The fairy father

Chapter 175 The lucky person being targeted [Third update please vote! 】

The ASEAN immortal officials discussed for a while, and then quickly made a response plan.

They are determined to catch the demon clan off guard, and next they will make a move to loosen externally and tighten internally throughout Dongzhou.

——On the surface, he wanted to do something to paralyze the demon clan, but secretly mobilized the immortal soldiers and gathered at least two million immortal soldiers in the southeast of Xizhou.

Li Ping'an listened here and learned a lot of confidential information.

For example, ASEAN has a total of more than 5.4 million immortal soldiers that can be mobilized at any time. These immortal soldiers are well-trained and practice battle formations day and night. Most of their Taoist realms are between the third-level Yuanxian and the eighth-level Yuanxian.

There are more than 1.9 million reserve immortal soldiers in ASEAN, and most of them are old immortals who are about to become immortals, or have a long life span and have not been able to break through to the true immortal realm.

This is just ASEAN’s standing troops.

If ASEAN issues a conscription order to all parts of Eastern Continent, six to seven million yuan immortals can be gathered in a very short period of time.

This is probably the current overall military strength of the human race.

However, the war in the ancient times was extremely cruel, and there was no such rule as "soldiers against soldiers, against generals". During the battle, masters from both sides would look for opportunities to kill more enemy low-level immortal soldiers to create an advantage for their own side.

The human race's battle formation method is particularly important in this regard.

For example, millions of immortal soldiers formed an array before, and a loud shout broke the momentum of the left servant of the Notre Dame Palace.

When the war begins, the human race's battle formation can briefly resist the masters of Jinxian and Taiyi Realm.

The side with the upper hand in ordinary troops will also prepare enough masters to intercept the opponent's masters.

All the wars that broke out in the southeast of Xizhou ended with the human race immortal soldiers having a huge advantage and forcing the demon race masters to retreat.

But this time, something is different.

The demon clan has been cultivating the three thousand small worlds outside the main world since ancient times.

Stimulated by the birth of the great luck man of the human race, that is, Comrade Lao Li, several Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian of the demon clan have decided to launch a war against the human race and brought back millions of demons from the three thousand small worlds. soldiers.

Coupled with the demon soldiers raised by the demon kings in Xizhou, it is feared that millions of demon soldiers will be gathered.

The land southeast of Xizhou will soon become a purgatory on earth.

Li Ping'an thought while listening, thinking that if the ASEAN seniors had missed anything, he would add a few words himself.

But he soon saw the ‘shineing point’ of the ASEAN immortal officials.

Old man Tianqiong said: "There are thirty million mortals and hundreds of thousands of Qi practitioners in the southeastern part of Xizhou. We must find a way out for them."

Tianli said: "Retreat to the south. There is a Nanzhou in the middle. It is an enclave for us."

All the immortals spoke one after another:

"If that doesn't work, start a large relocation formation and transport them all back."

"How can there be so many spiritual stones that can be consumed by the moving formation? Every spirit body that passes through the moving formation consumes spiritual power."

"But in the southeastern part of Xizhou, we can't send too many troops. What if the demon clan circumvents Beiju Luzhou and attacks the northern part of our Dongzhou? Previously, the demon king drove countless monsters from Beiju Luzhou and forced them to We have deployed heavy troops to guard the northern part of Dongzhou."

"These millions of demon soldiers are really a headache. If there are millions of demon soldiers, there must be a corresponding number of true immortals and heavenly immortals."

"If Dongzhou Demonic Cultivator wants to cause trouble, the problem will be even more troublesome."

"At this stage, we can only make more preparations to prepare for emergencies. There are more magic weapons, elixirs, healing belts, and spiritual power pools than the last time we mobilized troops."

"Shall we use offense as defense?"

A famous old woman had a stern look in her eyes:

"Let's send troops before they do and catch them off guard! Let's make them tired of dealing with it!"

"I don't think it's appropriate. It's easy to fall into the opponent's trap if you attack directly. The monster clan has sacrificed millions of little monsters before and killed our 100,000 soldiers and horses, and then sent a small group of masters to harass them from behind. Not bad, but you have to be a seasoned veteran to harass.”

