The fairy father

Chapter 183 The Human Emperor teaches and encourages the growth of seedlings

Li Pingan had a dream.

In the dream, he was wearing a robe made of white clouds and walking among the gorgeous palaces. Heavenly soldiers wearing silver armor kept saluting him, and fairies carrying flower baskets ran further away in the distance, covering their faces.

But he turned and looked back, and a large shadow appeared above his head;

Look carefully, they are three big mountains... Well, no, they are a group of masters from Taoism, Human Race, and Western Sect.

Then, he heard a loud roar:

‘A hundred people form an array! ’

Then the dream was shattered, the soul and the Tao body woke up at the same time, and when they opened their eyes, they saw an unfamiliar large tent roof.


A soft and familiar voice came.

Li Pingan called: "Master..."

Then, a strand of black hair hung down on his face, and Qing Su's beautiful and delicate face appeared in front of him. She looked down at his eyes and frowned slightly to observe his condition.

What a master!

Li Ping'an blinked. The tiredness of the soul's power being exhausted and the satisfaction of being filled with mana surged up at the same time, making him couldn't help but yawn.

"Where does it hurt?"

Qingsu asked with concern.

Li Ping'an shook his head and slowly sat up, only to find that there were three other people in this unfamiliar camp.

Xinghe Xinghan and Feng Tingzhu clasped their fists and saluted at the same time.

"grown ups!"

Li Ping'an asked: "Is the beating finished? How long have I been unconscious?"

Feng Tingzhu said hurriedly: "My lord! You have been sleeping for thirty-seven hours. The first wave of demon clan's offensive has been repelled. The demon soldiers in the north and west of Xizhou have retreated. A large number of reinforcements from our side have arrived. We may have to confront each other for a period of time, with our side counterattacking or the other side launching a second round of offensive."

Li Ping'an nodded, and the scene of more than a dozen immortal soldiers walking in front of him appeared in front of his eyes.

He asked: "What happened to the immortal soldiers and Centurion Fu Yu who were with me?"

Several people looked at each other.

Qingsu explained softly: "I came here yesterday. This is the Human Emperor's Central Army. On the northern line of the human race land in Xizhou, some of the Emperor's guards said that you were sleeping here and kept calling the word "Master"."

Li Ping'an made a big blush.

No, he didn’t dream of Master when he was asleep, so why did he keep calling Master...

He hurriedly asked: "What happened to Suiye City?"

"Sir, please wait a moment," Feng Tingzhu said, cupping his hands, "I'll go down and do some research!"

After saying that, the female guard left in a hurry, but rushed back after a moment and briefly told Li Ping'an about the battle of Suiye City.

Suiye City was the main city attacked by the demon clan on the western front at that time.

"This time the demon clan has a detailed plan. They have deployed heavy troops on the northern front, involving our main force and the largest number of experts. They have sent out surprise troops on the western front to break through our defense line, and then attack the towns with the most mortals, plundering souls and creating panic.

"The demon clan's move is to force us to evacuate the mortals in the Western Continent. According to the ASEAN plan, mortals need to take root, survive and gradually multiply, so that there can be more Qi practitioners in one place.

"Fortunately, at that time, an ancient demon who was half a step into the Taiyi realm and the younger brother of King Huitian was lurking near Suiye City. His Majesty showed up in time, killed the evil dragon, and then rushed to the northern front to fight with him. There was a big battle between the demon clan Daluo Jinxian.

"For this reason, although the reinforced city defense formation of Suiye City was breached later, the losses were not too terrible. Hundreds of thousands of mortals were killed and injured, and more than 3,000 immortal soldiers were killed and more than 7,600 were injured. "

Li Ping'an frowned and asked, "That's all?"

Feng Tingzhu said: "This is what is in the battle report."

Li Ping'an asked reluctantly: "Aren't there some heroic deeds of the Immortal Soldier Team?"

"Sir, this...shall I inquire again?"

"Tingzhu, you go to Suiye City," Li Ping'an sighed, "I was also in Suiye City at that time, and I turned into an ordinary immortal soldier named Xiong Er. The immortal soldiers who fought alongside me at that time were killed and wounded. It's very serious, there is a centurion named Fu Yu, please take a look at his injuries."


Feng Tingzhu wrote down these names, turned around and left in a hurry.

Li Ping'an moved his shoulders and was slightly distracted by the tent door.

A delicate hand was placed on his shoulder, and a ray of cool immortal power was injected into his body.

Qingsu asked: "Apprentice, your mind seems to be a little unstable."

"It's okay, Master," Li Ping'an said with a bitter smile, "I was thrown into the pile of immortal soldiers by our Emperor, and I experienced how to fight with the demon soldiers. I kept feeling like the immortal soldiers were passing away around me. It was quite good. It’s uncomfortable.”

