The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1126: Practice in the Sea of ​​Taboo

After a long kiss, Nongdong Qiongyao became a big red face, and the majestic empress was forced to kiss by a man. At this moment, some people started to booze and made Wang Feng laugh.

"But I control an empire, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave." Dong Qiongyao said, looking embarrassed.

"It's just a worldly right. Why don't you take it to heart and let others sit on the throne?"

Wang Feng spoke, his tone lightly.

If it were before, this emperor might be very precious to him, but as his realm improved, he would no longer appreciate it.

Compared with power, it is better to have a strong oneself, because as long as you are strong, you don’t want anything.

"How can it be as light as you said, after all, the Tianyin Empire is the foundation passed down by our ancestors and cannot be corrupted."

"Leave it to someone in your line. This is the last time I have been here for three days. If you don't follow me, there will be no chance in the future."

"Let me consider this, okay?" Dong Qiongyao asked.

"Think about it, but only half a day, and give me the answer in half a day." Wang Feng said, making Dong Qiongyao frown.

One day later, Wang Feng left with all the monks he knew well for the next three days, and Dong Qiongyao was naturally among them.

Her throne has already been handed over by her, and one can imagine how shocked the Tianyin Empire was when she decided to release the throne.

It's just that the next three days are not the middle three days after all. Even if she manages the Tianyin Empire in the next three days, it will only be the next three days, and people have to go to higher places. So she gave up everything she had and left with Wang Feng.

The top of the Red Flame League was almost evacuated by Wang Feng, freeing up a lot of positions.

In the past few years, the ten elders have all cultivated powerful disciples, so now the burden of the Red Flame Alliance has fallen directly on these people.

Of course, before leaving for the next three days, Wang Feng still didn't forget to remind the Red Flame Alliance's wake up, Wang Feng asked them to treat people who will ascend from the earth in the future.

After all, the earth is Wang Feng's first hometown, so why should he take care of it, not to mention his own descendants.

Wang Feng has nothing to worry about on the earth, and now it is the same for the next three days. It is very easy to go back to the middle three days. Wang Feng went directly to the place where the three realm envoys were, and directly boarded the middle three days with the help of the teleportation array here.

The original duty of the three realm ambassadors was to guard for the next three days and work hard to maintain the treaty of the gods, but now that Realm Sovereign has run away, and the Realm Alliance no longer exists, so after suffering, they also chose to directly board with Wang Feng. Three days in middle school.

People from the two continents have been gathered by Wang Feng for the third day. As a result, Wang Feng no longer has any worries, he can safely improve his strength in the third day.

Li Kang and the others were naturally arranged to increase their strength, so after Wang Feng brought them up, he directly found Great Sage Qilin and asked about some things related to the Sea of ​​Taboo.

When the Great Emperor Xuanyu left Zhongsantian, he said that the Sea of ​​Taboo is a good choice if he wants to improve his strength. Therefore, Wang Feng's next training direction has been determined, and that is the Sea of ​​Taboo.

The sea of ​​taboos is vast and boundless, and there are countless dangers, and there are also forces like the kingdom of God. The **** king of the kingdom of God and Wang Feng have a big feud, and this enemy Wangfeng must be reported.

It's just that there is no need to wait for Wang Feng to take action before someone is going to target the King of God. This person is not someone else, but Chu Mengtian.

At the beginning, the God King's openly dealing with Tiandi Pavilion had touched Chu Mengtian's bottom line, so this hatred would not have been dealt with by Wang Feng, and Chu Mengtian would solve it in advance.

Although the realm of the **** king is the peak of the holy realm, but the natural mountain is full of four supreme, so the **** king has no easy way to escape. This battle does not require Wang Feng to take action or go to the kingdom of God.

Recalling Bei Yunxue and the others from outside, Wang Feng told them about his next itinerary, and then he set off directly with Liu Yidao.

The sword of rules was left in Hunyuan Palace by Wang Feng. This sword could condense the power of the heavens and the earth in the middle of three days. It was a huge killer. Wang Feng gave this sword to Bei Yunxue and the others for self-defense.

There was supreme sitting here in the middle of the third day, and Wang Feng didn't have any worries in his heart, so he took Liu Yidao to leave the middle of the third day and set foot in the sea of ​​taboos.

The reason why I brought Liu Yidao is because Wang Feng has been the person who has stayed by his side for the longest time since Wang Feng practiced. A tacit understanding has been formed between the two people, and there is a more important point, that is, Liu Yidao has supreme respect. When necessary, he can help Wang Feng withstand some injuries.

Although this is a bit tricky, that's how Wang Feng thought.

In the long sea of ​​taboos, if one person is alone, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not be alone, so if two people act together, they will not only have company, but also take care of each other if something happens.

There were three others who were dispatched with them, Great Sage Qilin, Great Sage Chu Mengtian, and Great Sage Xianling.

The goal of the three of them here is to kill the **** king of the kingdom of gods in order to avenge the enemies of the year.

"Junior Brother, the Sea of ​​Taboo is full of dangers, you take care of yourself." Looking at Wang Feng, Great Sage Xian Ling said.

"Big brother, take care, too." Wang Feng responded with a fist against Great Sage Xianling.

"Try to move within the boundary line. If you cross the boundary line, you may die in it." At this time, Great Sage Qilin spoke, his face full of solemnity.

