The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 999: Guan Fu


Watching Wang Feng leave, Wang Xuansong lowered his head and glanced at the colorful fruits in his hand, and finally he had to put away the messenger talisman in his hand.

Just now, if he sent out the message, it is very likely that their Wang family will get the precious power of the gods, but once he does that, in the future he and Wang Feng can only go to the opposite side.

So just when he hesitated, Wang Feng had already rescued the person.

This is how the power of the source of the gods was taken away by Wang Feng, and the chance slipped away from his fingers.


After a long period of silence, he uttered a sigh in his mouth. Wang Feng is already gone, even if he informs the family members, it will not help.

He made the choice from the beginning, and what he can do now is to calm his mood and pretend that nothing happened.

He would not tell the people in the family that he saw the power of God's Origin being taken away by Wang Feng, because if he did that, Wang Feng would definitely be chased and killed by their royal family. By then, he and Wang Feng would still be enemies.

What is Wang Feng's identity? He knew in his heart that none of the people who practiced natural gods were weak, and even they were crazy. His brothers were all powerful and amazing. If they angered them, the Wang family would be in danger of destruction.

Looking at the colorful fruit in his hand, he vaguely heard Wang Feng say that this is the fruit of the tree of the world, but the tree of the world is a legend, and many people have never seen it in their lives.

So he didn't pay much attention to Wang Feng's words. Perhaps the fruit was just something picked from ordinary tree branches.

The power contained in the fruit was so majestic, Wang Xuansong was silent for a moment, and finally he put the fruit in his mouth and chewed.

It's just that his eyes widened at this bite, and a stormy sea was set off in his heart.

It was too late to think about why Wang Feng had such a fruit. At this moment, he sat cross-legged in the void and began to feel the good fortune of this heaven.

It took a full half an hour before he opened his eyes, and as his eyes opened, his breath suddenly changed drastically. At this moment, he jumped one step and reached the Profound Moon Realm. Mid-term.

The fruit of the tree of the world can make people directly perceive the rules, so Wang Xuansong took this opportunity to raise his realm to the next level.

"It's really the fruit of the tree of the world." The expression on his face was extremely shocked, and Wang Xuansong never thought that Wang Feng would give him such a good thing.

A fruit helped him complete the transformation of his realm. Although he did not get the power of the gods this time, his current realm was actually improved.

Among today's top geniuses in the middle three days, only he and Gong Tian have the strength of the mid-Xuanyue realm.

"Could it be that he saw the legendary World Tree?" muttering to himself, Wang Xuansong seemed to understand why Wang Feng's realm soared to the Xuanyue realm.

Although he had lost the opportunity to obtain the power of the gods, but now his realm had risen to the mid-Xuanyue realm, this time he seemed not to lose.

Here Wang Xuansong has already received tangible benefits, and in another place, Wang Feng has brought the woman with the power of the gods to an endless sea of ​​forests.

This is the depths of the virgin forest, even monks rarely pass here.

With a thought, Wang Feng released the woman in the space ring, and the dazzling power of the gods burst out, and she was like a colorful sun, which made Wang Feng's eyes a little flowery.

"Put away the power of your **** source, I have no malice against you." Wang Feng said.

"Why are you?" The woman recognized Wang Feng's face and asked coldly.

"Why can't it be me?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically.

"Do you save me because you want to obtain the power of my **** source alone?" The woman asked, as if she didn't regard Wang Feng as a lifesaver at all.

In her opinion, Wang Feng's purpose for saving her is probably to take away her divine power alone, but it is also human nature to think about it. If Wang Feng came to him, he probably would have such thoughts.

"If I want to gain the power of your gods, I will deal with you before. Don't think people so bad, I am a good person." Wang Feng said lightly.

"Good guy?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the woman seemed to have heard some big joke: "If it weren't for you, how could I be discovered? It was because of your whistleblowing that I came to this point. Even if I'm dead, I won't let you go."

"Why? Do you think I shook off your trail?" Wang Feng's face showed a different color, and he stared at the woman and said.

After she left, she didn't say anything. This woman obviously misunderstood her.

And it was she who wanted to leave at the beginning, and no one forced her. She was accidentally discovered by others, but now she is still on Wang Feng's head. This black pot is so fast.

"Say, how did you break my control spirit back?" Suddenly this woman burst out with dangerous auras, and the colorful divine source power also surged rapidly.

"This is naturally my way, but you don't have any spirit stones now. Do you think your power of the gods is still a threat to me?" Wang Feng smiled calmly, making the woman's face suddenly changed.

Her spirit stones have indeed been completely consumed. If not, how could she be seriously injured by the venerable, but how did he know?

"Why? Nothing to say?" Seeing the woman's complexion changed, Wang Feng's complexion was calm, but his heart was calm. According to his previous guess, the woman's spirit stone should have been exhausted because she took out the spirit last time. The stone was too much less than the previous one, and those should be her last savings.

