The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1737: Juxingdan

"Not much gain." Wang Feng shook his head in response.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Glenn's face was unconcealed with disappointment, because the voice he most wanted to hear was Wang Feng's saying that the harvest was great.

It's just that Wang Feng's current answer makes him feel very melancholy, and he hasn't gained much, so can he beat that old fellow's direct disciple?

"Don't be too discouraged. Just try your best. No matter if you can beat the opponent today, I will help the person you are looking for." Pat Wang Feng on the shoulder, Glenn did not put any pressure on Wang Feng, because he understood Under such circumstances, if he puts any pressure on Wang Feng, then Wang Feng is likely to be defeated, so he is not that stupid yet.

"Okay." Wang Feng nodded, and did not go on.

If the expectations for Glenn are too high, once Wang Feng fails, then Wang Feng will lose his face by then, so he will not talk too much.

Sometimes boasting about Haikou is to add pressure to himself, but Wang Feng thinks that now it might be a silly behavior to boast about Haikou, because he is not completely sure to beat the young man of the 15th rank alchemist over there. people.

The world is so big, Wang Feng can't beat anyone, and maintaining a sense of awe is sometimes not a bad thing.

The alchemy conference began in full swing, because Wang Feng and the others belonged to very high-level alchemists, so it was of course impossible for them to participate in the previous competition.

They watched quietly with those old and powerful players.

The first batch of alchemists who enter the arena are all of the twelfth rank. They are competing against a pill called Yinxia Pill. The function of this pill is to increase the strength and cohesion in the monk's body when taken during the battle. , So as to achieve the role of enhancing combat power.

If Wang Feng were to refine this pill, it would definitely go smoothly, because the twelfth-grade pill would not be pressured at all for Wang Feng.

However, if you change to this group of alchemists, I am afraid that you will not be so optimistic.

In the process of refining, you can hear the sound of the pill furnace exploding from time to time, and many alchemists have failed in the process of refining.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng didn’t feel anything, because he also came from this stage. When he was refining the pill, he did not explode the pill. For an alchemist, refining failure is common. thing.

It's like a battle. Victory or defeat is a common matter of the military. If there is no failure, where does the success come from?

After the competition, only a few alchemists succeeded in refining the Yinxia Pill, and more alchemists failed in this refining process.

Looking at the young man of the 15th rank alchemist opposite, Wang Feng found that the corner of his mouth was sneered with a sneer of nothing, a bird look that no one can't admire.

It can be seen that his heart should be extremely arrogant, and it is normal for him to look down on these low-level alchemists.

He reached the level of a fifteenth-grade alchemist at a young age, and his cultivation realm was also at the king level. He did have the capital to look down on others.

It's just that there is no awe in his heart. Sooner or later, he will fall on this road. This is Wang Feng's personal experience, and the Tenth Meeting will be fulfilled.

After the twelfth-rank alchemist, another group of thirteen-level alchemists came on the field, just like the previous group. Many of these alchemists failed in the process of refining, causing an uproar among many powerful people. .

You must know that the raw materials of the 13th-rank alchemist are of great value. If you fry it at will, it will be a loss.

In the end, the competition of the 13th-rank alchemist was completed, and there were fewer successful alchemists than the 12th-rank, because the success rate of the 13th-rank pill was lower.

Next came the 14th rank. According to the rules, Wang Feng also needed to play at this time because his real alchemy rank was 14th rank.

However, because of Glenn's presence, Wang Feng naturally avoided the trouble of playing. Instead of wasting time and energy and wasting soul power in this link, it was better to leave Wang Feng in the next match.

Glenn has the ability to interfere with some regulations.


The grade of the medicine pill is getting higher and higher, and the power of the fried pill will naturally become stronger and stronger. The alchemy has only just started for a few breaths. Suddenly, an alchemist made a mistake in front of him. The voice of the name.

Fortunately, there are strong people who are always paying attention to the situation here, otherwise the movement of the explosion of the pill furnace can definitely destroy this place in an instant.

The successful people are still in the process of refining, while the failed alchemists only leave here in disgrace. Although one failure can't deny a person, they fail in such a test because of their own shortcomings.

This is no wonder who told them not to play well at this critical moment, and they can't blame others if they fail.

After a few hours, the competition of these fourteen-rank alchemists finally ended. In the end, five alchemists succeeded in refining the pill, and more alchemists were all in the refining process. After exiting, they were all labeled as losers.

The fourteenth-rank alchemist's test has passed, and the next step is naturally Wang Feng's level test.

"Work hard, I believe in your ability." Lord Glenn encouraged him by patting Wang Feng on the shoulder.

