The fairy father

Chapter 186 Monster Clan Special Attack Team

"...There are two golden immortals and dozens of heavenly immortals hidden in the city, which are not easy to deal with."

Deep under the sea, in a large trench near the dark shop.

When Niu Benben, the king of Kuangshan, heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

This is really difficult to deal with.

Although among the five masters of the Hundred Clans they have here, three are Golden Immortals and two are comparable to Golden Immortals - yes, he is one of the two who are comparable to Golden Immortals, and the other one is the confidant of King Yinkui of the Lion Clan who leads the team. What's my subordinate's name, Azheng?

But facing a city full of human qigong masters, dozens of immortals, over a thousand immortal soldiers, and hundreds of inspectors and immortals, they would never get any benefit from a head-on confrontation!

not to mention……

Niu Benben glanced at the pretty fox girl next to him, and then looked at the tall, cold snake demon wearing an ancient skirt. The cow's heart almost broke into several petals.

Don’t wait until you start attacking the human race, these two will do it first!

The five masters they have here are King Yin Kui, King Cai Lin, Hu Niang, Niu Benben, and ‘A Zheng’ of the lion clan.

This ranking only represents the fighting strength.

What is Madam Hu doing?

Why do you suddenly want to meet the King of Color Lins?

Is the silver-haired lion presiding over this matter also Madam Hu’s lover?

If it wasn't like this, why would this silver-haired lion listen to Madam Hu and insist on calling King Cai Lin to come with him?

Niu Benben swallowed his saliva, sorted out his thoughts for a while, and secretly said something bad in his heart.

About two days ago, Madam Hu suddenly sent a message asking him to retreat from the front line in the southeast of Xizhou, saying that King Huitian had given him an important mission.

Niu Benben originally didn’t want to come.

Among the many demon kings, his strength is indeed not outstanding, and he can barely be regarded as the 'last one'. In order to cope with the 'counterattack of hundreds of tribes' this time, he donated half of his demon soldiers and generals, and he also died. Under the tent of an old golden immortal demon, they are called a 'joined army' in name, but in fact they just gather together to hang out together, so as to increase their respective voices.

Thanks to this, Niu Benben has lived a relatively stable life in the past four years.

Generals can be trained again, demon soldiers can be enlightened again, but if their lives are lost, then there is nothing.

Niu Benben pretended not to see Mrs. Hu delivering the message and quietly hid underground.

Unfortunately, Madam Hu and the powerful demon king of the lion tribe accurately found his hiding place.

Madam Hu smiled coquettishly and said:

"King Yinkui, this is the talent recommended to you by the Nu family. It is not an exaggeration to say that among all the demon kings of the hundreds of tribes, he is the one who knows the Wanyun Sect and the Great Luck Master best. He will hide when he has an incarnation. I am a disciple in Wanyun Sect."

At that moment, Niu Benben heard the sound of heartbreak.

He was sold on this bitch.

The sale was very thorough.

This silver-haired lion, also known as King Yinkui, is as powerful as a first- or second-grade Golden Immortal Qi Refiner from the human race. The lion clan is also the leader among hundreds of clans. In terms of strength and influence, Niu Benben, who came out of the village, is not the best. The cattle can compare.

When the other party spoke, he had no choice but to obey.

‘It’s not easy to be a cow these days. ’

But soon, Niu Benben discovered that Madam Hu must be planning something. On the way here, she turned a corner and called out to the King of Colorful Scales.

What is this for?

Are you trying to kill a snake with a knife? Let King Cai Lin die in the heavily defended Dong'an City?

However, the people of the Lion Clan are not stupid. King Cai Lin and King Huitian are distant relatives. The two clans of the Dragon Snake have many marriages since ancient times, and the power of these two families is also huge.

And what Niu Benben is most afraid of is... If Mrs. Hu wants to cling to King Yinkui, she will probably sacrifice him, General Niu, with whom she has an affair, in Dong'an City to avoid future trouble...

"Crazy Mountain? Crazy Mountain King!"

The unique rough voice of the lion tribe brought the bull running back to his senses.

Niu Benben immediately cleared his throat and replied in his male bubble voice:

"King Yinkui, what are your orders?"

King Yinkui's Taoist form is very handsome, with a hooked nose, deep eye sockets, and an angular face with flowing silver hair, making him highly recognizable.

