The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1735: Slaughter

"Don't know what's up with Senior?" Wang Feng asked, looking at the person who stopped in front of him.

If he was not mistaken, the person who blocked him should be the one who looked at him before and caused him to shed blood and tears.

In other words, the person in front of him should be the master of the realm, such a person Wang Feng still can't provoke him.

"It's nothing, it's just that you are going to come over and call you." Looking at Wang Feng, the old man's expression was very calm and said.

"I'm afraid I'm embarrassed. The younger generation still has important things to do. If the senior has nothing to do, then I have to go."

"Don't worry." Hearing this, the old man shook his head, and then said: "If my news is not wrong, you should be an alchemist?"


Wang Feng shook his head and directly denied it. He is now busy looking for people, where there is no time to listen to the ruling old man.

Moreover, Wang Feng suffered a severe blow when he met him before, and Wang Feng didn't want to entangle him.

"This time the alchemist conference here can help you, don't you feel moved?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the old man showed a look of surprise.

"The improvement of alchemy is important to me, but now I have more important things to do." Seeing the other party seemed to be for his own good, Wang Feng's tone gradually softened.

"The alchemist conference will be held in an hour. If you are interested, you can sign up now."

"I'm really sorry, I don't want to sign up." Wang Feng said, shaking his head.

"That would be a shame." Hearing this, the master elder shook his head, and then said: "If you participate in this alchemy conference, you are entirely possible to raise your alchemy to the 15th rank."

"Fifteenth grade?" Wang Feng was stunned when he heard this, and then he shook his head slightly, saying: "If compared with what I am doing now, the 15th grade alchemist can't make it."

As the saying goes, there are priorities. If you don't know about Guan Fu, Wang Feng can participate in this alchemy conference, because he really wants to improve his alchemy level.

But now he is afraid of what danger will happen to Guan Fu, so he doesn't have the mind to participate in some alchemy meeting.

Even if he was allowed to participate in the alchemy conference, he might not be able to refining anything good based on his current state of mind.

The alchemist's alchemy is about being strong in the soul, people have to sit still, and the heart needs to be quiet. Now Wang Feng is no longer quiet, even if he sits down, it will be difficult.

So knowing that his condition is not good, Wang Feng can only choose to give up.

"What is more important than raising the alchemy level?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, even this old man felt weird in his heart.

The reason why Wang Feng was able to survive the supernatural calamity at the beginning seemed to be that he triggered the pill calamity when he was refining the pill. If he could refine the pill that caused the pill, Wang Feng's alchemy was definitely not bad.

That's why the old man hoped that Wang Feng could go further in alchemy. After all, in this era, promising alchemists are very rare. As a senior alchemist, he hopes that Wang Feng can stand out.

It's just a pity that Wang Feng doesn't buy his account now, which makes him slightly surprised.

He sincerely hoped that Wang Feng could become a senior alchemist, and he was rejected immediately, which made him not know what to say.

"Excuse me for this." Wang Feng didn't know anything about this old man, and he didn't even know who the other person was or what his name was, so how could Wang Feng reveal the affairs of Guan Fu to him.

He has reached the point where everyone can trust him, especially a person whose realm is much higher than himself. Wang Feng has no sense of security in front of such a person. How dare he say nonsense.

"Speak out, maybe I can help you." Sure enough, the old man immediately made Wang Feng's heart sink. ,

It is said that there is no free lunch in the world. This old man is intercepting himself and promising to help. What is his picture?

"Senior, although I don't know what you want to do, do you think I can believe what you say?"

"I understand." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the master was taken aback for a moment, and then he also reacted back. He was able to cultivate to the master level, and he himself was an old figure who was about to become a master.

It must be his attitude just now that caused Wang Feng's suspicion. Could it be that his tone of voice was not so good when he opened his mouth?

If it were him, I'm afraid he wouldn't have a good tone.

"Are you afraid that I will be against you?"

"Senior, please don't waste my time. I really have something to do. I have no interest in this alchemist conference."

"You can't say that, things can be busy later, and you can complete the improvement of alchemy today. Don't you have this free time?"

"Senior, do you think I would believe this kind of pie in the sky?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically.

"Well, I'll tell you the truth." Seeing Wang Feng was not moved at all, the master could only tell the truth.

"That's it. I made a bet with an old guy. This time he wants his disciple to compete with my disciple in alchemy, and the old man's disciple is not a weapon, so I can only place my hopes on other people. Yes, I think your alchemy is good, so I want to ask you to help."

