The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1000: Brother in danger


"By the way, do you know what God's Kingdom Decree is?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

"The decree of the kingdom of God is a token issued by the **** emperor, with great power of life and death. In the kingdom of god, if you see the decree of the kingdom of God, you will wait for the **** emperor." Guan Fu explained.

"Oh..." Wang Feng nodded, but in his heart he was thinking that he had broken that piece of the Kingdom of God, and he didn't know if anything would happen.

But even if there is something, Wang Feng is not afraid, because this is not the kingdom of God, this is the middle three days, will the kingdom of God dare to come to this land to go wild?

"Could it be that you saw the Order of the Kingdom of God?" Guan Fu asked very surprised at this time.

"That's right." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "I have met three monks who disrespect me, and also took a broken token and swayed in front of me. In my anger, I killed people, even the gods. The national decree was also ruined."

"What?" Guan Fu's expression changed drastically when he heard Wang Feng's words, and then said: "Then you must be in trouble."

"How?" Wang Feng asked.

"There is a strand of divine consciousness from the divine residence on the decree of the kingdom of God. If the decree of the kingdom of God is destroyed, this strand of divine consciousness will enter the opponent's body and cannot be dissipated."

"Huh?" Wang Feng's expression changed when he heard Guan Fu's words, and then quickly swept through his body.

At that time, he just thought they were a little arrogant when he killed people. How could he think that this would cause trouble.

Quickly inspecting his body, Wang Feng soon discovered that there was a touch of spiritual knowledge hidden in his flesh and blood.

This spiritual sense is extremely obscure, if it weren't for Guan Fu's reminder, perhaps Wang Feng would not have noticed it.

This is a disaster, but fortunately, I found it early.

With the power of the colored glaze green lotus tree exploding, Wang Feng was trying to expel this trace of divine consciousness, but how Wang Feng dispelled it, this strand of divine consciousness was firmly embedded in his flesh and blood, and could not be shaken at all.

This is like Wang Feng's own flesh and blood, completely assimilated into it, Wang Feng can't disperse it.

Using his own soul power to disperse, Wang Feng found that the final ending was the same. His soul seemed to be unable to detect the existence of this divine consciousness, making Wang Feng helpless.

In the end, it couldn't be dispelled. Wang Feng had to give up, but he didn't care, because at that time he could go to see Master Chu for help. With him, this spiritual sense would definitely be eliminated.

Moreover, the **** emperor didn't need to worry about Wang Feng, because once he landed on the middle three days of the land, there would naturally be a world alliance to deal with it, and it had nothing to do with him.

"You don't need to worry about my business, you still think about how to live." Wang Feng said, turned and left.

Saving this woman was purely out of good intentions. As for what will happen to her in the future, it has little to do with Wang Feng.

"I don't know what your name is?" the woman called at this time.

"Wang Ming and Wang Feng are also acceptable." After saying this, Wang Feng tore the void directly and disappeared in front of Guan Fu.

"Wang Feng?" Mumbling to herself, she called the name twice. Suddenly the woman's complexion changed, because she had heard of this name. This person was a wanted person in the middle of the third day.

No wonder she felt this was a bit familiar, because he had experienced the same experience as himself.

After saving this woman, Wang Feng lost an eleventh-grade pill, and even the opportunity to gain the power of the gods was given up by Wang Feng.

But Wang Feng did not feel regret for doing this, because he felt that he had just done a right thing.

Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha. Wang Feng is not a saint, but he is doing something to save people. Now he can refine the 11th-grade pill by himself. If this is not the case, he would not give Guan Fu such a superb Elixirs.

Eleven-rank alchemists are very rare. Even now, Wang Feng has never seen an alchemist of this level. Perhaps this has something to do with his level. He is only in the early stage of the Profound Moon Realm, and he doesn’t even have the strength of the venerable. It doesn't seem to be normal.

However, judging from the name Guan Fu calls the Eleventh-Rank Pill, this Eleventh-Rank Alchemist is destined to be extremely rare.

Because there was a master's consciousness in his body, Wang Feng didn't go anywhere, he went directly to Tiandi Pavilion.

With the help of the teleportation array among the many cities, Wang Feng finally came under the heaven and earth pavilion, and turned his hand to take out the token that Chu Mengtian gave him last time.

But as the token was taken out, Wang Feng did not feel the change in the scene.

"I want to see your pavilion master." At this time, Wang Feng saw a cultivator from the Heaven and Earth Pavilion galloping out of the floating mountain, and quickly stopped him and asked.

After showing the token in his hand, the people who were still unhappy suddenly showed respect and said: "Our pavilion master has already gone out. If you want to see him, please come in a month later."

"Gone?" Hearing his words, Wang Feng's face was disappointed, but at this moment he also remembered that the last time he left, Chu Mengtian seemed to have said that he would take his daughter out to improve his strength. thing.

The divine consciousness Wang Feng planted by the **** emperor could not be broken now, he could only take it with him first.

"Dare to ask where the demon girl who carries the power of the source of the gods is now?" Someone among the people kneeling down at this moment asked.

Of course, he was asking the person next to Wang Feng. Tiandi Pavilion is known as a magical calculation. Especially the pavilion owner of Tiandi Pavilion knows things that many outsiders don’t know. Because of this, almost the entire Tiandi Pavilion has been Deification, so much so that now all the clerks in Tiandi Pavilion are called to inquire like this.

"If you want to exchange news for the price, please come back in a month. The pavilion master is not here now, please come back." This monk said to the many monks below.

