The fairy father

Chapter 185 Xiao Yue’s Crisis

After four years of war in Xizhou, the weapons were forged in peace and seclusion.

The afternoon sun reflected some fine dust in the air.

Li Ping'an was sitting behind the desk. He had fallen into a mysterious state and had been sitting here for three days. Neither Wen Ling'er nor Xinghe Xinghan dared to disturb him.


Li Ping'an breathed out gently, and the breath curled up and turned into white clouds like "cotton balls", slowly rising to the roof.

Not long after, the upper half of the study room was wrapped in clouds and mist.

Li Pingan opened his eyes, with a relaxed and comfortable smile on his lips. He brushed his palm forward, and the white clouds condensed in an instant, turning into wisps of spiritual energy, which was absorbed by Li Pingan's mouth.

‘Based on my current understanding of the Dao of Clouds, without the suppression of Heaven’s Dao, I should be able to touch the edge of the True Immortal Realm. ’

He estimated conservatively.

Li Ping'an couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

When he first started practicing, what restricted him was the lack of soil in the five elements. Later, the lack of soil in the five elements was filled in a little, and the speed of his practice immediately increased.

But now, after two spiritual transformations, especially the second spiritual transformation where he absorbed many essences of the Five Elements, his Five Elements have been acquired.

When you become an immortal, you will reshape your Taoist body and turn it into an immortal order. This will not only make your skin whiter and tenderer, and clear away the hidden wounds and stubborn diseases in your body, but also allow the five elements to return to their origin, so that your own practice will not be limited by the five elements, and you can pursue your own 'phase' avenue.

That's all.

Li Ping'an's spirit looked up to the sky and sighed.

If Tiandao was targeting him after becoming an immortal, then his current strength must be much stronger.

Not so many ifs!

Li Ping'an forced himself to cheer up.

Heaven does not allow him to become an immortal, so he will continue to transform his soul to see where this road will lead!

Li Ping'an has planned the third and fourth spiritual transformations in the past few years. Now he is waiting for his mana to be unable to increase and reach the critical point after the second spiritual transformation!

In the third spiritual transformation, in addition to more spring water of youth, purer essences of the five elements must be prepared to continue to enhance the connection between the soul and the heaven and earth.

The five elements can be divided into innate and acquired.

The innate five-element treasures are too precious. For example, the five-color divine light of Kong Xuan, the famous ruthless man from the ancient times, is said to be everything, and it is refined from the innate five-element qi.

Li Ping'an learned from the classics that the innate Five Elements Qi is actually infinite - as long as one has the strength of a leader and can harvest the Xuanhuang Qi from the edge of the Sea of ​​Chaos, it can be decomposed into the Innate Five Elements Qi.

I don’t dare to think too much about it.

As for the fourth spiritual transformation, in addition to more fountain of youth than the third spiritual transformation, it also requires more essence of the five elements and a little bit of yin and yang.

Yin and Yang Qi are also rare treasures, but you can ask experts from the Golden Fairyland to collect them from the star cores of the Lunar Star and the Sun Star.

Li Ping'an also knows a few Jinxian bosses, so the follow-up is not too difficult.

As for what treasures to use for the fifth spiritual transformation, Li Ping'an hasn't figured it out yet.

‘My father has taught me the exercises several times in the past few years, but I don’t feel that my power is fully sufficient yet. I will have to teach the exercises about three times later, and then I will improve my understanding of the great path before I can undergo the third metamorphosis. ’

Li Ping'an glanced at his two and a half tanks of the Fountain of Youth, but he didn't know if the water was enough for the third and fourth spiritual transformation.

‘Just take it one step at a time, as long as your strength can be improved. ’

Li Ping'an stretched, stood up and stretched his legs and feet.

Xinghe Xinghan immediately entered and saluted Li Pingan:

"Congratulations on your breakthrough, sir!"

Li Ping'an smiled bitterly and said: "Look where I broke through, the Dao realm is still the bridge between heaven and earth."

"Ah?" Xinghe glared, "Sir, the amount of spiritual energy in your body can support a hundred heaven and earth bridges! What's going on?"

Xinghan raised his foot and kicked him: "You dare to inquire about the secrets of my master's practice!"

Li Ping'an shook his head with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I was suppressed by Heavenly Dao. Heavenly Dao didn't allow me to become an immortal, so I figured out a new way of cultivating myself. Now the power of my magic is about the same as that of a first-grade Yuanxian or a ninth-grade True Spirit." They are almost like immortals, but in many places they are far inferior to real immortals.”

Xinghe Xinghan looked at each other.

