The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1724: 1 clear 2

"Those people in this city should be leaving for that Jedi soon, we just need to wait here." At this time, the member of the Red Flame Alliance said.

"Okay, there is nothing to do with you here, you can go back." Wang Feng said, making the members of the Red Flame Alliance stunned, because he didn't expect Wang Summit to say this to him.

At this moment, he even felt like he was being demolished by crossing the river. He was kicked away by others as soon as he brought Wang Feng here. This was completely trash.

"What? Are you going to risk insurance with me?" Wang Feng asked when he watched this person not move.

"I can do things for the leader, even if I go through water and fire, I will not hesitate, I am not afraid of death." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the member of the Red Flame Alliance quickly said faithfully.

"No need." Wang Feng couldn't be more clear about what this person meant by this sentence, because for decades of dealing with people, if he could not even see this, then he would be considered a waste of life.

"Well, you go back now, and tell the people in the alliance that I will let you act as the think tank of the external Red Flame Alliance, which is equivalent to the position of the elder. What do you think?"

"Thank you, leader!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person was taken aback for a moment, and then his face showed a surprised expression.

Because the reason why he is so busy now, is it precisely for that little identity and status?

He didn't expect that he would get what he wanted so quickly now, which is simply a surprise.

"Okay, take my dictum and go back. You don't need your help here." Wang Feng said.

"Yes." Now that he had already got what he wanted, this member of the Red Flame Alliance didn't procrastinate, he left here soon.

Because he understands that even if he is here, I am afraid that he can't help at all. If so, he might as well stop making trouble here.

"Really going?" Yan Junyun asked after the member of the Red Flame League left.

"Yeah." Wang Feng nodded, and then said, "If there is a chance in it, I want to go and see, even if I can't get anything, I want to go."

Although the **** city monk is very strong in defense, it is not as good as his own body. If it were not for the defeat of the king, Wang Feng would never choose to become the **** city monk, because the **** city monk sounds very powerful, but this is just a loser. It's just a pronoun.

No one wants to be forced to become a monk in the city of God, and Wang Feng is no exception.

Therefore, there is such a shortcut to gain power in a short time, Wang Feng will go without hesitation.

Because if you don't take shortcuts, the ghost knows how long he will stay at this stage.

Time may be worthless to many monks, because every monk has a very long life, but Wang Feng can't do it, he has to improve his strength, he definitely can't let this **** city imprison his progress.

How many people are watching jokes in secret now, so Wang Feng is not only for his family, but even for himself, he must get rid of God City as soon as possible.

As long as there is no **** of God City, Wang Feng's strength can be fully demonstrated.

When the battle sword came out, even Wang Feng, the king, would dare to fight with him, thinking that the Nine Kings were defeated in Wang Feng's hands in this way.

So the most important thing now is to leave the city of God, as for other things, let's talk about it later.

"Wait here first, wait until the people in the city move, and then we will follow along." Wang Feng said, and then he, Yan Junyun and the king-level guard waited here.

This king's guard probably asked Nadi Batian to give some order, no matter where Wang Feng went, he would follow it, it was completely personal protection.

But this is also good. With him on the sidelines, Wang Feng can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After waiting for Wang Feng for about five days outside the city, Wang Feng felt that a large number of monks in the city not far from here began to go out.

One after another powerful aura flew away from the city. According to the previous member of the Red Flame Alliance, Wang Feng felt that they should have all gone to that Jedi.

Although Wang Feng didn't know what their plans were, it was just that Wang Feng just took care of his own chances. As for other things, he didn't bother and didn't want to.

If others don't provoke him, then everything is easy to talk about.

Watching the monks set off from the city one after another, Wang Feng waited for almost half an hour before following the monks to the so-called Jedi.

It is said to be a Jedi, but in fact this place is a swamp full of unpleasant smells, and the trees and vegetation that are rotten inside are exuding a strange smell.

Of course, there are naturally some human bones and some bones of monsters. In general, this place is not very dangerous, at least Wang Feng's first feeling.

However, when he thought of the black fog that had erupted here and swept away people, Wang Feng was still very cautious. Just as the so-called careful sailing of the ship for ten thousand years, maybe the black fog broke out again at some point.

So Wang Feng didn't rush into it rashly. Anyway, there are so many monks here, and sooner or later someone will rush into it.

"Why are the cultivators of God City also here?"

Wang Feng's appearance was very eye-catching, so at this moment, many monks put their eyes on him with weird expressions.

The monks who come here are basically in human form, only Wang Feng is a monk from the **** city, so he can't be unobtrusive.

And there is a more important point, that is, Wang Feng's God City is revealing purple, so it is extremely normal for people to notice him all at once.

