The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1720: Group annihilation

"With me, no one can save you." Hearing these people's life-saving voices, Wang Feng just sneered, and then his palm forcibly squeezed the souls of these people.

"Kill more, kill more." At this moment, a gloomy laugh sounded, but it was the tortoise shell that broke away from Wang Feng's left arm.

Because Wang Feng no longer possesses a real physical body, it has naturally lost its habitat, and now it stays in the Red Flame Alliance and will not easily go out.

The evil spirits it raises need these flesh and soul to be powerful, so seeing the souls that Wang Feng squeezed, it will naturally not pass such an opportunity.

"One step beyond the thunder pool, kill without mercy!"

Wang Feng's mouth uttered an extremely indifferent voice, making the hearts of all the cultivators of the **** city horrified.

The cultivator of God City can be said to be the most powerful existence in the Nirvana Realm, and now Wang Feng can easily kill several people. This level of strength is definitely not as simple as one star.

It can be said that this is completely smashing and killing. The same is the **** city monk, but Wang Feng's **** city can easily smash the city of other **** city monks. There is simply a qualitative gap.

You must know that when Wang Feng built his own **** city, those heaven and earth treasures that were consumed were not a joke. These are the terrifying details of Wang Feng now.

After killing several cultivators of God City in succession, Wang Feng's shot stopped them all.

Although they are crowded, they still have no sense of security in front of Wang Feng, because since Wang Feng can kill these **** city monks, then Wang Feng will certainly not consume much effort to kill them. At this time, as long as anyone dares to go, Who might die.

"Why? Didn't you dare to come up?" Wang Feng sneered looking at this large group of cultivators of the God City.

Hearing what Wang Feng said, no one dared to respond, because they were a little afraid of Wang Feng. Who wanted to come up to die.

"Since you are afraid to come up, let me attack you instead."

While talking, Wang Feng’s body skyrocketed again. Originally, the diameter of his God City was about 100 kilometers away, but at this moment, under Wang Feng’s intentional urging, the range of his God City directly skyrocketed to 300 kilometers in diameter. Under such circumstances, The entire Crimson Flame League's city was directly blocked by Wang Feng, leaving no path.


Looking at the group of cultivators in the **** city in front, Wang Feng controlled his city and rammed it directly.

The rumbling voice resounded between the world and the earth, and a vast coercion permeated from Wang Feng’s God City. Under such circumstances, the group of God City monks in front of Wang Feng was panicked. Feel it.

Even though Wang Feng could no longer use the war sword, the power he could burst out was still unimaginable, and this time they were all kicked.

Since the killing of Wang Feng failed, they didn't want to be killed by Wang Feng, so at this moment they were all retreating crazily, and they were afraid to fight Wang Feng.

It's just that they have come. How could Wang Feng let them go? He had already made up his mind to kill all these people here, so none of them wanted to escape.

At the beginning, Wang Feng didn't touch some of them because of their hardship in cultivation, but now they are actually avenging their grievances to make trouble for themselves, so where would Wang Feng let them live?

If a good person can't be regarded as a good person, then Wang Feng can only be a wicked person. Anyway, the number of lives in his hands is already unclear. He doesn't care if you add dozens of them.

Some people don't want to survive, and he insists on begging for death, so all Wang Feng can do is satisfy them.

It was like a car ramming through the void. Where Wang Feng passed, the cultivators of the **** city were basically broken, and then their souls were destroyed by Wang Feng.

The thirty-something cultivators of the **** city could not form an effective attack at this moment, they had already let Wang Feng break up, at best they were a mob.

It can be used to bluff people, but to deal with Wang Feng, I am afraid it is not enough, because none of them are Wang Feng's opponents.

One after another, the **** city monks let Wang Feng kill them, and the three **** city monks Wang Feng strangled them all within ten minutes, and none of them escaped.

Even if there were one or two fish that slipped through the net, Wang Feng went to hunt and kill them. Under such circumstances, all of these **** city monks died tragically. When they came, they were all aggressive, but now they have all become nothingness, never possible. Appeared in this world.

"What? Those who are secretly observing, should I ask you to come out?"

After killing these cultivators in the God City, Wang Feng cast his gaze into the void and said coldly.

So many **** city monks attacked at the same time, not because they wanted to come to Wang Feng for revenge, even some of the **** city monks didn’t know Wang Feng at all. There is only one possibility for them to attack Wang Feng today, that is, they were ordered by others. of.

Sure enough, after killing these **** city monks, Wang Feng discovered that there was a person hidden in the void. Although this person was hiding well, under Wang Feng's eyes, there was actually no difference between hiding and not hiding.

Wang Feng had seen him a long time ago. In fact, he was busy chasing and killing the cultivators of the **** city without a bird. Now that all the cultivators of the **** city are dead, this person is still hiding here and has not left. Does he think he can deal with himself?

