The fairy father

Chapter 173 Demon King Meeting

The Ye family had a banquet for half a day and returned home drunk on clouds.

On the way back to the barracks, Li Ping'an suddenly remembered why he was so familiar with the name 'Wang Shan'.

He vaguely remembered that there was an original copy of "Journey to the West" circulating in the high school dormitory, and his brothers only had enough patience to read the part about "Havoc in Heaven," and they had several debates about it.

The Monkey King in the movie and TV series made the immortals in heaven panic and the Jade Emperor got under the table;

In the original work, after kicking down the Bagua furnace, Sun Wukong only reached the Tongming Hall and the Lingxiao Hall before being stopped by a Wang Lingguan. Will, trap the monkeys.

That Wang Lingguan seems to be called Wang Shan, and he is some kind of Taoist Dharma Protector General. He has the reputation of being the Great Lingguan of Dutian, commanding the three hundred Lingguan of Heaven.

This king is good, that king is good?

The Great Spiritual Official of the Heavenly Court, the old sinner of ASEAN?

Li Ping'an glanced at the majestic golden cloud at the spiritual platform, and thought about the disciple of the Wanyun Sect named 'Li Jing'. He couldn't help but think about it, and then strangled this thought to death.

This is too ridiculous.

"Feng Tingzhu?" Li Pingan called.

"Sir! Your command!"

Li Pingan smiled and said: "I think you seem to know a lot of secrets. Talk to me about this Ten Thousand Demons Heaven and tell me what you know."

Feng Tingzhu bowed his head and saluted, and began to talk about the evil that Wan Motian had committed many years ago.

It can be said that one important reason why demon cultivators are so rampant in Dongzhou now is that Wan Motian first set an example.

The warning voice in the clouds gradually drifted away with the clouds;

The immortals and mortals in that big city had a little more fun chatting.

In the pavilion in the backyard of the Wang family, Old Man Tianli disappeared in a flash, and before leaving, he did not forget to kick Ye Zisang.

A middle-aged scribe named Wang Shan meditated quietly, with wisps of blood flowing out from all parts of his body, and the Taoist charm around him gradually became complete.

‘Hey, when will this day end? ’

In Dong'an City, Wan Yun Sect's high-end magic weapon shop.

The outer disciple named Niu Qi held a feather duster and swept away the non-existent dust everywhere.

As the incarnation of the Crazy Mountain King Niu Benben, Niu Qi has successfully penetrated into the core area of ​​Wanyun Sect - Zhuyuntang!

Although he only entered the magic weapon shop on the outermost edge of Zhuyuntang;

Although I am just a cleaning boy;


‘Forget it if you don’t go back. ’

Niu Benben's body is squatting in the corner of the volcano, carefully licking this question.

He sneaked into the Wan Yun Sect because he wanted to find out the details of the Wan Yun Sect. He stayed in Liuyun Temple for three years and wasted time in the outer sect. He thought he would be able to get ahead soon and get in touch with the elders and deacons in the Wan Yun Sect. To get some important information, he didn't expect that due to his slow progress in cultivation, he was sent to the magic shop in Dong'an City to work as a handyman.

Even, he was not sent to those cheap magic weapon shops with many customers!

‘If I continue to hang around like this, I will never get ahead! ’

Niu Benben looked at himself and then at his good brother Li Jing. He had an extremely complicated heart.

After Li Jing became a disciple of Elder Yan Sheng, he has made rapid progress. He has no shortage of elixirs and magic weapons, and his cultivation progress has been rapid. Now Li Jing has been listed as the number one immortal seedling of Wanyun Sect. As long as he can enter the realm of the Heaven and Earth Bridge and condense the soul, You will be recommended to go to ASEAN to become an immortal soldier and become a follower of the great enlightened quasi-immortal.

Do you still worry about breakthrough after following the Dawu Quasi-immortal?

It’s not that Niu Benben cannot accept that his brothers are better off than him;

He really couldn't accept that his brother had a much better life than him!

‘Damn it, I have to use my true body to beat Li Jing from now on! ’

'That's all, this king of Wan Yun Sect can't stay any longer. Madam Hu has always wanted to use Wan Yun Sect to deal with King Cailin. I can't always be used as a pawn by her. If I get involved too deeply in these matters, I'm afraid... It's going to cause trouble. ’

'Originally, I didn't believe in the great fortune of the Immortal of Great Fortune, or the Immortal of Great Enlightenment who could touch the Golden Immortal, but now...'

