The fairy father

Chapter 172 Looking for celebrities in the secret realm, there are immortal officials in ASEAN

Wang Shan?

This name sounds a bit familiar.

Li Ping'an couldn't help but feel a little sad when Ye Zisang talked about his friend's past.

In ASEAN, not all immortal officials are of the same kind. There are always one or two who have witnessed the disasters in the world, come forward and seek justice...and then are tricked, targeted, and end up with a miserable end.

According to Ye Zisang's family, this is the case for Wang Shan.

Li Ping'an didn't care much about these.

One is that he can trust Ye Zi Sang's character. Together with Ye Zi Sang, he has eliminated demons in Xizhou, and they have become sworn friends.

The second is... there are too many fountains of youth given by Ye Zisan!

Li Ping'an now wants to rush back to Wanyun Sect, select a group of outer elders and deacons trusted by his father, and directly transform dozens of them!

However, considering that the second spiritual transformation had already attracted divine punishment, Li Ping'an felt really unsure.

If he later undergoes a second spiritual transformation for his master and father, and then attracts divine punishment, will the divine punishment be for the person who has been spiritually transformed, or for the one who cast the spell?

It should be the person being cast.

Li Ping'an studied for a long time, and finally understood the reason why the second spiritual transformation brought about divine punishment.

——The quality of his soul exceeds the limit allowed in the realm of Heaven and Earth Bridge.

If he performs a second spiritual metamorphosis for someone else, it will bring about divine punishment for that person, and it will be difficult to know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

The Fountain of Youth consumed by the second spiritual transformation was several times that of the first spiritual transformation. This also determined that he could only perform the second spiritual transformation for his father, master, Ning Ning and other extremely close people.

Li Pingan was thinking about these issues all the way, while a few people around him were chatting about the scenery outside the secret military camp.

The heaven and earth refined with great magic power are closely related to the prehistoric world. They are complete with five elements, abundant spiritual energy, wind and water, and pulse gathering. It is comparable to the blessed land of cave heaven in ancient times.

The white clouds soon fell towards a large and crowded city.

There are many stone buildings in the city here. Dozens and hundreds of mortal villages and towns are dotted around the city. Two slow-flowing rivers are like blood vessels of the earth, connecting these towns with this big city, and then continue to stretch towards the depths of the plain. Zhiya.

Looking down, you can see the wind blowing the wheat waves, and looking up, you can see the numerous fairy shadows.

Duan is a peaceful place, a fairyland.

Ye Zisang said with emotion: "Brother Li, please look at this scene where immortals and mortals live in harmony in the secret realm. It is actually the prosperous scene that emperors of all ages have been looking forward to in ancient times."

"This is the only place."

Li Pingan walked to the edge of the white clouds with his hands behind his hands and said slowly:

“This place is the place where the human race soldiers and generals used to be, and the world of the human race is more of an ever-expanding world.

"Does your friend live in your home?"

"No, he is my neighbor. Just over the wall is his house."

Ye Zisang smiled and said:

"The rules here are very strict. Not only are families prohibited from enclosing land to build large houses, but they are also prohibited from building protective formations to isolate the outside of the large formations.

“So our Ye family all live separately.

"There is a small area in the city that contains the houses of our Ye family. Each house has at most three entrances and six doors. If it is bigger, you will be called for questioning."

Li Ping'an asked: "Is this place also managed by the ASEAN Deputy Alliance?"

"Generally speaking, the 10th, 11th, and 12th ASEAN Vice-Leagues are responsible for the secret realm of raising troops.

"I know of a total of five or six secret realms like this. Each place has between 600,000 and 1.2 million immortal soldiers stationed there. This is the number of immortal soldiers that can be deployed at any time."

Ye Zisang couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the drastic changes in ASEAN half a year ago and the river of blood in front of the Immortal Punishment Hall.

He added:

“ASEAN does have a lot of problems nowadays, and the toxins accumulated over tens of thousands of years have formed cancer.

"But in the end, the mobilization of millions of immortal soldiers needs to be implemented by ASEAN."

Li Pingan nodded with a smile and did not discuss this topic further.

The white clouds they were driving took the initiative to fall towards the gate of the city.

A group of immortal soldiers came forward to greet them, and the person leading the group said loudly:

"Hahaha! Brother Ye, are you bringing friends to your home? If you are not registered in this city, you need to come here to write down your name... Mr. Inspector?"

