The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1127: Tidal sea clan

The small island is not big. It is estimated to be one mile away. There are no creatures on it, but vegetation. This is an island they have encountered for more than ten days.

Because of the perennial sea breeze, the trees on this island are much harder than the land. If these tree trunks are used to build houses, it would be more appropriate.

It's just that the purpose of the two of them is to rest, not to build any houses.

"It's been more than ten days, and I haven't even touched a half-human person. Is your master's words credible or not?" Liu Yidao complained, causing Wang Feng to smile slightly.

"The sea of ​​forbidden is boundless. I don’t know how many monks have broken through here. Some monks who have been lost here have settled down safely. Therefore, there are still a large number of humans in this sea of ​​forbidden. The old man can guess without saying it."

Wang Feng opened his mouth, remembering what the Great Sage Qilin had said to him. He said that there are many humans in this forbidden sea. Those human monks have been in the crisis zone all the year round. They are so powerful that they are many times more fierce than the mainland monks.

There are even a lot of human forces like the Kingdom of God, and he needs to act with caution.


At this moment, there was a whimper from the sky, and Wang Feng was shocked when he looked up, because at this moment, he saw the sea water in the distance rolling back, as if a tsunami had occurred.

"What's the situation?" Liu Yidao naturally saw this scene and asked.

"It is not a real tsunami, there is something under the sea." Wang Feng opened his mouth and slowly stood up.

The reason why the sea water rolls up at this moment is because there are creatures in the sea that are pushing them. These creatures look weird. The upper body looks like a human, and the lower body looks like a fish, which is somewhat similar to that mermaid.

It's just that there are no females among these creatures, all males.

This place is the territory of the Tide Sea Clan. If Wang Feng guessed right, these creatures in the sea should be the Tide Murloc.

"This seems to be coming towards us." Liu Yidao said, frowning slightly.

"Come on." Wang Feng said indifferently.

Almost just after his words fell for less than ten breaths, these inverted sea waters had already reached the vicinity of the island, and a large group of tidal sea people emerged from the sea and swam toward the island.

"Take a rest at this transit station, and continue on the road after an hour." A young man with a golden crown on his head among the tide sea clan spoke up. Seeing the looks of the sea clan around him, this person should be the leader among them.


The other sea races responded, and then they boarded the island.

Silently, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao disappeared, and they were temporarily hidden.

"Second prince, according to our speed, it will take us at least ten days to reach the destination." A Tide Sea Clan said.

"I heard that there will be a rare twelfth-grade pill at this auction, and I am bound to get it." The Sea Clan with the golden crown on his head spoke, a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

His realm has reached the late stage of Xuanming realm, and he urgently needs to step into the reincarnation realm, so he needs stimulation from external objects.

Just like the Kingdom of God, in this vast sea of ​​taboos, the pill is too scarce, even the tenth-grade holy pill is hard to find, let alone the twelfth-grade pill that will be sold at this auction.

It can be said that many creatures are now going for this 12-tier pill that is about to be shot, and this group of Tidal Sea Clan is just one of them.

"Unexpectedly, there will be a twelve-level pill in this sea of ​​taboos, but I underestimate the human beings who are coming forward." Wang Feng said, and Liu Yidao looked at each other.

Since there is an auction going on, the two of them will naturally follow. There are many Lingshi Wangfeng, and it is estimated that they can smash a group of people to death, so if you encounter something he likes, you can win it.

Wang Feng participated in the auction more than once, and he even participated in the horse auction in the Sea of ​​Forbidden. At the auction of the Kingdom of God, he bought a piece of treasure map fragment, which shows that this sea of ​​forbidden still will There are some babies flowing out.

Silently, one of these tide sea clan members disappeared. It had been captured by Wang Feng, and even these sea clan didn't even notice it.

The strongest among them was only in the early stage of the Reincarnation Realm, and was far from Wang Feng. Moreover, there were almost 30 sea races in their group, and it seemed that there was nothing to see if one was missing.

Holding this sea clan, Wang Feng didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and directly performed the soul search technique.

In the screams of the sea clan, Wang Feng released him a moment later, with a slight force on his palm, the body of the sea clan was immediately annihilated.

There has indeed been an auction recently. The auction site is very far away from the island. It is estimated that it will take at least two days for Wang Feng and Liu to go all out.

And this is still not resting. As for these sea races, it will take longer to hurry. After all, their overall strength is not comparable to Wang Feng and Liu Yidao.

"A grand auction held by the Sea Clan, we are going to see and see." Glancing at these Sea Clan, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao left here directly.

These Tide Sea Clan did not take action, because they had no enmity between them, so they would not kill them.

"You know something from the other person's memory"

At this time Liu Yidao asked suspiciously.

"Know some things we didn't know." Wang Feng said, thinking of some secret things in the memory of the Sea Clan.

