The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1176: Zhan Banxian

Sun God2015/11/818:08:28

"Do not!"

Seeing Wang Feng successfully left, the Jiaolong clan leader let out a scream of despair.

It's just that Wang Feng couldn't hear this scream, because at this moment he had already been vomited out by that day.

"Finally came out alive." Without looking at Tianji, Wang Feng turned around after he came out without stopping at all.

The supreme power in the early stages of the Holy Realm exploded, and Wang Feng's speed reached the extreme.

"If the old man doesn't kill you today, I won't be named Huo!"

Almost just when Wang Feng left here, Patriarch Huo's voice suddenly came from behind him, and he was also vomited out by that day.

"Fuck Nima."

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng yelled in his heart. This Tianji was really cheating. Well, why did it release Patriarch Flame?

In fact, this is not to blame for this celestial pole, because Wang Feng’s existence has brought him a great loss, so in its view, the flame chief must also be with Wang Feng, so he does not want to let such a disaster be on himself. In the body.

They just swallowed the two of Wang Feng just because they interrupted their deep sleep, and whether they eat them or not has no impact on this Tianji at all.

Because its realm is unimaginable, even if he doesn't eat anything for a thousand years, its breath will not be weakened.

This is the sleeping place of the celestial pole. In order to avoid being swallowed by the celestial pole again, Wang Feng didn't dare to stay here any more. At this moment, he turned around and left without any pause.

He is not afraid of the flame patriarch now, but he is afraid of this celestial pole. If the celestial pole is not awakened now, perhaps Wang Feng will still die in it.

"If you can kill me, then I will give your last name." Wang Feng said, taking a very long distance in one step.

The effect of the Jedi has been achieved, so the place Wang Feng is going to now is a relatively safe area in the Forbidden Sea. He doesn't want to come to this Hell Valley again.

Behind him, the flame chief chased him frantically. It was clear that what Wang Feng had done had really made him fall into madness. At this moment, he was no longer a half immortal, he was just crazy trying to kill someone. Lunatic.

It's just that the flame chief may not figure it out yet. Not only is Wang Feng not afraid of him now, even the Jiaolong chief is not afraid of him.

As long as he dares to catch up, Wang Feng will dare to compete with him.

Fortunately, there is a green glaze lotus tree this time. Otherwise, let alone Wang Feng and the others, it would be impossible for them to even turn the danger into a bargain.

With the help of the supreme cultivation base, Wang Feng quickly escaped from the envelope of this **** valley and came to the sky above the sea.

After flying another distance, Wang Feng stopped here directly.

"Liu Yidao, take them away, Patriarch Jiaolong, you stay." Wang Feng said, releasing all the people in his dantian.

To fight against the half immortal, Wang Feng was not sure to protect them all, so only let the Jiaolong patriarch and him stay here to deal with the flame patriarch.

"Then you must be careful." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Liu did not hesitate at all, and hurriedly evacuated here with a large number of Jiaolong patriarchs.

They can't intervene in the battle of Half Immortal, and they can't get too close, otherwise the horrible fluctuation is enough to crush them all.


After waiting for ten breaths, suddenly a violent breath came from the horizon. Looking up, a stream of light was rushing towards the two of them at lightning speed. It was the flame chief.


There was no conversation at all, and the flame patriarch directly exploded with all the half-immortal strength as soon as he came up.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "You don't need to take action. I was almost killed by him when I was in the Ancestral Land of Jiaolong. Now I want to get some interest back." The head of Jiaolong opened his mouth and stepped out in one step.

Wang Feng didn't refute what he said, because a Jiaolong patriarch was indeed enough to block the opponent.

But if you want to kill the flame patriarch, I'm afraid that the Flood Dragon patriarch can't do it alone.

But it didn't matter, Wang Feng also wanted to see how strong the Jiaolong patriarch was.

After retreating slowly for a certain distance, Wang Feng watched the clan chief Jiaolong fight against the flame chief.

"Get off the old man!"

Seeing the patriarch Jiaolong, the flame patriarch shouted and patted with two palms.

"If you let me go before, it might be possible, but now, you no longer have the qualifications." While speaking, the clan chief of Flood Dragon directly transformed his huge body, and a huge Flood Dragon body about a thousand feet long appeared in the void.

Facing this flame patriarch, the Jiaolong patriarch swept his tail with a divine dragon.

The violent half-immortal power is permeating the void. Although the flame chief is respected in power, he is not as good as the dragon in terms of physical strength.

Although the dragons are not real dragons, they have the characteristics of dragon flesh and toughness, so as soon as they collided, the flame chief was swept out.

It's just that the flame patriarch, who was in the midst of madness, didn't care about this injury at all. At this moment, all his hatred was on Wang Feng's body, and even the Flood Dragon patriarch who dealt with him did not pay attention to him at this moment.

"Yin and Yang Promise!"

The flame chief shouted loudly, and then two completely different powers exploded on his body. The two-color light rushed to the Jiaolong chieftain at this moment, causing the latter to be solemn.

