The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1722: Go out

Divine City monks basically hide and practice everywhere, but Wang Feng is good. Not only does he not hide, but he also has to go out in an open manner. Don't he know that Divine City monks are equal to sweet pastry in the eyes of many people?

"Don't ask so much, you just send someone out to find, don't care about the others." Wang Feng said, and then he directly controlled his God City and descended to the side of the Red Flame Alliance, or his old position.


Seeing that Wang Feng had his own idea, Hou Zhentian did not continue to say more, because he felt that Wang Feng might not listen to what he said, and Wang Feng's previous strength was also shown.

The **** city monk is basically dead when he meets him, so even if he is out, the outside **** city monk wanting to deal with him is just a dream.

Everything returned to calm, Wang Feng stayed next to the Red Flame League to practice, and Hou Zhentian sent a large number of Red Flame League members out to find a suitable training place for Wang Feng.

And in order to meet Wang Feng's request, these members of the Red Flame Alliance who went out would basically not return, because they would form a brand new Red Flame Alliance outside the Tianguan and even outside the central city.

Compared with the Red Flame League in this Nirvana Realm, the Red Flame League outside is the force that Wang Feng wants to focus on. Although there are many geniuses in the Heavenly Pass, everyone has a lot of room to move forward.

But don’t forget the very important point, that is, the sky pass is only the sky pass after all. The world here has great limitations. Once the monks are strong enough to break away from the sky pass, their final destination will be the vast southern world outside. .

Therefore, Tianguan is not the ultimate place where everyone has to stay. After the Tianguan, everyone still does what they should do, and there is not much change.

Tianguan Wangfeng would go out sooner or later, so he wanted to develop the outer Red Flame Alliance.

In this way, after he brings his relatives and friends to this Southern Territory in the future, they will at least have a place to stay.

And the time for Wang Feng to pick them up has been set, just when he broke through to become the king.

Originally, Wang Feng thought that it would take a long time for Hou Zhentian to find the source of spiritual power, but what Wang Feng did not expect was that after half a month of calming down, he got news from Hou Zhentian, saying that it was from the Red Flame Alliance. Somewhere in the Southern Territory, people found a place with extremely strong aura.

Hearing this news, Wang Feng prepared to leave without even thinking about it. The other **** city monks hardly ever went out after the defeat of the Nirvana Realm impact, because they were afraid that they would be killed if they went out, but Wang Feng was different, his **** city was strong. The degree is unimaginable, and his strength has already been revealed. Anyone who wants to deal with him has to weigh carefully, and if Wang Feng wants to break through the city as soon as possible, he will always nest in this Red Flame League. Obviously something that won't work, so even if there is a risk when going out, Wang Feng will go out.

He has no other choice.

"Just go there alone?" Seeing that Wang Feng wanted to leave alone, Hou Zhentian and others quickly stopped him.

"I'm not alone, do you think I should take other people?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically.

"Of course you should take it." Hou Zhentian nodded, and then said: "You go out alone, how can we rest assured."

"I'm with you."

At this moment, Yan Junyun spoke with a firm tone.

"None of you need to follow me." Hearing Yan Junyun's words, Wang Feng's voice came from the city of God: "If even I can't handle it, do you think you have any use to follow?"

"But multiple people can always take care of me. I hope you don't take yourself as the center in anything you do, and you have to consider it for us, okay?" At this time, Yan Junyun spoke and taught Wang Feng a lesson instead. A meal.

"This... alright."

Seeing that Yan Junyun has already said this, what more can Wang Feng say, and Yan Junyun's starting point is indeed for themselves, what Wang Feng said just now is indeed a little unconsidered.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng was relieved, and said: "In that case, follow me. Except you, the rest are here waiting for me to come back."

"Respectfully send to the leader." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the other members of the Red Flame Alliance spoke respectfully.

"Hou Zhentian, manage the Red Flame Alliance well. If anyone wants to be against us, go straight up and go to war, don't be afraid of them." Wang Feng's voice was a bit cruel, but it was unusually calm.

Some people are like that. If you don't teach him a little lesson, he always thinks that you are a good bully, so as long as you turn yourself into a tiger, no one dares to treat you.

"Okay." Since it was Wang Feng's order, Hou Zhentian naturally had to do it. Anyway, Wang Feng had the final say in the entire Red Flame League. He said what to do, then naturally what to do.

After handling the affairs of the Red Flame Alliance, Wang Feng led Yan Junyun towards the exit of Nirvana Realm.

Because Wang Feng’s God City was so obvious, he noticed that his Nirvana monks abound along the way. The smallest area of ​​the God City was ten kilometers in radius, so Wang Feng’s attempt to hide it was useless now.

The look in my eyes is basically awe, because today, almost no one in Nirvana dared to challenge Wang Feng. People of any realm would almost die in front of him, so who would dare to do what?

