The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1719: Come to kill

With such a large city, it is impossible for Wang Feng to enter the city of the Red Flame Alliance at this moment, and it is impossible for the city of the Red Flame Alliance to have such a large space to accommodate his God City.

He could only float outside the Red Flame Alliance like this, unable to enter.

"How could this happen?" Yan Junyun asked with tears while looking at the purple city of Wang Feng.

"There is a natural reason why this happened. I will tell you more when I have time later." Wang Feng said, and then he stopped entering the Red Flame League. His God City descended directly beside the Red Flame League.

In this way, it was like a small city appeared next to the Red Flame Alliance. If it weren't for the aura of Wang Feng, people might think that this was a city deliberately built by the Red Flame Alliance.

The impact to the king ended, and Wang Feng, who had returned to the Red Flame Alliance, quickly calmed down. Because the city of God was completed, Wang Feng must find a way to break through to the realm of the king as soon as possible.

God City is very slow for the promotion of cultivators, so Wang Feng can't go on like this, he must take off the shell of God City as soon as possible.

Because of Wang Feng, almost all things circulating in the entire Southern Territory are Wang Feng's affairs. Everyone is discussing the super catastrophe caused by Wang Feng, and they are also discussing Wang Feng against the sky against the sword of the sword.

In short, everything that Wang Feng experienced has become a lot of talk about topics. If you use the words on the earth to describe it, then Wang Feng is now firmly occupying the headlines of these three days, and no one can hold it down.

Wang Feng now has the reputation, but the price he paid is very high. The attack on the king failed and the Daozi sequence was deprived. Now Wang Feng drags the outer shell of the **** city every day, and he himself cannot leave the **** city for half a step. One point, Wang Feng felt very helpless.

For a month, Wang Feng didn't move, he seemed to be asleep, and there was no sound.

Every time they saw Wang Feng's purple and gorgeous God city, the people of the Red Flame Alliance couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing, and they failed the impact. This was really shocking.

Fearing that Wang Feng would be hit, Hou Zhentian and others screamed outside Wang Feng's city every day, but Wang Feng did not respond to their words. He just stayed calmly in his own God City, without any movement.

Seeing that there was no response to the call every day, Hou Zhentian and others finally gave up gradually. With Wang Feng as a person, he shouldn't be so vulnerable, right?

Regarding Wang Feng, the conversation in the Red Flame Alliance gradually became quieter. Following Wang Feng's defeat, the Red Flame Alliance first had a wave of departure. Some people thought that Wang Feng might be invincible, so they chose to leave.

However, there is still a large part of the choice to stay. Although Wang Feng has been wounded now, he is still the strongest in the Nirvana world anyway. With him in the Red Flame League, he can sit back and relax, so stay in this Red Flame League. Among them is also the best choice.

Wang Feng calmed down for a month, but there was still a lot of rumors about him. Now basically all the monks with a little bit of strength in the Southern Territory are aware of the existence of Wang Feng.

Obviously they can become kings, but they fail because they don’t want to cut the way. Moreover, the super catastrophe is even more sensational. Although many people have not witnessed it with their own eyes, just hearing others say that they have a kind of enthusiastic feeling, this Wang Feng It's really scary.

"It's not good, it's not good." A month later, a panicked voice rang in the Red Flame Alliance, attracting Hou Zhentian and the others.

"What's the panic?" Hou Zhentian frowned and asked, looking at this panicked member of the Scarlet Flame League.

"That's the case. A large number of Divine City monks are coming over about 20,000 kilometers away from our Red Flame League. Looking at their direction, it should be our Red Flame League." This person responded.

"What?" Hou Zhentian and others were shocked when they heard this. A large number of cultivators in the **** city, what is that?

"How many people are there?" an elder of the Red Flame Alliance asked.

"The disciples below are not detailed, but at least they are above thirty." This person thought for a while and said.

"My day." Hou Zhentian was secretly worried when he heard this. Although the Red Flame Alliance is the most powerful force in the Nirvana Realm now, it is undeniable that the reason why the Red Flame Alliance is strong is entirely because of Wang Feng's shock. Except for Wang Feng, there are only so few cultivators in the God City in the Red Flame Alliance today.

Did those people think that Wang Feng had become a cultivator in the city of God, so they had any wrong idea?

"Check me again." Hou Zhentian yelled, and then he headed directly towards the purple **** city where Wang Feng was.

No matter what, he had to tell Wang Feng about such a big thing in advance, because in the entire Scarlet Flame Alliance, only Wang Feng had terrifying combat power.

"Wang Feng came out to die!"

Just before Hou Zhentian rushed to the place where Wang Feng was, the group of cultivators from God City had already reached the gate of their Red Flame Alliance. Twenty thousand kilometers is a very long distance for mortals, but for powerful monks, 20,000 kilometers. At best, it's a distance that can be covered in just one or two breaths.

The peaceful life was broken, and Wang Feng was forced to retreat from his worries. In the past month, Wang Feng has been thinking about how to break the shackles of God City in a short period of time and become king.