Xinghe couldn't help but sigh: "Speaking of opening up a new way of practice is such an understatement."

Xinghan also sighed: "He is worthy of being a quasi-immortal of great enlightenment."

Wen Ling'er, who was hiding behind, rolled her eyes.

Xiao Zu is getting better and better at pretending!

Li Pingan said leisurely: "Wen Ling, does the ceiling look good?"

"Xiaozu, what kind of tea do you want to drink? Brother Xinghan just brought back some new teas!"

"Just do something...when did Xinghan come back?"

"Oh, yes," Xing Han cupped his hands and reported, "My subordinate came back yesterday. You didn't dare to disturb me while you were practicing. You have learned all the battle reports in the west in recent years!"

He walked forward quickly and held a jade talisman to Li Ping'an with both hands.

After Li Pingan took it, he read it carefully for a while, with a little more thought in his eyes.

In the past four years, the human race has won more victories than lost in the war in Xizhou, but the battle line has moved more than a thousand miles south.

The veterans of ASEAN understand the principle of "losing land and losing people, and both people and land are lost". In exchange for moving the front south, they will reduce their own casualties and increase the consumption of the demon clan.

But this also led to a new problem - the war between humans and monsters, and the human race fell into a superficial decline for the first time.

Superficial decline is not a good thing.

A small group of demon kings who were originally watching have joined the battle.

Those ancient heavenly ministers who had already given up on the various tribes have recently begun to show their signs.

Although according to Li Ping'an's understanding of Emperor Xuanyuan, there must be some useless back-ups on the human side, such as His Majesty the Shennong's "Government Team" and the Human Emperor's personal guards;

But if this situation continues, this war may really break our heads.

‘Did His Majesty Xuanyuan do it deliberately? ’

'If the war gets worse, Western churches will probably end up being so-called peacemakers again. If Our Lady is not at home, our side will inevitably suffer. ’

‘His Majesty Xuanyuan wants to use this method to ask the Holy Mother to go home early? The Holy Mother has great supernatural powers. She should know what is happening in this world. ’

One thought after another flashed through Li Ping'an's mind, and then he burst into laughter.

This kind of thing actually has nothing to do with him, and he is just worrying about it now.

Believe in the Emperor.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xinghan."

Li Ping'an put away the jade talisman, took out two ring fingers from his sleeves, and pushed them to Xinghe Xinghan with his magic power.

He said: "Follow me and hide here. You two don't have time to receive ASEAN's offerings. Please don't expose these to others. The gods also need to practice."

The two brothers grinned and took the wrench over with a smile.

Li Ping'an didn't go out, so of course he didn't know that Dong'an City had changed now;

The two of them often go out to buy and eliminate demons. They know exactly how much business there is in Zhuyuntang to earn spiritual stones, so they will not be hypocritical and polite with Li Ping'an.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Hey, the offerings are made!"

Wen Ling'er came in with a pot of tea, her big eyes flickering, and the 'white cat' following beside her also blinked her big watery eyes.

Li Pingan sneered and threw two storage instruments over.

Wen Ling'er happily caught it and stuffed the pendant directly into her chest;

The little white tiger whined and swallowed the magic weapon, but he had his own magical power to store it.

Now, when the white tiger unfolds its body, it is already ten feet long, and its escape speed has exceeded that of an ordinary true immortal. Li Ping'an can ride it next time he goes out.

However, Li Ping'an usually doesn't take the 'Yangguan Road' when traveling, so the white tiger is not of much use at this stage.

Li Ping'an said: "Wen Ling, come with me to go out for a walk. It has been three or four years since the door was closed, and the Taoist heart has become a little unstable... I don't know if Master is safe in Xizhou."

Xinghe Xinghan cupped his hands and said:

"Qingsu Martial Arts Commander has outstanding achievements and has been commended by ASEAN many times. If you are worried about him, why not write a letter and ask his subordinates to send it to him!"

"Sir, are you leaving seclusion?"

"Forget the letters, my master doesn't like my mother-in-law, and it will probably take more than half a year to leave seclusion," Li Ping'an sighed, "I didn't expect that there would be so many problems when combining the self-propelled immortal armor with the puppet secret technique of Wei Yuanzong."

Although the other three people in the room didn't know the details, all they had to do at this moment was smile and hold their hands.

The lowest level of the Wanyun Sect's high-rise building is not far from Li Ping'an's retreat place.

‘The taste of dual cultivation is really good. ’

Li Dazhi put on his outer robe, stretched out and left the red gauze curtain. A snow-white delicate hand reluctantly slipped from his arm, and finally turned into a lazy sigh.