The Forbidden Sea is really terrifying. There are only two Supreme Sea Clan in this Tide Sea Clan, and the Forbidden Sea of ​​Powers like the Tide Sea Clan does not know how many.

No wonder that the Great Emperor Xuanyu was able to capture so many supreme from the sea, the reason is that there are far more supreme in the forbidden sea than on land.

A Tide Sea Clan has two supreme sacreds, and the number of taboo seas such as the Tide Sea Clan is unknown.

"In that case, it would be better for the two of us to avoid provoking these sea races. After all, with our current strength, we can't afford it.

"Anyway, I only practice that people don't offend me and I don't offend people. If people offend me, they must be killed." A sharp expression flashed in Wang Feng's eyes.

The former Jie Zun and Gong Clan were great

Now they hadn't escaped Zhong San Tian with their tails between them, so as long as Wang Feng was given the strength, he could also push all these people into the abyss.

The title of this genius is just as simple as casually.

"Yes, yes, it must be killed." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Liu Yidao quickly clapped his hands and cheered.

"Let's go, this time the auction is held by a force called the Flame Race." Wang Feng said.

When the "flaming race" heard this, Liu Yidao looked strange and said: "This creature living in the sea, could it be that it would not be able to breathe fire?"

"You're right." Wang Feng nodded slightly, and explained: "Although this flame race is also a sea race, they have a different characteristic from other sea races, that is, there is a fire attribute inherent in their bodies. The power of the source, this fire will become more terrifying as they age, and because they are sea races, their bodies also contain another sea race's unique cold attack.

They all know that an explosion will occur after one is hot and the other is cold. This flame race controls two powers with different attributes at the same time. Once they burst out, this explosive power will burst out with destructive power. This is definitely not what ordinary monks can do. compared to.

It is precisely because the flame clan is generally invincible at the same level, so this auction will be held by them.

It can be said that among the nearby sea races, this flame race can be said to be the first and first race group.

"It's true that there are no wonders in the big world. The power of different attributes can be contained in one body, and I don't know to blow myself up." Liu said with a knife and said in amazement.

If he used to have more knowledge than Wang Feng, but now the two of them are almost the same realm, Liu Yidao naturally has no advantage at all. In this world, he has not seen anything less than Wang Feng.

"Let's go, it's a long way to go, I'm afraid there is no time to rest." Wang Feng said, and then his figure directly turned into a light and disappeared into the sky.

Liu Yidao followed him quickly.

After two full days, the two of them stayed in another piece of hot sea. The sea was still blue, but the temperature here was much higher than other seas.

The reason for this is that the temperature of the sea here is higher than that of other areas, and all the activities under this sea are flame races, which directly leads to the difference in temperature here.

There is often light passing over the sea, and some strong sea people are wrapped in it.

The seawater here is much hotter than other places, so these marine people don't dare to swim in the water. These high temperatures have a certain degree of suppression for them.

Most of the living creatures that came were the Sea Clan, but there were also a small number of humans. These humans were no different from Wang Feng. They were indeed humans. I think these people came from a nearby place called Ziyun Country.

There are human beings in the sea of ​​taboos, and there are still a lot of them. With the development of the years, human beings can also develop into a country, just like the kingdom of God, or the country of Ziyun.

Ziyun Kingdom is a force completely controlled by humans. The reason for this name is that Ziyun Kingdom produces an extremely rare type of Ziyun fruit. This kind of fruit Ziyun Kingdom has only produced one in a hundred years. It is rumored that it will make life easier. The effect of sitting on the ground.

Because of this, the status of Ziyun Nation would not be lower than that of the Flame Race, even among the Sea Clan.

Of course, this is only welcomed by those high-levels, such as the holy realm and the peak of the reincarnation state. As for the low-level sea clan, it has nothing to do with those high-levels.

In the eyes of sea creatures, humans have always been linked to greed and ugliness, so sea races often have frictions with humans, and even wars break out.

It's just that those real masters seem to have chosen to ignore these situations, and Quandang is nothing happened.

"It seems that we will go in like a human, and there will be no problem." Liu Yidao said when seeing the humans galloping by in the sky.

" Looking at the light across the sky, Wang Feng shouted and followed directly.

"The two fellow Taoists in front, please wait a moment." Wang Feng shouted and quickly came to the two monks.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the two Wang Feng, the two asked coldly.

"I wonder if you are here to participate in the auction" Wang Feng asked.

"If you don't participate in the auction, do you think I'm here to play?" A monk snorted coldly, with a very bad attitude.

Hearing such words, Wang Feng felt cold, but he suppressed it.

The Liu Yidao on the side couldn't get used to the other party. He was a dignified master of the reincarnation realm. At this moment, he was scolded by two little monks in the Profound Moon realm. This was simply a face slap.

"Forget it, don't have extra branches." Knowing that Liu Yidao was about to make a move, Wang Feng quickly said with Spiritual Thought.


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