The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1177: The Art of Death

Looking up, Patriarch Huo had already run a long distance, and not far from Wang Feng and the other two, Patriarch Huo’s body was burning bit by bit at this moment, as if paper was burning up. Not long after he His body was completely burnt to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

"The Art of Death!"

Seeing this scene, the patriarch Jiaolong looked ugly, but did not chase after him.

Because everyone is in the same state, if the other party is really determined to escape, it will be very difficult for him to catch up.

"What is the technique of death?"

Upon hearing the words of the Jiaolong patriarch, Wang Feng asked suspiciously.

"This is a kind of magical magic technique circulating in our Joluo sea area. This magic technique was created by a great power in the Joluo sea area. In order to create this magic method, that great power was born and consumed life. He fell when the magic spell became successful. The matter had been rumored for a long time, but the resurrection spell he created has never fallen since, and no one knows whose hands it fell into."

"In that case, did Patriarch Flame use this technique?"

"If my guess is correct, it should be this resurrection technique. The function of this technique is to create a second life for the living beings. I think the flame patriarch just launched this technique at the moment you were imprisoned."

"So, what I have attacked has always been a useless remnant?" Wang Feng cursed in his heart.

"You can say that." The Jiaolong patriarch nodded, then looked at the endless void, and said: "I should have thought of this technique falling into his hands long ago."

As the strongest person in the Jueluo Sea, Patriarch Huo, if he finds something, is much easier than others who don't know, it's a pity that people are not as good as the sky, and now he has escaped.

"According to what you said, if you run into him next time, he can still use this technique to get out?"

"No." The Jiaolong patriarch shook his head, and then said: "The effect of this technique can only be maintained once. You can understand this as a death-replacement technique. If he dies again next time, then he is truly fallen. "

"Damn it, it's a waste of work." Wang Feng cursed, a little angry.

He originally thought that the flame patriarch would definitely die, how could he have thought that the other party still possessed such a magical technique.

"Forget it, anyway, now we also have the same strength as him, even he dare not come to provoke us again." Jiaolong Patriarch said, taking the initiative to comfort Wang Feng.

"Slowly comfort yourself."

Leaving this sentence, Wang Feng turned and left. This time he didn't kill the flame chief. Next time, the ghost knew where he would go. If he won't appear again in his life, then he would kill him.

"Just escaped like this?"

They also heard the voice of Patriarch Flame Liu Yidao just now, so at this moment they all stared and asked in an incredible way.

"Flee if you escape, don't talk about him." Wang Feng said, and then said to Hengmei old saying: "Aren't you going back to take your ancestral land now? What are you still doing here in a daze."


Someone couldn't accept the tone of Wang Feng's speech. At this moment, the old man with horizontal eyebrows couldn't help being a little dazed.

You must know that Wang Feng's realm was lower than him not long ago, and he was also called his senior, but how long was this time before Wang Feng dared to compete with a half immortal like Patriarch Huo. This gap with him has been widened. .

"All tribesmen, follow me back to grab the ancestral land."

Thinking of Wang Feng's terrifying strength, in the end this old man with horizontal eyebrows could only accept and show that in this world that respects martial arts, since Wang Feng's combat strength surpassed him, it is only natural that his tone has changed.

In the end, tens of thousands of people galloped past the sky and headed straight for their original Jiaolong ancestor land.

This is shocking

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) In one scene, all the dragons turned into dragons, and Wang Feng and Liu Yidao stepped on the old dragon head of Hengmei. Wherever they went, the sea people in the sea were shocked, because They felt a terrifying aura among this team of dragons.

This news was passed on quickly, and within only half a day, the Supremes of the entire Jueluo Sea area had already known that the Dragon Clan had risen.

Although their Jiaolong clan was almost annihilated not long ago, they have not only survived, but also the Jiaolong clan leader has successfully advanced.

I'm afraid that from now on, the pattern of the Jueluo Sea will change.


The loud dragon roar reverberated in the void. When Wang Feng and the others appeared in the Jiaolong Ancestral Land, the flame tribe people who lived on the Ancestral Land almost made their legs and feet weak in fright.

Because under the pressure of Half Immortal's breath, they couldn't even raise their thoughts of resistance.

Facing these flame race monks who had slaughtered their own people, the Jiaolong patriarch did not have the slightest tenderness.

"Kill all without pardon!"

He issued an order to attack, and in an instant, tens of thousands of flood dragons all rushed into their ancestral land, performing a brutal and inhuman killing on the flame race monks.

The result was bloody. The entire Jiaolong Ancestral Land was almost stained red with blood, and none of the Flame Race members who stayed here survived.

They originally thought that the patriarch would definitely come back after chasing them out, but what they didn't expect was that they were waiting for this situation.

"Get back our ancestral land again." Patriarch Jiaolong said, and then descended to his home.

With a wave of the big sleeve, the sea water around the entire Jiaolong ancestral land suddenly surged, and there was a pouring rain in the sky. After a while, the blood on the island was washed away. No one knew that something just happened here. A tragic massacre.

