The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1001: Kill 4 parties


"I can't let you pass." Seeing the expression on Wang Feng's face, Wang Xuansong's expression changed, and he quickly grabbed him.

Nowadays, there are masters everywhere, almost all powerful and venerable. With Wang Feng's strength, if his identity is revealed, he will undoubtedly die.

The palace family, the Liu family, the ghost empire, the world alliance, and even his own family are all potential enemies of Wang Feng, so he can't let Wang Feng take that risk.

"Then you asked me to come, do you want me to watch all this happen?" Wang Feng asked.

"Don't worry, wait a minute, I believe he is not that easy to kill." Wang Xuansong said, and then said: "If he is really in a hurry, it's not too late for you to take action."

"Master, please don't run around." At this moment, an old man came to the front of the two Wang Feng, an uncle of Wang Xuansong.

"Don't worry, I won't run around." Wang Xuansong said, and then led Wang Feng into the camp of their Wang family.

"Huh? Why is Liu Yang here?" At this moment, Wang Feng asked in a low voice.

Wasn't Liu Yang trapped in the ancient mound by Gong Tian's use of the Nether Divine Array last time? Why did he show up again?

"It's probably the last time I let him escape." Wang Xuansong said in a low voice, but didn't care much about the other party.

Because now he has reached the middle stage of the Profound Moon Realm, and Liu Yang has never gotten a chance in the ancient tomb, and his final realm stays in the latter stage of the Sky Void Realm.

It can be said that the gap between Liu Yang and them has been widened, because except for Liu Yang, all the people who entered the ancient tomb have improved their strength.

But even if he was not trapped by Gong Tian's formation, he would never have the chance, because Wang Feng would never lead him through that chaotic killing formation.

Without Wang Feng's leadership, he could only lose his life in violent rush, so Liu Yang didn't get the chance and just happened to save his life.

However, his strength has not improved, and it will be difficult for him to compete with Wang Feng and others in the future.

More than fifteen venerables besieged Senior Brother Du Shi. At this moment, he was completely downwind, and all his moves were resisting, but even so, he was beaten back all the time, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Wang Feng looked at him, and Du Shi's eyes fell on Wang Feng at this moment. It was obvious that Du Shi had recognized Wang Feng's identity.

Others can't recognize Wang Feng because his breath and appearance have changed, but people who practice natural gods have a unique way of sensing, which is the token in their space ring.

A smile appeared on his face, and then Du Shi suffered a powerful attack from Venerable One Strike.

It was as if a big rock had been smashed down from the void. At this moment, Du Shi's body fell towards the ground. Wang Feng's complexion changed and he wanted to rush up.

But beside him, Wang Xuansong stubbornly grabbed him. There were family members beside him. Wang Xuansong didn't dare to talk nonsense, but looked at Wang Feng and shook his head.

His meaning was obvious, and he signaled Wang Feng not to rush forward.

"Du Shi, today is the day of your death." At this moment, there was a loud shout from the mouth of the venerable. At this moment, a large group of venerable rushed up again, with a powerful force.

A group of venerables attacked very terribly, and even the venerable might be killed in the later stage. At this moment, a turquoise mask filled Du Shi's face, and it was his saplings that began to protect their lord.

Although these venerables are powerful, if they want to kill Du Shi, they must first crush the light shield.

"A group of incompetent people know that relying on a large number of people, now let you taste the taste of being killed by me." With the light shield body, Du Shi's tone became tough.

Because as long as the mask is not broken, he will be invincible for this period of time, only he can attack others, and others will never want to hurt him.

Before he was beaten completely passively, and now he has to come back to the main goal.


The void exploded. At this moment, a tree measuring several meters long appeared in Du Shi's hand. This was his sapling. Once Wang Feng had heard of the giant brother fighting with the sapling in the next three days, now Wang Feng finally saw it again.

Wang Feng had never thought of using the colored glaze green lotus tree to fight, because in his thoughts, the sapling was too fragile, and at the same time, it was something he used to save his life, and he would never use it easily.

So to this day of cultivation, Wang Feng has never used the Liuli Qinglian tree to fight, at most he used this sapling to heal his injuries.

"Give me everything to die!"

Grasping the trunk of this big tree, Du Shi yelled, and then he waved the big tree and swept across the crowd directly.

A violent force radiated from the big tree, and even a leaf that fell from this tree brought great lethality.

The strong people changed color, the power carried by this sapling was too terrifying, almost all of them surpassed the rank of the venerable and reached a whole new level.

The masters who walked the most outside are the Venerables in general, and most of them are the powerful. However, the level beyond the Venerable can be called the infinite master in three days. Such people? Most of them are. Silent meditation, and rarely walked around, so the battle here can be regarded as a rare peak battle in the middle of three days.

