The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1125: Responsible to the end

At first, these three realms showed goodwill to Wang Feng. Now that the realm rebels, there is no need for them to stay for the next three days. The original treaty of the gods was formulated by Emperor Xuanyu and the others, but now the middle three days have changed drastically. , This treaty of the gods also lost its original color.

So with their strength, they should enter the middle three days of practice.

"Three welcomes." Looking at the three envoys, Wang Feng said calmly.

"It turns out that you are back." Looking at Wang Feng, these three envoys were shocked. At this moment, Wang Feng didn't emit the slightest aura, like a pool of stagnant water, but the more so, these three envoys The more surprised he was, because the ability to show such a situation was enough to prove that Wang Feng's realm surpassed them too much.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you in a few years, you have surpassed us too much." A world emissary said.

"If you are willing to enter the middle three days, you can also have strong strength." Wang Feng responded calmly.

"Forget it." A ambassador shook his head and said: "Our duty is to guard the next three days. From the moment we became a ambassador, we have already sworn an oath not to enter the middle school for three days."

"But do you know what the fate of the person who forced you to make a vow is like now?"

"Could it be that you have already met the Jie Zun of our Jie League" a Jie Envoy said, his face full of admiration.

Although the other two envoys did not speak, there was excitement on their faces that could not be concealed.

Their realm is too low, so when they hear the news about Jie Zun, they naturally want to know very urgently. The effect is a bit like those fans who worship stars on the earth.

Although they have not been to Middle Three Days, they all know that Jie Zun is one of the few top strangers in Middle Three Days. At this moment, Wang Feng has brought things related to Jie Zun. They would like to hear more about it.

"I've seen it." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "It's just that Jie Zun has rebelled against Jie Meng for three days, and the treaty of the gods has now disappeared. You don't need to stay for the next three days."


Hearing Wang Feng's words, these three envoys were struck by lightning, and their complexions turned pale in an instant. They thought that the news that Wang Feng had brought was a happy event, but they only realized this when they spoke. The news is what they think. , It's almost a thousand miles away.

"In the middle of the third day there was a battle between the righteous demon, and the Jie Zun had fallen into the demon realm for his own survival. The current world alliance no longer exists, and your Jie Zun has disappeared forever in the middle of the third day."

"How is it possible?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, these three world envoys still felt unbelievable.

It's just that Wang Feng didn't bother to explain it. Regardless of whether the other party believed it or not, he had already said what he should have said, and he was also trying to repay them for their knowledge of literacy when he left for the next three days.

If this is not the case, Wang Feng would not bother to give up such a tongue.

"The old man of Jie Zun is dead. What are you doing with this one-third of the acre? If it were me, I would have run away and keep a fart." At this time Liu opened his mouth, and the roaring voice shook this. The three envoys roared.

At this moment, their bodies shook sharply, and their footsteps stepped back a few steps.

One of the emissaries murmured to himself at this time: "No wonder we couldn't get in touch with Upper Bound no matter how recently. I didn't expect something like this to happen. Maybe they were right. The Boundary League is over."

"Ten elders, gather the original group of people, I have something to discuss with you." Wang Feng said, ignoring these three realms.

"it is good."

Everyone is a powerful monk, so what Wang Feng asked the ten elders to do was quickly completed. Looking at the familiar people in a big room, Wang Feng didn’t say anything. He just waved his sleeves, and everyone felt To their realm skyrocketed.

In the beginning, Wang Feng could help Bei Yunxue and the others raise their realm to the realm of God, but now he can naturally help them raise their realm to the real God realm.

In the crowd, Yuan Ling kept looking at Wang Feng. She wanted to speak, but she didn't know how to speak. The gap between her and Wang Feng is too big. Although she and Wang Feng had something like that in the beginning, it has been many years since then. , It is estimated that Wang Feng has forgotten her.

But can Wang Shengeng forget? Can he forget?

It can be said that every woman who has had a relationship with Wang Feng is still fresh in Wang Feng's memory. These people have been inscribed in his bones, unless Wang Feng died, otherwise he will never forget.

"Why didn't you see Li Kang?" At this moment, Wang Feng looked around and asked.

"He has already entered the Sea of ​​Taboo, and it is estimated that he will not come back soon." The dean replied.

At the beginning, the kid Li Kang had been by Wang Feng's side and called him his eldest brother, so Wang Feng would naturally not forget him.

Since he is a brother, it is good that Wang Feng will not enjoy it alone. If he wants to monopolize everything, then what is his original intention of cultivation?

"Is there his place?" Wang Feng asked.

"Yes." The dean nodded.

"In that case, Liu Yidao, you can help me run around and bring people back to me."

"Don't worry, it's just a small matter." Liu said with a knife, and then his figure flashed directly to the dean's side, carrying him out of the Red Flame League headquarters.

"Yuan Ling, come with me." After the two of them were gone, Wang Feng put his gaze on Yuan Ling's body, making Yuan Ling's eyes widened, showing a look of surprise.

