The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1723: Arrive at destination

"I don't know why Lord City Lord has taken extra care of me?"

When Di Batian was thinking that he would not lose money, Wang Feng's words rang in front of him.

"Ah, what are you talking about?" Because of the enthusiasm that I just thought about, the Emperor Batian didn't realize what Wang Feng just said.

"I said was there someone who specially asked Lord City Lord to take care of me?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

Although his voice was still calm, it was enough to shock Di Batian's heart. He didn't expect Wang Feng to guess it so quickly.

Just looking at the appearance of that great figure at the beginning, he clearly didn’t want Wang Feng to know his existence, so he didn’t even think about it. The Emperor Batian even shook his head before saying, “I just saw that your cultivation is not easy. The cultivator of God City, in order to avoid the loss of talents in our heavens before the disaster arrives, so I want to help you, why? Do you not want me to help?"

In a few words, Di Batian directly drew his personal concern to the righteousness, and although this sounded a bit far-fetched reason, it was completely reasonable.

Because the heart of cherishing talent is sometimes normal, Wang Feng would have this kind of thought. If not, he would not have saved his dreams when he was in the Nile Sea.

"You will definitely have a lot of unkind eyes staring at you when you go out on this trip, so I will send you a guard and return the person to me when you come back. How about?" Di Batian said.

"You won't let me pay anything, right?" Wang Feng asked suspiciously.

"You just need to take the person away. You don't have to worry about anything. If there is any danger, he will help you solve it."

As he spoke, the Emperor Batian waved his sleeves, and suddenly a monk with the appearance of a servant appeared beside him. He lowered his head. Although he had a powerful aura, he was indeed a servant in front of the Emperor Batian. .

Through the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng could see that this person had no thoughts of his own. He should be a monk controlled by the emperor and tyrant, only instinct.

To put it bluntly, this person is a dead man trained by Emperor Batian.

"Go..." Di Batian said, and then this king-level monk walked directly towards Wang Feng. ,

"Meet the master." The monk king said respectfully when he bowed to Wang Feng's God City.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord." Since it is the person given to him by Emperor Batian, why does Wang Feng not accept it? Although he is not afraid of certain people, with this guard by his side, some annoying flies should not dare to come up again. So, Wang Feng accepted this favor.

"If you have anything to do, go ahead." Seeing Wang Feng taking his guards away, Di Batian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Feng is willing to accept that his favor is a good thing, and the emperor is afraid that Wang Feng will not appreciate it. Then he will give others away, but will let some people see jokes.

With this king's guard, Wang Feng and Yan Junyun walked towards the gate of the central city.

Because of the great threat of Emperor Batian, some masters in the city dare not use their gods to sweep Wang Feng at all, because as long as they sweep, Emperor Batian will definitely be aware of it. Don’t have anything wrong with Wang Feng. Di Batian put this responsibility on them and it was finished.

So they can only perceive that Wang Feng has left the central city, but they don't know where Wang Feng has gone.

Although Wang Feng's failure to attack the king has no physical body, his soul is still attached to the power of the rules, so even if it is more troublesome, Wang Feng can still use the teleport technique.

After more than ten breaths, according to Hou Zhentian's guidance, Wang Feng came to the outside of the Red Flame League station.

Compared with the Red Flame League in Nirvana, the external Red Flame League is naturally much shabby. Because there are no masters, the Red Flame League is now very low-key, and the environment in the selected place is not good. It is a mountain col. Among.

Although there is also a spiritual vein here, it is really small and pitiful. In general, the Red Flame Alliance outside is very miserable, even some small forces can't match it.

However, they had only just come out for half a month to develop the Red Flame Alliance into this state, which was actually very good.

Seeing Wang Feng's **** city descending, almost all the people here greeted him.

"I'll see the leader." These people all bowed to Wang Feng's God City and said.

"Get up all." Wang Feng said, and then he controlled his God City to descend and said, "Thank you."

"It's not hard." These people grinned when they heard Wang Feng's words.

Because they know how the elders of the Red Flame League come from, these people feel tired. With Wang Feng’s character, as long as they develop this place well, they can definitely find a very good position in the Red Flame League in the future. , So now they feel it is worth the hard work.

After all, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world to want to repay without any effort.

"Well, in order for you to better develop the Scarlet Flame League, I will give you a batch of resources now, and make good use of these resources to create the Scarlet Flame League. Is there any problem?"

"No problem." Hearing Wang Feng's words, these people all said with their heads high.

In front of everyone, there were a lot of heavenly materials and earth treasures flying out of Wang Feng's God City, among them there were pills, medicinal materials, and spirit stones. Of course, there are still more spirit stones in detail.

