The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1245: Exposed

"Master is discussing important matters with Elder Zhang, and I also ask Young Master to wait outside for a while." The steward said, not dare to say that Young Master is not.

He knows that the master dotes on the young master very much, so he dare not have any dissatisfaction with the young master. Once discovered by their master, whether he can keep his life is still two different things.

"I don't care who he talks to, I will see him now." Wang Feng said, making the butler look embarrassed.

"Master, you are not sincerely letting the old slave..."

"Go and go, leave me alone, I will be annoyed when I see you." Pushing the old man aside, Wang Feng directly opened the door in front of him.

The door opened, and two Nile elders appeared in front of Wang Feng, one was the father of the pale man, and the other was the elder Zhang that the housekeeper said.

"Qi'er, what are you doing in here? Didn't you see that there is something important for your father to discuss with Elder Zhang?" The pale man's father said, his expression slightly gloomy.

It was just that Wang Feng was not afraid of this gloomy complexion, because he knew that if the pale man himself did it, it would be the case.

"I also have important matters to discuss with you." Wang Feng said.

"I think I should go back first and wait until tomorrow?" At this moment, Elder Zhang said.

The whole Nile religion knows about Yongping's doting of his only son, so this Elder Zhang obviously also knows Wang Feng's temper, so he said such a thing.

"It can only be so, I'm really sorry." This Yong Ping said with a fist to Elder Zhang.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Since you have something to do, the old man will leave first." The figure of Elder Zhang gradually dimmed while speaking, and he has already left here.

"Steward, close the door." Looking at Wang Feng, the Yong Ping shouted.

"Yes." The housekeeper's voice sounded outside, and then Wang Feng saw that the sunlight behind him gradually diminished, until finally disappeared.

"Qi'er, I don't know what you have to discuss with me?" Looking at his daughter, the gloom on Yong Ping's face had long since disappeared, replaced by a deep doting look.

It is said that loving mothers often lose children, and the same applies to fathers.

Most people who have been spoiled have a bad temper, because they are all used to it.

"No one is eavesdropping here, right?" Looking around, Wang Feng asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, no one on my site dared to eavesdrop on anything. Just say what you have." Yong Ping said.

"That's the case. I heard that our Nile Sect is going to attack other sea areas. I don't know if there is such a thing?" Wang Feng said, making Yong Ping suddenly shocked.

I saw him looking around, and then said in a low voice: "Qi'er, where did you hear this news?"

"Don't worry about this, I just want to know if this is true or not." Wang Feng asked.

"Qi'er, although the old man spoils you, but you have to understand the truth that misfortune comes out of your mouth. Our Nile Sect has never clearly said that we are going to attack other sea areas. You must not say anything like this today. Otherwise, you and I may suffer."

"I can't manage that much, I will ask you now, is this true?" Wang Feng said, starting to play sideways.

Seeing Wang Feng like this, this Yong Ping also felt a headache. He is just such a son. Although he is very doting on his son, he also understands that his son has many weird tempers.

But his first move was already wrong, so now

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) He can only make mistakes. With such a son, he cannot give up.

"If you don't tell me the truth, I will run away from home now and never come back again." Wang Feng threatened.

Hearing what his son said, although Yong Ping sighed in his heart, he still asked, "I don't know what you want to know about this for?"

"My cultivation has reached Ping Jin, I need more people to study it, and I need your help." Wang Feng said truthfully, making Yong Ping sigh.

He knows what his son is practicing, so now he can't find anything more than sighing.

"Let’s tell you this. It is indeed possible for our Nile sect to attack other sea areas, but this is just a guess of all of us. Whether we have to wait for the leader to say something. With your current strength, you still don’t want to go out. , I will bring back what you need."

"I heard that our Nile religion will send troops to land. Is there such a thing?"

"This matter is inconclusive, don't talk nonsense, and it's not our final say whether you go to land or not. Besides, you don't participate in the war. Why are you asking so much?"

"The best furnace I need for my cultivation is humans. I heard that the people living on land are basically humans. Don't you know what I want to do?" Wang Feng said here with a hint of bloodthirsty on his face. It also brought out the sentence he just said.

"Don't worry, if you really want to attack the mainland, I will help you catch the living." This Yong Ping spoke, and then said: "Now wars are everywhere, and your strength is still low, you should stay in the teaching."

"Yeah." Wang Feng nodded slightly, and then walked towards this Yongping.

"Do you have anything else?" Seeing Wang Feng walking towards him, Yong Ping's face was puzzled.

Of course, he hadn't noticed any danger, because Wang Feng had all the murderous intent in his heart.