"Don't forget the promise to me." Looking at this master Glenn, Wang Feng didn't say a word. At this moment, he walked directly towards the competition venue.

"Huh? Who is this person? I don't seem to have seen it before." Looking at Wang Feng, many alchemists were surprised, because basically young people with high alchemy skills, they all know, only this is Wang Feng. They have no impression at all.

It's just that although Wang Feng's alchemy has not been shown in front of the world, the other things he has done are very famous.

Therefore, after abandoning his status as a alchemist, many people also began to discuss the turmoil caused by Wang Feng in the Southern Region not long ago. ,

Almost all the monks were talking about him. It is enough to see how angry Wang Feng was at the time. Even if the wind had passed, these people still feel surprised when looking at Wang Feng himself.

In many rumors, everyone said that Wang Feng is an omnipotent man. Now, it seems that he and normal monks are not much better. They have one mouth and two eyes, and there is nothing peculiar.

"You will be defeated by me."

Frequently, Wang Feng heard a voice transmitted to his mind. Turning around, Wang Feng found that the person speaking to him was the young man who was about to compete with him.

According to Glenn, this person has reached the rank of the 15th rank alchemist, and it would be extremely difficult to defeat him.

But even if it is difficult, Wang Feng will have to beat him. If he loses this time, who knows if Lord Glenn will really help him find someone.

Moreover, Wang Feng has always maintained the same mentality in his work. If he does, he must do well, and he must be prettier than others.

If you can't do it, then it's best not to do it from the beginning, and even if it doesn't match others in the end, then at least you will try your best. This is a clear conscience.

"Don't speak the big story too early, don't be unsightly if you lose to my hands." Looking at the king, Wang Feng didn't feel any fear at all.

Because even if he did it, he would completely kill him. Under such circumstances, what would Wang Feng be afraid of.

"Then let's take a look." There was a signature sneer at the corner of his mouth. The young man stopped paying attention to Wang Feng and walked into his own position.

And Wang Feng also found his personal position in this place. The pill furnace and medicinal materials were already prepared under the instruction of the organizer, so the most important thing for Wang Feng and the others now is to show their alchemy.

"The pill you are going to refine is called Juxing Pill, I don't know if there is a problem?" At this time, an old man stepped up and asked.

Hearing what he said, none of Wang Feng and others said anything, because at this time, if they still said there was a problem, didn't they slap themselves in the face?

For example, Wang Feng, even if he didn't know what this star gathering pill was, he would not speak.

Because alchemy is just one thing, as long as you follow the normal process and control it, the pill will come out naturally.

And the organizer has already prepared the medicinal materials in advance, so Wang Feng naturally has nothing to ask.

"Okay, since there is no problem, then the pill refining can begin now. The time given to you is five hours. Only those who refine the pill during this time period can be counted as a promotion, beyond this time all Eliminated." The old man said, reading the exact same rules as before.

Previously, the reason why those alchemists successfully refined the pill was very few. That was because many alchemists did not refine the pill within the specified time, so when they waited for them, they were naturally eliminated mercilessly.

This test is not about refining in a secret room alone, and not refining the finished product in a very short period of time. They are not qualified to become a famous alchemist that everyone admires.

What is Star Star Pill and what its effect Wang Feng doesn't know. He only knows that he must refine this Star Star Pill. This is about finding Guan Fu, so how can Wang Feng be negligent.

After taking a deep breath, Wang Feng began to refine.

It's like the flame of refining a pill. Others use their own qi to change the flame of refining alchemy. But Wang Feng is different. He has already practiced the Sun Bible, so his flame is the most suitable for this The medicine is out.

In the time of alchemy, he will have a great advantage, because the alchemist here is probably not as good as his real fire.

Seeing that everyone else had begun to make Feng didn't hesitate, he first put his true energy flame into the pill furnace, and then put the medicinal materials in one after another.

Although the medicinal materials are precious, but at least in the forging of Zhen Qi flame, these medicinal materials are rapidly turning into liquid state.

In just a few minutes, at least half of the medicinal materials in front of Wang Feng had been turned into liquid in Wang Feng's pill furnace.

At this step, Wang Feng was much faster than others, because their real fire flames were not as hot as Wang Feng's, and naturally the melting speed was much slower.

"Not bad." Seeing Wang Feng expertly melt the medicinal materials, Glenn nodded slightly.

He is also an alchemist himself, and he can see that Wang Feng is not a novice alchemist. If that is not the case, I am afraid he will not be able to refine the pill that caused the pill calamity last time.

He didn't have much confidence in Wang Feng before, but after seeing Wang Feng's calm appearance now, he felt that it was not impossible for Wang Feng to win.


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