"I think you have also seen your master's previous situation. Even the power of his fairyland has been severely damaged. There is no absolute power, so don't take risks."

"I understand." Wang Feng nodded and took a deep breath.

This time, I didn't know how long it would take to return to Middle School for three days after entering the Sea of ​​Taboo. Wang Feng was already mentally prepared.

"Go, take care of yourself all the way." Great Sage Qilin said, and then he took out something between his hands: "This is a precious pill for repaying the sun. It was obtained by chance for the teacher. If you encounter a fatal crisis, Taking this pill can save your life."

Great Sage Qilin spoke, flipped his hand and took out a golden pill.

The pill looks very ordinary, but when Wang Feng opened his eyes, he discovered the rare thing of this pill. The pill contains an unimaginable majestic power, even the twelve-level pill cannot be compared. .

This shows that this is a thirteen-grade pill that Wang Feng has never seen before.

There seems to be a warm current flowing in his heart, and it is his blessing to be able to meet such a master in this life.

"Since as your uncle, I can't let you go into the Forbidden Sea like this. This is a forbidden weapon. It contains my full blow, which can be used to kill or retreat. You can handle it yourself. "At this moment, Chu Mengtian spoke, and gave Wang Feng a powerful dagger.

The dagger looks very sharp, but what is really surprising is the destructive power contained in the dagger, a forbidden weapon made by a holy peak, its preciousness is self-evident.

"Big Brother has just been resurrected here, and I have nothing to give you. I just hope that everything is well for you next time. I hope that when we meet next time, you will be the Supreme."

Great Sage Xian Ling said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard." Wang Feng said with a firm expression.

In the end, the three of them joined forces and rushed into the forbidden sea, heading straight for the kingdom of God, while Wang Feng and Liu Yidao looked at each other and then entered the forbidden sea.

Forbidden Sea King Peak has been here three times. The first time was to evade chase, and Guan Fu boarded the kingdom of God, and the second time, he and Liu Yidao searched for the treasure of Great Sage Qilin.

This third time was when Wang Feng returned to Earth.

Today is the fourth time he has entered the sea of ​​taboos in the middle three days.

The same is entering the sea of ​​taboo, but his mood is different every time. This time he entered the sea of ​​taboo with the idea of ​​improving his realm. He doesn't know how long it will be before he can return to the middle three days. In short, it is a long journey. Indefinitely.

"Are you ready?" Looking at Liu Yidao, Wang Feng asked after taking a deep breath.

"Let's go." Liu Yidao said, flying into the sea of ​​taboo first.

The Forbidden Sea is still the same as before, and the eternal sea breeze is blowing, with bursts of fishy smell.

"All are waiting for me." Looking back at the land of Zhong Santian, Wang Feng finally flew into the forbidden sea with Liu Yidao.

Because this entry into the sea of ​​taboos will take a long time, neither Wang Feng and Liu Yidao are in a hurry. They are slowly flying in the sea of ​​taboos.

During this period, Wang Feng went to the place where he once found the World Tree. The island has been submerged by the vast sea, and the World Tree collapsed the island. From then on there will be no more islands here.

"I can't find it." Wang Feng sighed as he looked at this sea area.

"I can't find anything" Liu Yidao asked suspiciously when he heard Wang Feng's words.

"I found the tree of the world here once, and picked the fruit from the tree." Wang Feng replied.

"The World Tree itself does not have a fixed place to appear. You can meet it once, which proves that you are very lucky."

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded slightly, and then the two of Liu Yidao continued to gallop towards the vast forbidden sea.

Above this vast and unpopulated sea, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao spent ten days. In the ten days, they did not discover the island, nor did they find anything worthy of their exploration.

I've seen several battles between sea beasts, and the waves are overwhelming.

The two of them didn't intervene in these things, because the realm of the two sea beasts was not equal to them, and they couldn't get any benefit from their actions, and looked at the spectator once.

He flipped through his hands and took out a chart presented by Great Sage Qilin. The two of them were still wandering on the edge of the Forbidden Sea, and had not really entered the Forbidden Sea.

"It looks like we have to speed up a little bit." After ten days of nothing, Wang Feng decided to speed up into the sea of ​​taboos.

Although there are more dangers in the depths of the Forbidden Sea, it also represents more opportunities. If you are wasting time on watching the flowers, it really should not be.

"Anyway, your combat power is higher than mine, so you can do it yourself." Liu opened his mouth with a knife, but did not object.

"Then let's go." Wang Feng said, and then he directly showed the space shuttle.

After doing dozens of space two of them finally appeared in another sea area.

Taking out the previous chart, Wang Feng found that the little red dot representing the two of them had entered a large section of the forbidden sea. If they were to return to the center for three days, the distance would be very far away.

Of course, this place is also far away from the boundary line. With the strength of the two of them, it is estimated that the space shuttle will not be able to reach the boundary area in a year, and they must not encounter any obstacles.

"According to the records on the map, we should have reached the area of ​​the Sea Clan Tide Murloc." Wang Feng opened his mouth and opened his eyes.

The sea of ​​taboos is vast and boundless, among which there are countless sea races, and this tide murloc is one of them.

Of course, this is the record on the map. The two of them didn't know what the specific tide murloc looked like.

"There is a small island ahead, let's land on it." Wang Feng said, rushing towards the front.


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