Niu Benben groaned for a few times and began to think about a way to escape.

This matter is actually easy to handle, as long as 'Niu Qi' disappears, it can be done by drowning in the river or burning himself in the alchemy furnace. Once it is dealt with, there will be no further trouble.


Suddenly I heard the sound of a gong.

Niu Benben immediately recognized that the sound came from the ear of the main body!

He controlled 'Niu Qi' and looked around a few times, then turned around and ran to the back hall of the magic weapon shop. He sat behind two wooden boxes and began to take a nap with his head down.

In the magma pool of the crater, Niu Benben's majestic and burly body showed its head and looked at a black cloud falling in the sky.

The dozens of bull-running generals and the dozens of big monsters turned into human forms at this moment, standing around the crater, looking up at the black clouds above, looking like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Look above the dark clouds again!

Hundreds of demon soldiers were dressed in black armor and holding sharp swords. The leader was a leopard spirit with a human body and a leopard head. There were three banners with complicated patterns on its back and a gong in its hand.

It struck the gong again and shouted:

"King Kuangshan is at home!"

The figure of Niu Benben emerged from the magma pool, and a violent aura enveloped the land within a hundred miles.

The leopard spirit, whose strength was not much lower than that of Niu Benben, immediately nodded and bowed, cupped his hands and said:

"Greetings to the King of Kuangshan!

"The younger one is the messenger commander of Futu Mountain. On the order of my king, I asked King Kuangshan to rush to Futu Mountain for a briefing!

"My king has sent a total of 360 messenger commanders. This time he is summoning all the kings to discuss a major matter!"

Niu Benben frowned slightly.

He naturally knew about Futu Mountain, where there was a giant from hundreds of tribes called King Huitian. His true form was an ancient alien dragon. He was extremely powerful and good at using weapons. It was said that he had seriously injured Taiyi, a human race.

This King Huitian has an extremely profound background, and several Da Luo Jinxian from hundreds of tribes have once stood up for him.

If King Huitian summons all the kings of the hundreds of tribes, it is most likely to discuss the use of troops against the human race.

"Okay, I get it."

With the sound of oxen running and the urn running, he said angrily:

"King Huitian has a destiny, and I dare not disrespect him. I dare to ask this commander, when do I need to leave?"

“It’s best to leave immediately!”

The leopard spirit smiled and said:

"When we went out, we already calculated the leg strength of all the kings. If you set off now, you will be sure to arrive with the other kings!

"I can give you some information. Although it was my king who summoned all the kings this time, in fact, it was several seniors who came to my king's cave first.

"If King Kuangshan arrives late, he won't have a good seat!"

Niu Benben perked up, cupped his hands in thanks, and then shouted majestically:


All the big monsters in the crater knelt down on one knee at the same time and shouted:

"Your Majesty!"

"You guys who are smarter, come with me to visit Mount Buddha! How can I, the king, be absent from such a grand gathering of hundreds of tribes!"

Several of his strongest subordinates stood up and handed him over.

Niu Benben waved his hand, and a black wind swept through him, and he and his subordinates disappeared at the same time.

The leopard spirit who sent the message glanced at the several graceful demon women below, but did not dare to make any mistakes. He turned around and shouted, leading the team of soldiers and horses behind him and rushed back to Futu Mountain to obey the order.

The secret place where soldiers are hidden in Tianzhixu is in Li Ping'an's tent.

Li Ping'an took a rocking chair and sat down, drinking the tea brought by Wen Ling'er, listening to Feng Tingzhu on the side who continued to talk about the affairs of Ten Thousand Demons, his brows frowning and relaxing.

Before that, he had only heard that Wan Motian was ruthless in his actions, and that the first major case of slaying a clan and annihilating an entire family in Dongzhou was at the hands of Wan Motian.

But after Feng Tingzhu's explanation, Li Ping'an was convinced that this Ten Thousand Demon Heaven was by no means an ordinary demon cultivator.

Every time Wan Motian acts, it is not just to kill people and set fires, but has a very clear "political purpose".

