The fairy father

Chapter 174 Live Broadcast

Just after the bloody disaster in ASEAN, another military disaster broke out in Xizhou.

I have nowhere to spend my free time, and the second-grade inspection station comes.

As soon as Li Pingan and his four personal guards arrived at the ASEAN headquarters, they were dragged to the Bingxian Palace by Old Man Tianli. The four personal guards could only wait in front of the palace.

Dozens of old women and elderly people have gathered in the hall, all of them are high-ranking ASEAN officials. They are all old and graceful, sitting in the two rows of stone chairs on the left and right.

Li Ping'an's seat was originally located relatively far back, but with a wave of his hand, old man Tianli dragged him and his seat directly to the front and placed him behind the two old women.

Tianli said: "Just watch here. If you have any questions, just ask!"


What to see?

Li Ping'an didn't know why, so he just sat here and looked at the ministers of ASEAN.

As an inspector, his duty is to supervise the ASEAN Immortal Officials, and now it can be regarded as the first time he has performed his duties after receiving the reward.

Soon, Li Pingan discovered a problem.

According to the Tiangong Vientiane Diagram, the golden immortals sitting here are all masters of the third level.

Not even a god!

He, a quasi-immortal, is really a bit out of place here.

Li Ping'an observed the immortals for a while, and finally the first deputy and the second deputy finally showed up and sat down on the stone chairs to the left and right of the main seat with solemn expressions.

The first deputy ally said slowly: "The wind minister has sent the news, let's start here too."

All the immortals nodded in unison, raised their right hands at the same time, and lit a beam of fairy light at the center of the hall. The fairy lights seemed to hit a transparent ball the size of a fist.

Li Ping'an frowned... Is this some weird ritual?

Is he going to use his magic power to get out?

The top of the hall shone with fairy light, and a black and white entangled Bagua ball fell at a steady speed and quickly merged with the ball below.

A Bagua map slowly unfolded, and all the fairy lights were thrown into the Bagua map; a cool breeze blew in the hall, and Li Ping'an immediately noticed dozens of profound and obscure Taoist rhymes.

Immediately afterwards, a picture like a sand painting slowly appeared in the Bagua diagram.

All the immortals lowered their heads and stared.

The picture on the Bagua map became clearer and broader. The picture kept shaking, and huge monsters kept appearing.

Li Ping'an had used magic weapons like Yin-Yang mirrors, and it soon became clear that someone was carrying a treasure similar to Yin-Yang mirrors to a gathering of demon kings.

Li Ping'an suddenly raised his eyebrows.

The colorful python appeared at the edge of the screen, and soon transformed into a young woman. Dragging the snake's tail, it slid through the air, and together with the demon kings, fell towards the stone palace embedded in the cliff.

There are thirty-six stone pillars outside the stone hall, and the stars inside are dotted, like a fairyland.

The big demon who 'recorded' such a scene entered the stone hall along with numerous demonic figures.

A barrier was placed in the stone palace, and the screen felt torn, but the screen shook a few times and quickly returned to its original state.

A beautiful woman wearing a "two-piece door curtain" bowed in front of her and led the demons into the corridor on the left side of the stone hall.

After turning around the corridor and going down, a huge oval-shaped stone cave appeared in front of everyone.

The cave is in the shape of a trumpet that is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. There is a lake at the bottom. There are dozens of shadows in the lake. Some shadows are slowly swimming. The dragon's dorsal fin is exposed on the water and slowly sinks into the lake.

Hundreds of lotus stone seats are suspended everywhere, and the lowest stone seat is already full of people.

It's a little inappropriate to say that it's a human figure. The most people here are masters from hundreds of races who have cultivated the 'innate Tao body'.

The big demon who 'recorded' such a scene followed a few black shadows and fell to the corner, standing quietly on the stone seat.

The whispers of the human golden immortals came from the hall:

"Hundreds of demon kings gathered here?"

"Would you like to serve them all in one pot?"

"How to serve them? Do their Da Luo and Tai Yi have to eat hard food?"

"Good guy, before we had a chance to take action against them, they turned out to take action against us?"

"It should be that we are too aggressive in the southeast of Xizhou. Ha, these remnants of ancient times are really a little confused!"

"Hahaha, they call us the remnants of the ancient human race, happy!"

Li Pingan was filled with emotion in his heart.

Good guy, two hostile forces from ancient times to the present are indeed infiltrating each other!

The demon race infiltrates the human race, and the human race is also infiltrating the demon race.

And it is obvious that the human race has penetrated even more fiercely. There is a demon king over there who acts as a 'camera' and directly 'broadcasts' the demon king conference of this size to ASEAN.

After Li Ping'an looked at Shen Xiangfeng, he felt a little more admired and a little palpitated.

You can't offend Feng Hou by offending anyone.

He really settles the score.

"Ping An, this is your first time to participate in this kind of thing. Let me give you a brief introduction."

Tianli said:

"You should not be familiar with these demon kings. Our spy should be a demon king from the Golden Fairy Realm. No one knows his information.

"Don't worry, there are absolutely no spies from the demon clan here, and no one who has the slightest connection with the Western Sect will appear in the Immortal Soldiers Palace.

