The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1175: Out of trouble


First, the realm of Wang Feng soared to the holy realm, and now the patriarch of Jiaolong has also successfully promoted to the half immortal, and their realms have soared, but they have to work here, and the patriarch of Jiaolong is not reconciled.

He was originally the strongest person in this Jue Luo Sea area, but now that he entered the belly of the ancient creature, the celestial pole, it was difficult for him to get out, let alone to improve his realm.

He didn't know what was going on with the other side, but seeing their realm skyrocketing one by one, he could completely imagine that the other side must have been fortunate.

The promotion of the half immortal needs to absorb very majestic power. Almost all the remaining power in Wang Feng's body is scraped away by the Jiaolong patriarch, and Wang Feng's power is almost gone in his body now.

This made Wang Feng a little helpless, and the leaves of the Liuli Qinglian tree shook violently.

Obviously, this situation makes the saplings very dissatisfied.

And under this dissatisfaction, the colored glaze green lotus tree was naturally even more crazy to absorb the power of this celestial pole itself.

More and more power entered Wang Feng's body. Now Wang Feng felt that he was completely like a transfer station. Most of the power absorbed by the saplings was caused by the Jiaolong patriarch to rush away.

If it weren't for the endless power in Wang Feng's cells, Wang Feng would really turn his face.

Only the zhenqi in his personal meridians disappeared, so Wang Feng was not worried that he would have no power to use, because at that time, the power of a single cell he would release would be enough to give him the power of the early stages of the Holy Realm.


Seeing that the eldest brother had really broken through the holy realm and reached the level of a half immortal, Hengmei Old Dao only felt as if he was agitated.

It seemed that their Jiaolong clan was destined to rise in the Jueluo Sea.

Before, the flame chieftain almost wiped out their Flood Dragon clan with the power of one person, but they still survived with the help of the guardian array.

If it weren't for Wang Feng's design to remove the flame patriarch, perhaps they are still trapped in their ancestral land.

So their previous dissatisfaction with Wang Feng has long since disappeared, because this time Wang Feng has brought them unimaginable benefits.

The senior members of the entire Jiaolong clan have almost improved their strength as a whole.

And all of this was given by Wang Feng.

If it weren't for Wang Feng's insistence on coming to the Jedi, perhaps they would not have been so lucky.

In fact, they really want to thank Wang Feng this time, because without Wang Feng's glazed green lotus tree, it would be a dead end to enter here.

Seeing their improved strength, Wang Feng couldn't help sighing in his heart, maybe it would be good if his relatives are here at this moment.

It's just that this is what he thought about, he would never dare to do that.

The goal of his cultivation is to protect the safety of his relatives, and he would never bring his relatives with him for such adventurous behaviors.

If there is danger, let him bear it alone.

"Congratulations." Wang Feng's voice sounded in his dantian.

"Thank you." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Jiaolong clan stood up and bowed to the void.

Although Wang Feng is no longer here, he knows that Wang Feng can definitely be seen.

"No thanks. Let's be regarded as mutual benefit. The danger was brought by me to the Flood Dragon clan. Now this is also considered as compensation."

"No." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Jiaolong patriarch shook his head, and then said: "The kindness you brought to our Jiaolong clan is unimaginable, that is, you are not Jiaolong, otherwise I want you to be the patriarch of our Jiaolong clan. ."

Patriarch Jiaolong spoke, causing Wang Feng to smile bitterly.

People who say important positions

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) Although Wang Feng is only in the early stage of the Holy Realm, the Jiaolong patriarch understands that if he is asked to go with Wang Feng, he is not sure of winning.

Others killed the Huoyin Supreme in the middle of the holy realm in the middle of the reincarnation realm. Now that he has soared his realm to the early stage of the holy realm, how strong should he be?

The combat power that crossed the four realms, Wang Feng should now be more terrifying than him.

"We'll forget about being a patriarch. Let's wait until we leave here alive."

The colored glaze green lotus tree is still absorbing the power of this celestial pole frantically, and this celestial pole is also missing a tendon, and it hasn't been noticed for such a long time.

The power in the body is increasing rapidly, but at this time everyone's realm will hardly be shaken at all. Wang Feng can only watch his body expand and grow bigger and bigger, he is almost unable to digest these external forces. .

"Don't stop practicing, if you can absorb these forces, do it as soon as possible."

Wang Feng spoke, urging the tens of thousands of Jiaolong clan to continue practicing.

"This is a great opportunity for you. If you missed today, maybe you will never have such an opportunity in the future. Seize the opportunity." At this time, the clan chief Jiaolong also said.

Originally, he didn't have much chance to attack Half Immortal, because he was actually very far away from this realm.

But with the endless power in Wang Feng's body, he has this possibility. He can achieve his current realm all thanks to Wang Feng.

So now he is grateful for Wang Feng.

No matter what kind of disaster Wang Feng brought to them, at least for this moment, Wang Feng was the greatest benefactor of their dragon family.

If Wang Feng wants to get his position, which is just a word from the other party, he will give up his position willingly.