Qing Su frowned lightly and complained: "Why did the Emperor throw you to the battlefield? You are a civil servant and have not yet become an immortal."

Xuanyuan Huangdi's voice suddenly came from outside the tent: "Why, civil servants can't go to the battlefield? Among my ministers, the most powerful are the two civil servants! Hahaha!"

His Majesty the Human Emperor, wearing a loose robe, with his long hair simply tied up, strolled over with his hands behind his back.

All the immortal soldiers outside the tent knelt down on one knee at the same time, and the Xinghe Xinghan inside the door quickly lowered his head and bowed in salute.

Qing Su pursed her lips slightly, but she was brave enough to act. When she lowered her head and raised her hands, she did not forget to say:

"That's what I said. It would be against the traditions of the human race for your majesty to send my disciples who have not yet become immortals to the battlefield."

Huangdi Xuanyuan clicked his tongue and sighed: "Okay, then I will apologize to you as my master. General, please go out for a while while I chat with my supervisor."

Qingsu turned away and went to stand quietly outside the tent.

Xuanyuan Huangdi casually arranged a barrier, moved a chair in front of Xinghe Xinghan, and sat in front of Li Pingan.

Brothers He Xinghe and He Xinghan looked at each other, bowed their heads and exited the boundary, guarding the door of the tent.

This is called eyesight.

"How do you feel?" Xuanyuan Huangdi asked.

"It's very depressing."

Li Ping'an sighed, relaxed, sat on the edge of the bed and yawned.

"Now I understand why Senior Tianli is reluctant to kill those moths."

"If I ask you to do it again, will you still cook it?"

"Cook it, the fire will be bigger."

Li Pingan said calmly:

“When I looked through the war reports stored by ASEAN before, I saw the casualty figures, but there was not much excitement.

"At most, I sigh with emotion. Being a soldier is really luxurious. How many people can't become casual cultivators, and how many casual cultivators can't become immortals.

“In today’s battle, I suddenly understood the meaning behind those numbers.

"It's really not easy for the human race to live in such a prosperous age."

"This class was good."

Xuanyuan Huangdi smiled and said:

"This offensive launched by the demon tribe is the largest in the past 20,000 years. They retreated after the first attempt. I am afraid it will be busy for several years or even decades.

"Ah, it's wonderful to be able to stay on the border for decades."

Li Ping'an: How much you don't want to go home!

Xuanyuan Huangdi smiled and said, "Let me give you some thoughts."

"I don't have much thoughts, I just participated in a tragic battle."

Li Ping'an pressed his hands on the soft body behind him, supporting his still weak body, and his eyes were a little distant.

He said:

"Immortals will protect mortals, this is what touches me the most.

“The way of man is very complicated because human nature is very complicated. Human nature has good and evil, so the way of man is also differentiated.

"In the end, of the team we were in, only me, two immortal soldiers, and centurion Fu Yu survived. They were seriously injured at the time. After discovering that the Suiye City formation was broken, they had to move forward and fight to the death.

“As they walked away from me, I suddenly felt something.

“The way of ordinary people is to make up for what is lacking, to worship the strong, to obey the strong, and to exploit the weak. This is the evil of human nature.

“The way of an extraordinary person is to protect the weak and attack the strong, knowing that one will die without regrets, that is a hero.

“The human race is what it is today because so many people stepped forward and took this extraordinary path.

"This makes me look at those sinister villains who are domineering in a stable and prosperous era, who speak loudly without shame, and who are clearly protected by these heroes but slander these heroes behind their backs. I feel a little more happy to get rid of them and then get rid of them."

Xuanyuan Huangdi nodded with satisfaction.

He said: "Then I've finished this lesson for you."

Li Ping'an frowned and asked: "Your Majesty, have you arranged other courses? I am mentally and physically exhausted now. This kind of thing..."

"Just this one lesson, I'm going to scare you."

Emperor Xuanyuan laughed and cursed:

“I just want to tell you that every victory is hard-won.

"You started at a higher level, living in a temple at the beginning, and your father kept lending you luck. Your journey has been so smooth.

“My ministers from the human race will always encounter various problems if they don’t personally experience the battlefield.

"I used to have several groups of ministers. As they lived longer and hid in the temple for too long, they would become numb and unkind, and they would become ignorant of the sufferings of the world. The final decision they made was ridiculous and even ridiculous. He would say - the destination of every immortal soldier is on the battlefield, and the duty of every general is how to send the immortal soldiers to their death.

"Obviously, the immortal soldiers fight to protect their families, and the duty of the generals is to achieve the predetermined results with minimal casualties.

"What's the war for?

“Herding horses and sheep between heaven and earth, but no powerful people dare to offend!

