The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1721: Torture a confession

"As long as one of you first tells which power you are from, I can let the person you mentioned, how about?" Wang Feng said, his tone calm.

But after hearing Wang Feng's words, none of these three people moved. After all, they had received professional training. Even if they were facing death, they did not have the same fear as ordinary people.

It is not so easy to pry open their mouths, as can be seen from Hou Zhentian's expression.

But they didn't say that, Wang Feng naturally had a way to let them say, soft is not good, then Wang Feng can only come hard.

"Those who are talking can leave. All that is not to be said is death. I will give you three breaths of time to consider." Wang Feng said, and then a direct pressure fell on them.

If you want these killers to speak, the best way to play psychological warfare with them is that only when their psychological defenses are completely broken can they tell what Wang Feng wants to know, so Wang Feng is going to play with them again.


After waiting for almost a breath, a cold snort came from a person's mouth, and it was obvious that he was still not going to say it.

"You two don't know if you want to say it or not?" Without looking at this cold-humming person, Wang Feng directly cast his eyes on the other two people.

After hearing Wang Feng's words, the two men actually snorted together in the same way as the previous one.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng knew that he might not be able to deal with them softly. If you don't eat soft ones, it will only be painful for them.

Suddenly a dagger appeared in the void, and Wang Feng directly controlled one of the cultivators to speed.

It was cut with a knife, and blood flew across, and a large piece of flesh on this person's body was cut off by the magic knife.

The extreme pain swept his mind, and the corners of the man whose flesh and blood had been cut off instantly trembled, and he felt a very deep and severe pain at this moment.

"If you don't tell the power behind you, I will use this dagger to cut off the flesh and blood from you piece by piece until you die." Wang Feng's voice was endlessly chilly, and it made people feel chilly.

On the side, Hou Zhentian took a few steps back quietly, and he was also somewhat shocked by the tone that made Wang Feng speak.

Although Ling Chi’s punishment has long been circulated in the world, there are not many people who actually carry out this punishment, because this torture is really hurtful, and it cuts off the flesh and blood of people. It's scary to hear it, let alone seeing it with your own eyes.

"Even if you killed me, I won't say it." They are all people who have been systematically trained. Although this person is enduring great pain, his professional ethics like a dead man still made him send a big message. The sound of drinking.

"Death is not a big deal, my purpose is to make you worse than death." Wang Feng's heart became fierce as he spoke, and then the knife slashed at this person again.

"So cruel!"

In the Red Flame Alliance, those members of the Red Flame Alliance could also clearly see the situation inside the God City. Seeing that Wang Feng was going to cut off the flesh and blood of others with a dagger, they only felt the chill of their backs.

The blood shot, and a large piece of flesh and blood of this man was cut off by Wang Feng.

"Tell the forces behind you, I can let you go immediately, if you don't say it, this dagger will strip you of all your flesh and blood." Wang Feng's voice was like a devil, which made people feel chills.

"Even if you cut me a thousand knives, I would never say it." As if a certain firm belief flashed in his heart, the man made a roar that was not human.

It can be seen that he is not afraid of death at all, and it is undoubtedly very difficult for such a person to let him speak.

But since Wang Feng had already started, he would never stop, and none of the three would want to say that Wang Feng didn't believe it.

With one knife after another, the blood in front of Wang Feng soon became red. The person in front of him was stripped to the point that he was only skinny, and even the screams sounded like evil spirits.

"Say or not?"

Wang Feng's voice was loud, as if he could reach people's minds.

"Do not say."

Although the skin and flesh were stripped, this person was still stubborn and terrible. He was recruited and trained by the organization since he entered the kingdom of kings. Now that hundreds of years have passed, his ambition has long been extremely firm, and he knows that he may live today. No longer, so even if he died, he would never reveal a word.

"If you don't say yes, then I will torture you for a lifetime."

While speaking, a green breath fell on this person. Originally, his flesh and blood had been almost stripped, but under the envelope of this breath, the flesh and blood of this person was quickly recovering.

After only two breaths, all the injuries on this person recovered and he came back to life.

Just looking at the intact flesh and blood on his body, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all. The knife that he controlled the void cut down again.

With a stab, blood slammed, and this person began to suffer again.

"If you don't say it, I will torture you for a lifetime. You have to think clearly."


Hearing Wang Feng's words, no matter how firm this person's mind was, he couldn't help feeling chills at this moment, and he would have tortured for a lifetime without torture. At this moment, he only felt that his whole life had become gloomy.

The screams lasted for almost two hours. In the end, this person couldn't bear Wang Feng's torture, and he even fainted.

