The fairy father

Chapter 184 Master Li’s leisurely retreat routine

Feng Tingzhu went away for half a day and then hurriedly returned, handing over his hand to Li Ping'an and reporting:

"Sir, my subordinates have found out that Centurion Fu Yu has returned to ASEAN to recover from his injuries. His generals have died in many battles, so no specific information has been obtained.

"This Centurion Fu Yu is seriously injured, and his own energy has been overdrawn. I'm afraid he won't be able to take on important responsibilities in the future."

Li Pingan thought for a while.

ASEAN wouldn't be able to take care of an injured True Immortal. He deliberately intervened from the ASEAN level, fearing that Centurion Fu would not like it either.

Feng Tingzhu asked: "Sir, do you have any other instructions?"

"Help me deliver a bottle of elixir to Centurion Fu."

Li Ping'an took out a jade bottle from his sleeve, pushed it into Feng Tingzhu's hand, and said slowly:

"Send another message to this centurion. If I can one day break through to the Yuanxian Realm, I will go to him to ask for advice on battle formations."


Feng Tingzhu responded with a smile, turned around and left in a hurry.

Qing Su, who was drinking tea at the side, asked: "Centurion Fu? Is he kind to you?"

"That's right," Li Ping'an said with a smile, "This disciple was thrown to Suiye City by our Majesty before. Following this centurion to fight against demons, he gained a lot of knowledge... By the way, Master, what are you going to do next? In retreat, we still have to go to the front line.”

"Fighting skills to eliminate demons."

Qing Su's eyes were a little brighter and she said softly:

"My cultivation has found a use here. That Feng Zhanxiang is not bad either. He is also proficient in the method of changing battle formations and has a good understanding of changes in battlefield situations.

"I learned a lot from her, and I will continue to go back to her later."

Li Ping'an clicked his tongue: "My personal guard disappeared when he arrived at the front line. The disciple will be in retreat here later. When master kills the enemy, don't take risks easily!"

"Don't worry, but if you want to retreat, this place is not a good place."

Qing Su thought for a while and took the initiative:

"I'll take you back to Dongzhou first.

"A war will break out here at any time. The Human Emperor and several ministers may not be able to withstand it. The demon clan is coming very fiercely this time."

Li Ping'an:...

Master, I don’t want to talk about this!

Our Human Emperor likes to listen to others!

However, Li Ping'an thought about it and decided to listen to his master and go back to practice.

In the past few years, he had been very busy, destroying the Blood Demon Palace, forging the Tianmen, fishing in ASEAN to contribute to the New Deal, and going to the Notre Dame Palace to quarrel with a group of women.

His Tao realm is indeed stuck, but his insights can still be digested;

He has accumulated too many insights during this period.

The war in Xizhou should last for a long period of time.

During this time, he would actually be free.

The veteran generals of ASEAN and the senior ministers of the human race are capable enough to deal with the current situation. It would be too rude for him to point fingers;

Now is a time of war, and it is impossible to forcefully promote any new policies. This kind of thing can only be put on the agenda after the human race wins this time. If they fail to gain a big advantage this time, not only cannot they implement the new policies, but they must also try their best to Give some more reassurance to all forces within the human race.

Let him go to the front line again and become an immortal soldier to kill the enemy?

Li Ping'an felt that it would be more valuable for him to use his little life in developing [Fully Autonomous Immortal Armor] than on the front line.

As for the mission arranged by His Majesty the Human Emperor, to solve the mystery of the Virgin Mother’s disappearance six thousand years ago...

Li Ping'an felt that the best choice was to directly take advantage of the situation.

There was a conflict between the Human Emperor and the Holy Mother. The Human Emperor felt a little guilty. He, a small second-grade inspector, was really not suitable to deal with such matters.

‘Go back to practice. Whether I am on the front line or not, it actually doesn’t matter. ’

This fact made him feel a little frustrated, having always had smooth sailing.

Li Ping'an stayed at the front line for less than half a month, and then secretly visited Emperor Xuanyuan. With Huang Emperor's permission, he took the two brothers Xinghan Xinghe back to Dongzhou.

Feng Tingzhu was arranged by Li Ping'an to go to Qing Su's side. If the master got into trouble or got excited, Feng Tingzhu could help stop him.

Feng Zhanxiang...

