. Today's competition is up to him. Come forward."

"New disciple? Who." Hearing Glenn's words, the old man also felt his heart tighten.

When they set up the gambling agreement before, they did not say that they could not find foreign aid. This gave Glenn a loophole. If he found a senior alchemist, the situation might not be good.


Glenn spoke, and then he pushed Wang Feng out.

"This is your disciple?" Looking at Wang Feng, the master was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed, because he thought Wang Feng was so young, what kind of alchemy level could he have?

Although this Glenn is sometimes annoying, he is not shameless enough to find an old alchemist to deal with his apprentice.

It's just that the smile hasn't really fallen, suddenly he stopped because he has recognized Wang Feng's identity.

"Wang Feng!"

There was a surprised sound in his mouth. How could this ruler never imagined that Glenn had found the king who was making a lot of trouble in the sky pass. How could this be possible?

And didn't Wang Feng fail to attack the king and become a cultivator of God City? Why is he standing here again now?

Looking at the changes in Wang Feng's breath, he should have broken through the shackles of the king and reshaped his body.

How long has it been since he failed last time? How could he succeed in hitting the king again so soon?

Doesn’t it all say that it is difficult for the cultivators of the God City to continue to attack the king for success? Even if Wang Feng is extremely talented, he can't achieve this fast, right?

"When did Wang Feng become your disciple?" Under the shock in his heart, the voice of the master was also a little shocked.

"You don't need to care about this. In short, this time Wang Shengsheng will take the shot for me." Glenn said, and the shock in the opponent's eyes made him very comfortable. It seems that Wang Feng did not make a mistake in this move.

Even at the cost, he felt that he had made a profit just by the shock in his heart.

"As far as I know, Wang Feng's alchemy does not seem to be very good, right?" Although shocked in his heart, at this time the master still relentlessly suppressed.

"If you care about so many things, you still think about how to compensate me after failure."

The compensation is false, and it is true if you want to see the other party making a fool of yourself. There are other meanings in the words, which makes the other party look ugly all at once.

"Okay, let's wait and see."

While speaking, this person glared at this Glenn, then glared at Wang Feng, and then he awoke and retracted his gaze.

After being stared at by the opponent's gaze, Wang Feng only felt a red name in his mind, and it was obvious that the overlord had just put a certain pressure when staring at Wang Feng.

"Are you actually playing insidious tricks?" Seeing Wang Feng's body swayed for a while, this Glenn suddenly understood what insidious tricks the other party had used just now. Isn't this a bit vicious?

His apprentice's alchemy itself is already fifteenth grade, and he even used this kind of tricks of lowering the three.

"I didn't play tricks, don't spit people." Hearing this, the other party naturally denied it immediately.

"Okay, wait until the end of the competition, I will come back to settle accounts with you."

While speaking, Glen dropped his palm on Wang Feng's shoulder, and a cool breath passed from his palm to Wang Feng's body, which made Wang Feng suddenly awake.

After waking up, Wang Feng couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face. He was only here to help this time, but he did not expect to lie down between the dominant verbal battles. This was really innocent.

"I will pass on your precious experience in alchemy right now. As for how much you can comprehend, it depends on your personal ability." While speaking, a message between Glenn's palms was transmitted to Wang Feng's mind.

After receiving this message, Wang Feng also knew that this was a valuable experience of his own, so Wang Feng did everything later, and he stood here and started to watch the previous experience of alchemy.

Last time, Wang Feng was so sad that no one gave him instructions on alchemy, so he did not hesitate to break down a high-level pill.

But now this opportunity is in front of him, how could he not cherish it, so at this time he didn't think about anything, he just watched these previous experiences wholeheartedly.

I have to say that it’s good to be guided by someone. Let’s not talk about taking a lot of detours, especially the way forward, which is much better than groping alone.

After an hour passed, although Wang Feng hadn't really entered the 15th-Rank alchemist, he already knew what he had to do to truly reach the 15th-Rank alchemist.

Those experiences are simply a wealth, which gave Wang Feng a lot of inspiration.

"Now I announce the official start of this year's alchemy conference!"

Just when Wang Feng opened his eyes, an old voice spread throughout the At this time, Wang Feng discovered that there were more monks appearing here. Some of these people participated in the alchemy contest. More is to see the lively monks.

On this special day today, this is undoubtedly the most lively place in Peicheng.

"How is it? Can it be rewarded?" Seeing Wang Feng wake up, Glenn asked nervously.

He doesn’t know if it’s useful to hold the Buddha’s feet temporarily, so he is naturally a little nervous now. Once Wang Feng’s alchemy has not changed, then it may be difficult for him to defeat that old fellow’s disciple. If Wang Feng loses, this time his face But it was lost.

Things can be exported, but he can't afford to lose this face.


The last two days have passed, and the monthly ticket list is ranked 21st, only a hundred votes away from the 20th place. It’s about time. If you have the monthly ticket, let’s support it, and strive to be in the top 20 at 12 o’clock tomorrow night. Thank you. At this time, giving up is not Wang Feng's character.


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