The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1244: Walk for the sky

As the door closed, the light in the room gradually became dimmed, and under the dim light, Wang Feng saw the scene in the room.

Just from this look, he suddenly had some heart congestion, because he actually saw dead bodies hanging on the walls around the room.

These corpses were male and female, but they were basically the same. They had their skins removed by life and hung on the wall.

No wonder the entourage didn't dare to come in just now, because he knew what the young master did.

The Nile Sect has never forbidden a cult practice, just like the second elder, he is a cult practice, but in this way he still sits in the position of the second elder.

And this young man just imitated the second elder and practiced the evil sect.

The dead bodies on the wall were counted as many as twenty. They were all peeled off by their lives, leaving only flesh and blood, and even some people had their eyes wide open after death, obviously not stunned.

Wang Feng couldn't think of what kind of vicious encounter they had encountered during their lifetime. In short, at this moment, Wang Feng was truly chilled.

They all say that people should enter the land for safety after death, and these people can't even have the most basic rights of the deceased. This shows how vicious this pale young man is.

He peeled off the skin forcibly, and he didn't know how cruel he was to do such a thing.

If there are people in the world who are inferior to pigs and dogs, then one appears in the room right now.

"Master, can I just watch it?" At this moment, the follower said with a trembling voice.

It’s not the first time for him to come to Master’s room, but every time he enters, he feels like he has fallen into hell. There were a few people with him, but now except for him, those people have become this One of many dead bodies.

So now this entourage can be said to be terrified to the extreme.

It's not that he has never thought of fleeing, but he also understands that if he hasn't really escaped, he will be caught back. When he is caught, he wants to survive again, I'm afraid there is not much possibility.

They are beautiful in front of outsiders, even if they are just a person's followers, but who can understand the real suffering?

Watching his companions being killed abruptly but couldn't do anything, this kind of powerlessness had tortured him for a long time, and he was going crazy.

"Did I let you in to show you the show?" The pale man sipped coldly, and then said: "Help me hold him down. My corpse transformation technique is only the last one. The skin can enter the next level. As long as you make this young master happy, I will have many rewards." The man opened his mouth, causing his entourage to complain.

He doesn't want any rewards, now he just wants to leave here, leave this room that feels like **** to him.

"Give you three breaths. If you don't do what I said, then the person who died may be you." The pale man opened his mouth, making his follower's complexion greatly changed.

He saw with his own eyes how the young master treated the people he had caught before. He peeled off one person alive and let the other person die in extreme pain.

For him, this young master is simply a demon, a demon who kills without blinking.

At this moment, his heart was filled with fear. He wanted to go, but reason told him not to go, because he was gone, then he would be skinned alive by the young master.

Enduring the acid reflux in his stomach, he stretched out his hand to Wang Feng at this moment.

It's better to watch others die than to watch yourself die. He doesn't want to fall into the clutches of the young master.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Originally, Wang Feng fell beside him, but when he grabbed his hand to Wang Feng, there was no Wang Feng beside him.

From the moment when the young master closed the door, Wang Feng discovered that the terrifying power surrounding the surroundings had dispersed. It can be seen that the leader of the Nile sect does not check the secrets of others. This gives Wang Feng a wonderful Out of the phone meeting.

For fierce people, Wang Feng tends to be more fierce, stripping people alive, such a person is almost indistinguishable from a demon, so Wang Feng will do a trip for the sky today.

"I've seen a lot of tough people, but it's the first time I've seen someone like you." A strange voice rang in the room, and at this moment Wang Feng had flashed in front of the pale young man.

"You..." Seeing Wang Feng's ghostly speed, the pale man was also shocked. At this moment, he could no longer think about who Wang Feng was, because a strong life and death crisis had already enveloped him.

"The corpse transformation technique, the corpse destroyer!"

He uttered a harsh shout, and grabbed Wang Feng with one claw. There seemed to be many screams of ghosts behind him, which looked extremely scary.

It's just that this person's power is too weak, only the Profound Ming Realm, how can he fight Wang Feng?

Even as long as Wang Feng took a breath, he would have lost his soul.

Without any resistance at all, Wang Feng let his paw fall on Wang Feng's body.


A sorrowful scream came from the man's mouth. At this moment, his palm was dislocated. He hit Wang Feng's body because of his excessive force.

"You still want to deal with me even with this little fart strength. Didn't your father teach you to respect the seniors?" Wang Feng said, his tone completely cold.