The personal guard was temporarily offline, and Li Ping'an didn't bother to care about her.

Li Ping'an thought carefully and chose Dong'an City as his next place of retreat.

Although the ASEAN barracks is safer, as a second-grade inspector and commander of ten, if he does not go to the front line to kill the enemy, he will attract some unnecessary criticism.

——Does he have no face? How unpleasant it is to be accused of running away from battle!

The journey has been uneventful.

After quietly sneaking back to Dong'an City, Li Ping'an asked He Xinghe to rush to ASEAN and pick up Wen Ling'er and Xiao Baihu.

Gu Qingcheng, Chen Ting'er, and Yu Yingshu continued to practice in the Tianzhixu barracks as preparatory immortal soldiers.

The purpose of bringing Wen Ling'er and Xiao Baihu here was not because Li Ping'an wanted to enjoy themselves and wanted this cute little maid to serve them.

He simply felt that he, as the master, should communicate more with the growing white tiger mount.

Communication is communication, let him feed her every day, but he doesn't have the patience.

As the breeder of the little white tiger, Wen Ling'er has a duty to feed the little white tiger closely.

Li Ping'an also plans to secretly go to Feng's house later to see if his junior sister is practicing hard and seriously.

The first thing to do during the retreat was to renovate the residence in Dong'an City.

Li Ping'an dug many secret rooms underground and asked Xinghe Xinghan to help him refine the residence into a fairy mansion of various sizes.

The Immortal Guard is so useful.

There are also monsters attacking near Dong'an City. Galaxy Xinghan occasionally takes turns to go out and kill monsters to help relieve some pressure on the defenders here. The combat resources of the two immortals will not be wasted.

Although the two brothers had some explosive tempers, they gradually became more cautious under Li Ping'an's instructions.

They are afraid of being recognized, so they always wear hats when going out.

When killing an enemy, he always kills the enemy with one blow and erases the traces of his own actions to avoid being recognized by others as an ASEAN general.

It's quite thorough.

In order not to expose his whereabouts, Li Ping'an did not contact the Immortal Wan Yun Sect stationed in Dong'an City. He just sent a letter to Xiao Yue, which pretended to be sent from the direction of the ASEAN General Association.

His father is now hiding in Xuanyuan Palace, and it is difficult for Li Ping'an to write to him.

Moreover, Li Ping'an thought about it, explored many possibilities, and came to the reliable conclusion that "the father should not make any big noise".

After all, that is the secret realm of Xuanyuan Palace.

"Retreat with peace of mind!"

After Li Pingan completed the renovation of his residence in Dong'an City, he made a 'schedule'.

He was trapped in the suppression of heaven, and the realm of the Heaven and Earth Bridge was perfect, so he could not enter meditation for a long time now, so he simply separated the twelve hours of a day and made a detailed division.

The day's plan begins in the morning.

At three o'clock in the morning, Master Li, who had a heart for the Tao, drank the spiritual root tea brought by the maid, went to the courtyard to play with the white tiger for a while, then used smoke escape and entered the underground secret room.

There is a main hall in the underground chamber, and four side halls in the four corners of the main hall.

The first thing before practice: burn incense.

Master Li will first take three sticks of fragrance that can burn for a whole day, make a bow in front of the portrait of Sanqing Taoist hanging high in the main hall, light the fragrance, and insert it into the incense burner.

The second thing is to take a stick of incense, place it in front of the portrait of Master Yun Zhongzi, and mutter to himself:

"Disciples pray for their master every day, and nothing happens."

The third thing is to turn around and bow in front of the wall with the portraits of Suiren, Fuxi, Shennong and Xuanyuan on the other side.

There is no need to burn incense, lest the three human emperors notice him and see him lazing around here.

After offering incense, Li Ping'an arranged his clothes, walked into the 'Jingwu Hall' filled with circular bookshelves, filled with spiritual stones, and only a futon in the middle, and sat cross-legged in the hall to meditate.

Thinking about the realm of heaven and man, looking for ways to break through the wall, exploring the way of Qingyun.

In this way, you can clearly understand your state of mind, understand your spiritual transformation, know the great way, and purify your heart.

After half a day like this, Li Ping'an would finish his meditation at noon, leave the Jingwu Hall, worship Sanqing, Yun Zhongzi, and the four human emperors in the main hall, and go to the Tiangong Hall.