Today's good fortune is indeed rare in a thousand years, so after hearing the words of the patriarch and Wang Feng, those tens of thousands of flood dragons began to practice again.

Although few of them have made breakthroughs now, they are better than Wang Feng who can help them consume their strength.

"Surely Tianji is asleep, right?"

Seeing his body getting bigger and bigger, Wang Feng began to worry.

After absorbing so much power from the celestial pole, it didn't even notice it at all. If Wang Feng's realm could be improved all the time, it would naturally be a good thing.

It's just that now that his realm has been finalized, it is basically impossible to improve it.

So these forces are very likely to become the source of killing him.

"Liu Yidao, don't be idle, absorb as much power as you can, and do your best." At this time, Wang Feng's voice sounded, making Liu Yidao stunned.

"Understand." Knowing that Wang Feng's current situation may be a bit critical, so Liu sat cross-legged on the ground without saying a word, and began to absorb the strength from his side.

At the same time, the Jiaolong patriarch and Hengmei Lao Dao, who had just been promoted to the semi-immortal realm, also closed their eyes.

Although one person does not absorb much power, if tens of thousands of people help Wang Feng absorb some at the same time, then this will relieve Wang Feng a lot of pressure.

Wang Feng's swelling body is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye, but if this celestial pole does not react, there will always be a limit to everyone's absorption, and then Wang Feng will still be in danger.

Glancing at the Liuli Qinglian tree, even though it has grown more leaves and its trunk has become thicker, it's just that this guy is still too slow to absorb the power, far from being able to digest all the power.

"If I can watch you die, I am dead without regret." Looking at Wang Feng's swelling body, the flame chief not far away sneered.

"Is there really no regrets?" Upon hearing his words, Wang Feng responded with the same sneer.

"Of course no regrets, you

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Many people have come to accompany me to die alone, what can I regret. "The flame chief laughed, as if he was crazy.

"But you have thought about your status and status outside if you don't come after us, don't you regret it?"

Wang Feng's voice and words Zhuji made the flame patriarch look very ugly.

It is absolutely impossible to say that he does not regret it. His intestines that he really regrets are almost blue now, but is this useful?

He was trapped here to death, even his half-immortal strength could not break away from the tentacles, maybe the dry bones over there were his final fate.

Although Wang Feng and tens of thousands of people were buried with them, he was a living half immortal.

He is a supreme who has the opportunity to attack a star, but now he is imprisoned here, all his hopes will be ruined.

"It's you! It was you who brought me here. Everything is because of you. If there is a chance to get out of trouble, I will cut you a thousand times." Suddenly the flame chief pointed at Wang Feng, his face showed madness. color.

"It's just a pity, you will never have a chance to get out of trouble." Wang Feng shook his head, making the crazy color on Patriarch Flame's face thicker.

If Patriarch Flame was a normal person before, now, he is a total lunatic.

His body swelled bigger and bigger, and Wang Feng didn't bother to talk to Patriarch Flame at the back, because he didn't have that leisurely mind.

Wang Feng could feel that the power in his body was being consumed less and less. Tens of thousands of Flood Dragons had tried their best to help Wang Feng absorb the power, but they had already reached their limits.

If their bodies explode, they have to follow them in the funeral.

"This Nima, shouldn't you really fall asleep?" Wang Feng cursed Tianji in his heart. In fact, what Wang Feng thought was really good.

This celestial pole is indeed falling into a deep sleep, and it is still a deep sleep.

Ancient creatures like them are usually in deep sleep, and they will not wake up easily, because they can only reduce the power they consume by falling asleep.

If it weren't for this, they couldn't sleep in ancient, ancient, modern, and ancient times.

It can be said that many ancient creatures have basically slept through each era after another.

They were born congenitally, and no one knew how long they could live. Just like this celestial pole, the ghost knew how long he lived.

Since Tianji swallowed Wang Feng and Huo Patriarch, it has fallen asleep directly, so it hasn't noticed that his power has been lost a lot for the time being.

But when Wang Feng's swelling was almost about to explode, this Tianji finally moved his nose slightly and opened his eyes.

His eyes were very big, as eye-catching as two lanterns, but soon there was an earth-shattering roar from his mouth.

It had already sensed the changes in its body, and saw its mouth wide open, and then a breath of breath came out directly from it.

"finally come!"

In this Tianji's stomach, Wang Feng's complexion changed, and then he was surprised ~ After such a long time, this Tianji finally reacted back.

The tentacles around him were all retracting like an electric shock, and at the same time, Wang Feng was even more aware of a pulling force covering him.

"Patriarch Flame, let's meet again in the next life." Waved to the Patriarch Flame, Wang Feng did not resist this pulling force at all, because it was the power to save him.

"I'm going to kill you!"

A huge roar came from the mouth of Patriarch Huo. At this moment, his eyes were blood red, and his hatred was extreme.

He couldn't believe that the other party could leave this place alive. Why? why?

"If you have the ability, you come."

Wang Feng laughed loudly, and then left the place without looking back.

(End of this chapter)


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