The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1246: Into Hell Valley


"Eye of Destruction!"

Realizing that the power of rules in the heavens and the earth is being rapidly annihilated, Wang Feng did not hesitate to directly explode the attack power of his own heavenly eyes.

Two blood-colored rainbows burst out of Wang Feng's eyes at this moment, and this so-called space cage was pierced through two large holes almost instantly.

With the help of rules, Wang Feng fled out in the blink of an eye, causing the leader of the Nile Sect to frown slightly.

Obviously he didn't expect Wang Feng to escape so easily, even the Great Emperor Xuanyu had been trapped for a long time before he got out.

"Interesting." Looking at Wang Feng who had escaped, the Nile Sect leader showed a smile on his face, but under his smile, what was hidden was a deep killing intent.

For Wang Feng, he had already had a heart to kill, because the opponent not only almost destroyed the Nile religion he had worked so hard to build, but even many key members were killed by him, so it is impossible for him not to report this hatred. .

"Even if you chase to the end of the world today, you can never escape from this seat." Looking at Wang Feng, the leader of the Nile cult followed him without even thinking about it.

"You don't need to go to the end of the world, because you can't catch up with me." Wang Feng's speed suddenly increased while speaking, and with the help of the power of rules, he almost disappeared in front of the Nile cult leader in the blink of an eye.

Just when the leader of the Nile sect was about to chase after Wang Feng's breath, suddenly all the news about Wang Feng disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

"How could this be?" Perceiving such a change, the leader of the Nile Sect frowned slightly. He could be sure that Wang Feng escaped from this direction, but now the other party's breath disappeared without a trace. How did this happen? Arrived?

Let him be superior in strength, let him have amazing perception, but at this moment he really lost Wang Feng.

At a very long distance from here, Wang Feng stepped out of the void in one step. The reason why he could easily get rid of the leader of the Nile Cult had a lot to do with his art of stealing the sky.

This technique can not only change the appearance, but also change the breath. Before Wang Feng changed his breath when he teleported. Under such circumstances, the leader of the Nile Sect was naturally lost.

Of course, this also has something to do with the timing Wang Feng chose. He changed his appearance and aura at the moment he penetrated the cage of heaven and earth. If not, it might be difficult for him to get rid of the leader of the Nile cult.

He asked the ancestor of the sky demon before, and the other party said that he didn't know the strength of the leader of the Nile cult, but now he has seen the leader of the Nile cult with his own eyes, he has almost figured out the strength of the other party, the two-star immortal.

One-star immortal can be called a true immortal, and the two-star immortal is more terrifying than the one-star immortal. Wang Feng is not clear. In short, he felt a strong life and death crisis at the moment he met the leader of the Nile sect. The opponent has the power to destroy him.

Therefore, Wang Feng is afraid that it will be difficult for him to be an enemy in a short time.

But this is nothing, because Wang Feng only needs to contain the opponent from killing him to land.

In this process, Wang Feng could also wait for an opportunity to improve his strength, and it was not impossible.

After about half an hour, Wang Feng returned to the city where Liu Yidao was. When he saw Wang Feng, Liu immediately asked, "How is it?"

"My previous guess is good. The Nile Church does have a huge conspiracy. They want to attack a lot of places, and their leader has reached the two-star immortal. Right now we are afraid that it will be a little troublesome."

"Two Star Immortals..." Liu Yidao was silent when he heard Wang Feng's words.

When the Great Emperor Xuanyu was promoted to the one-star immortal, he had already killed those strong men in the Demon Territory, but now the leader of the Nile Cult is actually a two-star immortal.

If you meet him yourself, I'm afraid he will be finished with a breath.

"Then you didn't suffer any injuries?" Liu Yidao asked with some worry.

"Injury is not enough, it is almost trapped." This time Wang Feng decisively used Tianyan to run away. If there is another time, I am afraid he will not get out so easily, the other party must have taken precautions.

"Then the other party's Thousand People Supreme phalanx is also true?"

"It's true." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "A thousand supreme phalanx, if such a force reaches the middle three-day land, I am afraid the whole land will be sunk."

"Then let's slap a bit, hurry up and clean up and run away." Liu Yidao said, thinking that they would have no way to fight the Nile Cult.

A two-star immortal plus a thousand-person supreme phalanx, such a lineup is enough to form a sweeping trend wherever it goes.

Not to mention that Emperor Xuanyu is gone, even if he doesn't go, I'm afraid he will have to run away.

"I don't think they will go to land for the time being." After thinking about it, Wang Feng said.

This Nile Sea area is very far away from the land, even if he drives with all his strength, it will take a few days. If the army wants to move, I am afraid it will take longer.

He felt that the Nile Sect should start sweeping from a few nearby sea areas, and as for himself, it is very likely that he was not in their consideration at all.

Originally Wang Feng thought that all the actions of the Nile family were due to him, but now it seems that he is a little too naive.

"Such a tyrannical lineup, whoever goes up is dead." Liu Yidao said, feeling a deep chill.