He cupped his hands, took out a portrait of Xiao Yue, and whispered:

"This matter is of great importance. I want to confirm again. Is this human woman really Li Dazhi's weakness?

"No matter how you look at it, she is just a beautiful girl. Will Li Dazhi really show up for her?"

Niu Benben cupped his hands and said: "This Xiao Yue is not just Li Dazhi's best friend, she is also the second-in-command of Wanyun Sect Zhuyuntang. She is responsible for many properties in the outer sect."

King Yinkui nodded slowly: "In this case, she is indeed worthy of our risk."

Niu Benben took the opportunity to say: "This move is actually a bit risky. Li Dazhi is very important to the human race. Even if we capture his beloved woman..."

"Your Majesty," Madam Hu said coquettishly, "Don't all humans value friendship? Our purpose is to make Li Dazhi show up so that our Daluo Jinxian can mark him and make Daluo miss him." A few lives are not enough.”


King Yinkui narrowed his eyes slightly and made up his mind.

“This man of great luck must not stay.

"In ancient times, King Chi You, who had all the elites of our hundreds of tribes and followed the Wu tribe, was already firmly trying to suppress the human race. How could we expect that the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor came out of the blue with great luck, and almost single-handedly cut off the human race? The fate of all my tribes.

"Now, the sages of our hundreds of races have endured the humiliation, managed the land outside the world, and found an opportunity to fight back against the human race. There is no way that another lucky person from the human race can cut off the lives of all races!

“Human beings are one of the hundreds of races, how dare they be above all spirits!

"Three Taoist friends! Today's trip is of far-reaching significance to the Bai Clan. I hope that you three will give me Yin Kui a little favor, put aside the old matters for the time being, and gain a glimmer of hope for the Bai Clan!"

Niu Benben almost applauded.

King Yinkui is so wise, has he figured out that Madam Hu is plotting against Cai Lin?

King Cai Lin said calmly: "Just go in directly."

Madam Hu smiled and said: "There are two pillars of the Hundred Races here, and a mere human race True Immortal is no big deal."


King Yinkui frowned and glanced at Madam Hu, who lowered her eyebrows and smiled, but did not dare to look at the lion master.

King Yinkui whispered:

"Don't ask me to say anything else. There is no such thing as selfishness in front of justice.

"The Holy Master's Art of War says: Before entering the formation, plan to break it first.

"This large formation of the human race is arranged according to the power of the five elements, connecting the power of the earth's veins and the power of the East Sea's spirit. I have a treasure that can enter it, and I can advance and retreat freely.

"Later, I will set up a moving formation on the seabed thousands of miles away from Dong'an City. This formation can only be activated once, and the landing point will be behind our army in Beizhou.

"When we enter the city this time, Madam Hu and Ah Zheng will go in with me. Cai Lin and Kuang Shan will be responsible for supporting the troops outside and holding the formation."

King Yinkui paused for a moment, then cupped his hands and said:

"Searching for traces of the human race's lucky ones is an order personally given by King Huitian. Several Daluo Jinxian from our hundred tribes are watching you and me from behind to capture a human race's true immortal. I don't want to see any mistakes made by our elites.

"Remember, don't be obsessed with fighting. The two Taoist friends from Wan Mo Tian will also be there to help you and me cover our whereabouts.

"We must act quickly. Once caught, we can run away without any delay!"

After he finished speaking, Niu Benben almost burst into tears.

King Yinkui is so wise!

Madam Hu’s little thoughts were all seen through by the king!

Niu Benben looked at Madam Hu's face, and sure enough, her smile was a little more fake.

The masked senior brother Mo Yunshenzhi in front said in a low voice: "Fellow Taoists, is there anything you need our help with?"

"Fellow Taoist can help me find out. It's already a great help."

King Yinkui smiled and said:

"I'll just wait and take action next."


The second senior brother didn't say much, he just bowed his hand.

King Yinkui said something to the four great demons beside him. The silver robe on his body shook slightly. He opened his sleeves and put Madam Hu and the lion clan master with the strength of an immortal into his sleeves. Then he took King Cai Lin and the The cows ran away together towards the west.

When they left, the 'Second Senior Brother''s eyes were a little more entangled and he was slightly in a trance.

There was a black shadow in the sea water, and a white-haired man wearing a ghost mask appeared behind the 'Second Senior Brother'.

"This first task was done well, and the evaluation is excellent."