The second deputy ally, Old Man Tianjin, said: "We have always been the dominant side, so we can handle it with ease, but this time we will have some difficulties and must be fully prepared."

Tianli asked: "You want to use the magic soldiers?"

"When I write down the military strategy later, I will ask Your Majesty to request three thousand demon soldiers for emergencies."



The first deputy, the old man Tianqiong, shook his arm:

"In half a day, we will conduct at least nine deductions, decide on four main and deputy strategies, and report them to Xuanyuan Palace!"

The immortals stood up and held their hands, and then divided themselves into two pairs.

The transparent ball of light suspended in the center of the Immortal Palace trembled slightly, revealing the upper, middle and lower sand table.

The top sand table is the projection of the sky and the earth. The four continents in the southeast, northwest and northwest are clearly outlined, including many islands and small pieces of land in the four seas.

The sand table in the center is a detailed map of the southeastern part of Xizhou, with mountains, rivers, and lakes completely restored.

The sand table at the bottom is a map of Dongzhou, marking areas that have been attacked by demon soldiers.

All the immortals held battle flags and began to conduct military exercises.

Li Ping'an listened and watched, feeling constantly in his heart that these ASEAN immortal officials finally showed their side as human warriors.

Various types of military tactics emerge in endlessly, and battle formations evolve in unpredictable ways.

Li Ping'an tried to put himself into it, and found that he could barely manage to lead a troop, but it was quite difficult to control the battle situation in an area at the same time. After all, he had almost zero experience in leading troops, and he was completely unable to compare with these old immortals.

After watching for three or four hours, Li Ping'an took the initiative and joined in the deduction.

Occasionally, he could contribute a clever idea or two, and was praised by many warriors.

After several battles, Li Pingan was exhausted mentally and physically, but he also gained a lot.

Half a day later.

Half of the immortal officials took the order and left, rushing to the five major military camps in ASEAN to mobilize their troops and generals.

The two deputy allies, Tianqiong and Tianjin, took the strategy derived from the military deliberation and hurried to Xuanyuan Palace to report to the prime minister and determine the overall military strategy for the first officer and the third officer.

Li Pingan was at peace.

This was the first time he felt such a sense of security in ASEAN.

An old house where a treasure.

This group of human warriors who have fought against the demon clan for two eras, as long as their character is not corrupted and they themselves are not corrupted, then every one of them is a treasure of the human race.

Just as Li Ping'an was about to leave, he was stopped by old man Tianli who was going to sit at the ASEAN headquarters next.

Tianli said slowly: "Ping An, come over and have a chat."

"Senior, aren't you going to do your business?"

Li Ping'an returned to the central area of ​​the Immortal Palace with a smile and sat on the stone chair next to Old Man Tianli.

A white-haired old man in a scarlet robe and a young Taoist in a light blue gown were looking at the gate of the Immortal Palace and the empty stone chairs.

Old Man Tianli sighed with emotion: "Everyone will be busy next time. I don't know how long this battle will last."

"Will this battle be very exciting?"

"Anxiety is certain, but most of the time will be spent testing each other and planning. According to usual experience, the more troops and horses are used in the battle formation, the more cautious the general will be when giving orders. Sometimes, a marginal battle situation The advantage will trigger a collapse across the board.”

Old Man Tianli smiled and his eyes became a little distant:

“Although we have always said that the Hundred Clans are a rabble, there are also some difficult opponents among them.

"When you encounter an unfamiliar opponent, you have to be extra careful, because you are not sure whether you will be self-defeating. Sometimes the commander gives an order, which means the loss of hundreds of thousands of troops.

"Why don't we talk about your father."


Li Ping'an felt a little more vigilant in his heart.

Old Man Tianli raised his hand and held Li Pingan's arm, as if he was afraid that Li Pingan would run away.

Tianli said: "You just heard that they have started to target your father. Those demon kings are not stupid either. They did not say what specific actions they will take. I am afraid that they will attack Wanyun Sect."

Li Pingan breathed a sigh of relief.

It frightened him, and he thought that Senior Tianli wanted to use his father as bait to catch the monster fish.

Li Ping'an pondered for a few times: "I'll just write a letter later, that's all. I'll go back to Wanyun Sect later and invite my father to the ASEAN General Alliance's barracks?"