No matter what it is, it is impossible to do without money, so Wang Feng gave them a large number of spirit stones. With these resources, I believe that the Red Flame Alliance here should be gradually developed.

"I don't know where is the source of the spiritual energy you mentioned?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

"Enlighten the leader, that place is in the Jedi, I am afraid it will be a little dangerous." At this time, a member of the Red Flame Alliance said with embarrassment.

"It's okay. If you know the place, you can lead the way."


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the monk's face showed joy, and then he quickly left with Wang Feng.

Watching them leave, the remaining monks are undoubtedly a little envious, because this is working for Wang Feng personally, and they can't even get such an opportunity.

But who didn't let them find the source of that spiritual energy, so at this moment they had nothing to do except envy or envy.

"Leader, I heard that many people will rob the source of spiritual energy this time. Do you want me to protect you from the general alliance applicant?"

"No need." Wang Feng responded, and then asked: "I don't know how you found that place."

"Yes, I learned the news in a certain city. At that time, many people were spreading that a spiritual eye appeared in the Jedi. After I inquired exactly, there was indeed a spiritual eye in that place. The eye exists, and many people went in and saw it with their own eyes."

"What about later?" Yan Junyun asked at this time.

"Later, after too many people entered, the Jedi suddenly burst into a terrifying black mist, and the black mist swept away all the people who entered, so from then on, everyone did not dare to enter."

"You even recommend your leader to come to such a dangerous place. Do you want to kill him?" Yan Junyun's eyes suddenly fell upon hearing this. After witnessing Wang Feng's body exploded so many times, she Now he is very sensitive to Wang Feng's life and death.

At this moment, I heard that there was a great danger, and she naturally broke out all at once.

"No." Hearing Yan Junyun's words, this person was also taken aback. As a person from the headquarters of the Red Flame League, he naturally understood Yan Junyun's identity. This is the lord's wife, how could he bother him? Get up.

"Quite your anger." At this time, Wang Feng spoke, and then asked: "Go on."

"Yes." The man nodded, and then said: "Although many people were missing inside at the time, but now after a period of time, there are many monks gathered in that city. They all want Join hands again to break in."

This person said here for a while, and then said: "At that time, you can let them clear the way in front, we will go in behind."

"Don't gossip, talk about it when you get to the place." Wang Feng said, and then thought about it in his heart.

Since it is a place that many people know, it might not be easy for Wang Feng to find any chance from it. After all, he is not even a king now. If he appears, it would actually be a bit dangerous.

However, in order to leave the city of God as soon as possible, no matter how dangerous he is, he must break into it.

In fact, Wang Feng knew one place with strong spiritual power, but if he went to that place, I am afraid he would never come back, because once he entered, he would definitely die.

Because that place is not a secret place, that place is called a place to bury the gods.

There is a place above the land of the God Burial Land for storing power. If it weren’t for Yan Junyun’s recklessness, Wang Feng might have gained a lot of opportunities in it. However, when the time passed, Wang Feng dare Go, he dare not now. ,

Because he had a physical body at the time, and he could also perform the art of stealing the sky, but now his physical body is lost, let alone the art of stealing the sky, and he can't even use the broken star fist now.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to enter a **** city of this size without causing the terrifying figure inside to attack. Once he enters the place of the burial of the gods, he will definitely die without a place to burial.

So he wants to gather a lot of power in a short time, he can only find another way, the place of burial of the gods, can't go.

Although Wang Feng is sometimes confident, he will never be arrogant. He understands that he has a few kilograms, and the existence of the place of burial of the gods is simply non-human to resist.

After death, he still tried his best to resurrect. This kind of life is definitely not easy before, so Wang Feng dare not go to the idea of ​​burying the gods.

Under the leadership of this member of the Red Flame Alliance, about a day later, Wang Feng and Yan Junyun were taken to the vicinity of a city.

Because Wang Feng's own seat is also a city, he has no way to enter the city now, so they can only stop outside this city.

Floating about ten kilometers away from this city, Wang Feng could feel a wave coming from the depths of his heart. This is very obvious, that is, Wang Feng’s instinct wants him to devour the one not far from him. city.

If the city swallows the city, you can strengthen yourself. The original Blackwater City Lord did just that. He came out to devour the city every once in a while to strengthen himself. It’s just that Wang Feng is not the Blackwater City Lord, and he wouldn’t do that, because the city is still there. If there are human beings, if he were to devour the city, if he was not attacked by a group, then Wang Feng himself would not believe it.

And if he wanted to strengthen himself, he would never take this extreme road, because this was only the worst thing that the cultivator of God City would do.

It is not Wang Feng's wish to become a cultivator of the God City. Since he has become a cultivator of the God City, Wang Feng will find a suitable way to break the **** of his body.

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