The leader of the immortal soldiers was stunned for a moment, and he quickly cupped his fists and raised his hands. All the immortal soldiers clasped their fists and saluted.

"Meet the Inspector!"

"Meet the Inspector!"

Ye Zisang smiled and said, "When a second-grade inspector comes here to patrol, do he need to leave his name and city registration?"

The leader of the Immortal Soldiers said hurriedly: "There's no need for that... Brother Ye, why didn't you send a message to remind us? We were so cowardly in front of the Supervisory Envoy! Your Excellency scolded the left servant of Nuwa Palace, we It’s been here for more than half a year!”

Li Ping'an:...

Why does this person feel like "Master Jing" when he opens his mouth?

Li Ping'an returned the gift with his hand and said seriously: "I am here for private matters, so I should register."

"Don't hurt us bad guys!"

The leader of the Immortal Soldiers said hello, and all the Immortal Soldiers moved forward to protect them. Another Immortal Soldier came in to announce, and they shouted all the way down the long street.

"The quasi-immortal of great enlightenment has entered the city!"

When Li Pingan and his party were escorted into the city, the long street was crowded with people, and clouds and mist billowed in the sky. The mortal monks, men, women, and children in the city all came together to look at Li Pingan's figure and appearance.

Several fairies carried flower baskets and flew over the sky, scattering petals all over the sky.

The people behind Li Ping'an all held their chests and heads high, and looked energetic. Even Feng Zhanxiang, who was usually stoic, had a bit of a smile on his lips at this moment.

Li Ping'an was debating whether to wave or something.

‘Forget it, just put your hands behind your back like this, waving seems too old. ’

This white cloud passed over the ten-mile long street at low altitude, and when it reached the vicinity of Ye Zisang's mansion, there were finally not many people watching the excitement.

The Ye family has made preparations in advance.

"Brother Li, my home is here! I live with my parents! There should be a lot of people coming to the Ye family, so don't take it personally later!"

Ye Zisang opened the courtyard door and saw the men and women of the Ye family standing all over the courtyard.

A middle-aged couple stood in the middle, making a big circle with their hands, and bowed their heads to Li Ping'an. The Ye family members and servants standing in the front yard all bowed and saluted.

Li Ping'an held the courtesy of a junior and called "uncle and aunt" several times. Everyone in the Ye family smiled and exchanged pleasantries again.

After an hour's delay, Li Ping'an finally got away and was dragged to the study by Ye Zisang.

The four personal guards, Xinghe Xinghan and Tingzhu Zhanxiang, followed Li Ping'an every step of the way. Gu Qingcheng and Wen Ling'er were pulled by the Ye family to exchange greetings and received many greeting gifts.

Ye Zisang said excitedly: "Brother Li, wait here for a moment, I'll go ask Brother Wang Shan to come over!"

Li Pingan smiled and said: "How about I climb over the wall and get over."

"Hey! I can't do it! I can't do it!"

Ye Zisang shouted while running, obviously very happy at the moment.

"Brother Li is a second-grade immortal official, how can he climb over the wall? If this is spread, people will laugh!"

Li Ping'an shook his head with a smile, picked up the slips that Ye Zisang had not read before, and looked at the simple layout of the study.

The Ye family is generally quite simple. Ye Zisang is also one of Huangdi's brothers-in-law. The ornaments in the study are all ordinary treasures, nothing rare.

It doesn't look like greed anymore.

The four guards, Xinghan Xinghe and Tingzhu Zhanxiang, stood quietly behind Li Ping'an, each with their eyes closed and concentrating. The four immortal consciousnesses covered the four directions respectively, strictly checking any living beings who tried to approach this place.

After a while, Ye Zi Sang ran back disgraced.

He chuckled, cupped his hands to Li Ping'an, looked a little ugly, and whispered:

"Brother Li, let's take a closer look...

"I was negligent, and I didn't expect that Wang Shan didn't want to come over, so I couldn't tell him the method of spiritual transformation directly.

"He is very drunk now. I just gave him a sobering pill. How about waiting for him to sober up?"

"Let's go there," Li Ping'an stood up and said, "You gave me three large tanks of the Fountain of Youth. I must keep up with my service. Let's go around, not to mention climbing over the wall, flying in the clouds and mist for hundreds of thousands of miles. It doesn't matter!"