"The barracks are not appropriate," Tianli said, "It is best to find a way to send your father to Xuanyuan Palace... There is still a shadow of the West in the ASEAN General Alliance. If the demon clan regards your father as the former Your Majesty, they will stop at nothing to destroy your father."

Li Ping'an frowned and said, "Is His Majesty Xuanyuan like this too?"

"Yes, when His Majesty Xuanyuan first revealed his destiny, the Xiong Country was still a small country, but it attracted more than a dozen ancient nations of hundreds of tribes to attack. If His Majesty Shennong had not left the border in time and sent troops to protect the Xiong Country, the Xiong Country It has been destroyed.”

Tianli sighed:

"It is said that your father's great luck is due to the Dao Immortal Tribulation, but the demon clan may not care about this.

"Also, Ping An, when you make a new policy later, remember to include the surrounding small world."

Old man Tianli said seriously:

“Over the years, we have been focusing on the land of Xizhou and Beizhou, but we have ignored the three thousand small worlds outside.

"In ancient times, the dragon clan, phoenix clan and other overlords of heaven and earth had a great battle, which shattered the ancient earth. Many fragments flew out, and a small world evolved in the void within the membrane of heaven and earth."

Li Pingan nodded slowly and said with a smile: "Three Thousand Worlds, I am very familiar with this term."

"Three thousand world?"

Old Man Tianli's eyes lit up: "This statement sounds very Taoist."

"Senior," Li Ping'an asked, "This time the demon clan is using troops in large numbers, are there any specific things I can do?"

"You are His Majesty's personal supervisor, and you have the Xuanyuan Sword Order and the Xuanyuan Sword Scabbard. It is perfect for you to be in charge of the rear army and to be the military governor, but..."

Old man Tianli looked at Li Ping'an up and down:

"Your realm is indeed a's really hard to convince the public.

"I know that you are suppressed by the law of heaven, but you cannot talk about such things in a big way to the soldiers.

"Strength is a matter of strength, no matter how many reasons there are."

Li Ping'an nodded and said, "Then I'll just stay back and be honest."

Old Man Tianli said: "Just wait, you are too young after all. It is better to talk about your father. You can find a way to persuade him and let him live in Xuanyuan Palace for a while."

"Okay," Li Ping'an frowned, "but I'm worried that my father might be a bit stubborn."

"Just say that if he stays in Wan Yun Sect, he may cause disaster to Wan Yun Sect."

"Xuanyuan Palace is indeed a good hiding place, and there must be many masters in it."

Li Ping'an smiled and sighed:

"Thank you for your trouble, senior. I will leave immediately and rush to Wanyun Sect."

"I will continue to arrange the troops and horses. Now that you have personal guards to protect you, I won't worry about your protection."

Old man Tianli patted Li Ping'an's arm and stood up slowly. The old man walked towards the palace door with his hands behind his back, humming a leisurely tune.

Li Ping'an sat there in a daze for a while, but he did not dare to delay. He got up and left the Bingxian Palace, took Xinghe Xinghan and Tingzhu Zhanxiang with him, left the ASEAN headquarters and rushed to Wanyun Sect.

Half a day later.

"What? Going to Xuanyuan Palace?"

Li Dazhi looked at his son who was peeling oranges and eating them, and casually put on his wig.

"Well, why should I go to Xuanyuan Palace? I'm not going."

Li Pingan glanced at the inner room, chewed two sweet orange segments, and asked in a low voice: "Aunt Yue is back?"

"Just came back yesterday."

Li Dazhi put his hands in his sleeves and frowned:

"The demon clan has set me up as a target. I will be beaten by them wherever I go. Xuanyuan Palace has no internal response? Huangdi Xuanyuan also has many concubines from hundreds of clans."

Li Ping'an said sternly: "Dad, the protective ability of Wanyun Sect is still too weak compared to the demon army. Those masters at the peak of Golden Immortal and Taiyi Realm all have the skills to tear apart the world and directly attack Wan Yun Sect." Yunzong, what should we do?"

Li Dazhi groaned a few times.

"Dad, you really have to listen to Senior Tianli on this matter."

Li Pingan is good at teaching:

"Either you go to Xuanyuan Palace to hide, or we can think of a foolproof plan, such as letting the outside world know where you have been.