The 'Second Senior Brother' was silent, Jinxian Daoyun protected himself, as if he was a little afraid of this person's sudden attack.

"Why," the ghost-faced old man said warmly, "I just made a joke to you before. How could I really waste such precious combat power? You are one of the youngest golden immortals in the human race. Your master, oh , it should be said that your father sold you to me in order to gain our support, but we did not threaten your father."

The 'Second Senior Brother' whispered: "Senior, what should I do next?"

The ghost-faced old man smiled and said, "Watch a show."

"Watching a show? I don't know, junior."

"Well, it seems that you still have some misunderstandings about our Ten Thousand Demons Heaven. Do you think we are from the Hundred Clans side?"

The 'Second Senior Brother' frowned slightly and asked slowly: "If this were not the case, why would we help them?"

"It's very simple," the ghost-faced old man said slowly, "We will help whoever is weak."

"Who is weak and helping whom?"

The 'Second Senior Brother' stood up from his hiding place. The ghost-faced old man pointed a finger, and his figure became extremely weak.

The ghost-faced old man continued:

"Forget it, I will explain to you the first lesson of entering my Ten Thousand Demons Heaven.

“All spirits in heaven and earth can share the endless Taoist treasures in heaven and earth.

"In the past, Emperor Jun of Heaven intended to let the Golden Crow tribe rule the hundreds of tribes. We cooperated with the human race to counterattack the heavenly court. Today, Xuanyuan intends to kill the hundreds of tribes and let the humans monopolize the world. We have made arrangements early and helped the hundreds of tribes overcome several difficulties.

“What we pursue is to save all sentient beings and the great love here.

"What's ridiculous is that the human race only lists us, Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, as so-called demon cultivators, but they don't know that many of our Taoist friends from Ten Thousand Demon Heavens come from all corners of the world, from ancient times, and only half of them are Human race.

“Remember, we are adhering to one principle.

“For more lives.

"The family property that you, the Tiantianmen, have worked hard to accumulate for so many years, was squandered by the women in the Nuwa Palace, and was casually confiscated by ASEAN. Now it has reached the point where the trees have fallen and the hozens have been scattered. If not for this, I would not have agreed. Your father, provide some help to the Tiantian Clan.

"The reason why Bai Clan believes that Li Dazhi, a man of great luck, is their future calamity is because several of our Taoist friends are constantly lobbying with Bai Clan.

"Heaven and earth are nothing more than a chess game to you and me."

The 'Second Senior Brother' was silent for a while, and then whispered: "From now on, I will forget about everything before and concentrate on doing things for Ten Thousand Demons."

The ghost-faced old man asked: "Have you decided on your new name?"

"Senior, please give me your name."

"I don't have many names. How about I call you Mo Mo from now on?"

The 'Second Senior Brother' lowered his head and held his hands in hand: "Momo, thank you teacher for the name!"

The ghost-faced old man shook his head: "From now on, you and I, fellow Taoists, will be equal to each other. In the Ten Thousand Demons Heaven, all living beings accepted by us will be equal fellow Taoists."


"Okay, come with me and take a good look at this Yinkui. He is the golden immortal of the lion clan that we focus on cultivating."

The two afterimages floated to the west and landed far behind the demon team.

"Ah sneeze!"

Wen Ling'er lowered her head and sneezed, pursed her lips, and subconsciously glanced at Li Pingan, who was walking in front.

Li Ping'an said: "How can you still catch cold if you are in such a Taoist state?"


Wen Ling'er came up with a bamboo basket. Inside the bamboo basket were some fresh fruits for the little white tiger to improve his food.

She smiled and said: "Maybe someone is thinking of me. This is called spiritual induction."

"Do you have a soul?"

"Well, Yuanhun, my cultivation speed is not too slow now anyway."

Wen Ling'er stepped forward and looked forward, admiring: "Xiaozu...cough, sir, look, there are a lot of people over there at the Supervisory Office."

"Well," Li Ping'an said with a smile, "the five major inspectors' yamen are all in such a grand situation. The casual cultivators have support, and when they encounter bad things, they can also turn to ASEAN to make the decision. As time goes by, the place will naturally be crowded. People, it’s time to build the second batch of Supervisory Offices, but unfortunately, there’s a war going on now.”

"Hey, I heard that many people died over there in Xizhou."