"But why should I help you?"

"Well, I'll help you find someone, you help me participate in the competition, you just say you are my disciple in name, how?"

"Then what can I get?"

"It's very simple. I'll help you find someone." The master said silently.

Your own words have been very clear, right? Why does Wang Feng still do not hear clearly.

"But the person I'm looking for doesn't even know where she is. Senior, are you sure you can find it?"

"Joke, my energy is beyond your imagination. If you ask me to find it, it will definitely be more efficient than you. As long as you help me participate in the competition, I promise to help you find people."

"How credible are your words, senior?"

"The old man dare to swear to heaven, I will definitely help you find people." Maybe it is really forced to do nothing, this dominant level can only swear.

With strength reaching their level, face is sometimes more important than life. If his apprentice is asked to compete with that old fellow's apprentice, I'm afraid he will lose ground in the end, so he can only find foreign aid.

And Wang Feng, who happened to appear in Peicheng today, was an alchemy master, and his alchemy skills were quite good, so he had to trap Wang Feng when he was rushed to the hospital.

"Okay, then you can help me find someone within a month." While talking, Wang Feng waved his sleeve, and suddenly Guan Fu's face appeared in front of the old man.

"Don't worry, I can help you find people in less than a month or half a month." Afraid that Wang Feng would not agree to himself, the old man directly praised Haikou.

"Okay, then half a month."

Wang Feng doesn't know how great the power of the dominance level is, but with his help, Wang Feng will indeed find someone a lot easier, and it won't take long for Wang Feng here, so he simply agreed.

Only before agreeing, with Wang Feng's character, he would definitely have to cheat others, because he was currently short of resources.

"Since Senior wants me to help so much, then I am a little bit busy and need Senior's help."

"Didn't I promise to help you find someone? Why are you still busy asking me to help?"

"Does the senior mean you won't help?"

"Tell me what you need me to help."

"It's nothing too busy, Senior, since you are going to participate in this alchemist conference, you must have a lot of good pills in your hand now?"

"What do you want to do?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, this dominant-level old man changed his color slightly, and he had already guessed what Wang Feng wanted to do.

"That's it. Recently, the younger generation is shy in the bag, and I want the senior to help generously donate it. I don't want much. Just just have a few bottles of the pill that you use at this level."

"How much did you say?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the old man even suspected that there was a problem with his ears.

A bottle of pill usually contains more than 20 pill, and Wang Feng said a few bottles, is it a bit too dark?

"I said give me a few bottles." Wang Feng responded very firmly.

In order to win over himself, the old man even swore to do this kind of thing. It can be seen that he must be in a hurry now, so if he doesn't knock him hard at this time, I am afraid that there will be no such opportunity in the future.

"Boy, although I have something to ask you now, you can't ask for it, do you know how much a bottle of pill is worth?"

"I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "But I don't need to know. Anyway, if you don't give me the pill, I won't help you to participate in the competition. That's my request. It depends on you. ."

Wang Feng's attitude suddenly became a bit tough, making the corners of the dominant-level old man's mouth tremble slightly.

The dignified master now threatens a king, is this too deceptive?

And looking at Wang Feng's current appearance, if he didn't give the pill, he might not be able to take him away now.

"I will give you two bottles of pill at most, and I won't have any more." After gritting his teeth, the old man promised a price he could afford.

"Thanks a lot, then, deal."

In fact, Wang Feng's meaning could be a little bit, but what he didn't expect was that the old man actually opened his mouth to give two bottles. This was completely out of his expectation, so how could he not agree.

This is a good thing for pie in the sky.

"Give you the pill, UU read and follow me."

Seeing Wang Feng's promise, the old man also knew that he had a candidate for a competition. Thinking of the old man's hateful face, he couldn't help but tickled with anger. He couldn't fight his alchemy, so he wanted to use his apprentice to insult himself. , This is simply wicked.

Fortunately, he has now found a Wang Feng to help him fight, so he feels that this time it is not certain whether it will be the winner.

"You can go, but you must help me find someone within half a month." Putting the two pills away, Wang Feng said.

He has just checked the pill, and it is indeed similar to the pill that he got in the Temple of Sunset at the beginning. These pill can only be taken by people like these masters. If you change to the king, it is estimated that they will not be able to produce this quality. s things.

"Don't worry, since the old man has promised you, then I will definitely help you find people. The most important thing right now is alchemy."

"it is good."


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