"Don't forget my magical powers."

Li Dazhi asked: "Have there been any changes recently?"

"No change. After getting rid of the Blood Demon Palace, I have no clue."

Li Pingan put the last few orange segments into his mouth and chewed;

"I suspect, dad, that your disaster is related to Wan Mo Tian. Recently, I have also been secretly investigating Wan Mo Tian.

"Half a day ago, we were deducing the use of troops in the Immortal Palace of Arms. One-third of the high-ranking ASEAN immortal officials were excluded, and the remaining first- and second-grade immortal officials were all included. The division of labor was clear and extremely efficient.

“Whoever has a background in Western religion, Feng Xiang and the top ASEAN vice-alliances are very clear.

"Dad, don't take it lightly. Only when you get through this disaster can your great fortune soar into the sky."

"I'm already a sixth-grade heavenly immortal. Isn't this enough to soar to the sky?"

Li Dazhi muttered:

"That's all, what you're saying is that your son is now a second-grade official, and his father is just a sect elder.

"I'm worried that something might go wrong while I'm away from Wanyun Sect.

"You don't know...forget it, just don't mention it."

"Dad," Li Ping'an said, "it's better to tell me everything you need."

"Isn't this the case that during the sect chaos of Wanyun Sect thousands of years ago, a group of disciples of the founder who were involved with the demon cultivators were driven away?"

Li Dazhi sighed:

"They have been particularly eager to come back to Wanyun Sect recently, and they have been lobbying through Senior Brother Tingyun.

"There are about four or five of them. They are all in the Celestial Realm. Two of them are still first-grade Celestial Immortals. They have been outside for ten thousand years and have been involved with the devil before. Who knows if they are targeting our Zhuyuntang.

"Your master and my master have soft ears. After all, those were the disciples he brought up since childhood. After all, they just did wrong things back then, and the culprits were punished, so they agreed.

"Oh, as long as the leader Yun Mo comes out of seclusion..."

Li Ping'an said: "Then just think of a way to keep the leader from leaving."

Li Dazhi wondered: "Why don't you leave seclusion?"

"Leave a note or ask Granny Linghua for help?"

Li Pingan said seriously:

"The top priority is to avoid possible sneak attacks from the demon clan. We might as well go to Xuanyuan Palace openly and stay at Feng Xiang's house.

"I can do all these things, just go ahead and do it.

"As long as everyone knows that you have gone to Xuanyuan Palace, the demon clan will not risk entering the hinterland of Dongzhou to attack Wanyun Sect. It would be more gain than loss for them."

Li Dazhi pondered for a few times and finally nodded in agreement.

"Dad, without further ado, let's do it now... huh?"

Li Ping'an raised his hand and touched his sleeve, and took out the Xuanyuan Sword Token stored close to his body.

The small sword on the front of the token was buzzing and vibrating, and a clear middle-aged male voice came out from the sword token:

"Ping An? Are you there? Is this the sword command that Ping An holds?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi!

Feng Xiang’s laughter came from behind: “Yes, Your Majesty.”

"I thought I had disturbed brother Yinglong. He can't go out until he can give birth to his third child. He must be working day and night now, hahaha! Ahem! Are you safe? Heard the reply."

Li Dazhi and Li Pingan had three black lines hanging on their foreheads at the same time.

Li Pingan said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, I am here."

"Bring your father to me quickly. There are two great figures from hundreds of tribes who are deducing his aura. I have cut off their deductions twice. Come here quickly to cover up your father's secret!"

Li Ping'an perked up: "Your Majesty! Can you ask the Prime Minister of Feng to come over and take care of me?"

"Feng, Li Ping'an said he owed you a favor and asked you to pick up his father and son."

"It's easy to say. I'll go right away. I'll be back in a moment."

Li Dazhi said hurriedly: "Let me explain everything in the sect first! There are still many magic weapons to be given to ASEAN that have not yet been produced!"

After saying this, Li Dazhi rushed out of the back hall of Zhuyuntang.

Li Ping'an thought for a while, turned around and rushed towards Caiyun Peak.

Although time is a bit tight, there is still time to meet, greet, say a few words, and hold hands with the pastor sister!

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