In the Tiangong Hall hangs a picture of Tiangong's myriad phenomena, a forging platform for refining weapons, and dozens of storage magic weapons.

In Li Pingan's perception, the time here actually passed the fastest.

With the guidance of the old weapon spirit of Tiangong Wanxiangtu, he studied the art of refining weapons and got twice the result with half the effort. He also made great progress in the development of self-propelled immortal armor, and even conceived different plans.

At midnight, Master Li, who had been busy all day, stretched himself and saluted for the third time when he passed by the Main Hall, and then made an impromptu decision whether to go to the 'Book Collection Hall' or the 'Fun Hall'.

Usually Li Ping'an would go to the 'Book Hall', choose a scripture, find a travel journal, and then use Smoke Escape to go back to the study upstairs and read by night.

At this time, Wen Ling'er would thoughtfully bring some refreshments, put the white tiger in Li Ping'an's hand, and then quietly retreat, waiting for the arrival of Mao hour three.

After only three months of seclusion, Li Ping'an's Taoist realm has not improved, but his weapon refining skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

He was about to try to refine a special fairy treasure of his own conception, when a familiar guest came to the retreat place.

In the afternoon of this day, Li Ping'an was thinking about the 'optimization of the power structure of the self-propelled immortal armor' when a beautiful figure wearing a bamboo hat fell outside the door of the house and knocked lightly on the door.

Two figures flashed past the house.

He Xinghe appeared behind the study window, and He Xinghan appeared behind the door. If something went wrong, He Xinghe would be responsible for leading Li Ping'an to escape, and He Xinghan would do his best to stop any powerful enemy.

The two guards sent the message to Wen Ling'er. Wen Ling'er finished her meditation and trotted to the courtyard gate.

"Who is it?"

"I am Wenrou."

Wen Ling'er glanced at He Xinghan, who frowned and nodded slowly.


The courtyard door was opened, Wen Ling'er blinked, and He Xinghan raised his fists.

"Please come in quickly."

Wen Rou ducked in, and Wen Ling'er closed the courtyard door and opened the protective formation again.

In the study, a wisp of green smoke condensed into the figure of Li Pingan. Li Pingan bowed to Wenrou. Wenrou took off her bamboo hat and bowed to Li Pingan in return.

"Peace, are you disturbing your retreat?"

Li Ping'an: What you said is similar to asking "Are you okay" while holding a dying person?

Of course, just complain in your heart, you can't say that.

"How does senior know I'm here?"

"Alas," Wenrou said with a look of helplessness on her face, "Feng Xiang sent me here to ask you to take care of your father!"

Li Ping'an hurriedly asked: "What happened to my father? Did he collide with the wind prime minister?"

"That's not true."

Wenrou ducked into the study, looked around the study, and found that the place was quite clean, and there was nothing she could do.

Wenrou smiled bitterly and said:

"Your father, in the past few months, Xuanyuan Palace has been in a state of chaos. He took out three magic weapons, Mahjong, Solitaire, and Who is the Assassin, which quickly became popular in Xuanyuan Palace.

"It's just that the front line is fighting against the demon clan, and so many people are having fun in the rear area every day. How can it be decent?

"The Feng Xiang has given your father several treasures to prevent deductions, but your father was summoned by His Majesty. Unless he wants to leave, no one dares to tell him to leave."

Li Pingan breathed a sigh of relief.

That's it?

He thought his father had offended someone in Xuanyuan Palace, but he didn't expect that he just brought out some entertainment things.

This is also a good thing. It can greatly enrich the boring lives of the empresses in Xuanyuan Palace and relieve a lot of mental pressure for His Majesty Xuanyuan.

Li Ping'an also knew that his father was unwilling to promote this matter in Wanyun Sect because he was afraid that it would affect the practice of Wanyun Sect's disciples and the production efficiency of Zhuyuntang.

The black-hearted capitalists have taken action.

Li Ping'an asked: "Can the treasure given by Feng Xiang really prevent the demon clan Daluo from deducing?"

"If we talk about the method of deduction, the top five in this world are the Taoist Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty, the Great Leader of the Western Sect, and His Majesty Fuxi. If we talk about the method of deduction, His Majesty Fuxi is often second only to the Taoist Taiqing."