The hatred between Wang Feng and the Nile Sect has long been unable to resolve, and now there is an excellent opportunity to kill the other elder, how could Wang Feng give up.

Killing one of them is an elder, and he will have less pressure to face in the future.

"I want to whisper to you a bit." Wang Feng said, and then he came to this Yong Ping.

Yong Ping was too familiar with his own breath, and he had never doubted Wang Feng, who looked at him with no difference in appearance and breath from his own son.

Just when he was about to ask Wang Feng what he wanted to ask him, he suddenly felt a cold in his chest and looked down. At this moment, a long spear had penetrated his chest, and the power of destruction erupted in his chest, causing The corners of his mouth were shaking violently.

He didn't expect that his son would treat him like this. Although his son was very cruel and killed many people over the years, he believed that his son would not hurt him.

But now, right in front of him, just under his attention, the murderous intent of the opponent rushed into his body.

"You..." Pointing to Wang Feng, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he could hardly even speak. At this moment, besides regret, he was heartache.

His son shot himself a shot himself. Is he going to kill his father?

He thought of his doting on his son, and also of the time he was born. At this moment, he thought of a lot, and when a person was about to die, his mind was often the clearest.

Countless regrets flooded his mind like a tide. If he didn't spoil his son in the first place, if he didn't let his son practice the corpse transformation technique, would the result now be different?

If too many appeared in his heart, it's just that there is no regret medicine to sell in this world, and the cause he planted now has the effect.


(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Go to death with peace of mind. "Wang Feng said, and his appearance gradually changed, becoming the appearance of this Yong Pingyuan.

Seeing this scene, Yong Ping's eyes widened, and he coughed violently.

"Who the **** are you?" He used his last bit of strength and uttered a sentence.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you can no longer survive now." Wang Feng said, and then said: "I will tell you another news. Your son has also been killed by me. Now you father and son can be reunited. ."

"You..." Looking at Wang Feng, this Yong Ping only felt that his whole body was taken out of his strength. Under Wang Feng's attention, his breath slowly dissipated, but his eyes were staring after death. The boss, he can't stand his eyes.

It was still the same level as before, Wang Feng directly annihilated his physical body completely. The news he wanted to know was now known, so he should leave Nile Sect.

He thought well before, this Nile religion really has to make big moves, sweeping multiple places at the same time?

Thinking of this, Wang Feng's face showed a sneer. With him, the Nile Sect was afraid it would be difficult to get out of the Nile Sea.

"I want to go out." Opening the door, Wang Feng said.

"Master, where's the master?" The butler asked suspiciously at this time.

"He has been confined by me. No one can visit him without my order." Wang Feng said, and he left here directly after saying this.

Because he changed the Nile elders, all those who saw him along the way looked respectful.

Taking advantage of his identity as an elder, Wang Feng left the Nile Sect very easily, but he had just come out, and suddenly a terrible breath broke out in the Nile Sect.

"Since it's all here, let's stay forever." An indifferent voice came from behind, and a strong life and death crisis enveloped Wang Feng's heart. At this moment, he did not hesitate to display Space Teleport.

With just a breath, he has come to an endless distance, and he successfully escaped from the Nile religion headquarters.

Just before he breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly a light flashed not far behind him, and the figure of a middle-aged man slowly flashed out. At this moment, his body was filled with a terrifying aura, making Wang Feng's complexion look all over his body. Shen.

At this moment, he only felt that his whole body seemed to be weighed hundreds of thousands of kilograms, and it was difficult to even move it.

"When we come to our Nile Cult to kill people in such an upright manner, do you really think that our Nile Cult is a place where you want to come and leave?" the middle-aged man said, already showing his murderous intentions.

"I will tell you, are you right?" Looking at the middle-aged man, Wang Feng's face showed a smile.

"court death!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged man from UU reading had a cold face, and instantly approached Wang Feng.

"You don't need to send me away, I can go by myself." Wang Feng said, and his figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Although the pressure just now was heavy, with Wang Feng's power running, he broke free easily.

The people who chased him behind were obviously more than one-star immortal. Obviously, the leader of the Nile Sect had successfully raised his realm to two-star immortal during the retreat.

The leader of the Nile Sect is a metamorphosis if he has not reached the last three days but has raised his realm to one level.

"Cage of heaven and earth!"

Seeing Wang Feng fleeing, the middle-aged man showed a sneer on his face. At the beginning, he used this enrollment to trap Emperor Xuanyu. If it hadn't been for Emperor Xuanyu to escape with a taboo, he would have already escaped. Behead the opponent.

(End of this chapter)


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