Ye Zisang chuckled and turned around to invite him.

Feng Zhanxiang frowned slightly and took the initiative to say: "Sir, please wait a moment."

Ye Zisang and Li Ping'an paused and watched the figure of the peak immortal master in battle armor return in a flash.


There was a muffled sound from the backyard of Ye Mansion, and a high wall built with immortal magic collapsed.

Feng Zhanxiang cupped her hands and said, "Sir, it's time to go."

Li Ping'an, Ye Zisang, Xinghan, Xinghe, Fengtingzhu:...

She is indeed the granddaughter of Feng Xiang.

at the same time.

The ASEAN General Alliance above Tianzhixu, in the main immortal hall.

Eight old figures are sitting here, and five of the thirteen seats are empty. However, the leader of the alliance has not yet taken office, and the new deputy alliance has not yet been selected.

A jade talisman flew in from outside the palace and fell into the hands of the first ally. The first ally was shocked and roared, shocking the other seven people out of the illusory realm.


"What are you doing? You're so surprised!"

Old man Tianli couldn't help shouting:

"I almost had a glimmer of enlightenment just now! You have to pay for it!"

The seven deputy allies simultaneously looked at the jade talisman in the hands of the first deputy alliance old man Tianqiong, and asked what happened. ——They were shocked out too quickly and did not have time to see the message from Tianqiong.

"Went to Ye's house safely."

"Just go to the Ye family. The Ye family of my disciple? Isn't that great? A family with meritorious deeds, and the kind that never causes trouble. The ancestor of the Ye family retired and went to Taiyi in seclusion, and never showed up unless fighting. "

"It's okay to go to Ye's house safely," the first deputy said solemnly. "The key is that Ping'an went to a house next door to Ye's house. There lived an immortal official who suffered a Taoist injury. The immortal official's name was Wang good!"

Several old people pinched their fingers and made calculations at the same time.

One person's expression changed: "Is it Wang Shan, the inspector who was tricked because of his pursuit of Ten Thousand Demons?"

"It's him."

The expressions of the two deputy allies present suddenly changed.

Old Man Tianli glanced at the two men, grabbed the jade talisman from the first deputy, and frowned for a while.

"Are you involved in this matter?"

Old Man Tianli asked in a deep voice.

The two deputy allies immediately shook their heads.

The two of them hurriedly said:

"If we say that before, Pindao did impede the kindness of the two teachers and begged for them, but thirty-seven thousand years later, this favor has been returned."

"If we are really connected with the evil people from Wan Mo Tian, ​​how could Feng Xiang not know about it? How could Feng Xiang allow me to wait here!"

Several people sighed:

"There was a river of blood half a year ago, is it going to become a river of blood again now?"

"Every action taken by Ping An definitely has deep meaning."

"What's wrong? He wants to eat hot pot again?"

"No, the case of corruption related to Tiantianmen was very involved, so more people died. Although Wanmotian is controlled by several disciples of the Western leader, they are not in our ASEAN."

"Ping'an has not been able to break into the fairyland in retreat before. It seems that he is going to end the retreat and knock out the Western faction first."

"There's no such thing as a Western style!"

An old Taoist anxiously said with sweat on his forehead: "We are all the emperor-protecting faction, we are all the emperor-protecting faction!"

Tianli sighed: "You guys, quickly check your disciples and subordinates to see if anyone close to you is related to Wan Motian. If there is any connection, then pull them out directly! Don't hesitate! Half a year You all know what happened before. If this kid really went to complain, even the Holy Mother Palace would dare to plot. He has the Xuanyuan Sword Token in his left hand and the Xuanyuan Sword Sheath in his right hand. Your Majesty is using him as a Xuanyuan Sword!"


"You all know Pindao. Back then, Pindao was really just repaying the favor of the second leader of the Western Sect!"

"You all know Pindao. Since ancient times, Western religions have prevented our human race from fulfilling their full merits, and Pindao has been incompatible with them!"

Old Man Tianli almost couldn't help but roll his eyes.

They are all practicing in the same hall. Who doesn’t know who’s in the background? Your Majesty’s slap is about to fall and you know you’re begging for mercy. Why did you go there so early?

"Let me go and have a look," said the old man Tianli, "We can't let Ping An's impression of ASEAN get worse."