"This is what war should be like!"

Li Pingan gave a thumbs up: "Wonderful, cousin."

Xuanyuan Huangdi raised his eyebrows: "After being the Human Emperor for so many years, you should have something to gain... Now, Ping An, what do you think of my previous proposal?"

"Which proposal?"

"That's right, I'll help you soar to the ninth heaven!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi made a gesture of lifting the cauldron.

Li Ping'an sneered and said seriously: "Please allow me to refuse, Your Majesty."

Xuanyuan Huangdi frowned slightly: "Oh? Why? Shouldn't you...shouldn't you sigh with emotion now! Cough!"

He imitated Li Pingan's tone, put on a cynical expression, shook his head and said loudly:

"The conquest of living beings is so difficult. Someone should open up the heaven, stop the war, and bring peace to all the tribes in the world!

"Is that so?"

Li Pingan was also happy.

In private, His Majesty is not only completely arrogant, but also very interesting. He can control the overall situation at critical moments, pierce the evil dragon with one sword, and draw the enemy Da Luo with a smile.

Men should be like this.

Even more rare is the fact that he has three thousand wives, and he treats each of them with respect as a guest. He would rather take turns sleeping with them once every eight years than relegate some of them to the cold palace.

Men should be like this.

"Your Majesty, those are your thoughts, not my thoughts."

Li Ping'an sighed and said seriously:

"This battle made me realize clearly that I am just a small soldier, and I can only be a small soldier now. The captain of ten is considered to be the top.

"I still have many deficiencies in my abilities. I have also been suppressed by Heaven and have been unable to become an immortal.

"I have two plans now. One is to continue to go back to enrich myself, read more classics, and formulate new policies for ASEAN to see if I can help ASEAN and your Majesty improve the government and benefit Dongzhou. The other is to think about how to fight against the law of heaven and perfect my spiritual spirit. The method of transformation, if the way of heaven does not withdraw from my spiritual platform, then I will become a strong person through this path.

"In this battle, I also have a clear understanding of my own strength. If it's a one-on-one fight, I can fight a low-grade true immortal, but in this kind of chaotic battle, ordinary true immortals are much more useful than me.

"My spiritual treasure is limited by the Tao realm and cannot exert stronger strength. Later I will find a way to let my Tao body also start to undergo spiritual transformation."


Xuanyuan Huangdi's forehead was covered with black lines: "No, don't you want to give it a try and take advantage of my momentum?"

"No, no, no," Li Ping'an shook his head decisively, "I see too many excellent qualities in you, and these are all what I lack. My father often said that if you want to be an immortal, you must first be a human being. If I can't even be a human minister, If you can't do it well, how can you dare to be that illusory Emperor of Heaven?"


"Your Majesty, after getting along with you this time, I deeply understand this."

Li Pingan said seriously:

"I need to have the same strength as you and the same charisma as you to have 10% confidence in shouldering that important responsibility.

"Of course, I know that my strength is meaningless to you. I only need to be the connector between the human race and the Chanjiao.

"But I still feel that I should grow up more before I can consider whether to agree to do this. Otherwise, if I mess up the matter for you, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

Xuanyuan Huangdi had several black lines hanging on his forehead.

Li Pingan was still a little uneasy.

Although he was slapped with rainbow farts this time, Xuanyuan Huangdi was still a confused emperor after hearing a few good words.

"Oh, okay!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi clicked his tongue:

"You're too oily!

"But you are right. Maybe I am too impatient. There is only a sign now, but I can't encourage it to grow.

"You try your spiritual transformation method first. If you can't walk anymore, just follow the way of heaven. You are the only one I can choose for the time being."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Ping'an stood up and held his hands, feeling relieved in his heart.

"What, are you going to see off guests now?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi laughed and cursed, stood up and put his hands behind his hands, with a bit of amusement in his eyes.

He said: "Do you know why the Holy Mother left?"

Li Pingan looked puzzled.

Why did Huang Di suddenly say this?

Xuanyuan Huangdi said: "At that time, I had a quarrel with the Holy Mother. The reason for the quarrel was whether to fight with the hundreds of tribes or not."

"To fight or not to fight?"

"As the Human Emperor, I naturally have to consider the human race. The human race and the hundreds of tribes are already fighting to the death, so naturally the hundred tribes will be eliminated first."

Xuanyuan Huangdi paced with his hands behind his back, a bit helpless in his eyes.

"But the Holy Mother has a kind heart. She has come from ancient times and has seen too many races rise and fall and fight for hegemony, and she is tired of fighting and killing.

"The Holy Mother has said that there may be a way for human race and hundreds of races to live in peace.