"Did you not hear me speak" Wang Feng reminded him again when he saw Yuan Ling staying in place.

"I heard it." Yuan Ling lowered his head and followed Wang Feng away from here.

"Have you found your own suitable Taoist couple in the past few years?" Wang Feng asked calmly when he came to a place where no one was outside.

"what do you mean"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Yuan Ling's tone suddenly improved by several points, and his eyes stared at Wang Feng, seeming to be very angry.

"I am a peaceful questioning, you only need to answer yes or no."

"No, I have been waiting for you to come back." Yuan Ling said, then quickly lowered his head.

"Have you forgotten me for so many years?"

"How can I forget?" Yuan Ling smiled bitterly and said: "I have given you my body, how can you make me forget you when you die?"

"In that case, let me go, my family is now in the middle of three days."

"Are you accepting me?" Yuan Ling's cheeks suddenly turned red when he heard Wang Feng's words.

"I have more than one wife. Since you are interested in me, and I once occupied your body, so I won't be wronged, I will be responsible to the end."

"In that case, you are willing to take me with you because of responsibility, not because of feelings."

"Relationships can be cultivated slowly, I just want to know what you mean now."

"Then do you not like me at all" Yuan Ling asked very stubbornly at this time.

"Are you going to listen to the truth or lies" Wang Feng asked.

"Of course listen to the truth."

"The truth is that everyone has a heart for beauty. You are so beautiful, how could I not like it at all, but when it comes to feelings, I am not a lover. Do you understand when I say that"


"Now that you understand, would you still follow me?"

"I am willing." Yuan Ling nodded, and then said firmly, "I will definitely make you like me."

"Since you have such an idea, then our conversation can be over. What else do you have to deal with? I will take you away for the next three days soon."

"Okay." Nodded, Yuan Ling left quickly.

"I brought people back for you." About half an hour later, Liu Yidao, who had gone out, returned. At the same time, he was holding a young man, it was Li Kang.

"Big Brother." Looking at Wang Feng, Li Kang's face showed a surprise.

"Come here." Looking at Li Kang, Wang Feng showed a smile on his face and waved to him.

"Is there any benefit for me?" Li Kang looked at Wang Feng with a flattering smile.

"I'll know soon." Wang Feng said, and then his palm fell on Li Kang's shoulder.

Almost as soon as Wang Feng's palm fell on Li Kang's shoulders, Li Kang's body was slanted and he almost couldn't stand firmly because Wang Feng's palm was so heavy that Li Kang was discolored.

Only soon he showed joy, because at this moment a majestic force was pouring into his body along Wang Feng's palm.

His realm is climbing crazily at this moment. After only a few breaths, he has reached the pseudo-god realm, and is still in the process of crazily upgrading.

Outsiders, Wang Feng helped them to ascend to the gods, and as Li Kang's former brother, Wang Feng would naturally have extra treatment.

He helped Li Kang's realm directly rise to the heavenly spirit realm, and that's the thing.

"It's better to follow your eldest brother. I haven't improved my realm a bit after a year of retreat overseas. It's simply cheating." Li Kang said with a look of disgust.

"Since you think it's good to follow me, then you are ready to prepare. I will take you to middle school for three days."

"That's great. I've long wanted to go to the middle school for three days. I can't even improve my strength these three days. It's too boring."

"Stop complaining, go and deal with what you have to deal with."

"Good." After improving his strength, Li Kang is now in a good mood, and he quickly left here.

"His Majesty Dong Qiongyao of the Tianyin Empire is here." Just one day later, the Ten Elders brought news to Wang Feng.

"Is she here?" Upon hearing this, Wang Feng opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

In the next three days now, there are two women who have had relations with him, one is Yuan Ling, and the other is the emperor of Tianyin Empire, Dong Qiong Yao.

There were some unpleasant things that happened between Wang Feng and her back then, but as the suspicion was released later, Dong Qiongyao had already recognized Wang Feng.

Wang Feng's coming three days this time may be the last time in his life, so he wants to take Dong Qiongyao away.

"Sure enough, you are back." Looking at the sky, Dong Qiongyao's eyes flickered and came down quickly.

"How do you listen to you, do you mean you don't want to see me" Wang Feng asked amusedly.

"Just you, the ghost wants to see you." Dong Qiongyao rolled her eyes and said.

"Since you don't want to see me, why are you still here"

"I heard that you are back, so I came here to see your old friend, I will leave immediately."

"I'm here, do you want to go?" Wang Feng smiled, and then his palm followed Dong Qiongyao's grasp, and immediately Dong Qiongyao flew towards him without any struggle.

"What do you want to do" was caught by Wang Feng, Dong Qiongyao was shocked and wanted to struggle away.

It's just that Wang Feng didn't let go, how could she break free.

"As my woman, I want to take you away this time. Don't try to escape." Wang Feng said, and then kissed Dong Qiongyao directly in front of everyone.


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