In this way, they left the Nirvana Realm without danger, and Wang Feng and Yan Junyun appeared in the Celestial Realm.

Like the Nirvana Realm, these people in the Heavenly Immortal Realm are even more afraid of Wang Feng, because the place where Wang Feng rose up was the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and there are still some legends related to Wang Feng.

For many monks who have never seen Wang Feng in person, Wang Feng's existence is almost like a legend, and almost everything can stir the situation. If such a person does not fall, he will surely become a great weapon in the future.

Without staying in the Celestial Realm for long, Wang Feng and Yan Junyun appeared in the central city.

It's not that there are no **** city monks in the central city, but their existence is not much different from those **** city monks in the Nirvana Realm. They all stay fixed in a certain place and then practice silently.

As Wang Feng came out of the sky with a swagger, his ten-kilometer city naturally became the focus of everyone's attention.

Because the scene of Wang Feng's crossing the catastrophe and his failure to attack the king in the end was seen by many people, his purple city was really too eye-catching, he was recognized by others as soon as he came out of the sky.

"Isn't this Wang Feng?" Looking at Wang Feng's God City, many people started talking in whispers.

They didn’t even dare to approach when they spoke, because for them, Wang Feng was too enchanting, and he could survive the terrifying super catastrophe, and even in the catastrophe, he killed many of them. Figure.

After that, he even used his soul to deal with the Dao Swordsman. This kind of person is almost like a lunatic in the eyes of others, so who dares to go against Wang Feng.

What if he wanted to deal with himself? I am afraid that the rules of the central city are useless to him.

"Nephew, how did you get out of heaven?"

Almost just after Wang Feng came out less than two breaths, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared near Wang Feng's God City. This person was no one else, but the city lord of the central city, Emperor Batian.

Regarding the failure of Wang Feng's impact, Emperor Batian was also very sorry, but if he failed, he was a failure. It was impossible to regret.

Now if Wang Feng wants to continue to grow stronger, he can only get rid of the shackles of this God City on him. If it is someone else, Emperor Batian may not be able to let them break through the city.

But for Wang Feng, he has full confidence. Although he has suffered a temporary blow now, Emperor Batian believes that it will not be long before Wang Feng's name will shine in the heavens again.

This is the answer to the old saying: gold always shines.

Last time on the excuse of Wang Feng, this Emperor Batian got rid of a lot of the malignant tumors in the central city. So now looking at Wang Feng, he couldn’t help being polite. In addition to the powerful presence behind Wang Feng, Wang Feng also helped him. He's busy, so it's normal for him to come out politely now.

It’s just that he thinks it’s normal, but people don’t think so. The last time he was outside the city, Emperor Batian was the first to rush to stop the fight. If he watched Wang Feng come out, he was the first to appear again. It can be seen that the city lord of this central city and Wang Feng must have an extraordinary relationship.

Could it be that Wang Feng is the illegitimate son of Emperor Batian?

Someone thought of this possibility, and suddenly felt shocked. It is self-evident that Di Batian is a city lord who can sit in a central city. To put it awkwardly, the number of people who died in his hands has long been counted. Know how many there are.

He seldom talks with others like this, let alone with Wang Feng, so the relationship between the two of them is definitely not ordinary.

"I have seen the city lord." Wang Feng said, and then said: "Because there is no physical body, I think it can be avoided by that."

"Haha, what are you talking about? It's just a matter of form. I don't care." During the speech, the emperor set his gaze on Wang Feng's purple **** city and asked: "I don't know if this nephew is preparing. Where are you going?"

"Go out." Wang Feng said, without hiding anything.

Because he could feel that this Emperor Batian did not have any malice towards him, so even if he told him something, Wang Feng felt that it didn’t matter. Anyway, in his current state, if he appeared anywhere, he might attract the attention of others. , So if he wants to hide his whereabouts, I'm afraid he can't hide it.

If so, he might as well speak up.

"Going out?" Di Batian was startled when he heard Wang Feng's words.

Although he has not experienced the stage of, as a master of cultivation, he understands that the monks of Shencheng are very easy to be targeted by others, especially people like Wang Feng who have long been famous. He is more likely to be treated by others.

Because there are countless creatures in the world, there are always so many thinking about crooked ways.

For example, something killed a very famous person, and then instantly made himself famous with him.

This is like the people on the earth who want to be famous and crazy. He has no ability to be famous, but he just wants to make some moths to find a sense of existence.

Although this kind of thing sounds nonsense, but this part is real, so Di Batian can't help but worry about Wang Feng now.

"I think it's not like that. As an elder, how about sending a guard to protect you?" Di Batian thought for a while and said.

He knows who is behind Wang Feng very well. If Wang Feng can be taken care of, he might still be valued by that big man. This is a good deal.


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