He walked aside and took a sip of the fairy tea that had been cold for a long time, tutted slightly, and looked out the window at the blue waves.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than three years since I returned from Xuanyuan Palace.

He didn't dare to go back to the sect because the sect's talkative people could easily leak his traces and attract a sneak attack by the masters of the demon clan.

In fact, he spent most of the past three years on the top floor of this tall building, practicing meditation, dealing with Zhuyuntang matters, and practicing double cultivation with Xiao Yue.

The only people who know his whereabouts now are Taoist Kong Ming, Senior Xu Sheng, and Zhan Yuan Jinxian, the three Jinxian ancestors of the sect where the core production line of Zhuyuntang is located.

In fact, if a careful person observes Xiao Yue's Taoist realm, he can also find some clues.

Xiao Yue is now only one step away from the realm of immortality.

The dual cultivation technique given by Xiao Yue's master Ting Yun is indeed very effective, but the most important thing is that Xiao Yue's practice has almost no bottlenecks now.

The driving effect of great luck is very obvious.

"Sigh, I don't know how the peace retreat is going."

"Uncle Master."

Elder Xiao Yue's gentle, slightly hoarse voice came from the gauze tent:

"Don't worry, don't you always feel that Ping An has a lot of insights coming to you? Didn't you pass on the kung fu to Ping An several times before?

"If you are really worried about your safety, just write a letter to Elder Qingsu.

"In this world, I'm afraid only Ning Ning and Elder Qing Su can find a place of peace."

"Hi! I'm worried but not worried. Ping An is in seclusion and not on the front line. I just miss my son a little bit."

Li Dazhi patted his bald head and began to choose today's wig.

Li Dazhi said warmly:

"You should take a rest. I'll continue to look at the account books, and then go for a walk on the street to get some fresh air. Recently, a shop has not been doing well. It is better to change the shopkeeper as soon as possible."

Xiao Yue said: "Uncle's newly opened Folk Art Teahouse and Quexian Pavilion are doing very well."

Li Dazhi sighed softly: "I don't know whether engaging in this kind of entertainment is good or bad for Dongzhou... No matter what, we will just earn our spiritual stones. You, think more about how to spend the spiritual stones." , I can barely hold the spirit stone anymore.”

Xiao Yue responded with a smile.

Li Dazhi picked an ordinary hairpin and put it on his forehead, then walked out the door with his hands behind his hands, humming a tune.

When he crossed the threshold and the formation light wall, he was surrounded by a wisp of cloud smoke. When the cloud smoke dissipated, he turned into a fat old man. He took two steps into the dedicated passage and entered the Wanyun Sect. Tunnels dug for refuge.

A moment later, an old Taoist dressed as Li Dazhi appeared from the backyard of an inn.

He held a birdcage in his left hand and a tobacco pouch in his right hand. Whenever the spirited and colorful fairy bird in the birdcage chirped twice, he would take a sip of the crushed ten thousand-year-old spirit root, which made him feel at ease.

As we walked onto the street, we saw bustling crowds and plaques with the Zhuyuntang logo everywhere.

In the distance, you can see the large Yamen of the Inspectorate Department, with figures flying up and down.

The Dong'an Inspectorate Department is now the "golden sign" of Dong'an City, attracting more and more casual cultivators to gather here, which brings unlimited business opportunities to Wanyun Sect.

Although ASEAN has deployed many masters in Dong'an City due to the war with the demon clan in recent years, there are many old immortal officials stationed in the Supervision Department, and there are also immortal soldiers stationed inside and outside the city.

A sense of security!

Li Dazhi planned that in a few years, when ASEAN ends the war with the demon clan, he will expand Dong'an City twice outward, and build a "Xianjia Amusement City" on the east side of the sea, and a "Xianjia Amusement City" on the west side of Shaolin. Large Enlightenment Center'.

The linear movement formation between Dong'an City and Wanyun Sect will soon be put on the agenda.

The question now is whether the masters of weapon refining in Wei Yuan Sect can come up with a moving formation that saves spiritual stones.

【Ambition of great ambition】.

Passing by a group of luxuriously decorated shops, Li Dazhi raised his head and glanced at the Tuotianmen shop opposite the Zhuyuntang shop, and curled his lips slightly.

What's the use of Mo Yunshen from the Forging Heaven Sect forcing him to keep this shop?

Losing at least half a cubic meter of spiritual stones every month, and constantly expanding the storefront, it's just a shame.

Li Dazhi shook his head, continued to hum a tune, held the birdcage and the cigarette bag, and strolled towards the folk art museum in the distance.