The massacre that made Wan Mo Tian famous for his evil reputation happened 37,000 years ago.

At that time, the sect that was massacred by the Ten Thousand Demons Heaven hid six Golden Immortal Patriarchs. These six Golden Immortals were all meritorious generals in ancient times.

At that time, six Golden Immortals jointly wrote to ASEAN thirteen times within a century, requesting ASEAN to use troops against hundreds of tribes.

'Although I have the Taoist fruit of immortality, my relatives, friends and teachers all died in the battle. I am still alive in this world, my Taoist heart is uneasy, I am willing to fall into the devil's body and attack hundreds of tribes again. ’

‘My human race has prospered now, why not take action early and eradicate the troubles of all races as soon as possible! ’

"Hundred tribes are raising troops in many small worlds around them. If we don't prepare early, we may be taken advantage of by them and experience the difficulty of fighting again." ’


ASEAN reported the matter to Xuanyuan Palace, and Xuanyuan Palace gave instructions, saying:

'The vitality of the human race has not yet been restored, so it is not appropriate to use troops rashly. ’

Just as ASEAN sent people to send the instructions from Xuanyuan Palace, the demons from the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens attacked that sect, and no one of the more than 6,300 qi refiners in the sect survived.

The corpses of the six golden immortals were hung in front of the main hall of the sect. There were writings on their bloody clothes, which read:

【If you start a war indiscriminately, you should cut it off for the sake of the survival of others. 】

The ASEAN messenger sneaked into the gap in the mountain guarding formation and saw with his own eyes a mountain full of corpses, as well as the demon cultivators from the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens who had not yet had time to retreat.

This tragedy of annihilation shocked the entire Dongzhou and also shocked Xuanyuan Palace.

Huangdi Xuanyuan rarely got angry and threw several jade talismans in front of a group of ministers. The Prime Minister of Feng personally sat in ASEAN to investigate all matters related to the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

Feng Tingzhu said:

“At that time, ASEAN was hunting down Wan Mo Tian throughout the world, and also killed many of Wan Mo Tian’s big demons.

“The Feng Xiang used divination to locate the last group of masters from the Ten Thousand Demonic Heavens, but the ASEAN soldiers and horses pursued them, but were blocked by the masters from the Western religion.

"It was then that we learned that the Ten Thousand Demons Heaven, which is home to many ferocious gods and evil spirits, was actually established by the Western Sect, and the Western Sect's leader and disciples were personally in charge of the Ten Thousand Demons Heaven."

Li Ping'an sighed: "The Ten Thousand Demons Heaven has killed many people, yet they still talk about living for the common people. It's really ridiculous..."

Feng Tingzhu cupped his hands and said:

“Wan Mo Tian acted like this, probably because he wanted to scare us.

"After that massacre, Ten Thousand Demons Heaven was actually severely damaged, and only those demons protected by the West were not eliminated by Feng Xiang.

"But later, various rumors appeared in Dongzhou. Some people said that Wan Motian was acting on behalf of Heaven and for the sake of the overall situation. Others said that Wan Motian actually had its roots in ASEAN and Xuanyuan Palace. It was because ASEAN senior officials did not want to deal with Bai Bai. The clan uses troops, and so on.

“These rumors have added a sense of mystery to Wan Mo Tian.

"Since then, there have been more and more demon cultivators in Dongzhou and they have become more active."

"What a powerful rumor."

Li Ping'an clicked his tongue:

“This Ten Thousand Demons Heavenly Guo is really guilty of the most heinous crimes.

"Their move was clever, and it planted the seeds for the demonic cultivators to run rampant in Dongzhou for tens of thousands of years to follow. They understand the weaknesses of people's hearts."

"Sir," Feng Tingzhu asked softly, "You went to treat Wang Shan this time, but to start with Wang Shan and get into the matter of Ten Thousand Demons?"


Li Pingan said seriously:

"Purely because Brother Ye gave me too much!

“These waters from the Fountain of Youth are extremely precious to me.

"Not to mention asking me to save a loyal person, even if Brother Ye asked me to transform the spirit of his servant, I should take action.

"It's just that the person holding the hand is short-handed."

"Ah, this!" Feng Tingzhu blinked.

Li Ping'an asked with a smile: "What? You have already sent a message to Feng Xiang, saying that I am going to start working on Ten Thousand Demons?"