The most feasible method is to gather a large amount of power and leave the city in an instant. Although the idea is good, but to gather a power that is enough for the cultivators of the **** city to leave the city, the ghost knows how much it needs.

So although a month of thinking is useful, it can also be said to be useless.

How the other cultivators of the **** city did not know how Wang Feng was cultivating. He only focused on his current situation.

It's just that now someone is clamoring at the gate of the Red Flame League, how can Wang Feng ignore it?

In any case, he is still the seeming leader of the Red Flame Alliance, even if he has become a cultivator of the God City, then he is not something that anyone can provoke.

Between the rumblings, Wang Feng's purple **** city was uplifted, and Wang Feng directly blocked the door of the Red Flame Alliance.

Seeing this dense group of Divine City monks, Wang Feng's heart was filled with coldness, because there were some Divine City monks Wang Feng let off last time. Last time, Wang Feng just snatched the power of these Divine City monks and did not kill them.

As the saying goes, God has the virtue of good living, Wang Feng didn't want to make too many killings, but who would have thought that they would come over to find their own trouble today, keeping their lives.

It seemed that he was still too kind. At this moment, Wang Feng couldn't help but think of the classic story of the farmer and the snake.

Some people are not grateful for your kindness and let them go. Maybe he thanked you for not killing because you are stronger than the other party.

If one day you fall into the sun, it would be normal for those people to come back to trouble you.

Now that Wang Feng hasn't fallen to an ultra-low state, they are all here, which shows how much they have increased themselves.

Since the good man did not do a good job at the beginning, today Wang Feng, the wicked man, must do his best, and Wang Feng will eliminate any existence that threatens him without hesitation.

"There are so many people here, so you really can count on me." Looking at this large group of cultivators of God City, Wang Feng's face showed a sneer.

"Wang Feng, although you were tough before, now you can't even hold a sword. I see how you fight with so many of us." A **** city monk sneered.

The reason why Wang Feng was so terrible at the beginning was entirely because Wang Feng had a war sword in his hand, and the terribleness of that war sword was simply beyond human resistance.

Just like Wang Feng crosses the robbery, the power erupted by his war sword is still terrifying, but now he doesn't even have a physical body, how does he use the war sword to confront the enemy?

It is precisely because Wang Feng can no longer use the war sword, these talents dared to come, if not, give them a hundred courage, they would not dare to open the door like this.

"Stop talking nonsense, just step forward if you are not afraid of death."

Seeing that the other party's heart was determined, Wang Feng was too lazy to say it. Although he can't use the war sword now, it doesn't mean that anyone can bully him.

The thirty-odd cultivators of God City looked scary, but once Wang Feng was offended and they were all destroyed, what would happen?

"I will try you."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, a monk from God City rushed up with a majestic city.

"Then destroy you first."

As the saying goes, if this person is willing to take the lead, then what kind of kindness does Wang Feng have.

The original city with a diameter of ten kilometers soared to a hundred kilometers in an instant. Under the shroud of purple light, Wang Feng's city looked like a castle in a fairy tale, beautiful and magnificent.

It’s just that the more beautiful things represent the danger. Wang Feng’s city is too big. He just controls his city and rushes forward, and the **** city monk who rushes over is directly broken. He is not Wang Feng’s opponent at all. .

In front of Wang Feng, his God City looked like a child, not at the same level.

Just like a super-large excavator crushing a small car, the **** city monk did not have time to attack, so that Wang Feng's purple **** city was crushed and crushed, and the soul in it was also crushed. , Form and spirit are all destroyed!

As soon as he took the shot, Wang Feng gave these God City monks a great disarm. They didn't expect Wang Feng to be so terrible even if he couldn't use a war sword. A God City monk would be wiped out instantly.

"Don't be afraid of him, let's go together."

At this time, a **** city monk spoke up, and then more than ten **** city monks all rushed up.

Of course, not all of these **** city cultivators came to deal with Wang Feng. Several of them rushed directly to the Red Flame Alliance. They wanted to attack the Red Flame Alliance to divide Wang Feng's mind.

They came here today for only one purpose, and that is to kill Wang Feng, so they don't care about the morals of the world.

As long as Wang Feng dies, their goal will be achieved, so what will happen to the Scarlet Flame Alliance that killed Wang Feng?

But although the idea is good, anyone can rush into the Red Flame Alliance?

Wang Feng's God City is really too Seeing those few God City monks who wanted to rush into the Crimson Flame Alliance, Wang Feng's God City rammed them directly like a bolt of lightning.


A huge roar sounded, these few **** city monks had not rushed into the Red Flame Alliance, and then their city was directly knocked out of a huge gap by Wang Feng's purple **** city. Regarding the strength of the **** city, Wang Feng was far superior to them. .

A huge palm turned out of Wang Feng's **** city, and this palm directly grabbed the souls in the center of those **** cities.


Being confined by Wang Feng's palm, the souls of the cultivators of the gods all made horrified sounds.


Four more complete, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, as long as the support is in place, the explosion is more appropriate

It’s getting farther and farther away from the first 20 of the monthly pass. I wonder if there is still a chance to go up this month?


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