"It all depends on your power!"

Old Man Tianli flicked his sleeves and turned into rainbow light and hurried away.

This time he had figured out what to do, and he could no longer hold back just because the "overall situation was the most important thing."

Old man Tianli quickly escaped into the secret realm of Tibetan soldiers, and then used the movement method to reach the sky above the big city where Li Ping'an and his party were. He lowered his head and searched carefully for a while, and found the house of Wang Shan's family.

Old Man Tianli took a closer look and happened to see Li Ping'an and others walking towards a drunken middle-aged scribe from the backyard of Wang's house.

"How come the courtyard wall has been demolished?"

The old man muttered, frowning and observing secretly.

The Wang family's backyard looked a little deserted.

Fortunately, there are still a few servants in the house, so everything is quite tidy.

Ye Zisang's friend Wang Shan was lying in the pavilion in the backyard, with several wine jars beside him, and his loose linen robe was stained with the strong smell of wine.

Wang Shan is of medium height and a bit thin. He has a dignified appearance and regular facial features. He looks a bit decadent, and his whole person's energy and spirit are sluggish.

Li Ping'an carefully felt the charm of this human being and soon discovered the problem.

The rhyme of the Tao is "varied" and the foundation of the Tao is "incomplete".

This person seems to have a gap in his Taoist heart. This is a hidden wound that is more difficult to heal than the wounds of Taoji.

Guard Feng Tingzhu secretly said:

"Sir, I have heard others mention this matter.

"His father died for his loyalty to the human race. He worked hard to cultivate, broke through to the realm of immortals, made many meritorious deeds, and was officially worshiped as a fifth-rank inspector.

"This man has an upright character and a hard-nosed eye. He has offended many powerful people, but he also has the support of several deputy alliance leaders... The deputy alliance leader Tianli has also praised him many times.

"After he was injured, his temperament became a little weird. Later, he also had conflicts with others and started fighting within ASEAN. Because he had offended many people before, he was dismissed from office.

"ASEAN took care of him and invited many offerings for him to be treated. However, his injuries were difficult to recover and he became increasingly depressed."

Li Ping'an looked at Feng Tingzhu and nodded slightly to express his gratitude.

How could a military chief get so much information?

Tsk, there is a woman who is suspected of being a Fengyu Guard among his personal guards, which is really depressing.

Ye Zisang shouted forward: "Brother Wang, Brother Wang? Brother Li is here! If you sober up, get up and say goodbye. Brother Li has a wonderful method, maybe he can help you heal your old wounds!"

In the pavilion, the middle-aged scribe shook his sleeves, turned over, and lay on his side with his back to him.

He yawned and said, "I've hurt myself all the time... Ye Zisang, you kid, don't bother me..."

"This time is different from the previous doctors!"

Ye Zisang smiled and said:

"Didn't I tell you a few days ago that I would let ASEAN's blood flow into a river and destroy Brother Li of the Wa Palace faction in ten days?

"He also betrayed me and came to diagnose and treat you in person!"

The middle-aged scribe suddenly opened his eyes and closed them immediately.

He snorted: "Brother Li, brother Li, I haven't heard of it. My injury can't be cured. I live happily at home every day. It's great. You don't have to spend any time on me."

Li Ping'an suddenly said: "Brother Ye, why don't I cast a spell for you first and let Brother Wang see if it works?"

Ye Zisang nodded immediately: "Then let's stay here and let Brother Wang open his eyes!"

Li Ping'an said: "Xinghe Xinghan is going to guard the backyard. No one is allowed to come near this place. Listen to the bamboo to create a barrier. My secret method cannot be easily revealed to others."


The four guards accepted the order and then went about their business.

After a while, the pavilion was protected by several layers of immortal power. Ye Zisang sat cross-legged on the stone bench and looked at Li Ping'an with some anxiety.

The middle-aged scribe Wang Shan still had his back turned to several people, but he had already released his immortal consciousness.

Several treasures flew out of Li Ping'an's sleeves to block outside detection. The Cang Yue Pearl also penetrated into a white ball, using the pressure of spiritual treasures to block the detection of the Golden Fairyland.

Old Man Tianli had to get closer before he could barely see and hear clearly.

Within the barrier, the four personal guards of Xinghe Xinghan and Tingzhu Zhanxiang watched Li Pingan's movements carefully.