Although he was in pain, he still did not say what Wang Feng wanted to know. This made Wang Feng's face suddenly ugly, and he refused to say that his organization could cultivate him like this. , It can be seen that it is not simple.

"Next, it's you."

Since the first one didn’t speak, Wang Feng directly turned his gaze on the second person. When Wang Feng looked at him, this person only felt the furry in his heart, and it hadn’t even started yet. He already felt an endless sense of fear covering him. Of mind.

Before, he witnessed Wang Feng torturing the first person with his own eyes, so he was naturally very scared now, and he didn't want to follow that person's footsteps.

Sometimes death is not terrible, because death is just a momentary thing, but Wang Feng used Ling Chi's torture to deal with them, but did not let them die. How many people can persist in this torture?

Even these monks are scared.

"Give you three breaths of time to consider. If you don't say it, you can also enjoy the happiness I bring you." Wang Feng's voice was calm, but when he heard Wang Feng's words, this person only felt cold all over.

Torturing people is still talking about enjoyment, dare he cheat people a little more?

"It looks like you won't say it anymore, prepare to enjoy the most extreme torture in the world."

While talking, Wang Feng controlled the dagger and cut directly at this person.

"No, no, no, I said, I said." Seeing that dagger was drawn towards him, this person only felt that a wall in his heart had collapsed suddenly. At this moment, he was really scared.

He was afraid that Wang Feng would also be tortured by the people and ghosts. Compared with the organization, he wanted to prevent himself from suffering at this moment. Anyway, he was already dying, so regardless of his organization or organization. .

Compared with the previous person, this person entered the legendary organization in a lot shorter time, so his aspiration has not been tempered as firm as the previous person.

If not, he would not choose to speak at this moment.

"In that case, let's talk." Seeing this person want to say, Wang Feng's voice couldn't hear any emotions.

"We are members of the legendary organization." This person said, and then he kept silent. There was only so much he could tell Wang Feng.

But if he doesn't say it, it doesn't mean that the person behind him won't say. Although these people were stubborn before, since he has already spoken first at this moment, then there is no point in hiding the person behind him.

So seeing Wang Feng's gaze, this person didn't wait for Wang Feng to ask him, so he directly said: "The Legendary Organization is a very large organization in the Kings Realm. You can't stop the masters."

"It's my business that I can't stop it. Now I just want to know where your organization is in the kingdom of kings."

"Legendary organization is in a primeval forest. If no one leads the way, you can't find it there." The person shook his head and said.

"If that's the case, there is nothing to do with you."

While speaking, the bodies of these three people all exploded in front of Wang Feng, and there was no resistance at all.

Knowing the name of their organization has actually achieved the purpose for Wang Feng, so it doesn't make any sense for him to keep these people's lives, to torture them? If it were not for his own purpose, Wang Feng would not bother to target them.

So ending their lives now can be regarded as a kind of kindness to them by Wang Feng.

After all, it might be better for them to die than imprison them.

"Why did you run out of such a legendary organization for no reason?"

Just then Hou Zhentian asked suspiciously.

"I think it was under the instigation of someone," Wang Feng said.

It can be seen that this legendary organization must be a spoof killer organization, and some time ago, who wanted to kill himself madly, Wang Feng knew who it was even without much thinking.

The Nine Kings have been captured by themselves, but this organization still refuses to let it go. Therefore, when Wang Feng enters the kingdom of kings one day, this legendary organization will never even want to run. Wang Feng must personally uproot them.

Wang Feng has always been a very hateful person. The last time he climbed the ladder of heaven did not cause them trouble. I never thought that they are coming again. These people really regard him Wang Feng as a soft persimmon, and everyone wants to run. Come up and pinch twice.

Now that Wang Feng's strength has not reached the King Realm, he still cannot enter the King Realm. Once he enters the King Realm in the future, if this legendary organization still wants to run, then stop dreaming.


With a cold Then Wang Feng said to Hou Zhentian: "Help me find out where the outside world is full of aura. I need to find a place like that."

The reason why the cultivators of the God City could not escape was because of their lack of strength. Once the strength was gathered, then it would not be a problem to rush out of the God City.

"You want to go out like a **** city?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

There are not many cultivators in the **** city hiding in no one’s place to practice secretly. Seeing Wang Feng like this, he seems to want to leave the Nirvana realm and go to the outside world.

"What? Why should I go out?" Wang Feng asked, making Hou Zhentian almost choked.

At this moment, he had to admit that he had made Wang Feng a little bit of mine.

This is totally unusual.


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