Under the violent power, all the venerables swept out, spewing blood.

A sense of horror rose in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of monks around. Although the blow was not aimed at them, the kind of death crisis still made them choose to retreat without hesitation.

Du Shi is now desperately desperate, and they are likely to be killed by mistake, so those who stay close to watch the battle at this time are all people who want to die.

Under Wang Xuansong's deadlift, Wang Feng was also dragged to retreat for at least ten miles at this moment.

The land of Ten Miles is very far away for ordinary people, and for powerful monks like them, Shili has no influence at all, and there is no need to use soul power. They can see the battle in the distance with their naked eyes.

All dozens of venerables were wounded under the big tree, and Wang Feng had a new understanding of the power of the sapling in his body.

This sapling can still be used like this.


Although they were hit hard, these venerables did not lose much combat power. Now is the best time to kill Du Shi, and they don't want to miss this wonderful opportunity.

So forcibly suppressing the injuries on the body, at this moment more than a dozen Venerables once again shot at him.


Seeing more than a dozen people coming together, Du Shi was not afraid. At this moment, he waved the big tree in his hand like a banner, and the force that swept out was much stronger than his own strength.

The huge sound resounded in the void like thunder, and the dozen or so sages who charged up were knocked back once again and suffered heavy losses.

Du Shi had a light mask, and they were completely beaten up. If this continues, I am afraid that Du Shi will not die, but they will only have half their lives.

"The old man's brother was beheaded by you, now you have to pay for it." At this moment, there was a loud shout, and a master of the palace family seemed to be crazy, and bombarded Du Shi's mask. Past.

A spear appeared in his hand, and the tip of the spear was filled with black mist. From this look, he knew that the venerable must have moved something on the tip of the spear.

Chi Chi Chi Chi.

Void made a sound, and at this moment, his spear smashed directly into the mask outside Du Shi with a speed like breaking through the air.


It was as if the glass was about to break, at this moment the spear in his hand had cracked Du Shi's mask, making many people's faces changed.

The mask that a dozen or so venerables could not break together suddenly appeared cracks, what exactly is this venerable display?

At this moment, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them. Even Du Shi in the mask changed his complexion, and the mask cracked in one blow.

"The source of all evil!" After identification, Du Shi finally called out the black object on the tip of the spear.

Rumor has it that where the strongest fell, there will be a chance to give birth to a very evil power in the world. This power is called the source of all evil. This thing is more poisonous than poisonous, and even if it is contaminated with the strongest of the ranks. It won't be better.

In order to kill Du Shi, this venerable even found out such a thing. Although there was only this point on the tip of the spear, it was amazing.

If Du Shi hadn't possessed the mask, this spear was enough to stab him to death.

"Nine days destroy the world!"

The mask almost shattered, and Du Shi started to become crazy at this moment. The big tree in his hand was swept away, and at the same time a huge noise was made in his mouth.

At this moment, he exploded his own destruction magic.

Nine suns appeared behind him. These nine suns looked so real, as if they were real, even the blazing sun hanging above the sky lost its original color at this moment.

"If you want to kill me, then I will kill you old guy first." Du Shi yelled, and then all the nine suns were crushed down at this moment.

A terrifying force burst out, and the nine-day extinction that Du Shi displayed was absolutely a taboo move, and he was also forced.

It was as if the entire sky had been crushed down, watching the nine suns that came, all the nearby Venerables retreated in horror, only the Venerable of the palace was left.

Seeing the coming sun, the old man's face showed a tragic smile. He knew that he was absolutely unstoppable. The strongest blow could not take the life of Du Shi, so he naturally had no reason to survive .

Since his younger brother was killed by Du Shi, he has been walking north and south in search of weird things for revenge.

It wasn't until a few years ago that he inadvertently broke into the home of the strongest in the sea of ​​taboos, and then he obtained a very evil power, the source of all evil.

I thought he could get revenge this time, but what he didn't expect was that he still couldn't kill Du Shi.

" I'm here to accompany you." Looking at the sky, the old man made a sad voice, and then his body was directly drowned in endless light.

There was no screaming, and there was no figure of the old man. He seemed to be vaporized in an instant, and any traces related to him disappeared without a trace.

"Uncle Clan." Many people in the palace yelled when they saw this scene, but now the extraordinary Venerable Du Shi can stop them, and these people dare not rush forward.

"Next, it's you."

After killing this venerable, Du Shi put his gaze on the other venerables, causing them to change their faces one after another.

Sure enough, all the people who practiced natural gods were monsters. So many people went to besiege him, and even the source of all evil appeared but still couldn't kill the opponent, and told him to kill one.

At this moment, the shadow of death appeared in everyone's hearts, and they all wanted to avoid Du Shi's attack.

But is Du Shi's attack really so easy to hide?


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