"Aren't you Tiandi Pavilion doing business anymore?" Another monk shouted at this time.


Hearing what the other party said, the handyman disciple next to Wang Feng gave a cold cry, and suddenly he stretched out his five fingers and grabbed the monk.

This handyman is not strong, only the early stage of the Void Sky Realm, and the monk shouting below has reached the late stage of the Void Sky Realm, which is two realms above him.

But just under such a realm gap, this handyman disciple caught him, and this late-stage cultivator of the Void Sky Realm was still held in the void by him out of thin air.

This is not the strength of this handyman disciple. At this moment, he is dealing with this person with the power of the sacred mountain behind him.

It seems that Uncle Chu has worked hard under this sacred mountain, even these handyman disciples are not easy to provoke.

"I said that the pavilion master has already left. If you continue to be entangled like this, don't blame me for not reminding you." The handyman disciple said, his expression indifferent.

"Then I will wait a month and come back again." At this time, some monks spoke, and left the place after holding their fists one after another.

Although the monk who was controlled by this person was not in his heart, he didn't dare to make trouble here openly, because Heaven and Earth Pavilion was not something he could provoke.

Regardless of the fact that Tiandi Pavilion's power is only a small sacred mountain, it is such a sacred mountain that few people come to attack.

Because many big forces owe the favor of Tiandi Pavilion, if you deal with Tiandi Pavilion, how many people will come to your troubles, and the pavilion owner of this Tiandi Pavilion, Chu Mengtian, is also a top expert, unless someone else eats too much. , Otherwise, there will be no one to deal with Tiandi Pavilion, and the gains outweigh the losses.

"This friend, I'm really sorry, our pavilion master is not here." At this time, the handyman disciple said with a fist to Wang Feng.

"It's nothing, then I'll come back next time. Go ahead." Patting the handyman disciple on the shoulder, Wang Feng left here directly.

Chu Mengtian must have gone out for his daughter, so Wang Feng had nothing to complain about. In the end, he also left here with everyone.

All the discussions in the crowd were about Guan Fu. Some people said that she was caught, and some said that she had escaped. In short, there were different opinions, and none of them really knew the situation.

Wang Feng didn't know if Wang Xuansong had told him about taking Guan Fu away. In short, Wang Feng knew that the next time he saw him, he would have to take a long time.

"Your brother is besieged, come quickly."

At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly noticed an abnormal movement in the space ring. With a thought, Wang Feng learned a piece of news that surprised him.

It was Wang Xuansong who sent the message to Wang Feng. Just now, Wang Feng was still wondering if he would tell his story.

It's just that he is calling himself a conspiracy, right?

There was a pensive look on his face. After a while, Wang Feng decided to go. No matter whether Wang Xuansong wanted to deal with him or not, if it was his brother who was suffering, how would Wang Feng go.

Although his current strength still can't deal with those high-ranking sages, he still wants to go.

The place of the battle was not far from where Guan Fu was taken away by Wang Feng at the time. Obviously, Wang Feng's seniors also participated in the fight against the power of the gods this time.

Those who practice Natural Shinto are almost enemy to the forces of the entire Zhongsantian, so if he is discovered now, he must be under siege.

It took about an hour or so for Wang Feng to arrive at the place where he had stayed with Wang Xuansong and Guan Fu.

Wang Xuansong has already left. There is no one here except for the ghost shadows of the earth in ruins. After taking out the messenger, Wang Feng directly input his own voice: "Where?"

"You can find us by walking straight to the north." Wang Xuansong's voice came from the transmission talisman, accompanied by bursts of huge roars.

Obviously, a big battle really broke out not far from Wang Xuansong.

Before he could think about the authenticity of Wang Xuansong's words, Wang Feng put away the messenger at this moment, and instantly passed quickly toward the north.

It was like a flash of lightning galloping through the sky, and within about twenty minutes, Wang Feng felt the aftermath of a fierce battle from the horizon.

At the same time, he checked the token in his space ring, and it burst into light.

I really have a brother here fighting with others.

The senior brother Wang Feng in the middle three days has already seen almost all of them, and even the giant senior brother Wang Feng who followed the master into the sea of ​​taboos had also met in the next three days. I don't know who the senior brother is here this time.

With suspicious thoughts, Wang Feng quickly swept forward, his perspective ability unfolded, and Wang Feng quickly saw the center of the battle.

That is a group of people besieging a person. The besieged person is a young man with a slightly fat body, and he is brother Du His realm is at the level of the nobleman, although he is better than the average nobleman. It is much stronger, but now that he is besieged, he is still under absolute disadvantage.

Faced with many venerables, it is extremely difficult for him to continue to fight for such a long time. There are blood stains on his clothes, and he should have suffered trauma.

His complexion changed slightly, and Wang Feng quickly approached the past.

"Don't go there." At this moment, a person appeared in front of Wang Feng. It was Wang Xuansong who had informed Wang Feng.

It has been a thousand chapters without knowing it, and I have never written such a long page. One year, one month and twelve days, 3.29 million words, three changes every day for five consecutive months, constant corrections, corrections It is because of everyone's support that Chi Yan is able to hold on to this day, and I feel your company all the way, thanks!

It’s the first time to speak in an official chapter. On this day of 1,000 chapters, Chi Yan hopes to ask for a reward. It doesn’t matter how much, even a dollar is the strong support of my brothers. Of course, if there is a leader, naturally Good... smirking.


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