"Unexpectedly, you could find me." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the person hiding in the void knew that he could not hide, so he walked out directly.

"In front of me, your little concealment technique is simply pediatrics. Do you really think you are good at hiding?" Wang Feng's face showed a sneer, and then he said, "Let’s talk about it, why are you instructing these **** city monks? Come to die?"

What Wang Feng said was very particular. Dealing with him and sending him to death are two completely different concepts. This shows how confident Wang Feng is.

"call out!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person didn't make any response at all. He broke out at the limit of speed and came straight to Wang Feng.

It seemed that he still wanted to kill Wang Feng.

Only seeing the enemy attack, Wang Feng didn't make any counterattack at all, he let this person rush up.


It was like a sound of hitting metal, although this person rushed in front of Wang Feng and used his weapon.

But when his power fell on the wall of Wangfeng God City, he only made a sound of metal crashing, and Wang Feng's city wall was intact.


Seeing this scene, the cultivator who attacked Wang Feng stared with an unbelievable face.

You must know that the weapon he used just now is specially made, this thing is specially used to attack those **** city cultivators, it can be said to be no disadvantage.

Many cultivators of the God City would be easily broken when they first touched the dagger. He originally thought that he could use this weapon to break Wang Feng's God City.

However, the strength of Wang Feng's God City was beyond imagination, let alone breaking the gap, his dagger did not even leave any trace on Wang Feng's wall.

"Take a broken dagger and want to deal with me, are you too confident?" Before Wang Feng wondered why this person didn't walk away while he killed the cultivators of the **** city. He didn't expect that he would still hold and deal with it. Own mentality.

It's just a pity, Wang Feng's divine city after being transformed by the purple iron block is unimaginable, and his dagger doesn't help Wang Feng at all.

Even for Wang Feng, this is almost as tickle.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, this man did not hesitate at all, and he attacked again.

However, the attack this time was no different from the previous one, and he still had no choice but to help Wang Feng.

"You have done enough, should I be replaced next?" Wang Feng said, and his majestic city rose directly into the sky.

In the presence of all the members of the Red Flame Alliance, Wang Feng’s God City came down directly. The monk who wanted to deal with Wang Feng almost had no time to escape, so Wang Feng’s city was crushed into the ground. .

However, this monk was already at the limit of the peak of Nirvana, so even if he was crushed by Wang Feng's God City, he did not die, he just couldn't get away for the time being.

It's just that there is no way he wants to get away now, because Wang Feng's God City has already suppressed him to death.

Through Wang Feng's operation, this person finally let Wang Feng get into his God City.

The powerful force instantly imprisoned this person, and Wang Feng's sneer came: "Let's go, who is instigated by you again?"

"I don't know anything, even if you kill me, I won't say anything." The man's mouth was hard, as if he didn't say anything.

Just hearing what he said, Wang Feng understood that he should be from the same power as the two people who had let the wind at the gate of the Red Flame League before, and they should all come from the kingdom of kings.

"It won't be enough to kill you, but I think you should want to say it soon." Wang Feng's voice spread into the Red Flame League as he spoke: "Hou Zhentian, give me all the two people I captured last time. Get it into my God City."

Regardless of where the forces that caused the **** city monks to besiege him came from, Wang Feng felt that he had to figure it out now.

When I got off the ladder, I was attacked by them. Unexpectedly, they couldn't bear to do it again after so long.

Do you really think that Wang Feng is made of plasticine?

To deal with him repeatedly, how could Wang Feng be willing if he didn't find them out.

"People have brought it." Just when Wang Feng was thinking about how to deal with this secret force, Wang Feng heard Hou Zhentian's voice.

Opening his own city gate, Wang Feng quickly released Hou Zhentian and the two killers.

Because the whole body is banned, at this moment these two assassins are almost as weak as the two children.

Being lifted by Hou Zhentian, they are no different from a child.

"Did they confess what?" Looking at the two people who were caught by themselves before, UU read www.uukanshu. com Wang Feng asked.

"A confession, the mouths of these two people are too hard, and we have exhausted every possible means to come up with no useful news." Said this, Hou Zhentian also had an angry look on his face.

"Okay, since they don't say anything, let me interrogate them." Wang Feng said, and then detained the two men in front of him.

In this way, all three of them brought Wang Feng into custody in front of him. Looking at the two of them, Wang Feng's heart sneered, but he did not have an immediate attack.

"The three of you should all come from the same force, so let me give you a chance to survive, don't you know if you want it?"

Hearing what Wang Feng said, none of these three people spoke. Just by observing their expressions, Wang Feng still found the trace of survival in the depths of their eyes.

It can be seen that they do not really want to die, at least they still have the survival instinct of ordinary people.


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