Feng Tingzhu quickly knelt down on one knee and shouted: "My lord, forgive me!"

"Get up."

Li Pingan waved his hand:

"Feng Xiang arranged for you to come here. I understand what Feng Xiang meant. From now on, you will be my personal guard and help me deliver some news... What did Feng Xiang say?"

Feng Zhanxiang frowned slightly.

She seemed to have just discovered that Feng Tingzhu had hidden his identity.

"grown ups!"

Feng Tingzhu blinked and said seriously:

“I already knew what Feng Xiang meant when I came here, it was all what Feng Xiang told me.

"Feng Xiang tells you to check as much as you want, and don't worry about who you will find."

Li Ping'an laughed, and some thoughts flashed through his heart.

Ten Thousand Demonic Heavens...father's calamity...

Li Pingan sighed:

"ASEAN just moved its muscles half a year ago, and it is not appropriate to make a big fanfare now, lest the morale of our human race immortal soldiers be damaged.

"Wan Motian must have spies and internal agents in ASEAN. If we can find them later, we can put a mark on them and don't touch them for the time being.

"To deal with this kind of poisonous snake, we must take it all down with the power of thunder, and we cannot let the opponent bite back."

"Yes!" Feng Tingzhu accepted the order with his hands raised.

Li Ping'an asked again: "After the Blood Evil Palace was eliminated, will the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens react?"

Feng Tingzhu said: "Sir, there is no reaction."

Suddenly, a report came from outside the tent: "Sir! There are guards from the Ye family coming to deliver a message!"

He Xinghan took the initiative to rush out of the tent, took the jade talisman and inspected it carefully. After making sure that there was nothing wrong with it, he held it in front of Li Ping'an.

Li Ping'an took a closer look and laughed dumbly:

"Senior Tianli really knows how to be a good person!

"I just gave Wang Shanyuan a spiritual transformation here, and he showed up and gave him a precious elixir to fill Wang Shan's wounds in the Taoist foundation.

"Wang Shan has begun to regain his strength now. If he can return to the peak of immortality, he will also be a fierce general."

Feng Tingzhu said: "Sir, Wang Shan has lost his official position before. If you want to use him, why don't you write a letter to persuade him to come and defect? ​​You have used secret methods to heal his wounds, and you have the kindness to rebuild him!"

"Well," Li Ping'an sneered, "I'm just a little captain of ten, how to deal with him? I'm just an adult beauty, I can't be kidnapped by morality."

"Moral kidnapping?"

Feng Tingzhu found this novel vocabulary quite interesting.

The immortal soldier outside asked again: "Do you need a reply, sir?"

"No need."

"Yes! I will let the Ye family guards leave now!"

Several immortal soldiers left in a hurry.

Li Ping'an clicked his tongue softly and said with a smile: "They all say that it is good to be an official and it is wonderful to be an official. Every time the adults shout, I feel like I am a top master."

The four guards all smiled.

Li Ping'an asked again: "Tingzhu, I don't know much about the rules in the military camp. If I want to go back to Wanyun Sect or go to Dong'an City now, what better reason can I use?"


Feng Tingzhu thought carefully and said slowly:

"You have been practicing for the past six months and have not fulfilled your duties as a supervisor. If you directly ask for leave, you will inevitably be gossiped about.

"My subordinates think that you might as well go to the ASEAN Immortal Palace to sit for half a month and handle some official duties, and then secretly go to Wanyun Sect or Dong'an City in the name of monitoring the practice atmosphere in various places."

"Okay, then I'll do as you say."

Li Ping'an stretched his waist:

"I just wanted to go back and ask my father for advice on how to deal with Ten Thousand Demons... Why is he here again!"

Before he finished speaking, a beam of fairy light fell from directly above and turned into a silver-armored fairy soldier. He knelt on one knee outside the tent, cupped his fists and shouted:

"Urgent report from the Soldier Immortal Palace!

"Hundreds of demon kings in the Western Continent gathered at Futu Mountain and were about to discuss how to use troops against our human race!

"By order of the first deputy alliance! Please ask the second-grade supervisor Li Ping'an to come to the Bingxian Palace to discuss matters!"

Li Ping'an:...

He just wanted to take a vacation!

Next chapter night!

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