Although he has not seen the leader of the Nile religion, he has already felt the horror of the Nile religion by only listening to Wang Feng's description.

An ancient power dominating here is not as simple as it seems.

"The phalanx of the Supreme Thousand People is definitely controlled by the leader of the Nile Sect. As long as we deal with the leader of the Nile Sect, the phalanx of the Supreme Thousand People is not a threat."

"But can you deal with the leader of the Nile Cult?" Liu Yidao said grimly.

"Maybe I can't deal with it now, but it doesn't mean that I can't deal with it in the future. As long as my realm can go one step further, everything will become possible." Wang Feng said, his eyes gleaming, and he was thinking about how to make his own. The realm is furthering.

It's just that no matter what he thinks, he feels that his realm will not change in a short period of time, because his realm has only improved. Without a buffer period, it would be difficult for him to rush to the late Holy Realm.

When he was directly promoted to the Holy Realm from the Reincarnation Realm, it was considered a realm skyrocketing, and the consequence of this skyrocketing was that his body had many deficiencies. Although he has been making up for this deficiency in subsequent cultivation, he has not really made up for it yet All over.

So he wants to skyrocket again, unless he doesn't want his future.

"Remember that Hell Valley?" Wang Feng said suddenly at this moment.

"Remember." Liu nodded, then revealed a different color, and said: "Do you mean that the two of us are going to this Hell Valley to find out?"

Hell Valley is rumored to be the tomb of a terrifying strong man. No legend can come from nowhere. A place like Fentiansha can be sprayed thinly, which must represent a peerless fierce. It is too late for ordinary monks to hide in such a place. Wang Feng is going to go. After all, isn't this a broken brain?

"Talking to smart people is comfortable. Right now, the strength of the leader of the Nile cult has completely surpassed me. If my realm cannot be improved, then I will have to escape when I meet him."

"So for the people on the land, and for ourselves, I must find a way to make my realm further, or else both of you and my life are worrying." Wang Feng explained, making Liu silent.

Right now Wang Feng is the real main force, and he, the once outdated strong man, has long been unable to keep up with Wang Feng's pace. Now he can do his best not to delay Wang Feng's retreat and be a good depressor.

In addition, he found that he didn't have much effect, and he didn't even have the strength of the supreme. He was indeed blocked everywhere.

Wang Feng wanted to improve his strength, so why not so with his dagger.

"Since you have already decided, then I naturally raise my hands in agreement, regardless of life or death, let's go together." Liu Yidao said, completely dispelling the doubt in his heart.

If a cultivator does not even have the determination to fight, then he will die on this road against the sky sooner or later. Perhaps the Hell Valley is really dangerous, but the danger is often accompanied by chance. Maybe they can all improve their strength there. indefinite.

"I think this is the Liu Yidao I know." Looking at Liu Yidao, a smile appeared on Wang Feng's face.

In this way, the decision to go to Hell Valley was happily made by the two of them, but before leaving the city, the two of them went to eat and drink among the best restaurants in the city, because this meal was owed to Wang Feng by Liu. of.

After eating and drinking, Wang Feng didn't hesitate and left here with Liu Yidao.

And just after they left, the little man heard that there seemed to be no sound in the room. When he opened the door, he realized that the two people had already disappeared.

Seeing that the two of them ordered so many rare dishes, this young man thought he could get a good commission, but now that the master has left, let alone the commission, he can't even collect the cost. .

"There are...people running away...single!" After saying this, the young man only felt the darkness before his eyes, and then he fell straight to the ground.

"The feeling of eating free food is just comfortable." Void, Liu laughed.

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng felt very speechless. When Liu Yidao said eating free food, he thought Liu Yidao was a joke. He didn't expect this old guy to actually do that.

You said that you can't have a one hundred spirit stone for that meal, so do you want to pick it?

"Don't say know me next time you go out." Wang Feng said, quickly turning his head away.

"I want to say, is it possible that your kid still wants to bite me?" Liu Yidao exclaimed triumphantly, causing Wang Feng's forehead to have three more black lines.

He found that this old guy was getting Amidst the noise of Liu Yidao, the two of them approached the Hell Valley.

Before he really entered the Hell Valley, Wang Feng found that the air around him had become a little bit colder, and gusts of cloudy wind blew on his face, with a decadent aura.

"Be careful." Wang Feng reminded him in a low voice.

"I understand." Knowing that they had entered the danger zone, Liu did not dare to make any further noise, because he did not dare to lose the chain at such a critical moment.

The speed slowed down and they entered this area.

It's just that he hasn't moved far forward, and suddenly Wang Feng felt the pressure on his body sink, as if there were many more mountains on his body, oppressing Wang Feng had to lower his height.

"It looks like we will choose to walk in a while." Wang Feng said, starting to lower the height of his own accord.

Many Jedi have forbidden air formations, and this Hell Valley is no exception. The higher the realm, the greater the pressure he feels. Therefore, there is no need for Wang Feng to fight against this pressure now. The extra power is still used to deal with the latter. It's an emergency.

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