Wen Ling'er pursed her lips:

"Do we have to go to Xizhou to reclaim wasteland? Dongzhou is actually quite big."

Li Ping'an pondered for a few times: "Your question is actually very grand. The most authoritative person in this area has said that the human race and the demon clan are already fighting to the death. The relationship between the human race and the demon clan is mutual destruction. You will live and die. Between us, the human race Therefore, we go to Xizhou and press forward step by step, just to compress the living space of the demon clan."

"Well, I don't know about these big things."

Wen Ling'er shook her head and said:

"All I know is that if you hang out with the young master, you can become a fairy in the daytime!"

"Tsk," Li Ping'an curled his lips, "You are obviously twice as old as me, but you still use your delicate voice to be cute every day."

Wen Ling'er flattened her mouth in frustration and waved her fist at Li Ping'an's back.

Li Ping'an turned his head slightly, and Wen Ling'er instantly smiled like a flower and followed him with small steps.

"My Taoist heart is relatively small."

"Be normal and go shopping here..."

Li Ping'an suddenly paused and frowned slightly.

After his second spiritual metamorphosis, his six senses had become much sharper. At this moment, he could vaguely sense that there was something wrong with the surrounding environment, but he could not find out what was specifically wrong.



The Old and Young Artifact Spirits of Wanxiang Tiangongtu and Cang Yuezhu spoke almost at the same time:

"Quickly leave! A master from the demon clan has sneaked in!"

"The strange smell is in the highest pavilion on your left."

Li Ping'an subconsciously looked to the left, passing through several roofs, and saw the tallest building in Dong'an City in the distance, where Wanyun Sect operates.

Outside the window on the top floor, a silver shadow quickly passed by.


A burst of fairy light suddenly appeared on the top floor of the tall building, attracting countless gazes.

In the burst of fairy light, the figure of the beautiful female fairy, covered with precious light, flew back quickly, her long skirt shone with golden lines, and huge clouds were instantly formed.

Wan Yunzong Xiao Yue!

However, as soon as Li Ping'an saw Xiao Yue's back clearly, a silver lion's head silhouette with a diameter of a hundred feet appeared in the air, and it swallowed Xiao Yue up casually as if he was lowering his head to drink water!

The lion-headed shadow quietly dissipated, turning into a middle-aged man in silver robes and silver hair, holding an immortal rope in his left hand, which bound Xiao Yue's figure.

King Yinkui!

The demon said calmly: "The human race really has many treasures. A woman carries dozens of fairy treasures. Is Fellow Taoist Li Dazhi here?"

"Bold monster!"

"court death!"

There were loud shouts in the city, and two figures flashed out from the inspector's office. They were a golden immortal priest in robes and an old warrior in golden armor. At the same time, they violently attacked King Yinkui. .

King Yinkui sneered, shook the fairy rope in his hand, and his body flashed continuously, retreating straight towards the East China Sea.

"Li Dazhi, if you want your confidante, just show up and meet me! I'll be waiting for you in Beizhou!"

Li Ping'an frowned slightly and rushed into the air, flying eastward from above the eaves.

He subconsciously raised his hand and threw out two rays of fairy light. Xinghe Xinghan appeared at the same time, raised his sword, and chased after the demon king.

But King Yinkui's strength was even higher than that of the two human golden immortals, and he was about to fly out of the formation.

"His grandma's!"

A familiar voice suddenly rang in Li Ping'an's ears.

He turned around to look, with a bit of astonishment in his eyes.

In the teahouse not far away, a figure soared into the sky, raising his hand to take off his disguise, revealing an increasingly majestic middle-aged face.

Li Dazhi smashed the bird cage and the spiritual bird with his left hand, grabbed a long sword with his right hand, and shouted:

"Every wrongdoer has his own debtor, so what kind of hero do you think you are if you touch my wife? It's a man who fights with me!"

King Yinkui paused for an instant, staring at Li Dazhi, with a somewhat evil smile on his lips.

"Azheng, take her away first."

He shook his left hand, and a furry lion flew out of his sleeve, transforming into a strong man with a lion's head wearing armor.

The lion-headed man grabbed the immortal rope and fled towards the East China Sea. The city defense formation in front seemed to be just a decoration for him. King Yinkui locked his eyes on Li Dazhi, facing the two human golden immortals in front of him without fear.

He was going to try today to see if he could directly fight against the human race's new lucky person!

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