"But I can only stick to my position. I said that the human race and the hundreds of races have a deep blood feud. Even the Holy Mother can't resolve this hatred, unless I, the human race, cut off one of my arms, and the hundreds of races cut off their legs.

"The Holy Mother was so angry that I cried, and then she left."

Li Ping'an:...

No, the Holy Mother can cry?

Xuanyuan Huangdi sighed: "Are you wondering how the Holy Mother could be made angry by me and cry?"

He smiled bitterly:

"Perhaps I am the most rebellious son in the eyes of the Holy Mother. In order to mend the sky, she chopped me off with five church leaders, so she has always been ashamed of me, and she is the most gentle to me on weekdays.

“I really regard the Holy Mother as my mother, so sometimes I can’t help but verbally clash with her.

"You see in the ordinary world, most of the sons in the family will scold their mothers a few words when they reach adulthood, and the mothers can only shed tears in frustration."

Li Ping'an asked in a low voice: "Then do you know where the Holy Mother has gone?"

"I don't know, she is too strong. If I really want to hide, I can't find her."

Emperor Xuanyuan lowered his head and sighed:

"That's why I'm a little anxious, thinking about supporting the way of heaven as soon as possible to balance the way of humanity.

"In this way, we can have the opportunity to stop the war between the human race and the hundreds of races. As the truce lasts for a long time, the hatred will be resolved more, and then the world can return to peace.

"Hundreds of races can never be killed. You can't let the human race be the only one left in this world. Flowers, grass, insects, fish, birds and beasts, and those who can develop spiritual wisdom, all deserve to be free.

"Peace, the way I understand human beings does not only include the human race."

Li Pingan nodded slowly, feeling a little more enlightened in his heart.

"Next, you choose one thing to do now."

A hint of smile flashed in Xuanyuan Huangdi's eyes, and he said seriously:

“The first thing is to go to the land outside the world to investigate the Dragon Clan.

"I don't know what happened to the Dragon Clan. The appearance of the Dragon Guards and the elites of the Sea Clan this time caused heavy losses to our human race. This matter must be investigated clearly.

"The Dragon Clan and I have a good relationship. Yinglong is both my brother and my subject. I am a little worried about his situation.

"If you do this, I will send an escaped Taiyi Golden Immortal to accompany you."

Li Pingan's heart trembled.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal who is good at escaping?

In other words, when Taiyi Jinxian goes to investigate this matter, he must be ready to escape at any time?

So what is he going to do? Looking for death?

Li Ping'an hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I haven't become an immortal yet..."

"Well, don't say that I, the Human Emperor, bully you. I will give you two more choices. You must choose one of the three."

Xuanyuan Huangdi nodded seriously:

"The second thing is to go to the Notre Dame Palace to investigate the mystery of the disappearance of the empress.

"The Holy Mother is the protector of my human race. You have already mastered many clues. I think you will be able to find some clues with your superb understanding of the Quasi-immortal Dawu.

"Of course, if you feel embarrassed, there is a third thing."

Li Ping'an:...

The compromise method never goes out of style.

Just to get him to do the third thing, right?

Xuanyuan Huangdi said: "The third thing is relatively simple. I have a book of exercises here called "The Yellow Emperor's Secret Scripture", which may help you break through the suppression of heaven. If you can marry three hundred wives in three years, I will I have given you a copy of the Yellow Emperor's Secret Sutra, and I can help you spread the news that you need to use dual cultivation techniques to break through the suppression of heaven. This is also a business matter."

"His Majesty!"

Li Ping'an made a big circle with his hands and bowed his hands.

"I am concerned about the situation of the human race and would like to investigate the mystery of the disappearance of the Holy Mother!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi's face darkened, and he frowned and said: "No, if you think three years is too short, you can do it for thirty years. How about thirty years? I can introduce you to some gentle and generous beauties here. Your backyard is definitely not It will catch fire!”

"Thank you for your kindness! I also look forward to the early return of the Holy Mother!"

Emperor Xuanyuan said angrily: "You don't even want the method of coordinating yin and yang?"

"Your Majesty," Li Pingan raised his head and glanced at Emperor Xuanyuan, "I... my waist is not very good."

"You! Humph!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi waved his sleeves and walked away:

"Supervisory envoy Li Ping'an accepts the order! Find out the whereabouts of the Holy Mother within ten years, otherwise she will be suspended from office and will be suspended for three hundred bucks!"

The rhyme quietly dissipated, and a large number of immortal soldiers knelt down on one knee again outside the door.

Xinghan Xinghe turned his head and looked over, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

Li Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief and said loudly: "My lord, I will definitely live up to His Majesty's high expectations!"

Ah, it’s time to develop some magic protective gear for the buttocks.

Looking for the Holy Mother?

There are so many human ministers who can't be found. How can he, a captain of ten, join in the fun?

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