"The secret method used in this way is said to have been designed by His Majesty Fu Xi himself. Even the Da Luo Jinxian of the demon clan cannot detect it. We have used this method to spy on them more than ten times.

"The place in the picture is Mount Futu, not far from the blessed land of the leader of the Western Sect. There is King Huitian in Mount Futu, an ancient dragon. Now he has reached the Taoist realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. After the dragon clan withdraws from this world, This ancient dragon took refuge in the ancient heaven, and killed countless creatures, as well as three thousand dragon guards - in fact, they were some python spirits forcibly enlightened with the dragon's blood. It was a troublesome king among the demon clan.

"This time he stood up and summoned all the demon kings. He probably wanted to build a mountaintop. His purpose is probably to counterattack us."

Li Ping'an winked at Old Man Tianli and asked directly in a low voice: "Didn't you say before that we would use troops against them?"

The two old women in front looked over and smiled amiably when they saw Li Ping'an, a handsome young man.

The two old women said:

"The Supervisory Envoy doesn't know that we have a certain tacit understanding to start a war with the Xizhou Monster Clan. They estimate that we are about to fight, so they sometimes make preparations in advance, gather troops, and have a face-to-face interview with us."

"Sometimes they will avoid us and throw out some little demon kings with no background."

"But in the end, about 90% of our offensive will be able to capture part of the Western Continent and push the scope of activities of the human Qi Refiners thousands of miles forward."

"I see."

Li Ping'an cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, senior, for clearing up the confusion."

The two old women smiled and nodded, without saying anything more, and turned around to continue watching the Monster Clan Conference.

Li Ping'an concentrated on observing, trying to get to know as many masters from the demon clan as possible, and take note of their auras, so that if they met on the battlefield in the future, he could easily turn around and run away.

‘It would be perfect if there was a roster of monster masters. ’

An hour passed like this.

The dozens of demon kings who came from behind were only in the most remote positions, and their strength did not seem to exceed that of the immortals.

Li Ping'an saw a familiar bull's head at a glance.

It was the King of the Demonic Ox Tribe who was attracted by Bu Linhai at the Guanhai Sect training conference!

‘This demonic cow stood so far away that it was almost at the very corner. ’

At this moment, Li Zhunxian had a clear and reliable understanding of the strength of Kuangshan King.

Ah, the cannon fodder demon king with no background.

‘Damn it! The leopard who sent the order was deceived! Even though I tried my best to get here, I was still at the bottom of the table! ’

Niu Benben clenched his big fist and stamped his feet bitterly.

A few eyes looked over from the front, and Niu Benben immediately held his head high and showed off the majesty of the Demon Cow Clan.


There was a loud noise in the cave, and a huge lotus platform emerged from the middle of the lake. In the middle of the lotus platform was a three-foot-diameter ‘bud’.

Hundreds of stone lotus terraces slowly fall towards the lake below and gradually float on the surface of the lake.

Ding dong fairy music came from the 'bud', sixteen petals unfolded at the same time, and dozens of slender demon singers flew out of it, and began to dance to the music.

Hundreds of ghost-like women floated on the lake, carrying low tables and delivering them to the kings of various families.

The demon kings sat cross-legged and began to eat.

These monster delicacies are also quite particular. For example, if the main body is a ferocious beast like a jackal, tiger, or leopard, it is only for the human heart, liver, and lungs;

People like Niu Benben, who are from the Demonic Cow Clan, eat the best grass.

Niu Benben tasted it carefully and felt that although these green grasses were full of spiritual energy, their taste was far inferior to that of Wugu Dan.

The demon kings enjoyed the singing and dancing for a while, and the demon singers left with winks everywhere.


The sound of huge breathing spread everywhere, and a powerful Taoist charm of Taiyi Golden Immortal enveloped everywhere. A huge shadow appeared under the lake. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be the head of a blue dragon, but a pair of dragons were missing. horn.

All the demon kings stood up together, most of them bowed and saluted, and those at the front just bowed their hands.

The dragon-shaped shadow suddenly disappeared, and a whirlpool appeared on the lake. A middle-aged man wearing scale armor and a gray cloak slowly emerged from the whirlpool.

This demon has a ferocious face, long and narrow cheeks, a face covered in scales, a red spot on its forehead, and many towering peaks on its head.

It is none other than the ancient giant of the demon clan, King Huitian!

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time."

King Huitian bowed his hands to everyone and said a few words:

"This time I called all the fellow Taoists together in a hurry. I never thought that all the fellow Taoists would also give Pindao such kindness. Pindao would remember this friendship!"

There was a response from all around:

"Brother Huitian said that this is a revelation!"

"With just one word from you, Lord Huitian, we can kill Huangdi Xuanyuan's second brother without any problem!"

"King Hui Tian is too polite!"

King Huitian raised his hand and pressed down, and the noisy voices everywhere suddenly stopped.

He said:

“Let’s not beat around the bush, we have gathered you all today just to deal with the increasing pressure of the human race!