"Fortunately, Ancestor Treasure Land also said." Unfolding his spiritual consciousness, the Jiaolong patriarch said with a sigh of relief.

The Flood Dragon is opened once every ten years, and now it is far from the time to open, so even if these flame race cultivators want to rush in, there is no way.

It's just a pity that those dead men who have been guarding here.

The purpose of cultivating these dead men from the Dragon Clan was to protect this important place, and even these dead men stayed here when they fled.

In the minds of the dead men, they had only one belief, that is, death can't leave here for half a step. This idea has already penetrated their bones, so they died tragically here and could not get away.

"It's good all the way." Facing the ancestral hall, Patriarch Jiaolong sighed.

They had just retaken the ancestral land, they still had a lot of things to deal with, and many things had been changed by the cultivators of the Flame Race, and even their guardian formation of the Dragon Clan was almost demolished by these cultivators of the Flame Race.

That is to say, none of them has a higher strength, otherwise they can easily destroy their guardian formation within the Dragon Clan.

"Assemble the external flood dragons, our flood dragon family needs to be reintegrated." The flood dragon chief said.

"By the way, why didn't you see that great elder?" At this moment, Wang Feng asked suspiciously.

"He..." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Patriarch Jiaolong sighed directly.

"Dead in battle?" Wang Feng's eyes widened, a little inconceivable.

"The Great Elder is the Flood Dragon of our Flood Dragon Clan who are most likely to attack and become the Holy Realm, but this time he was beheaded by the Flame Chief as soon as he went out. It is because we are not as strong as humans." The Flood Chief sighed, quite self-conscious. responsibility.

If he had the current semi-immortal realm at the time, even if the flame patriarch killed him, he could calmly block it.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Everything is the fault of strength.

"Forget it, death does not necessarily mean the end, maybe in another place, he can live better."

"Perhaps." The patriarch Jiaolong shook his head, and then stopped talking.

"Do the things in your clan by yourself. Prepare a secret room for me. I will close it for a few days." Wang Feng said, causing the Jiaolong patriarch to nod slightly.

The improvement of realm brought Wang Feng not only the improvement of power, but also the change of his vision, so he is now ready to study this Primordial Rune.

Wang Feng was in retreat, saying it was a few days of retreat, but in fact, even he himself didn't know how long he needed.

On the second day of his retreat, the Jiaolong clan welcomed a large number of guests.

These guests come from many forces in the Jueluo Sea, and they are all masters.

The patriarch of Jiaolong was newly promoted to the semi-immortal realm. They should come over to congratulate him on this matter, so that they can win the relationship and see what the patriarch of Jiaolong is like after becoming a half immortal.

Because of a disaster, the Jiaolong clan has not been destroyed, but has become stronger. I am afraid that from tonight, the hegemony will really change.

Before the people, the head of the Jiaolong clan now enjoys the fullest status, and then none of them knows. In fact, the reason why the clan of the Jiaolong clan is immortal is all due to Wang Feng.

"No, I want to help Wang Feng divide 60% of the gift." After the congratulations, a quarrel sounded in the hall of the Jiaolong patriarch, and the speaker was the old fellow Liu Yidao.

The sea people who came to congratulate this time brought a lot of precious gifts. These gifts were really jealous, so they came up to share them.

He had witnessed the rise of the Jiaolong clan with his own eyes, and he also knew that all of this was attributed to Wang Feng.

Although Wang Feng is currently in retreat, as the closest person to Wang Feng, he certainly wants to seek benefits for Wang Feng.

As for whether this benefit will fall to Wang Feng's head in the end, it is unclear.

"No, at most 50%." Hearing Liu Yidao's words, Patriarch Jiaolong hurriedly refused.

Liucheng is gone, so how can they develop the dragon family?

This time they fled in a hurry, many of their resources were left on the island, but when they came back, those resources had already been snatched away, so now the gifts sent by these foreigners can be used as the development of their dragon family The background.

"That's it, five makes it 50%." Without thinking, Liu Yidao agreed directly.

Originally, he made random bids for the Six Achievements. He was already satisfied if he could get 10% or 20%, but what he didn’t expect was that this Jiaolong patriarch was so stupid that he was willing to divide half of it. This is a huge drop from the sky The pie.

The Jiaolong clan is now completely on the right track. Except for the flame patriarch, the flame clan other clansmen are being hunted down by the Jiaolong clan.

Now the Huo Clan is like the bereaved dog, chased all over the world, as long as it is caught, it is a dead word.

Because the leader of the Jiaolong clan is the old Dao with horizontal eyebrows, it is naturally too easy for a supreme in the late stage of the holy realm to chase down the flame clan who has no semi-sage strength.

The rise of a large power is easy, as long as there is a pinnacle master, and the destruction of a large power is also easy.

The flame chief obviously did not dare to return to their flame clan, so the flame clan can almost be regarded as extinct now.

"Asshole, who did it?" The sea area of ​​Jueluo has settled down, and at this moment, in a sea area very far away from here, a grumpy voice filled a mountain peak, and the speaker was a supreme one.

This person is Gong Jiexiong, or Wang Feng's old acquaintance.

(End of this chapter)


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