"So what? It's a big deal. Let's fight to death and break the net." The woman's voice was harsh, and the colorful power of the gods almost wrapped her whole person.

Perhaps in her opinion, wrapping herself in this way feels more secure.

It's just that without the spirit stone, her power of God's source is not very useful, and Wang Feng can easily deal with him, because Wang Feng's current combat power is estimated to be comparable to the venerable.

"If you don't want to die, take this pill. It can help you stabilize your injury." Wang Feng said, turning his hand and took out an 11-stage pill.

"This is... Eleventh-grade restricted-level pill." Holding the pill that Wang Feng had thrown away, the woman's face showed an incredible color.

The eleventh-grade pill is extremely rare. She has seen others sell it before, but the price it sells can be said to be sky-high. In the kingdom of God, there is only one eleventh-grade alchemist, so this pill was also used by their kingdom. The monk called it a restricted-level pill, because these pill are few and pitiful, and only controlled by some masters or rich people.

How could she not be surprised that Wang Feng actually gave her an Eleventh Grade pill like this.

Does this guy know the value of this medicine?

"Can you eat it? Give it back to me if you don't eat it." Wang Feng said, not caring about the look of surprise on her face.

This kind of pill was refined by his hands, as long as he was given enough elixir, he could continue to refine it.

At the beginning, his failure rate in refining this pill was quite high, but now his realm has been raised to the Profound Moon realm, and his various abilities have been improved accordingly, and his soul power has naturally increased.

So now asking him to refine these eleven grades of pill, it should be much easier.

"Eat." I have never gotten the eleventh-grade restricted pill, so this woman didn't hesitate at all and put the pill directly into her mouth.

Her face was intoxicated, as if what she was eating was not an elixir, but the most delicious food in the world. Seeing this scene, Wang Feng had to sigh: Tubaozi!

Arrays of powerful aura swept out of her body, and at this moment Wang Feng could see that her injury was quickly recovering, and the effect of the Eleventh Grade Pill was exerting.

About ten minutes later, the woman opened her eyes. With the help of the Eleven-Pin Pill, her injuries have been fully recovered, and her aura seems to be stronger than before.

Although it was suspected that it was Wang Feng's escape that she was almost beheaded, but now Wang Feng has given her the Eleventh Pin Pill, even if she suspects that Wang Feng is now embarrassed to say it.

After all, the eleventh-grade pill is too precious, it is a thing of sky-high price, even in the kingdom of God, this thing is still priceless, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

"I don't know why you are doing this?" the woman asked at this time.

"Nothing." Wang Feng said faintly, and then said: "I used to be chased and killed by people all over the world, just like you. I saw you have nowhere to go, so I helped you. You should be my kind heart. Right."

"Then you mean that the eleventh restricted grade pill was given to me?"

"What? Do you want to pay me back?" Wang Feng showed a look of surprise.

"I, Guan Fu, always don't like to owe favors. I don't know if you need my help?" Her face was very solemn, as if she really wanted to pay Wang Feng's favors.

Looking at the opponent's delicate body, Wang Feng found that the opponent's cheeks were turning crimson at a speed visible to the naked eye: "If you want me to repay it with my body, it's okay."

Guan Fu spoke in a very low voice. If it weren't for Wang Feng to be a monk, he might not have heard it. Looking up, Wang Feng found that her face was still shy.

If an ordinary man is here, he will definitely be aroused, but the person Guan Fu faces is Wang Feng, a man who is used to seeing all kinds of beautiful women.

Although Wang Feng is also a normal man, he is not the kind of person who sees a beautiful woman and is about to fall in love. He has too many debts on his body, so he does not want to add an additional burden on his shoulders.

"Put away your shame, I don't have these thoughts about you." Wang Feng said, letting the shame on Guan Fu's face disappear in an instant, and finally turned into iron blue.

He is a beautiful woman anyway, he used such words to beat "Pointing to Wang Feng, Guan Fu was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"I know a lot about beauties. I don't need you to pay back physically. If you really want to repay me, then live well." Wang Feng said, letting the iron blue on Guan Fu's face disappear again, and finally Turned into doubt.

Could it be that the eleventh product pill was really given to him like this?

Moreover, she and Wang Feng only met once, and the way they met was somewhat unique. Wang Feng was a prisoner in her hands.

It stands to reason that Wang Feng should hate her very much now. Why does it become like this? Is it possible that this person is really a great saint?

"Don’t watch it anymore, before I change my mind, you go, live well, don’t be caught again, oh, yes, I forgot to remind you, I met you in the sea of ​​forbidden The monks of the Kingdom of God, they will be on the land in two days at the latest." Wang Feng added.

"Are they here?"

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