It is not unreasonable for the Flame Race to dominate the Jueluo Sea for so many years. If these two different forces erupt at the same time, it would be a great disaster for them, the Sea Race.

"It was you who destroyed my flame clan, and I want you to die today." Seeing that the Jiaolong clan chief was temporarily retreated, the flame clan chief directly fixed his gaze on Wang Feng.

At this moment, he was like lightning, coming straight to Wang Feng.

After seeing this scene, Wang Feng looked calm, and slowly raised his arm.

Five fingers clenched into a fist, and when the flame patriarch was 100 meters in front of him, Wang Feng's breath suddenly exploded. Originally, his breath was only in the early stage of the holy realm, but when his cell power was added to the dawn of war spirit, the eruption , His breath reached Banxian, even stronger than Banxian.

With the power of Broken Star Fist, at this moment, the flame patriarch didn't even react before he was blasted back by Wang Feng's punch, and he vomited blood.

"I was not your opponent before, but now, you are no longer my opponent." Wang Feng said indifferently, and then he stepped forward directly.

Originally, the Chief Jiaolong meant that he would deal with the Patriarch Flame alone, but Wang Feng also noticed that the Patriarch Jiaolong had just broken through to a half immortal, and he and the Patriarch Huolong still lacked a lot of combat power.

So if you want to kill the flame patriarch, only Wang Feng can do it.

Supreme Wang Feng has already killed one, but Half Immortal hasn't moved. If there is a chance, the flame chief will be the first half immortal dead soul under his hand.

"I'll help you and join forces to kill him."

Seeing Wang Feng's tentacles, the Jiaolong patriarch finally got rid of the flame patriarch's yin and yang, and rushed up with his huge dragon body.

"it is good."

Facing the enemy, there is no need to talk about the morals and justice of the world. Everything is aimed at killing them. As long as the flame patriarch is dead, who cares whether the two Wang Feng join forces.

Two people at the same time deal with a flame patriarch, even if it is the flame clan

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) No matter how powerful the long yin and yang are, at this moment, there is only one loss.

In less than three breaths, he has even sprayed dozens of blood.

Although he has been yelling again and again, but at this time he has no way to deal with two people.

Even if he resisted, his only end was vomiting blood, that is, he was a veteran half immortal. If this were not the case, the first blow jointly by Wang Feng and the Jiaolong patriarch might kill him.

"I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!"

There was a terrible roar in his mouth. When he entered the Hell Valley, Wang Feng was only in the middle of the reincarnation realm, and the Jiaolong patriarch was also in the supreme late stage.

But who could have thought that after they came out, the two people would have the power to counter him, and now he was beaten with no power to fight back when they joined forces.

So he was not reconciled, he was not reconciled that he was now losing steadily, and he was not reconciled that he could not catch up with them, so that their realm soared to this.

It's just that there are all kinds of heaven-defying pill in this world, but he didn't regret selling the medicine. He knew that he was definitely not their opponent now.

Although his killing intent towards Wang Feng was overwhelming, under such circumstances, in addition to being forced to retreat, he only roared.

"It's useless even if you roar through the sky today." Hearing the other party's roar, Wang Feng sneered and directly displayed the Primordial Rune.

The Primordial Rune was previously understood by him, and now as his realm improves, he feels that he can study this thing at a deeper level.

If he can really comprehend the Zhen Zi Jue, then his combat power will be further improved.

It was a prosperous age before Tai Koo, and this Zhen Zi Jue was a treasure. For this skill, Wang Feng has been coveted for a long time.

It's just that this matter is too urgent and can't be anxious, let's kill the annoying Patriarch Flame first.

Under the ancient runes, the flame patriarch was temporarily imprisoned.


Turning his hand to take out the sharp gun, Wang Feng poured his power into it, and then threw it directly.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the sharp spear completely penetrated the void at this moment. The flame chief was imprisoned by Wang Feng at this moment, so he could only watch the sharp spear flying towards him.


The sound of flesh and blood pierced through, and at this moment the fierce gun directly penetrated the body of the flame chief, making him stare at the blood hole in his chest.

It should be known that he was wearing a armor with a very abnormal defense, but now the opponent's shot not only penetrated his armor, but also penetrated his flesh and blood, which shocked him.

"This shot is to revenge you for pursuing and killing us."


Under Wang Feng's control, after the Fiery Gun was turned upside down again, it passed through the flames of Patriarch Flame again.

"This is to revenge you for threatening me."

"This shot..."

After more than a dozen guns passed through, Wang Feng also listed dozens of crimes.

Every time the spear passed through, it would bring out a lot of blood. After a while, the flame of the patriarch's body was riddled with scars, and it was almost transparent.

It's just that the flame chief didn't make any screams during this process. This made Wang Feng feel very strange. Isn't he afraid of death?

"It's not your opponent now, but please remember, it won't be long before both of you will die."

A familiar voice sounded in the void, and then Wang Feng saw a ray of light galloping across the sky at this moment, and it was Patriarch Huo that was wrapped in it.

How can this be? His body is still under his confinement.

(End of this chapter)


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