"Purple God City, is he the Wang Feng in the sky pass?"

At this moment, a monk spoke and remembered something related to Wang Feng.

Not long ago, Wang Feng’s name made a lot of noise in the Southern Territory. What kind of supernatural calamity, what fighting against the sword of Dao, what depriving Daozi’s position, what impact failure, all these things made Wang Feng all the limelight, so these It is not surprising that people recognize Wang Feng's identity.

As soon as I heard that Wang Feng was here, a large area of ​​open space was immediately vacated around Wang Feng, and no monk dared to approach him, because in their opinion, people like Wang Feng are simply abnormal, and I am afraid that I will never die when approaching him. know.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng was slightly stunned, but didn't say anything. These people were afraid that they were just right. At least when Wang Feng seized the opportunity next, many people were afraid of their own power and did not dare to do anything.

Because of the appearance of Wang Feng, many whispering voices appeared here. Everyone was discussing Wang Feng with each other, but they seemed to be afraid of what Wang Summit would hear. So these people talked with their voices down, and they even talked with their souls. Communication through sound transmission.

Everyone was shocked at how Wang Feng suddenly appeared here, because they had never expected to see Wang Feng at this time.

Does he have to meddle with the spiritual eye this time?

"If he wants to grab it, I won't have any chance to climb." A cultivator spoke, but he retired from here.

If Wang Feng hadn't come, they might still have a chance to get something, but Wang Feng has come here now, is it possible that they still dare to compete with Wang Feng?

To know that Wang Feng's reputation was abruptly killed and robbed of him, isn't it a matter of seeking death by himself?

No one dared to rush into the swamp at the beginning, and Wang Feng did not move either, because he was waiting for these people to move.

Because he believed that since these people came out with a big fanfare, naturally some of them would rush in first.

Just like on vacation, Wang Feng calmly controlled his city to float in the void. No one dared to talk to him, nor did he take the initiative to speak.

The atmosphere became extremely weird at this moment, and no one even dared to make a loud noise.

Because they are afraid to provoke Wang Feng, the killing god.

I don't know how long it has passed, at least an hour or so, and finally a monk couldn't help heading into the swamp.

If someone takes the lead, someone will follow, because they are afraid of walking behind others, because they may not get any chance.

After only a few breaths, a large number of monks had already walked into the swamp.

It was just that they hadn't waited a minute for them to enter, suddenly a terrifying black mist swept straight out from the depths of the swamp.

The speed of this black mist was so fast that there was no way for the monks to escape.

It was as if a gust of wind had blown, under this black mist, I don't know how many monks had disappeared in it, and you never came out of the swamp again.

Seeing this scene, many people felt chills in their hearts. Those people who were alive before were still alive, but now it seems that they are probably already ill-fated.

There are so many monks in the hundreds, and now they all don't know where they have gone. This swamp is really a demon who cannibalize people without spitting out bones.


No one else knew why the black mist suddenly gushed out, nor did they understand why it was so dangerous here, but when the black mist was gushing out just now, Wang Feng had actually seen the specific situation inside with his own celestial eyes.

The black mist is not a natural phenomenon, it is something sprayed from the mouth of a giant beast, and those monks who disappeared in the black mist can't return, because they have all been swallowed by the giant beast. In the mouth.

Under such circumstances, if they still think of it, it would be a dream.

Even why this marshland appeared, the reason is that this giant beast is festering, this is a giant that has reached its twilight years, and death is engulfing it step by step.

The reason why the spiritual eye appears is because the body of this giant beast contains a very majestic power. Because of his festering skin, this spiritual energy leaks out. It is precisely because of this that it will cause the swamp. That spiritual eye.

Under the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng knew everything that outsiders didn't know, and he also knew what he should do next.

Outsiders were worried that they would be swallowed by the inexplicable black mist after entering, but Wang Feng was not afraid.

Before, he didn't use his heavenly eyes to look at because he wanted to wait for others to go in and take the lead, and then he just waited to go in and pick up the bargain, and he didn't even check the underground situation carefully.

But now it was different. He had already seen the situation under the ground clearly. Since it was a behemoth dying in the twilight period, its remaining power King Summit had plundered it without hesitation.

Because of this giant beast's own reasons, even if he swallows those living people, it will not escape the doom of death in the end, because its limit has already arrived.

In addition to this, Wang Feng might as well send it to the reincarnation earlier, which happened to have made the behemoth and Wang Feng himself, and it would kill two birds with one stone.

In front of everyone, Wang Feng controlled his purple city and moved towards the swamp in an instant. His speed was so fast that he almost disappeared from everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

"What is he doing?"

Seeing Wang Feng rushing in, all the monks present were shocked.


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