After killing so many people and skinning them, Wang Feng really wanted to dig out his heart at this moment to see what color it was.

Wang Feng also killed people and killed countless people, but he never stripped the enemy's skin, because he had his own moral bottom line in his heart.

"Who are you?" Knowing that Wang Feng is not something he can deal with, the man yelled sadly at this moment.

How can a handyman be so strong, he already understands that the person in front of him is not a handyman at all, he is posing.

"It doesn't matter who I am. In short, you just need to remember that I am the one who can end your life." While speaking, Wang Feng's palm fell directly on the man's head.

Wang Feng had no scruples at all when the soul search technique started.

Quickly browsing the memory of this man, Wang Feng soon found news about the **** guard.

Different from the memory of the handyman before, this man was protected by his father, so he watched the scene of the birth of the **** guard.

The uniform guard team caused him a huge shock. He couldn't detect the breath of these **** guards in his memory, but through the changes in those around him, Wang Feng had roughly understood that the ancestor of the sky demon did not lie.

This Nile Sect really has the supreme **** with a team of thousands.

With a thousand supreme teams, Wang Feng felt a little scalp tingling even when he thought about it.

The screams had stopped, because this person couldn't sustain the extreme pain of being searched for, his soul had died, and he couldn't catch his eyes.

Because of the formation that Wang Feng had just laid out in the room, no matter what happened here, the outside would not know what happened. When he looked at the entourage who had been frightened and demented, Wang Feng did not hesitate, and grabbed his palm directly.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) But this person pushed him here before, and judging from his proficient movements, it is estimated that he did not do such things less.

He didn't really do it, but he was an accomplice, so this person should die.

"Don't kill me, I was just forced." Seeing Wang Feng's gaze, the man immediately knelt in front of Wang Feng and cried out with his nose and tears.

It's just that his crying didn't have any effect on Wang Feng, and he wouldn't have the slightest hold on to the person Wang Feng wanted to kill.

Upon pointing, the body of this follower exploded directly in front of him, disappearing in form and spirit.

"It seems that the strength of the Nile religion far exceeds my imagination." Wang Feng muttered to himself, and then his appearance changed rapidly until he became the appearance of that pale young man.

He came here with two goals, one is to find out the authenticity of the **** guards, and the other is to investigate what the Nile religion wants to do.

They actually chose not to resist their own massacre. Wang Feng felt weird no matter how he looked at it, so if he didn't figure out the true trend of Nile Sect, it was difficult for him to prepare what to do next.

The father of this pale man was an elder of the Nile religion, which should be a good starting point.

Unleashing his own real fire, the corpse of this pale man was immediately annihilated by Wang Feng. Although it was a bit disgusting for Wang Feng to become his appearance, Wang Feng could only bear it in order to get what he wanted.

"It is said that it is safe to enter the soil after death, but because of my personal relationship, I am afraid that I can't send you into the soil, so... sorry."

Seeing these **** corpses hanging on the wall, Wang Feng sighed slightly, and then all these corpses lit up a raging flame.

In just a few breaths of time, all of these corpses were burned clean by Wang Feng's real fire, leaving no traces.

And as their bodies were annihilated, the sunlight from outside gradually shone in, because the lifelessness here had been dispelled by Wang Feng.

"Go all the way well." Looking at the unjust souls floating out, Wang Feng said silently, then he opened the door and left here.

Soon he found his father through the memory of this pale man, who was an elder of the Nile Sect in the middle of the Holy Realm. This strength was not considered top among the many elders, but only middle.

But even so, he has the right to participate in high-level decision-making.

Wang Feng knew that this old guy spoiled his son very much, and even he was covering up his son's malicious murder, so Wang Feng had thought that this man was a good starting point before.

Perhaps all the news that Wang Feng wants to know can be taken from Good young master. "Seeing Wang Feng coming, the people hiding away one after another, even their applause voices hide a trace of tremor.

Obviously they are very afraid of the young master. Although they have not been to the young master's room, they can often hear the screams from the young master's room.

And they often see people who are sent in and never come out again, so they can basically guess the ending of those people, so now they see Wang Feng how far away they hide, for fear of being arrested. Go to kill.

"What? Am I that scary?" Wang Feng snorted coldly, imitating the pale man's tone.

"I don't know what's the matter with Young Master?" Just then the housekeeper in this mansion appeared and asked.

"I'm here to find my father? Why? Could it be your trouble?" Wang Feng said arrogantly after a glance at the housekeeper.

(End of this chapter)


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