Wenrou Tianxian smiled and said:

"This sixth one is our human race's Godly Empress Feng."

Li Pingan thought carefully.

My father is already on the minds of the demon clan, and his father's calamity has not changed. Nowadays, the masters of the human race and the demon clan are fighting in the southern part of the Western Continent and the northern part of the Dongzhou. It is the moment of tension. If my father's whereabouts are exposed, he will easily be targeted by the opponent.

But Xuanyuan Palace is not a permanent place. The interior of ASEAN is so deeply infiltrated by Western religions. If a war breaks out outside, all the elites in Xuanyuan Palace are mobilized, and the masters in the inner palace are mobilized, the defense there will become empty.

Let your father also come to Dong'an City to hide?

Even though we are in the land of the human race, we still have to hide like this. This is the drawback of insufficient strength.

Li Ping'an said: "Let me fix a letter for my father."

Wenrou said: "I just thought that I couldn't let him live in my house..."

"Senior, why don't you tell my father this directly," Li Ping'an said seriously, "Father is father and son is son. My father and I will not interfere too much in each other's affairs."

Wenrou sighed softly: "Okay, then I'll go ask him what he means."

After Li Ping'an wrote the letter and handed it to Wenrou, the immortal left in a hurry.

Li Ping'an also had mixed feelings in his heart.

I had always thought that this aunt was quite good. Although she was a bit older, she had a gentle personality, a profound background, and her dignified face was quite reassuring.

But after learning that Wen Rou was Feng Yu Wei, Li Ping'an felt a little grudge in his heart and felt a little more guilty towards his father.

"Forget it, I won't give my father any random tricks in the future."

Li Ping'an cupped his hands in the direction Wenrou left, then turned into blue smoke and returned to the ground, continuing to retreat.

Li Ping'an occasionally gets some news about the battle situation in Xizhou.

After the first wave of the demon clan's fierce attack was blocked, they began to harass and gradually suppress the entire army, and began to engage in fuel tactics with the human race.

The other party is also a master of strategy.

The demon clan is now trying to use the demonic beasts created by enlightenment to consume the number of human immortal soldiers, and they are constantly trying to capture mortals to extract their souls.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the human race has always had an advantage when facing the demon clan, which has also made many human masters feel negligent. This war between demons and humans has also awakened these people.

The demon clan's operation of the small world beyond the sky - which is what Li Ping'an called the Three Thousand Worlds - actually produced such an effect, which made the human masters also turn their attention to the Three Thousand Worlds.

Li Ping'an estimated that the human race would probably go there to open up new settlements and continue to replicate the Dongzhou model.

These have nothing to do with him.

Xuanyuan Huangdi's intention was for him to write a letter about this matter so that his achievements could be reviewed for future promotion.

But Li Ping'an is really a little afraid of the Yellow Emperor now.

Li Ping'an looked straight into his heart:

Being a puppet is not what he wants. Whether he is a puppet of the Heavenly Dao or a puppet of the Human Emperor, for him, it will damage his Taoist heart and make his life very unhappy.

If he was allowed to become the so-called Emperor of Heaven through his own efforts, and there were no forces poking him around like a pawn behind his back, then he would be able to do it for a generation.

However, this kind of thing is also a long-term plan for him.

Currently, I am still working hard to improve my strength, studying the method of spiritual transformation, the avenue of clouds, the method of refining weapons, and thinking about how to carry out the third spiritual transformation.

‘Strength is the last word. ’

Another half month.

Li Dazhi quietly slipped into the tallest building in Dong'an City, had a tryst with his sweetheart, Elder Xiao Yue, and then lived at Xiao Yue's place.

Wenrou followed Feng Xiang's order and did not mention Li Ping'an's whereabouts to anyone, including Li Dazhi.

Li Dazhi is now in the realm of immortals. He also has the disguise suit and the hidden dust secret made by Li Ping'an, and he wears seven or eight treasures given by Shangfeng Xiang to hide the secrets and prevent deductions. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to show up, he will be like a ghost. Generally, no one can determine his whereabouts.


The father and son did not know each other's whereabouts, and each began a life of seclusion or semi-reclusion.

Li Ping'an also didn't expect that his retreat would last so long, and that the income from his retreat would be so rich.

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