"You have also seen what they did in the southeast. According to their words, it is called cooking in warm water and gradually eating away. This is to completely destroy our tribe!

"In recent years, some news has spread in the land of the human race. I wonder if you have heard of it."

There was a demon king in the audience who responded: "King Huitian! What you are talking about is that the human race has another incident involving a person with great luck!"


King Huitian raised his head and sighed:

"Pindao can tell you that the lucky person is not a fake, our human race has another lucky person!

"This man of great luck is our future calamity!

"According to the information disclosed by Chaotian Pavilion, this lucky person has had in-depth contact with ASEAN of the human race. The hundreds of thousands of sets of magic weapons that ASEAN recently obtained were sold to ASEAN by this person at a very low price.

"He has already started to deal with us!"

The demon kings were in an uproar.

As for Li Ping'an, who was watching the broadcast of the Demon King Conference, his heart skipped a beat.

Damn it, why did these demon kings set up father as a target?

I also heard King Huitian sighing and talking eloquently from the stage in the middle of the lake.

The old dragon said in a deep voice:

“This land of Xizhou is our last refuge.

"Yes, you may say that we can also retreat from the bitter cold and miasma of Beizhou, and we can retreat from the area east of Xizhou and west of Dongzhou.

"But everyone, if we continue to retreat like this, the human race will only get worse. Give them a piece of land, and they can build cities and tribes there, and then multiply quickly and increase their own strength.

"We have no retreat!"

A demon king said in a deep voice: "King Huitian, why did I hear that outside this world, you can find some large and small worlds just by flying outside for a few days."

"Yes, those are the fragments of heaven and earth that were shattered after the ancient battle between dragons and phoenixes. Under the protection of heaven, they gradually condensed into a small square of heaven and earth."

King Huitian sighed:

"In ancient times, there were successive wars, and many tribes had already taken refuge in these small worlds, where they could reproduce and live happily and find peace for a while.

"Fellow Taoists, you know that more than 80% of these small worlds have incomplete five elements and poor spiritual energy. The essence of the sun and moon that can be absorbed is less than 30% of the main world. The living beings that each small world can accommodate are really limited.

"Do you know why Pindao suddenly held such a meeting today?

"Without him, a few seniors and Taoist friends brought back millions of troops from these three thousand small worlds! Tens of thousands of masters!"

King Huitian waved his sleeves, and the entire Buddha Mountain was suddenly shrouded in shadow. Black clouds gathered from all directions and settled above the heads of the demon kings.

Many demon kings changed their expressions.

There are actually millions of creatures in this black cloud, and each creature has a good aura and Tao realm.

Four more tyrannical pressures suppressed them. Two Da Luo and two Tai Yi were both former ministers of the ancient heaven who were active at the forefront of hundreds of tribes in ancient times!


King Huitian shouted loudly:

"After our hundreds of tribes were defeated in ancient times, these seniors and Taoist friends began to cultivate the three thousand small worlds.

"They just heard the news that the human race had a lucky person. They carefully calculated the seven, seven and forty-nine days, and found that if they don't take action against the human race now, they will lose their last chance to fight!

"Everyone gathered today is a Taoist friend from hundreds of ethnic groups whom I can trust, see clearly, and know the basics!

"Later we will go to various places to summon friends and gather all the generals from our tribes together again!"

The king changed the topic and said:

"In view of the fact that we have forcibly united the alliance several times before, resulting in frequent civil strife, we simply do not need to form an alliance this time, nor do we need to elect an alliance leader. A few seniors will decide the date and place of the alliance. I'll lead my troops there myself!


"Pindao said the ugly things first! If anyone later deliberately fails to do anything, or is passive and negligent, Pindao's soul-eating knife will definitely fall on his head!

"This time, with the help of four seniors and fellow Taoists who have returned from outer space, we will definitely wipe out the Western Continent and drive the human race back to the Southern Continent!

"I will not stop fighting until we reach the end of the sky!"

All the demon kings roared in unison: "We will not stop until we reach Jue Tian!"

ASEAN, inside the Soldier Immortal Palace.

Li Ping'an was slightly fascinated by the Bagua diagram.

The scene in the Bagua Diagram has begun to turn outside the demon clan conference, but the demon kings from all walks of life have begun to return to their caves, mobilizing troops and horses to prepare for a war with the human race.

According to the feedback from the immortals in the palace, the preparation time for these demon clans should be half a month to a month.

It is not easy to gather the strength of various demon kings together.

Li Ping'an suddenly felt relieved.

that is……

He had always disliked ASEAN and felt that the system was too backward, with many concepts unclear and not a brilliant system.

But compared to the mortal enemy of the human race, the demon race, which has not even established a complete army, ASEAN is already very good.

The first lieutenant, the old man Tianqiong, sighed: "What a small world."

"As expected, they have gathered the demon soldiers in the Little World. It's still a little late for us to lay out the plans for the Little World."

"It's definitely a bit tricky."

Old Man Tianli turned his head and looked around, and directly called his name: "Does the safety inspector have any clever ideas?"

"No," Li Ping'an shook his head, "I'm not good at marching and setting up formations."

The immortals in the hall really believed it at this moment.

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