"Stay away, drinking from these springs will make you pregnant."

Li Ping'an put on two layers of masks on himself, took another mask to cover the outside, and took out a jar of the fountain of youth.

Because he was going to cast off the immortal spirit in the future, Li Ping'an drew a stream of water directly from the water tank based on the amount of spring water used by his master when the spirit was cast away. He quickly formed seals with his hands, allowing the stream of water to gather, condense, and form in the palm of his hand. A longan-sized water polo.

What follows is repeated refining that lasts for two hours.

Li Ping'an kept doing this. The middle-aged scribe had his back turned to him and remained motionless.

Finally, Li Pingan shouted softly:

"Brother Zisang's soul left his body!"

Ye Zisang opened his eyes suddenly, golden light burst out from his eyes, and a three-inch tall little man flew out of his chest.

This little man seems to be flying away in the wind in the next moment, wandering in space!

Li Ping'an carefully felt the power of Ye Zisang's soul. With a flick of his finger, the water polo shrunk by one-fifth. A drop of spiritual spring flew to the little man of Ye Zisang's soul with the colorful rays of light, and was swallowed by the little man. Down!

Ye Ye Sang Yuan Shen returned to his body, a stream of spiritual power surged from his body, his body emitted all kinds of fairy light, and many strange phenomena appeared around him.

Another half hour.

Ye Zisang breathed out lightly, his eyes clear and his body smooth, he stood up and bowed to Li Ping'an.

"Thank you Brother Li for your help!"

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "This is my unique method of spiritual transformation. After the spiritual transformation, the power of the soul will be temporarily lost, but the subsequent uses are endless."

After saying this, Li Ping'an said: "These spiritual springs in my palm must be used immediately. Does this brother Wang really not want to try it?"

Wang Shan frowned tightly.

The fingers he placed on the outside of his thigh trembled slightly, but they just lay there after all.

"Brother Wang," Ye Zisang said anxiously, "The spring water has been refined! Brother Li has already achieved this step, what's the matter if you try!"

Wang Shan pursed his lips and refused to turn around.

Li Ping'an said slowly: "Brother Wang, Brother Ye has been working hard for you. It would be too unreasonable for you to just turn your back on me."

"I am already a useless person... nothing more than a useless person!"

Wang Shan frowned and shouted:

"Don't worry about me, please!"

"A real man is born in heaven and earth, how can there be so many twists and turns!"

Li Ping'an controlled the spring water with both hands, first sighed softly, and then drank firmly:

"Wang Shan, do you recognize this order?"


The Xuanyuan sword command flew out from Li Ping'an's chest, making bursts of sword sounds.

Wang Shan turned his head and glanced, his body rolled down and fell. He stared at the sword command with astonishment in his eyes and his body shook like chaff.

Li Ping'an frowned and said: "The soul is out of body!"

"Yes! The guilty minister obeys the order!"

Wang Shan did as he was told, and Li Pingan poured the remaining spring water into Wang Shan Yuanshen, then flicked his sleeves and left directly.

"Brother Ye, I'm going to your house to rest.

"You begged me several times, but you just saved a coward. It's really not worth asking me to do it for you.

"What happened today is just for your face, Brother Ye. Don't mention it to outsiders. I can't afford to embarrass this person."

Ye Zisang bowed to Li Pingan's back repeatedly, but his eyes were full of joy.

Li Ping'an's last few words were just meant to provoke each other.

"Thank you, Brother Li! You eat first! I'll come over when Brother Wang is stable!"

Seeing this, the hidden old man Tianli breathed a sigh of relief in the air and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

‘Isn’t Ping An here to investigate the matter of Ten Thousand Demons? Could it be that the method of spiritual transformation can really help Wang Shan recover? ’

Old Man Tianli caressed his beard and groaned softly. Without leaving the top of the pavilion, he took out a brocade box from his sleeve and took out a golden elixir containing Daluo Daoyun from the brocade box.

'Boy from the Wang family, if your soul can be healed from the secret injury, I will help you restore your Dao foundation, which will be worthy of your loyalty back then. ’


(PS: The strange new book on oriental folklore "The Twilight Divide" by the old ghost from Heishan will be on the shelves tomorrow! I, a newbie who has never done chapter publishing for ten thousand years, will make an exception and give him a sip. Readers who like the style of Red Moon can give it a try~ )

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