At a street corner not far away, Li Ping'an, a middle-aged Taoist, strolled into the crowd with Wen Ling'er's true character as the 'silly maid'.

‘This Dong’an city is actually prosperous again. ’

Li Pingan secretly made up his mind:

‘When you get out of quarantine, go to your father to get your pocket money! ’

Although the father and son did not pass each other by each other, they were in the same street and did not know each other.

at the same time.

The Tiantianmen shop is in a newly built underground secret room.

Mo Yunshen frowned tightly and looked at the second senior brother who was standing with his back to him, with confusion in his eyes.

"Senior brother, do you really mean what you just said?"

"Would I lie to you?"

The second senior brother turned around. Behind the ghost mask with green face and fangs, there was a pair of helpless and desolate eyes.

"I have joined Wan Mo Tian."

Mo Yunshen clenched his fists, frowned at the second senior brother, and whispered: "Does master know?"

"I know, Master acquiesced."

The second senior brother laughed miserably:

"Today is different from the past, Yun Shen, what needs to be done by the Tiantian Sect now, otherwise it will be on the verge of collapse.

"Although many of the immortal soldiers stationed in the gate have been transferred away, as long as there is still one immortal soldier, no one will come to our Tiantian Gate to buy and sell magic weapons.

"There are already more than ten Supreme Elders in the sect who have different ideas. Many weapon refiners have begun to discuss with their apprentices when to leave the sect... Alas, we were defeated by Li Ping'an. Even The other party didn't even look at us, they just held a token to scare those old losers in ASEAN.

"Yun Shen, now you just need to do me a favor."

Mo Yunshen, who was sitting at the table, slowly became shorter. He raised his hand to wipe his face and sighed softly: "Second senior brother, between you and me, let alone whether we can help or not... Last time I was there. Madonna sees the mother.”


The second senior brother asked in a low voice: "Is she okay?"

"She curses with great force."

Mo Yunshen's eyes were inexplicably moist, and he immediately used his Taoist cultivation to suppress this emotion, and continued:

"I don't know what we, the three senior brothers, will do or be able to do in the future, but second senior brother, we don't just have to fight against those with great luck.

"You can't beat those with great luck. Look at this big city outside, it has become a cornucopia of ASEAN and Wanyun Sect.

"The Great Fortune Immortal and the Great Enlightenment Quasi-immortal are definitely beyond our control."

"Of course I know all this, but Yun Shen, it's too late to say this now."

The second senior brother sighed:

"I just received an order from Wan Mo Tian, ​​and I'm going to take action against that Xiao Yue next."

"Xiao Yue? That true immortal?"

"Although she is a true immortal, she is the Taoist companion of a person with great luck."

The second senior brother whispered:

"No one knows where Li Dazhi has gone now. Several Daluo and Taiyi from the demon clan have worked together to figure it out, but they can't break through Fenghou's gossip.

"Xiao Yue is Li Dazhi's last flaw. If they can't catch Xiao Yue, they will set up an ambush in the Linzheng Immortal Dynasty, ambush the entire Wan Yun Sect immortals, and bloodbath the Wan Yun Sect to force Li Dazhi out.

"You know the power of Ten Thousand Demons. There are wars happening everywhere now. The Human Emperor can't draw so many masters. Ten thousand Demons can even ask all the demon clan to cooperate with this matter."

Mo Yunshen was silent.

He raised his head and looked at his second senior brother: "Master, did you agree?"


"Master really agreed?"


"But this is a dead end!"

Mo Yunshen suddenly became excited, a strand of white hair fell from his forehead, and his face looked a little ferocious.

"This is a way to die! This is an enemy of the Human Emperor! These are two people with great luck!"

"We have no choice... Yun Shen, I just came here to see you. I'm afraid it will be difficult to contact you in the future."

The figure of the second senior brother suddenly twisted and turned into a wisp of black smoke that quickly dispersed.

There was only a slight sigh and Mo Yunshen's somewhat heavy breathing.

Three thousand miles east of Dong'an City, in the trench near the dark workshop.

Mo Yunshen's second senior brother opened his eyes, turned his head and looked at the human figures transformed into several golden immortal demons behind him, and said with cupped hands:

"Fellow Taoists, we have found out that Xiao Yue is in the city. There are two golden immortals and more than thirty heavenly immortals hidden in the city. They are not easy to deal with."

The big demon at the back didn't seem to hear what the Ten Thousand Demons Heavenly Demon Cultivator said, and was still glaring there with big eyes, as if he was about to start a fight here.

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